
CSS Solved Past Papers By Qualifiers And Top Scorers

Css Solved Past papers questions

Let’s learn the art of attempting essays, precis, and 20 marks questions by reading the CSS Solved Past Papers Questions to score high and qualify.

Whether CSS or PMS, both examinations require aspirants to have a good command of presentation skills, as knowledge alone has never helped anyone qualify for them. It has been seen aspirants with heaps of information and relevant knowledge cannot make it through because they fail to present their perspectives on the papers fluently, coherently, and confidently. Unfortunately, none in Pakistan has ever produced relevant and quality solved past papers to help aspirants understand what and how to write to score high and qualify for the exams. As a result, nearly 90% of the aspirants fail their essay papers straight away. And almost 70% remain unable to cross 50 marks on their compulsory and optional papers. 

However, aspirants who learn to write their knowledge and ideas generally qualify for the examinations or score the highest marks. Students of Sir Syed Kazim Ali have been the glaring examples. They have been qualifying for their essay papers in a single go for years as they not only learn writing skills but also give this skill serious practice till their papers. Moreover, they are the only officers, qualifiers, and aspirants who have been writing CSS Past Papers’ Essays and CSS Solved Past Papers of compulsory and optional subjects on the Cssprepforum website, which is freely available for all. 

About CSS Solved Past Papers

Writing has undoubtedly been the base through which CSS and PMS examiners evaluate aspirants’ opinions and knowledge. The better the English writing and presentation skills, the higher the chances of succeeding in the examinations. Simply, writing skills have been the only vehicle an aspirant possesses to transfer his arguments, ideas, and viewpoints on a specific topic to his examiner. So, presenting your arguments coherently, fluently, and relevantly is, undoubtedly, the key to success in the CSS and PMS examinations in Pakistan. So, to help aspirants, who have constantly been asking for CSS past papers questions, Cssprepforum has decided to publish the CSS-solved past papers and essays attempted by Sir Syed Kazim Ali students who either qualified for the exams or scored the highest marks. 

No matter whether you are going to take the following CSS and PMS attempt or you have just planned to prepare for them, these CSS Solved Past Papers by qualifiers and highest scorers will definitely help you know the following:

  • How to understand the topics
  • How to break the topics down
  • How to outline your arguments or ideas
  • How to start a 20-Marks question to score high marks
  • How to start an essay to qualify for the CSS and PMS
  • How to write body paragraphs
  • What is unity and coherence in writing
  • How to connect sentences and paragraphs
  • And much more

We are trying our best to publish all the past five years solved past papers questions by the top scorers, qualifiers, and Howfiv team, so you are advised to bookmark this article and keep visiting it daily. It will take us around a month to publish them all.

CSS Solved Essays

The followings are the CSS and PMS past papers essays solved by Sir Syed Kazim Ali students, who either qualified for exams or scored the highest marks in the essay paper. They are uploaded to help CSS and PMS aspirants know how to develop an outline, write introductory paragraphs, and present their arguments. Click on any to continue reading.

1People Have Become Overly Dependent On Technology 
2A Friend Walks in When Everyone Else Walks Out 
3The Controversial issues of feminism and the contemporary women’s rights movements 
4Almost Always, The Creative Dedicated Minority Has Made The World Better
5Bureaucracy Doldrums
6IMF Bailouts: Roads to Stability or Recipes for Disaster
7Development Is About Transforming Lives of People Rather Than the Economy of a State
8Is Gender Equality a Myth
9Advancement in Science and Technology is the Gateway to the Economic Prosperity of a Country 
10Islamophobia: Causes and Consequences
11Money And Success Do Not Change People; They Merely Amplify What Is Already There 
12Frailty Thy Name Is Woman Essay 
13I Disapprove of What You Say But I Defend Your Right to Say Till Death 
14Meaning Purposive Education
15I Do Not Agree With What You Have To Say, But I Will Defend To Death Your Right To Say It 
16Can Foreign Aid Help A Country Achieve Economic Stability? 
17Governance Crisis in Pakistan: Need for Reforms and Institutional Building 
18Feminism Is Not Really a Third World Issue 
19Artificial intelligence: Its Merits and Demerits 
20Pros and Cons of Globalization for Pakistan
21Consequences of American Withdrawal from Afghanistan on South Asia
22Terrorism in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Way Forwards 
23Terrorism in Pakistan: A Critical Overview
24Cooperation Leads the World Towards Peace and Prosperity 
25Pakistan: Political Instability and Economic Growth 
26The Value of Dissent Essay 
27Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Remedies
28Cooperation, Not Competition, Can Lead the World Towards Peace and Prosperity 
29Education in Pakistan has failed to Achieve Efficient Human Resource
30How Does Cooperation Lead the World Towards Peace and Prosperity? 

CSS Solved English Precis & Composition

1CSS 2023 Solved English Precis & Composition Paper
2CSS 2022 Solved English Precis & Composition Paper
3CSS Solved Corrections from 1990 to 2020

Important Articles for CSS Aspirants

The following articles are must-read articles for all CSS and PMS aspirants who have decided to prepare themselves well for the examinations.

1How Much Is English Important for CSS and PMS Aspirants
2Why Do Most Students Fail CSS and PMS Exams?
3CSS Solved Corrections from 1990 to 2020
4The Uses of “Used To” in English
5The Uses of Conjunctive Adverbs to Write Coherently, Especially for CSS and PMS Essay
6How to Write an Evidence in the CSS and PMS Essay Body Paragraph
7Common English Expressions with Examples
8Most Important Idioms for PMS Punjab by Sir Syed Kazim Ali
9List of Most Important Antonyms for PMS Punjab by Sir Syed Kazim Ali
10Most Important Vocabulary Words for CSS and PMS Aspirants
11Sentence Completion MCQs for Competitive Aspirants
122000 Most Important Misspelt Words for CSS and PMS Aspirants
13How Did I Prepare and Qualify for the PMS Essay & Precis Papers
14Best CSS and PMS English Essay and Precis Teacher in Pakistan

CSS Solved General Science & Ability Past Papers

1CSS Solved General Science And Ability Past Paper 2016
2CSS Solved General Science And Ability Past Paper 2017 
3CSS Solved General Science And Ability Past Paper 2018 
4CSS Solved General Science And Ability Past Paper 2019
5CSS Solved General Science And Ability Past Paper 2020
6CSS Solved General Science And Ability Past Paper 2021
7CSS Solved General Science And Ability Past Paper 2022

CSS Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers

1Discuss the Role of Regional and Nationalist Political Parties in Pakistani Politics. How Far these Parties are Necessary for the Political System 
2Discuss the Federal Structure of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan after 18th amendment. Why criticism on 18th Amendment Started Recently? 
3Evaluate the factional politics of the early years(1947-58) and their impact on the democratic process of Pakistan.
4Every state designs its foreign policy on its National interests rejecting feelings and emotions. Why did Pakistan prefer emotions, feelings, and ideology in its foreign policy? Also, analyze its impact.
5What is the volume of grants, aid, and loans in Pakistan’s economy in the last ten years to stimulate growth? Discuss.
6Why did Pakistan join Western Defense Pacts? What cost does it have to pay for that? Explain.
7Discuss the issues and mistrust in US-Pakistan relations after the withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan.
8Enumerate the measures adopted by HEC for promotion of higher education and qualitative research in Pakistan.
9How CPEC phase II will galvanize industrialization and employment in Pakistan?
10Discuss the Significance of Renewable Energy Resources for Pakistan. 
11How Pakistan should combat the 5th generation war?
12Political stability is mandatory for economic prosperity in Pakistan. Elaborate.
13Critically Evaluate the Evolution of Muslim Separate Identity in the Sub-Continent.
14How the reform movement of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi influenced the history of Muslim India?  
15what are the major provisions of Simla Agreement (1972) between Pakistan and India? How it was helpful for the establishment of durable peace in the region?  
16What is meant by the term “Proxy War”? Are there any extrinsic factors at play in the internal security situation of Pakistan? 
17Discuss the features of the political culture of Pakistan. 
18What are the main causes of the energy crisis in Pakistan? What measures do you suggest to address it? 
19Critically examine the Congress Ministries of 1937. How far is it correct to suggest that it paved the way for a separate Muslim homeland in India? 
20How far the nature of the centre province relation has changed under various constitutional amendments? Evaluate. 
21How Far Has The Nature Of Centre-Province Relations Changed Under Various Amendments To The 1973 Constitution?
22What are the main causes of energy crisis in Pakistan? What measure do you recommend to address it ?
23Critically analyze the key causes of delaying in the construction of dams in Pakistan. Give some suggestions to revert this Collateral loss.
24Efficient use of natural resources can make Pakistan a prosperous nation. Discuss in the light of present situation of Pakistan.
25Enumerate the measures adopted by Pakistan to spotlight the plight of Kashmiri people in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir after 5th August 2019.
26Critically evaluate the foundations of Allama Iqbal’s concept of Muslim separatism in the context of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent. 
27Discuss the role of the judiciary in the constitutional development of Pakistan.
28Give an account of the life and services of Shah Waliullah. How did he save the Indian Muslims from political annihilation and religious degeneration?
29Critically analyze the elections of 1937 and the sufferings and grievances of the Muslims under the Congress rule in the provinces (1937-1939). How much did it help in popularizing the idea of a separate Muslim state in India?
30Keeping in view the diverse Muslim reformist Movements of the subcontinent, delineate the sequential unity in the formulation of the ideology of Pakistan.
31Critically evaluate the foundations of Allama Iqbal’s concept of Muslim separatism in the context of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent.
32Aligarh Movement injected a new life into the dead body of the Muslim nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. Discuss.
33Introductory Paragraphs Writing Practice On Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi By Sir Kazim’s Students
34Introductory Paragraphs Writing Practice On Sir Syed Ahmad Khan By Sir Kazim’s Students
35Role Of Mujadid Alif Sani, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, For CSS and PMS Aspirants
36What Were The Effects Of Reforms Of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi On Muslim Society?
37What Were The Influence Of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi Reforms?
38Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi’s Contribution To Indian Muslim
39Role Of Mujadid Alf Sani For Edification of Muslims Of Sub-Continent and His Impact On Society
40What Was The Contribution Of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi To Sub-Continent Muslims?
41Mujadid Alif Sani, The Revivalist Whose Efforts Saved Sub-Continent Muslims
42What Were The Impacts Of The Reforms Of Mujadid Alif Sani On Muslim Society?
43Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, The Man Who Revived Islam And Save Sub-Continent Muslims
44Highlight The Contributions Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi Rendered For Sub-Continent Muslims
45Role Of Mujadid Alif Sani In The Revival Of Muslims In Sub-Continent
46Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi Services Through The Eyes Of CSS Aspirants
47The Services Of Mujadid Alif Sani, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, For The Sub-Continent Muslims
48Effects Of Social Reforms Of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi On Muslim Society In The Sub Continent
49Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi And His Impacts On Muslims Society And Politics
50Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi Influence on Indian Muslims
51What Influence Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi Has Left On The History Of Muslims Of India? Discuss Critically.
52How Did The Reform Movement Of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi Influence The History Of Muslim India?
53Poverty in Pakistan: Impacts, Causes, and Way Forwards
54Bad Governance In Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward
55What influence Mujadid-Alf-Sani have on the history of Muslims of India?
56How did the reform movement of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi influence the history of Muslim India?
57What is Bureaucracy, and what are its characteristics? How did it play its role in strengthening and integrating Pakistan? 
58What are the impacts of the water crisis in Pakistan in present and future due to lack of planning and shortage of dams? 
59How has the war on terror affected Pakistan’s economy, military resources, loss of lives, hatred towards the west, and, especially, the peace and security of the country? 
60The economy of Pakistan is on a bumpy yet steady road. 
61How can Pakistan fix its governance crisis through the introduction of e-governance? 
62What are the impacts of the Kashmir conflict on the peace and security of the South Asian region and especially Pakistan? 

Important Current Affairs Topics for CSS

1China Pakistan economic corridor will have lasting impacts on Pakistan Saudi Arabia relations.
2Discuss the instrument and techniques of Hybrid warfare in the context of Pakistan and give suitable recommendations to overcome hybrid warfare.
3Given the evolving global alignments and changing nature of major-power relationships, what is the future of globalism and multilateralism?
4Whether the “Track-II Diplomacy” can be fruitful to resolve Kashmir Issue? Discuss
5Has OIC failed to bring the Muslim Ummah closer and secure its interests?
6Analyze the determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy?
7The true role of OIC will help strengthen the Muslim world and effectively make them fight Islamophobia. Discuss
8Islamophobia: causes and consequences
9Highlight the political ideas of Syed Ali Shah Geelani and his efforts to inculcate those ideas into the youth of Kashmir
10What is the National Action Plan, and highlight its relevancy and performance so far?
11National Disintegration In Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Way Forwards
12Political Instability in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Remedies
13Role of Media in Pakistan: Merits and Demerits
14How can corruption elimination be made a part of the governance systems of Pakistan?
15Corruption in Pakistan, its causes, impacts, and practicable measures
16How can corruption be managed in Pakistan?
17The Foreign policy of Pakistan: issues, challenges, and solutions
18National disintegration in Pakistan: causes, impacts, and solutions
19Corruption in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and Way Forward
20The issue of central importance about corruption and accountability in Pakistan is the increase in corruption despite six decades of efforts to eradicate it. Analyze and comment on the root causes of rampant corruption in society.
21How did corruption affect Pakistan’s socio-economic fabric? What are its causes and impacts, and what suggestions you put forward to mitigate them?
22The Overpopulation Crisis in Pakistan: Impacts, Causes, and Suggestions

CSS Solved International Relations Past Papers

1Foreign Policy Scholars Argued That Transnational Actors Influence the Contours of Any Country’s Foreign Policy. Discuss Keeping in Mind the Foreign Policy of China 
2What are the Key Features of the US New Indo-Pacific Strategy Under Joe Biden’s Administration? How does it treat China? 
3Why Does South Asia Remains The Least Integrated Region In The World? What Lessons Can SAARC Draw From The EU And ASEAN Experience In Regional Integration? 
4Define Power, Explain With Examples The Concept Of Hard Power, Soft Power, And Smart Power In International Politics
5Evaluate the Impact of IMF Loans on the Economy of Pakistan 
6Discuss in Detail How Globalization Has Affected the Concept of Security? 
7What are China’s interests in Afghanistan? Discuss its role and options in the country following the US exit.
8Discuss In Detail the New Maritime Security Challenges For the Indian Ocean Region 
9What are the Russian objectives behind the military intervention in Ukraine? Discuss whether western sanctions can prove effective as an instrument to counter the Russian act. 
10Discuss the significance of the IAEA. Critically evaluate its role in nuclear non-proliferation. 
11Does China’s rise challenge the global political system? What are the implications on the balance of power politics? 
12Explain the objectives and determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy. 
13How have the nuclear doctrines of India and Pakistan evolved? What do their current doctrines imply for deterrence stability in South Asia

CSS Solved Political Science Past Papers

1Discuss In Detail The Plato’s Concept Of Justice
2Define Democratic Peace. Highlight Its Basic Norms and Discuss How It Played a Vital Role in the Political and Economic Integration of the European Union 
3Compare and contrast the concept of Executive presented by Muslim thinkers Al-Farabi, Al-Mawardi, and Shah Wali Ullah. 
4Illustrate the Hobbesian concept of a limited right to revolution. 
5In what circumstances might a democratic country turn to a military dictatorship or totalitarian rule? Narrate it with a case study. 
6Describe in detail Karl Marx’s views on class, state, and religion. 
7Explain Bentham’s greatest happiness of the greatest number. 
8What are Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa? 
9Critically examine the basic principles of fascism. 
10Write short notes on the following: 1- Existentialism is Humanism; 2-“Cogito, ergo sum”. 
11Ibn e Khaldun while acknowledging the external factors, emphasizes more on the internal systemic factors as decisive for the decline of states. Elaborate. 
12What is the Aristotelian classification of state? 
13Write an essay on the development of the modern nation-state.
14What are the main determinants of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy? How current National Capacity has become major challenge before independent foreign policy of Pakistan. 
15Modi and his idée fixe with kauliya’s Arthashastra
16Explain Plato’s Theory of Justice. How he tries to implement it through the Education System? 

CSS Solved Psychology Past Papers

1What are the major approaches in contemporary psychology? What are psychology’s key issues and controversies? 
2Define personality. Discuss a few major theories of personality in detail. 
3Differentiate between sensation and perception. elaborate Gestalt principles of perception.
4Define psychological intervention Discuss major therapeutic techniques introduced by clinical psychologists in different eras for the treatment of psychological disorders.
5What are different leadership styles concerning major leadership style theories  Elaborate on the characteristics of transformational and instrumental leaders with appropriate examples.
6How is forensic psychology different from forensic science? Discuss major roles and responsibilities of forensic psychologists.
7Describe in detail Jean Piaget’s theory and Stages of Cognitive Development. 
8Why is it important to determine the validity of a test before using it with the population?
9Differentiate between objective and projective tests in psychology. Elaborate the rationale behind projective tests with examples of TAT with structure, function, and interpretation. 
10Write a note on the importance of emotions in human psychology. What are the major theories that describe the significance of emotions in human behaviors?
11What are the major tests to assess human intelligence? Write relevant tests to measure human intelligence in detail. 

CSS Solved Criminology Past Papers

1Differentiate between crime, deviance, sin and vice. Discuss that crime is one of the major social problems of Pakistani society 
2What is the difference between crime, deviance, sin, and vice? Do you believe that crime is one of the major social problems in Pakistani society? Discuss. 
3Define the term Juvenile Delinquency. Write a note on the history of juvenile justice system and role of juvenile court in juvenile delinquency. 
4What is meaning of Anomie? Discuss Robert Merton Theory of Anomie in Detail. 

CSS Solved Environmental Science Past Papers

1Why Environmentalists are interested in wetland? Describe various mechanisms for sustainable management of wetlands in Pakistan?
2What is anaerobic degradation?  Describe the four key stages in the anaerobic degradation of organic waste.
3What are sustainable approaches for solid waste management? 
4How is hazardous waste classified? What are various options for handling hazardous waste? 
5Discuss in detail the salient features of Pakistan environmental protection act 1997. 
6What are main causes of biodiversity loss? How can we protect and preserve biodiversity?
7What are the potential environmental impacts of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? 
8If the population of the top carnivores declines, what will happen to the landscape ecosystems? 

CSS Solved Gender Studies Past Papers

1What are Capitalistic Perspectives of Gender? Explain.
2Shed The Light On The First Wave Of Feminism
3Describe any two Western Schools of thought about feminism in detail.
4Discuss in detail the feminist movements in Pakistan 
5Shed light on the first wave and third wave of feminism. 
6Define the terms masculinity and femininity. In your opinion where do traditional gender roles come from? 
7Write a note on the status of gender studies in Pakistan. Give your views on the autonomy versus integration debate in gender studies. 
8Define gender-based violence. Explain various forms of violence against women in Pakistan and devise some practical strategies which can be helpful in the eradication of gender-based violence.
9Discuss in detail the multidisciplinary nature of gender studies. 
10Differentiate between gender studies and women’s studies. Discuss in detail the multidisciplinary nature of gender studies. 

CSS Solved Business Administration Past Papers

1Calculate payback period, required rate of return is 12% for net present value and profitability index.
2Give the formulas to calculate the following ratios. Also, explain how to interpret them.  i) Current Ratio  ii) Quick Ratio  iii) Average Collection Period  iv) Time Interested Earned   v) Inventory turnover
3Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different performance appraisal methods. 
4Describe competitive advantages and the competitive strategies the organization use to achieve it with practical examples. 
5Define the major steps in designing a Customer driven Market Strategy, market segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positions. 
6The impact of different levels of decision phases of supply chain depends on timeframe. Explain the decision phases in supply chains with examples. 
7Compare advantages of mass marketing to those of Market Segmentation. Discuss with relevant business examples
8Discuss that Management is an Evolutionary Process. Substantiate your answers through commenting on Contributions made by Taylor, Weber and Mayo. 
9What are the Key Elements involved in designing Organizational Structure? 
10What is the importance of Performance Appraisal? Discuss the problems faced in employee Appraisal.
11Describe how would you plan Integrated Communication Process for launching a Product 
12Calculate payback period, required rate of return is 12% for net present value and profitability index. 
13Three Capital Budgeting Techniques with Examples and Formulas. 
14What are the Internal Sources of Job Candidates? How can manager forecast Supply of internal Candidates? 
15Significance of strategic Management. Explain Strategic Management Process.
16Tiger Corporation is considering to invest in a given project….. Net Present Value and Profitability Index using 13% as required rate of return. 
17Explain the following analytical tools of financial management:(a) Time series analysis versus cross sectional analysis. (b) Horizontal analysis versus vertical analysis. (c) Liquidity ratios versus debt ratios. (d) Turnover ratios versus profitability ratios.
18What is the Bullwhip Effect and how does it relate to lack of coordination in supply chain? 

Articles Might Interest You!

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