
What are Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa?

Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa by Dr. Shumaila Parveen

CSS Solved Political Science 2023 Past Paper | Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa

The following question is attempted by Miss Dr. Shumaila Parveen, the top scorer in CSS Political Science papers. Moreover, the answer is written on the same pattern, taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question breakdown

In this question, the examiner has asked to describe pre- requisites given by Al-Ghazali for becoming a khalifa. So, first of all, you’ll give a brief introduction to Al-Ghazali. Next, you’ll elaborate on his prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa. Then, you will give relevance of Al-Ghazali’s prerequisite for becoming a khalifa in the contemporary world followed by a critical analysis and conclusion. By following this approach, you will be scoring the highest marks. Usually, aspirants start writing answers without breaking the topic into its asked segments. So, let me write the answer for you to understand how to attempt a Political Science question to score the maximum.



2-Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa

  • ✓ Knowledge
    • Importance of knowledge in Al-Ghazali’s view
    • The khalifa’s need for a deep understanding of the Islamic faith and its teachings
    • The importance of comprehensive knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah
    • The need for knowledge of Islamic law and theology
  • ✓ Piety and devotion to Allah
    • Importance of piety in Al-Ghazali’s view
    • The khalifa’s role as a devout Muslim
    • The importance of exemplary moral character
  • ✓ Justice and compassion
    • Importance of justice in Al-Ghazali’s view
    • The khalifa’s role as a fair and just ruler
    • The need to act in the best interest of the people
    • The importance of governing according to the laws of Islam
  • ✓ Courage
    • Importance of courage in Al-Ghazali’s view
    • The khalifa’s role in defending the faith and the people
    • The need to make difficult decisions when necessary
  • ✓ Wisdom
    • Importance of wisdom in Al-Ghazali’s view
    • The khalifa’s role in solving problems and making decisions
    • The need for good judgment and wise and prudent decision making
  • ✓ Generosity and Selflessness
    • Importance of generosity in Al-Ghazali’s view
    • The khalifa’s role in being kind to the poor and those in need
    •  The need to avoid avarice and greed
  • ✓ Humility and modesty
    • Importance of humility in Al-Ghazali’s view
    • The need to avoid pride and arrogance
  • ✓ Truthfulness and Sincerity
    • Importance of truthfulness and sincerity in Al-Ghazali’s view
    •  Need of being truthful and sincere
  • ✓ Leadership Skills

3- Relevance to the contemporary world

4- Critical Analysis

5- Conclusion

Answer to the question


Abu Hamid al-Ghazali was a famous Muslim theologian, jurist, and philosopher who lived in the 11th century. He was born in Iran and is considered one of the most influential figures in Islamic history. His works have had a lasting impact on the Islamic world and beyond. Ghazali’s views on leadership and the qualities required to be a successful khalifa (caliph) are of great significance. In his works, Ghazali outlines the prerequisites for becoming a khalifa, emphasizing the importance of spiritual development, personal character, and moral behavior. Besides,  A khalifa is an Islamic term that refers to a leader or ruler who is responsible for the governance of a Muslim community. In Al-Ghazali’s view, the khalifa must possess certain qualities and knowledge to be a successful and just ruler.

Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa

Following are the prerequisites given by Al-Ghazali for becoming a khalifa.

  • Knowledge

In Al-Ghazali’s view, knowledge is of utmost importance for a khalifa. The khalifa must have a deep understanding of Islam and its teachings. He must have comprehensive knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah, the two primary sources of Islamic law and theology. Besides, the khalifa must also be well-versed in Islamic law and theology to make decisions that are in line with the principles of Islam.

  •  Piety and devotion to Allah

Al- Ghazali emphasizes the importance of piety and devotion to Allah for a khalifa. He believed that the khalifa must possess piety and must be a devout Muslim. He argues that a leader who is not deeply devoted to Allah will be unable to lead with integrity and compassion. A khalifa must have a strong connection with Allah, which will serve as a source of guidance and strength. Moreover, the khalifa must also exhibit exemplary moral character and be a role model for the community

  • Justice and compassion

Additionally, Justice is an essential prerequisite for becoming a khalifa. The khalifa must act in the best interest of the people and be a fair and just ruler. He must govern according to the laws of Islam and ensure that the rights of all citizens are protected. The khalifa must avoid corruption and abuse of power, and work towards the betterment of the community. He must be fair and impartial in his dealings with others and ensure that justice is served. Furthermore, Ghazali argues that a khalifa must be a compassionate person. He must be sensitive to the needs of the people and work to alleviate their suffering.

  • Truthfulness and Sincerity

Moreover, Al-Ghazali also stresses the importance of truthfulness and sincerity for a khalifa. He says that a leader must be truthful in his dealings with others and avoid deception and corruption. A khalifa must be sincere in his intentions and actions, always putting the welfare of the people first.

  • Patience and Perseverance

Furthermore, Al-Ghazali stressed the significance of patience and perseverance for a khalifa. He says that a leader must be able to withstand adversity and maintain a calm demeanor in difficult situations. A khalifa must have the ability to remain steadfast and not be swayed by the opinions of others.

  •  Courage

Besides, courage is another important quality that Al-Ghazali believed the khalifa must possess. He must be able to make tough decisions when necessary and take bold actions to protect the community and face challenges with bravery and determination.

  • Wisdom

In addition to that, wisdom is an important aspect of Al-Ghazali’s view of the khalifa’s role. The khalifa must be able to solve problems and make decisions with good judgment and wisdom. He must be prudent and wise in his decision-making, ensuring that the best course of action is taken for the community.

  • Generosity and Selflessness

Generosity and selflessness are other important traits that Al-Ghazali believes the khalifa must possess. The khalifa must be kind to the poor and those in need, avoiding avarice and greed. He must be generous and compassionate, always striving to help others. Moreover, he must be willing to give of himself and his resources to support the people in need.

  • Leadership skills

A caliph must possess strong leadership skills, including the ability to inspire and motivate people, make decisions in difficult circumstances, and to resolve conflicts effectively.

  • Humility and Modesty

According to Ghazali, a khalifa must be a modest and humble person. He must avoid pride and arrogance and be willing to listen to the advice of others. Ghazali argues that a leader who is overly confident and dismissive of others is likely to make poor decisions and lose the support of the people.

Relevance of Al-Ghazali’s pre-requisites in the contemporary world

In the contemporary world, the role of a political leader is quite different from what it was in Al-Ghazali’s time, and the context and circumstances surrounding political leadership have changed greatly. Nevertheless, the general principles of justice, fairness, leadership skills, and the importance of possessing good moral character remain relevant in any era.

Moreover, It’s also worth noting that Al-Ghazali’s work was written within a specific historical and cultural context, and its relevance and applicability may differ in different societies and cultures. Ultimately, the relevance of Al-Ghazali’s ideas in the modern world would depend on the specific context and circumstances in which they are being applied and evaluated.

Critical analysis

In the critical analysis, these requirements, according to Al-Ghazali, were essential for a caliph to be able to effectively govern the Muslim community and to promote justice and peace. While some of these requirements may still be relevant in the modern world, others may not be as applicable, given the changes in political and social circumstances over time. Nevertheless, Al-Ghazali’s ideas continue to be widely studied and discussed by scholars and students of Islamic history and political thought.


Conclusively, Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a khalifa are knowledge, piety, justice, courage, wisdom, generosity, leadership, and humility. These qualities are essential for a successful and just khalifa, who is responsible for the governance of a Muslim community. Moreover, these views continue to be respected and studied today.

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