PMS Punjab GK Past Paper 2018 | PMS Punjab Past Paper GK MCQs 2018 | PMS Punjab-2021 GK Paper and PMS Punjab 2021 GK Paper Study Material
The following is the past paper of PMS Punjab GK Past Paper 2018. CSS Prep Forum always try to bring the best to help thousands of competitive students.

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The number of PMS Punjab has been increasing for the last many years, so cracking the GK paper has become a dilemma for thousands of PMS aspirants in Punjab. Since 2018, Howfiv has been introducing One Paper MCQs exam and screening test preparation under the patronage of its highly qualified coaches and officers: Sir Badar Rameez, Sir Syed Kazim Ali, Miss Nirmal, Miss Bakhtawar, Sir Hamza Asif, Miss Zaineb Azam, and ten others. Howfiv, with these coaches’ help, has created thousands of exam-relevant MCQs that could be asked in exams. In CCE Sindh Screening Test 2021, more than 63 MCQs have been taken from the Howfiv website. If you are interested in preparing yourself for PMS Punjab 2021, keep preparing yourself by memorizing, practising, and testing thousands of exam-relevant MCQs at the Howfiv website. If you think you are fully prepared or are confused about preparing for the screening test, join the EXCLUSIVE COURSE of Punjab PMS 2021 introduced by Howfiv.

PMS Punjab 2018 GK Paper
1. Who was the inventor of Mouse?
(A) Douglas Englebart ✓
(B) Ada Lovelace
(C) Charles Babbage
(D) None of these
2. Name the person, who was exiled to Saint Helena after renowned battle of “Waterloo” in 1815:
(A) Adolf Hitler
(B) Napoleon Bonaparte ✓
(C) Rommel
(D) Hindenburg
3. CT scan stand for which of the following?
(A) Computed Tomography ✓
(B) Computer Topography
(C) Computed Topography
(D) Computer Tomography
4. Normandy is in?
(A) Italy
(B) England
(C) Austria
(D) France ✓
5. Sir Laurence Olivier was an?
(A) Engineer
(B) Actor ✓
(C) Comedian
(D) Politician
6. “Kofi Annan” a former Secretary General of U.N.O belonged to:
(A) Tanzania
(B) Kenya
(C) Ghana ✓
(D) Chad
7. Capital of the Ghana Is:
(A) Harare
(B) Accra ✓
(C) Kinshasa
(D) Banjul
8. The country of Ghana was formerly known by what name?
(A) Grain Coast
(B) Gold Coast ✓
(C) Ivory Coast
(D) Slave Coast
9. Congo Is the new name of:
(A) Madagascar
(B) Petrograd
(C) Zaire ✓
(D) Cape Canaveral
10. Black Pool is?
(A) Mountain
(B) Town ✓
(C) Airport
(D) Strait
11. Rakh Ghulaman Livestock farm is in?
(A) Okara
(B) Sahiwal
(C) Bhakkar ✓
(D) Mianwali
12. Which is the biggest fresh water lake in the world?
(A) Chilka Lake
(B) Caspian Lake
(C) Dal Lake
(D) Lake Superior ✓
13. Which is the deepest lake in the world?
(A) Titicaca
(B) Victoria
(C) Baikal ✓
(D) Superior
14. Ural Mountain is in?
(A) England
(B) Turkey
(C) Greece ✓
(D) Russia
15. Which country is the 2nd largest oil producer in the world?
(A) Russia
(C) Kuwait
(D) Saudi Arabia ✓
16. Bering strait separated Russia from?
(A) China
(B) USA ✓
(C) Japan
(D) Canada
17. Opium War was fought between China and?
(A) French
(B) Portuguese
(C) Indian
(D) British ✓
18. International dateline passes through?
(A) Bering Strait ✓
(B) Strait of Hormuz
(C) Dover Strait
(D) Davis Strait
19. Shortest day In Australia will be on?
(A) 25 December
(B) 22 December
(C) 15 June
(D) 21 June ✓
20. Mention the nickname of atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945?
(A) Little Boy ✓
(B) Daisy cutter
(C) Big Giant
(D) Sharp boy
21. TheTreaty of Sevres was signed in?
(A) 1921
(B) 1924
(C) 1920 ✓
D) 1919
22. Mustafa Kamal Pasha abolished the Khilafat in?
(A) 1921
(B) 1924 ✓
(C) 1920
(D) 1920
23. “We the people of United Nations” are the opening word of which of the historical documents?
(A) Human Right Charter
(B) US charter
(C) UN Charter ✓
(D) UNHCR Charter
24. Koh-e-Judl Is located In?
(A) India
(B) Turkey ✓
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Iraq
25. Koh-e-Toorls in?
(A) Sinai ✓
(B) Syria
(C) Iraq
(D) Egypt
26. The name of Ceylon changed into Sri Lanka in?
(A) 1965
(B) 1972 ✓
(C) 1976
(D) 1974
27. One yard is equal to?
(A) 0.989 m
(B) 0.914 m ✓
(C) 1.125 m
(D) 1.150 m
28. 1 BTU is equal to how many joules?
(A) 1055✓
(B) 1075
(C) 1050
(D) 1155
29. One Gram of gold is equal to how many Milligrams of gold?
(A) 100 mg
(B) 500 mg
(C) 1000mg ✓
(D) lO.OOOmg
30. Adam’s Peak is located in?
(A) Nepal
(B) Iran
(C) Sri Lanka ✓
(D) India
31. One inch is equal to?
(A) 2.5 cm
(B) 2 cm
(C) 2.54 cm ✓
(D) 3.00 cm
32. If 5X-15=60 then find the value of X?
(A) 15
(B) 17
(C) 13 ✓
(D) 11
33. Oldest Inhabited city In the world Is?
(A) Harappa
(B) Mchenjodarro
(C) Damascus ✓
(D) Taxila
34. The Cultural Center of Gandhara Civilization was situated at present day In:
(A) Afghanistan
(B) Pakistan ✓
(C) China
(D) Iraq
35. Oldest monarchy Is:
(A) Saudi Arab
(C) Japan ✓
(D) Kuwait
36. Father of Homeopathy is?
(A) Samuel Hahnemann ✓
(B) Hahnemann
(C) Sigmund
(D) Robert Dover
37. The book ‘Wealth of Nations’ was written by:
(A) John Marshal
(B) Karl Marx
(C) Max Muller
(D) None of these ✓
38. Communist Manifesto was originally published in which language?
(A) Greek
(B) Russian
(C) French
(D) German ✓
39. The famous Incident of Boston Tea Party took place In?
(A) 1770
(B) 1785
(C) 1773 ✓
(D) 1776
40. Ahmad Khan Kharal the famous character of war of Independence belongs to?
(A) Gogera
(B) Satiana
(C) Jhamra ✓
(D) CheechaWatni
41. Faiz Ahmad Faiz was imprisoned for his alleged involvement in____conspiracy.
(A) Agartaia
(B) Lahore
(C) Attock
(D) Rawalpindi✓
42. “Pride and Prejudice” was written by:
(A) Jane Austen✓
(B) Thomas Hardy
(C) Agatha Christi
(D) George Orwell
43. Cholera is caused by?
(A) Cocci
(B) Virus
(C) Bacteria✓
(D) None of these
44. Which of the following disease is not caused by virus?
(A) Smallpox
(B) Polio
(C) Typhoid✓
(D) Mumps
45. Which among the following is Starch digesting enzyme?
(A) Protease
(B) Lipase
(C) Amylase✓
(D) None of these
46. Another name for Vitamin C Is:
(A) Ascorbic Acid✓
(B) Acetic Acid
(C) Citric Acid
(D) Lysozyme
47. Which is used as moderator In atomic reactor?
(A) Water
(B) Uranium
(C) Platinum✓
(D) Heavy Wuter
48. Guava is a rich source of:
(A) Vitamin C✓
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin A
(D) Calcium
49. “Conversations with Myself* was written by?
(A) Barak Obama
(B) Nelson Mandela✓
(C) Tony Blair
(D) None of those
50. Diameter of Jupiter is ___ times of earth’s diameter?
(A) 13
(B) 11✓
(C) 9
(D) 10
* Conversation With Myself Is a collection of Nelson Mandela’s speeches, letters, conversation and some of his publications. It a continuation of his former book Long Walk to Freedom.
51. Which is the hottest planet In the Solar System?
(A) Jupiter
(B) Mercury
(C) Uranus
(D) Venus ✓
52. Plato was ____ of Aristotle.
(A) Student
(B) Son
(C) Son-In-law
(D) Teacher ✓
53. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in
(A) 1913 ✓
(B) 1914
(C) 1911
(D) 1916
54. The Jalllanwala massacre ___ took place In:
(A) April 1919 ✓
(B) December 1919
(C) April 1921
(D) April 1920
55. “Jalllanwala Bagh” Is located In:
(A) Lahore
(B) Delhi
(C) Lucknow
(D) Amritsar ✓
56. First Noble Prize In physics was awarded to?
(A) Priestly
(B) Roentgen ✓
(C) Madame Curie
(D) Alexander Fleming
57. Which among the following is ancient wonder of world?
(A) Eiffel Tower
(B) Taj Mahal
(C) Lighthouse of Alexandria ✓
(D) None of these
58. 200 candidates applied for exams, from which 180 candidates appeared In exam and 70 per cent passed, how many failed?
(A) 57
(B) 52
(C) 54 ✓
(D) 59
59. If X=28 and Y=51, then (X+Y)+(X-Y)=?
(A) 53
(B) 56 ✓
(C) 59
(D) 81
60. Who was the inventor of printing press?
(A) Johannes Gutenberg ✓
(B) Louis Pasteur
(C) Oliver Cromwell
(D) St. Augustine
61. Yen is the currency of:
(A) France
(B) Denmark
(C) Italy ✓
(D) Sweden
62. if A completes a lob in 20 min and B In 30 mins, If they do the same job together how much time will they take?
(A) 15
(B) 20
(C) 25
(D) 12 ✓
63. Which of the following districts of Balochistan contains huge deposits of Copper:
(A) Loralal
(B) Sibbl
(C) Khuzdar
(D) Chaghl ✓
64. Kachura Lake Is situated In:
(A) Gilgit
(B) Kaghan Valley
(C) Baltlstan ✓
(D) None of these
65. Patella Is present in?
(A) Skull
(B) Thorax
(C) Knee ✓
(D) Elbow
66. Working boundary Is a boundary between
(A) Indian Held Kashmir and Azad Kashmir
(B) India and Pakistan
(C) Indian Held Kashmir and Pakistan ✓
(D) Azad Kashmir and Pakistan
67. What does RAM In a computer stand for?
(A) Read and Memorize
(B) Random Access Memory ✓
(C) Random Access Module
(D) Random Access Modem
68. URL Is an abbreviation of:
(A) Uniform Room Locator
(B) Universal Resource Locator
(C) Universal Room Locator
(D) Uniform Resource Locator ✓
69. Wife of Bill Gates is the CEO of Gates Foundation, what is name of her wife?
(A) Ivana
(B) Melinda ✓
(C) Milana
(D) None of these
70. The length of Siachen Glacier is ___ mile.
(A) 56
(B) 47
(C) 49 ✓
(D) None of these
71. Persecution of Rohinglya Muslims Is in which state of?
(A) Kayiin
(B) Rakhine ✓
(C) Kachln
(D) None of these
72. Khad’ Is the Intelligence agency of:
(A) Iraq
(B) Afghanistan ✓
(C) Egypt
(D) Russia
73. The National Bird of Pakistan Is:
(A) Chukor ✓
(B) Pigeon
(C) Eagle
(D) Parrot
74. Aab-e-Hayat was written by:
(A) Muhmmad Hussain Azad ✓
(B) Nazir Ahmad
(C) Allama Iqbal
(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
75. Silicon Valley Is located in:
(A) New York
(B) Florida
(C) Mexico
(D) California ✓
76. The only Hindu State* in the World is:
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Nepal ✓
(C) Bhutan
(D) India
* [Nepal was once the world’s only Hindu state, but has ceased to be so following a declaration by the Parliament In 2006.]
77. The Nobel Prize for Economics was introduced In
(A) 1969 ✓
(B) 1988
(C) 1990
(D) 1987
78. Malabar is the old name of?
(A) Chennai
(B) Madras ✓
(C) Mumbai
(D) Calcutta
79. If the mood of a person swings from normal to extreme behavior is due to?
(A) Autism
(B) Schizophrenia
(C) Bipolar Disorder ✓
(D) Epilepsy
80. Novel “War and Peace” was written by:
(A) Leo Tolstoy ✓
(B) Tito
(C) Shelly
(D) Shakespeare
81. Most powerful hurricane to hit the Caribbean in September 2017 was?
(A) Maria
(B) Katrina
(C) Irma ✓
(D) None of these
82. Neutron was discovered by:
(A) Newton
(B) Priestly
(C) James Chadwick ✓
(D) B. Franklin
83. During the process of photosynthesis, plants releases the
(A) Carbon
(B) Oxygen ✓
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Ammonia
84. Hujjatullah-il-Baligha was written by?
(A) Shah Ismail
(B) Haji ShariatUliah
(C) Syed Ahmad Shaheed
(D) Shah Wali Ullah ✓
85. An example of a heredity disease is:
(A) Polio
(B) Hemophilia ✓
(C) Cholera
(D) Typhoid
86. Shape of the Milky Way Galaxy is:
(A) Rectangular
(B) Spiral ✓
(C) Elliptical
(D) Circular
87. There v/ere 69 members in first constituent assembly; this number was increased to in order to give representation to princely states arid refuges.
(A) 75
(B) 79 ✓
(C) 81
(D) 85
88. What is height of K.2?
(A) 6611 Meters
(B) 8611 Meters ✓
(C) 7611 Meters
(D) 9611 Motors
89. Before the partition of India in 1947, how many princeiy states existed?
(A) 49
(B) 54
(C) 562 ✓
(D) None of these
90. Name the biggest barrage of Pakistan?
(A) Sukhar Barrage ✓
(B) Taunsa Barrage
(C) Guddu Barrage
(D) Ghulam Muhammad Barrage
91. If you have “Caries” then which doctor should be consulted?
(A) Dermatologist
(B) Orthopaedist
(C) Dentist ✓
(D) Neurologist
92. The average weight of human heart is?
(A) 250 gm
(B) 300 gm ✓
(C) 350 gm
(D) 400 gm
93. Sharm-el-Sheikh is the name of?
(A) Airport of Iran
(B) Egyptian Seaport ✓
(C) A Mountain
(D) None of these
94. LNG stand for?
(A) Liquefied Natural Gas ✓
(B) Liquid Natural Gas
(C) Liquid Neutral Gas
(D) None of these
95. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States by the people of:
(A) Britain
(B) Germany
(C) Canada
(D) France ✓
96. Habsha is the old name of?
(A) Ethiopia ✓
(B) Uganda
(C) Kenya
(D) Tanzania
97. Break bone fever is communicated by a mosquito; it is another name of:
(A) Dengue ✓
(B) Malaria
(C) Epilepsy
(D) All of these
98. Katas Raj Temple is in?
(A) Jhelum
(B) Chakwal ✓
(C) Lahore
(D) Attock
99. Amnesia is related to:
(A) Sleeping sickness
(B) Loss of sight
(C) Loss of hearing
(D) Loss of memory ✓
100. The British Government announced the _____ annulment of Partition of Bengal in
(A) 1910
(B) 1911 ✓
(C) 1912
(D) 1926
CSS 2022 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers
The following are the CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs solved past papers questions. These questions have been evaluated and checked by Pakistan’s top Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs coaches, who are either lecturers or officers and scored the highest marks in this paper. They include Miss Saba Baloch (CSS-2021), Miss Aimeen Mirza (CSS 2018), Miss Nirmal Hasni (DD NAB), Sir Rameez Ch. (Lecturer & Deputy Director), and Miss Zaineb Azam (the highest scorer – 76). Moreover, these questions have been attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students who have been scoring the highest marks for years.
CSS 2021 Solved Pakistan Affairs Questions

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