Written by Miss Laraib Rafique Rai
With the passing of the Government of India Act, 1935, the history of Indian nationalism underwent a subtle change. The provincial elections’, held under its provisions in 1937, and the results, thereof, made the change more apparent and straightforward. The Indian national congress’ sweeping victory in five provinces ( Madras, Orissa, Bihar, C.P and U.P) and an exact position to form a coalition government in two other provinces ( Punjab and Bengal) revealed the efficiency and capability of the party so far. The victory and formation of the Congress ministry made the party hard and proud. The Congress rule in seven provinces dwelled the Indian Muslims in utter misery. Furthermore, Congress was aimed at establishing a complete administrative rule over the Muslims. Congress’s refusal to cooperate with the league, its anti-Muslim policies, dictatorial attitude, diffused education schemes: Wardha scheme and vidia Mandar scheme, Muslims’ expulsion from welfare schemes, the imposition of taxes, and racial prejudice, further stimulated the Muslims efforts for an independent country.
Outcomes of 1937 Election
The outcomes of the 1937 elections were not fruitful for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. It had unveiled the real faces of Congress. It, further, provided several reasons for the establishment of a separate homeland. The topic can be better assisted from the following points.
The Refusal of Congress to cooperate with the League.
Congress put certain inauspicious conditions for the cooperation before the Muslim League. The prevailing circumstances made it impossible for the Muslim League to go ahead with Congress. Owing to the denial of the terms by the Muslim League, Congress ministries were established in the provinces. However, there was no cooperation between the former and the latter. The Congress kept the Muslim League out of mainstream administration in no less than 11 British India provinces. The party seriously underrated the strength of Muslim nationalism. In reality, Congress took the victory as an opportunity and set up a hegemonic rule over the Muslims. Consequently, religious, political, social, and economic victimization of the Muslims frustrated the Muslim League, which, in turn, decided to play its constitutional role in the assemblies.
Congress Ministry Rule; A Reflection of Hindutwa
Congress, habitually, pretended to be a secular and liberal party. However, most of the time, it was in Hindu nationalists, propagating Hindu ideology and culture. Similar fanatics monopolized the congress ministries. The ministries managed to distort Muslim culture and ideology by promoting Hindu ideology in educational institutions, such as the Wardataleemi scheme, to displace the two-nation theory from the minds of Muslim Children and Vidya Mandar Scheme at promoting Hindu culture; making Mandar education necessary at the elementary level. Also, forcing young Muslims to salute the ‘Indian three-coloured flag’. Similarly, uprising the Muslim community’s political and cultural rights, breeding sense of communalism in India, pressing the Muslim nation into a minority, along with the political victimization of the Muslim League and its top political and ideological adversaries, instigated the Muslims’ struggle for a separate homeland.
Congress Ministries left no alternative for Muslims
Congress ministries’ tyrannical rule left no choice for the Indian Muslims but a demand for a separate homeland. Primarily, there was never a complete unanimity in the ranks of Muslim league over the separate country’s demand. Nevertheless, the election of 1937 prospered the two-nation theory and ensued the consensus among the Muslims for a separate state. Moreover, the freedom movement accelerated Soon after the collapse of the Congress ministers in 1939.
The Congress ministries fostered the Lahore Resolution
A year later, after the collapse of the Congress ministries, Muslims gathered in Lahore’s Minto Park under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and passed the historical Resolution of Pakistan, 1940. Nevertheless, the Pakistan resolution expedited the pace of freedom movement and boosted the Muslims’ energy and courage of the Indian subcontinent. Additionally, the Muslim league observed Day of Deliverance on December 22, 1939, as a mark of relief on the resignation of all provincial Congress Ministries of British India.
Critical Analysis;
The result of 1937’s election was a shock for both parties: Congress a Muslim league, as both the parties were unable to secure majority votes. However, the final success of the elections was named in favour of Congress. Strikingly, Congress proposed unacceptable conditions for cooperation with Muslim League, which created frustration in the party and resulted in refusal. As a result, Congress ministries were formed in the provinces. Unfortunately, twenty-seven months of Congress rule was characterised by promoting Hindu nationalism and Muslims’ political, religious, social, educational and economical persecution. Regrettably, the Muslims had to face the music of trusting Congress. Perhaps, all the factors mentioned earlier played an important role in paving the way towards a new homeland for India’s Muslims.
To conclude, before 1937’s elections, Indian Muslims had never demanded a separate country. It was the despotic rule of Congress ministries that became an eye-opener for the Indian Muslims. Moreover, it took years for them to realize that the Muslim community’s future was bleak in India unless an independent political state would be established. Undeniably, the elections of 1937 were a key factor behind the accelerated freedom movement and played a pivotal role in Pakistan’s independence.
About the writer:
Miss Laraib Rafique Rai is one of the sterling students of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, one of the eminent Grammarians in the world. Under his proficient supervision, she is enrolled in course of Online Creative English Writing and learning Basic to Advanced Grammar. She has done Masters in Political Science and has profound experience of writing articles on several topics- like national and international issues, Current Affairs, Science, Fiction, and many more.
Name of the Student: Miss Laraib Rafique Rai
Qualifications: Masters in Political Science
Total Articles/Blogs: 4
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing
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