
PMS Punjab GK Past Paper 2012 | PMS Punjab Past Paper Solved GK MCQs 2012 | PMS Punjab General Knowledge Paper 2012 | PMS Punjab-2021 GK Paper and PMS Punjab 2021 GK Paper Study Material | PMS Punjab 2021 Preparation

The following is the past paper of PMS Punjab GK Past Paper 2012. CSS Prep Forum always try to bring the best to help thousands of competitive students.

How to Prepare for PMS Punjab 2021?

The number of PMS Punjab has been increasing for the last many years, so cracking the GK paper has become a dilemma for thousands of PMS aspirants in Punjab. Since 2018, Howfiv has been introducing One Paper MCQs exam and screening test preparation under the patronage of its highly qualified coaches and officers: Sir Badar Rameez, Sir Syed Kazim Ali, Miss Nirmal, Miss Bakhtawar, Sir Hamza Asif, Miss Zaineb Azam, and ten others. Howfiv, with these coaches’ help, has created thousands of exam-relevant MCQs that could be asked in exams. In CCE Sindh Screening Test 2021, more than 63 MCQs have been taken from the Howfiv website. If you are interested in preparing yourself for PMS Punjab 2021, keep preparing yourself by memorizing, practising, and testing thousands of exam-relevant MCQs at the Howfiv website. If you think you are fully prepared or are confused about preparing for the screening test, join the EXCLUSIVE COURSE of Punjab PMS 2021 introduced by Howfiv.

PMS Punjab 2012 GK Solved Past Paper

1Which of the following is a landlocked country.NigeriaKenyaSrilankaUgandad
2Tahrir square is situated on.RabatTehranCairoIstanbulc
3Benghazi is a city in.IraqSyriaMoroccoLibyad
4River Nile originates in.Lake NyasaCherangani HillsLake VictoriaSprings in Kenyac
5Greenwich is located in.GreenlandEnglandHollandFranceb
6Canton is a city in.ThailandGermanyUSSouth Koreac
7Indonesia and Malaysia are separated by.Inaccessible mountainsGulf of MalaysiaMalacca Straitnone of thesec
8Capital of Zimbabwe is.HarareSeoulPretorianone of thesea
9Myanmar is the new name of.CambodiaBurmaCeylonnone of theseb
10Morocco and Spain are separated by.Pyrenees HillsAlpsStrait of GibraltarRiver Rhinec
11The apex elected body in Israel us called.ParliamentCongressKnessetShurac
12Communist Revolution took place in Russia in the month of.MarchJuneFebruaryNovemberc
13Pulitzer Prize is an American Award in the field of.SportsScuba divingJournalismMusicc
14The name of US Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan is.Richard HobrookeDanirl F FeldmanLeon PanettaRobert Gatesb
15De facto means.DefectiveDeficientActual as a factLegalc
16Carte Blanche means.Full discretionary powerA blank thingGoing by the rulesWheel in the motiona
17Corrigendum means. Agenda of the meaningThings to be correctedStudy of some genderCorrespondenceb
18Faux pas means.A fine personLuckWisdomfalse stepd
19Fifth column refers to.Huge PillarLong WritingLoyaltyTreacheryd
20Paediatrics refers to.Care of pregnant womenCare of old peopleCare of childrenCare of jointsc
21Pythagoras geometry belongs to.SyriaMesopotamiaGreeceItalyc
22Asian drama, “An inquiry into the poverty of nations” is written byJawaharlal NehruGunnar MyrddalThomas PaineJoseph Conradb
23Tolstoy was the author of famous novel.IdiotFor whom the bell tollsDark continentWar and peaced
24Which of the following ranks in air force is higher.Air CommodoreSquadron LeaderWing commanderGroup captaina
25The headquarters of WTO is at.New YorkRomeGenevaLondonc
26International Court of justice sits at.BrusselsParisThe HagueNew Yorkc
27Heat received by the Earth from the Sun us known as.insulationsolar radiationSolar heatThermal Radiationb
28The cheapest source of electricity generation is.HydelNuclearSolarThermalb
29Largest political agency in Pakistan’s tribal areas in term of area is.North WaziristanKurramMohmandSouth Waziristand
30Lowari pass connects.Kaghan valley with chilasKalam with gilgitG. chashma,nouristanDir with chitrald
31From Karachi farthest point on the Coastal Highway is.JiwaniOrmaraPasniGwadara
32Circumference of the Earth is.20000 km30000 km40075 km50000 kmc
33The deepest point in the Pacific Ocean is.Tonga TrenchMariana TrenchPuerto Rico TrenchJawa trenchb
34Mount Kilimanjaro is located in.KenyaTanzaniaUgandaSouth Africab
35Suez Cattle links.Black sea and Aegean seaPersian Gulf l,Arabian SMediterranean seaAdriatic seac
36Khojak pas is located between.Jamrud and Landi kotalSibbi and MachhQuetta and DI khanQuetta and Chammand
37Nearest part of atmosphere to Earth is.StratosphereTroposphereIonosphereMesosphereb
38Colosseum, an amphitheatre was built in.AthensNaplesRomeMilanc
39Special theory of relativity was proposed by.Issac NewtonAlbert EinsteinGalileoRobert Hookeb
40Issae Newton gave.Law of planetary motionLaw of gravitationLaw of geometrynone of theseb
41“Composition of Alchemy “was written by.Ibn al HaithemJabir bin HayanIbn Rushdnone of theseb
42The book “Al Qanun fi al Tibb”was written by.Al BiruniAbu Ali SinaAl BaltaniIbn Rushdb
43Chile has the longest shore along.Atlantic SeaBlack SeaMediterranean Seapacific Sead
44Gross domestic product (GDP)in Pakistan is growing at the rate in (2015-16)statics.2%4.71%5.00%7%b
45Agriculture, the key sector in the Pakistan economy accounts for.21% of GDP28% of GDP25% of GDP51%GDPa
46The Earth is closest to the Sun in.JanuaryJulySeptemberJunea
47Time required for a computer to locate and transfer data is called.Analogue timeBasic timeStarting timeAccess timed
48A device which encodes character by the depression of key is called.PrinterKeyboardMouseHard Driveb
49Mixture of two metals is called.DispersantAlloyAmalgamMetalloidb
50The area inside the computer frame and auxiliary where dates and instructions are stored is called.MemoryInterpreterRecorderHoppera
51An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are fabricated is called.ChipCard readerFeedHollerith codea
52The time taken by the light to reach the Earth is.4 mins 30 secs8 mins 15 secs10 mins 20 secs12 mins 30 secsb
53The shape of our Milky Way Galaxy is.IrregularSpiralEllipticRectangularb
54The coldest planet of our solar system is.VenusEarthNeptunenone of thesec
55Biman is an airline of.SrilankaCambodiaAfghanistanBangladeshd
5638th parallel is the boundary line between.Myanmar and ThailandThailand and MalaysiaIndia and ChinaSouth and North Koread
57Oxygen by volume has the presence in the atmosphere of about.10%21%30%45%b
58The brightest planet in the solar system is.SaturnVenusNeptuneMarsb
59The planet with shortest day time is.VenusEarthJupiternone of thesec
60Insulin in human body is produced in.LiverKidneyPancreasnone of thesec
61Dynamite was discovered by.Gottlieb DaimlerOswald MosleyAlfred NobelSigmund Freudc
62How far Is the dead sea before Mediterranean.250meters300meters400meters1654 kmc
63Laws of heredity was discovered by.Benamin FrenklinCharles DarwinGregor Mendalnone of thesec
64Noble prize I’m Physics was awarded to Dr Abdus Salam in the year.1969197519791983c
65The longest river is located in.AsiaAfricaLatin AmericaNorth Americab
66The highest mountain peak, Mount Everest has been named after Col George Everest who wascommandant of 1 infantry unitcommander of Gorkha brigadepolitical agent of NWFPSurveyor general of Indd
67Christopher Columbus who discovered America was.SpanishDutchItalianFrenchc
68The annual average flow of water in Indus River System is.130MAF145 MAF100 MAF90 MAFb
69The single biggest hydel power generating site is situated in.BrazilChinaUnited statesIndiab
70The US congress and senate raised the debt limit of US government by.500 billions $15000 billions $ 1500 billions $2000 billions $c
71IMF and world bank have been created through.Yalta ConferenceNew DealTreaty of VersaillesBreeton Woods Agreementd
72Moorish kingdom of Granada(Spain) surrendered to Christians in the year.1453149215261556b
73The president of Yugoslavia/Serbia who was indicated and tried by International War Criminal Tribunal was.Franjo TudmanSlobodan MilosivieRatko MladicRadoslav Bradaninb
74Who was not a member of the 1st Cabinet of Pakistan.Sardar Abdul Rab NishtarHuseyn Shaheed SaharwardyJogendra Nath MandalMalik Ghulam Mb
75President of Syria,Basshar Al Assad is by faith a(n).DruzeAlawiteWahabiSunnib
76US president Barrak Obama’s father was a(n).IndonesiaNigerianEgyptianKenyand
77Blind dolphins are found in.Indus RiverNile RiverYangtze River none of thesea
78The captain of Pakistan cricket team that decided England at the oval in 1954 was.Fazi MehmoodHanif MuhammadAbdul Hafeez SardarKhan Muhammadc
79The first Olympic gold medal for Pakistan was in the summer Olympic games of.1956196019641968b
80When Ayub Khan took over  in 1958,the prime minister of Pakistan was.Muhammad Ali BograHuseyn Shaheed SuhrawardyMalik Feroze khan nonCh Muhammad Alic
81The first international flight of PIA was taken on.25-May-517-Jun-541-Feb-5517-Jun-61c
82The present Deputy Chairman of planning commission is.Ahsan IqbalDr Akram SheikhDr Ishrat HussainDr Shahid Amjada
83The present secretary general of UN is from.AustraliaS.KoraeBrazilAustriab
84The cash balance of the company is more than the cash balance of US.AppleMicrosoftBechtelDuPonta
85After the conquest of Punjab who was not the member among the administration.Henery LawerenceJohn LawerenceCharles ManselRobert Montgomeryd
86The father of modern science fiction is.Bertrand RussellHugo GemsbackAldous HuxleyMaupassantb
87The office of District Magistrate was abolished through.L government ordinance 1police order 2002Amendments to code17 Amendment constitutionc
88Indian railway started operation in.1847184918531861c
89First international Olympic Games were held in Greece in 1896 in the month of.AprilMayJuneJulya
90The one who won the grand slam in terms twice.Leo HoadRoy EmersonRod LaverJimmy Connorsc
91Hanging cardons of Babylon were located in modern day.SyriaIraqLebanonJordanb
92First satellite sputnik 1 was launched in October 1957,Indiacte the date.2-Oct4-Oct6-Oct8-Octb
93The celebrated scientist Issae Newton was.BritishDutchItalianFrencha
94Turnip us a root described as.NapiformFusiformCouicalTubrousb
95Penicillin was discovered by.Victor FlemmimgIan FlemmingAlexander FlemmingStephen Victorc
96On 18 May 1974,India exploded first nuclear devise under the code name of.Operation Blue StarOperation GibraltarOperation Smiling oldOperation Rakshakc
97The poetry first written by Allama Iqbal in Persian.Bal e jibreelBang e DaraZarb e kaleemAsrar e khudid
98The book “Indian Musalmans”published in 1871 was written by.Sir Syed Ahmed khanWilliam Wilson HunterRudyard kiplingJustice Ameer Alib
99Indian Rebellion of 1857 (war of independence)began to 10th May from the town of.JhansiGwaliorMeerutLucknowc
100How many sahaba were martyred in battle of badar.12141618b

CSS 2022 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers

The following are the CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs solved past papers questions. These questions have been evaluated and checked by Pakistan’s top Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs coaches, who are either lecturers or officers and scored the highest marks in this paper. They include Miss Saba Baloch (CSS-2021), Miss Aimeen Mirza (CSS 2018), Miss Nirmal Hasni (DD NAB), Sir Rameez Ch. (Lecturer & Deputy Director), and Miss Zaineb Azam (the highest scorer – 76). Moreover, these questions have been attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students who have been scoring the highest marks for years.

Q.1Discuss The Issues And Mistrust In US-Pakistan Relations After The Withdrawal Of The U.S. Troops From Afghanistan.
Q.2What Is The Volume Of The Grants, Aids And Loans In Pakistan’s Economy In The Last Ten Years To Stimulate Growth? Discuss
Q.3Why Did Pakistan Join Western Defense Pacts? What Cost It Had To Pay For It. Explain
Q.4Every State Designs Its Foreign Policy On National Interests Rejecting Feelings And Emotions. Why Did Pakistan Prefer Emotions, Feelings, And Ideology In Its Foreign Policy? Also, Analyze Its Impacts
Q.5Evaluate The Factional Politics Of The Early Years (1947-58) And Their Impact On The Democratic Process Of Pakistan.
Q.6Discuss The Federal Structure Of 1973 Constitution Of Pakistan After 18th Amendment. Why criticism On 18th Amendment Started Recently?
Q.7Discuss The Role Of Regional And Nationalist Political Parties In Pakistani Politics? How Far These Parties Are Necessary For The Political System?

CSS 2021 Solved Pakistan Affairs Questions

Q.2Enumerate the measures adopted by Pakistan to spotlight on the plight of Kashmiri people in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir after 5th August 2019.
Q.3Now Outdated Question
Q.4How CPEC phase II will galvanize industrialization and employment in Pakistan?
Q.5Discuss the Significance of Renewable Energy Resources for Pakistan.
Q.6How Pakistan should combat the 5th generation war?
Q.7Political Stability is mandatory for economic prosperity in Pakistan. Elaborate.
Q.8Critically Evaluate the Evolution of Muslim Separate Identity in the Sub-Continent.

More Essays

  1. Meaning Purposive Education
  2. Bureaucracy Doldrums
  3. Is Gender Equality a Myth?
  4. Pros and Cons of Globalization for Pakistan
  5. Islamophobia: Causes and Consequences
  6. Artificial intelligence: Its Merits and Demerits
  7. IMF Bailouts: Roads to Stability or Recipes for Disaster
  8. Can Foreign Aid Help A Country Achieve Economic Stability?
  9. Consequences of American Withdrawal from Afghanistan on South Asia
  10. Money And Success Do Not Change People; They Merely Amplify What Is Already There
  11. Almost Always, The Creative, Dedicated Minority Has Made The World Better

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