Top 300 One-Word Substitutions for One Paper 100 Marks Exams | One-Word Substitutions MCQs | One-Word Substitutions for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPPSC students | One-Word Substitutions by Miss Syeda Saba
One-word substitutions are the most essential and integral parts of vocabulary. They almost become part of each exam – whether it is one paper 100 marks MCQs exams, such as FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, GBPSC, etc., or it is entrance exams, such as NTS, NMDCAT, ECAT, EATA, etc. Suppose you memorize the following one-word substitution and start practising them into your daily vocabulary. In that case, you will make your written sentences more precise and easier for your examiners and readers. Miss Syeda Saba has shared the comprehensive list of One-Word Substitution for students who always love preparing vocabulary. She has been teaching English grammar to intermediate and graduation students for years. Other than this, she has been working on students’ basic English to prepare for their One Paper Commission Exams.
Why are One Word Substitutions Important for Competitive Students?
To speak and write precisely has been important for a competitive student. He has less time to display his knowledge in an exam, especially in CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, GBPSC, NTS, etc. While writing in English, students have heaps of thoughts, which they always want to express precisely. Unless they do not have one-word substitutions with them, they remain unable to transfer their ideas to the examiner briefly. On the other hand, in One Paper Commission Exams, students frequently ask vocabulary-based questions from One-Word Substitutions. To solve the One-word Substitutions questions, candidates require a solid vocabulary base. Therefore, One-word substitution is one of the crucial topics in various competitive exams.

Sr# | Meaning of the One-Word Substitution | Word |
1 | A sentence that can be interpreted in more than one way. | Ambiguous |
2 | To leave one’s country and go to live in a foreign land. | Emigrate |
3 | Fit to be eaten. | Edible |
4 | Incapable of being believed. | Incredible |
5 | One who is thoroughly proficient in anything. | Adept |
6 | Absolute government of one man. | Autocracy |
7 | A critical judge in matters of taste. | Connoisseur |
8 | Science of health. | Hygienics |
9 | Exclusive possession of trade in some commodity. | Monopoly |
10 | A composition which bears no name of the writer. | Anonymous |
11 | To wipe out. | Eradicate |
12 | Fit to be chosen. | Eligible |
13 | Incapable of being conquered. | Invincible |
14 | A person between childhood and manhood. | Adolescent |
15 | A person’s own signature. | Autograph |
16 | Compulsory enlistment for military or naval service. | Conscription |
17 | A word having the same sound but different meaning. | Homonym |
18 | A substance inducing sleep. | Narcotic |
19 | To tease a person with hopes that seem continually on the point of fulfillment yet never do so. | Tantalize |
20 | A cinema show heeled in the afternoon. | Matinee |
21 | A letter which is not claimed by anybody | A Dead Letter |
22 | To present a thing as greater than truth. | Exaggerate |
23 | Easy to bend. | Flexible |
24 | Incapable of being seized. | Impregnable |
25 | A grown-up person. | Adult |
26 | Place of keeping birds. | Aviary |
27 | A number of fixed stars grouped with in an imaginary outline. | Constellation |
28 | Words inscribed on tomb. | Epitaph |
29 | A fertile spot in a desert. | Oasis |
30 | One who abstains totally from intoxicants. | Teetotaler |
31 | Undue favour to relatives. | Nepotism |
32 | A language which is no more spoken. | Dead Language |
33 | To put out of social circle. | Excommunicate |
34 | One who can neither read nor write. | Illiterate |
35 | Incapable of being wounded. | Invulnerable |
36 | A written statement by a person in a court confirmed by oath, used as a judicial proof. | Affidavit |
37 | An insolvent person. | Bankrupt |
38 | Body of voters who elect a representative. | Constituency |
39 | The practice of spying. | Espionage |
40 | A maker or seller of optical instruments. | Optician |
41 | To apply light touches to man’s body so as to excite, the nerves and usually produce laughter. | Tickle |
42 | That which precedes an event. | Precursor |
43 | A battle which puts an end to all controversy. | Decisive |
44 | Murder (or murderer) of one’s father. | Patricide |
45 | Unable to pay one’s debt. | Insolvent |
46 | Incapable of being conceived. | Inconceivable |
47 | Items of business to be considered at a meeting. | Agenda |
48 | A lover of books. | Bibliophile |
49 | A person living at the same time. | Contemporary |
50 | The science of morals. | Ethics |
51 | Notice of somebody’s death in a newspaper. | Obituary |
52 | Very like to take offence. | Touchy |
53 | A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain. | Stoic |
54 | A game in which neither party wins. | Drawn |
55 | Murder (or murderer) of an infant. | Infanticide |
56 | Capable of being seen through. | Transparent |
57 | Incapable of being understood. | Incomprehensible |
58 | The white of an egg. | Albumen |
59 | Having two wives at a time. | Bigamy |
60 | A person recovering from illness. | Convalescent |
61 | Conventional rules of conduct. | Etiquette |
62 | The science of birds. | Ornithology |
63 | To make unlawful intrusion on. | Trespass |
64 | Marking the skin with indelible ink. | Tattoo |
65 | A speech delivered without preparation. | Extempore |
66 | Murder (or murderer) of man. | Homicide |
67 | Incapable of being seen through. | Opaque |
68 | Incapable of being perceived by the senses. | Imperceptible |
69 | The chemistry aimed at changing baser metals into gold. | Alchemy |
70 | One who attaches undue importance to a creed. | Bigot |
71 | A preparation designed to beautify hair or skin. | Cosmetic |
72 | The expel evil spirit from a person or a place. | Exorcize |
73 | Holding fast the currently accepted opinions on religious doctrines. | Orthodox |
74 | Each of two children born at a birth. | Twin |
75 | A person with long experience in military or another occupation. | Veteran |
76 | First speech of a speaker. | Maiden |
77 | Murder (or murderer) of the king. | Regicide |
78 | More like a woman than a man. | Effeminate |
79 | Incapable of being pleased. | Fastidious |
80 | The plea that when an alleged act looks another, one was elsewhere. | Alibi |
81 | Science of animals and plants. | Biology |
82 | A person who thinks the whole world his home. | Cosmopolitan |
83 | A servant managing all the affairs of his master. | Factotum |
84 | The properly one inherits from one’s ancestors of father. | Patrimony |
85 | Each of three children born at a birth. | Triplet |
86 | Having more than one husband at a time. | Polyandry |
87 | A disease which causes death. | Fatal |
88 | Murder (or murderer) of oneself. | Suicide |
89 | Happening at the same time. | Simultaneous |
90 | Incapable of being put into practice. | Impracticable |
91 | One who writes from dictation for another. | Amanuensis |
92 | Spend night in the open. | Bivouac |
93 | Quilted covering to retain heat in tea-pot. | Teacosy |
94 | One’s betrothed. | Finance |
95 | Additional paragraph at the end of a letter after signature. | Post-script |
96 | A self-evident, indisputable, hackneyed truth. | Truism |
97 | Persons having characteristics of both sexes. | Hermaphrodites |
98 | A post for which no salary is paid. | Honorary |
99 | One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen. | Alien |
100 | All of one mind. | Unanimous |
101 | Incapable of being expressed. | Inexpressible |
102 | One who cultivates a thing for pastime. | Amateur |
103 | Force a person to make payment for not revealing discreditable secrets. | Blackmail |
104 | Half-compartment of a railway carriage. | Coupe |
105 | To put coin into motion with a flip. | Flip |
106 | Former holder of an office or position. | Predecessor |
107 | Having no parallel or equal. | Unique |
108 | The quality of doing the right thing at the right time. | Tact |
109 | A river on which ships can sail. | Navigable |
110 | One who is associated with others in some occupation. | Colleague |
111 | One who is present everywhere. | Omnipresent |
112 | Incapable of being fixed. | Indeterminable |
113 | A person who can both hands with equal ability. | Ambidexter |
114 | A person with fear hair and skin. | Blond |
115 | Government by the rich. | Plutocracy |
116 | A picture in water colour on wall. | Fresco |
117 | To put off from day to day. | Procrastinate |
118 | Excessively fond of one’s wife. | Uxorious |
119 | The power of reading the thoughts in the minds of others. | Telepathy |
120 | A battle causing lot of bloodshed. | Sanguinary |
121 | One who is all-powerful. | Omnipotent |
122 | Incapable of being approached. | Inaccessible |
123 | Creatures which can live on both land and water. | Amphibian |
124 | A woman affecting literary taste. | Blue Stocking |
125 | Government by the people. | Democracy |
126 | One who is devoted to human interests. | Humanitarian |
127 | To convert from one opinion, creed or party to another. | Proselytize |
128 | Capable of dealing with many subjects. | versatile |
129 | A six-sided figure. | Hexagon |
130 | A child born after the death of its father. | Posthumous Child |
131 | One who is skilled in many languages. | Linguist |
132 | One who has knowledge of everything. | Omniscient |
133 | Incapable of being tired. | Indefatigable |
134 | Absence of established government. | Anarchy |
135 | Science of plants. | Botany |
136 | The husband of an unfaithful wife. | Cuckold |
137 | The breaking of images. | Iconoclasm |
138 | Fixed number of persons that must be present to make the proceedings of an assembly, society or board valid. | Quorum |
139 | A woman of masculine strength or spirit. | Virago |
140 | A five-sided figure. | Pentagon |
141 | A word no longer in use. | Obsolete word |
142 | One who tries to benefit mankind. | Philanthropist |
143 | One who eat everything indiscriminately. | Omnivorous |
144 | Incapable of being divided. | Indivisible |
145 | Medicine able to assuage pain. | Anodyne |
146 | A person of middle class. | Bourgeois |
147 | A sneering fault-finder to whom nothing appeals. | Cynic |
148 | To decorate any manuscript writing with brilliant colors. | Illuminate |
149 | A sum of money paid for release. | Ransom |
150 | Dissection practiced upon living animals. | Vivisection |
151 | An eight-sided figure. | Octagon |
152 | A word which has the same meaning as other. | Synonymous |
153 | One having the same name. | Namesake |
154 | Animals having two feet. | Biped |
155 | Incapable of being burnt. | Incombustible |
156 | Collection of poems. | Anthology |
157 | System of writing and printing for the blind. | Braille |
158 | A person ready for criminal undertaking. | Desperado |
159 | A person coming to settle in a foreign country. | Immigrant |
160 | A person who deserts his party or principles. | Renegade |
161 | Stop feeding upon mother’s breast. | Wean |
162 | A man who thinks only of himself. | Egoist |
163 | A word which has the opposite meaning as other. | Antonym |
164 | One who is new in any business. | Novice |
165 | Animals having four feet. | Quadruped |
166 | Incapable of being corrected. | Incorrigible |
167 | Physiological and Psychological study of man. | Anthropology |
168 | Short official statement of public importance. | Bulletin |
169 | Arbitrary rule. | Despotism |
170 | A malicious setting on fire of property. | Incendiarism |
171 | A place where meals or refreshments may be had. | Restaurant |
172 | A representative of a government. | Ambassador |
173 | To decorate a building with lights. | Illuminate |
174 | Service offered by a man of his own accord. | Voluntary |
175 | One who looks on the bright side of things. | Optimist |
176 | Animals living in water. | Aquatic |
177 | Incapable of being repaired. | Irreparable |
178 | Medicine given to counteracts putrefaction. | Antiseptic |
179 | Government of officials. | Bureaucracy |
180 | Vessels made of baked clay. | Earthen ware |
181 | A professional rider in horse races. | Jockey |
182 | A distinguished man of learning. | Savant |
183 | To renounce the crown in favour of another. | Abdicate |
184 | The ruins of a fallen building. | Debris |
185 | The motive of getting some money. | Mercenary |
186 | One who looks on the dark side of the things. | Pessimist |
187 | Animals which like to live in flocks. | Gregarious |
188 | So good or unusual as to be impossible to copy; unique.. | Inimitable |
189 | A chemical that counteracts poison. | Antidote |
190 | Minister of a state. | Cabinet |
191 | The abode of the blessed after death. | Elysium |
192 | To carry off a person by illegal force. | Kidnap |
193 | To tempt into sin or crime. | Seduce |
194 | To do away with a rule. | Abrogate |
195 | To go from bad to worse. | Deteriorate |
196 | A choice between two things. | Alternative |
197 | Those who are hearing. | Audience |
198 | Animals which feed on meat. | Carnivorous |
199 | Incapable of being tamed. | Untamable |
200 | A person appointed by two parties to settle their dispute. | Arbitrator |
201 | Girl’s gym that produces strength with beauty. | Calisthenics |
202 | Medicine that causes vomiting. | Emetic |
203 | The fourth of soap and water. | Lather |
204 | The midday nap or rest in hot countries. | Siesta |
205 | To destroy completely. | Annihilate |
206 | Ecstatic delight. | Rapture |
207 | The biography of a person written by himself. | Autobiography |
208 | Those who are looking on. | Spectators |
209 | Animals which feed on grass. | Herbivorous |
210 | Incapable of being elected. | Ineligible |
211 | Cultivate of trees and shrubs. | Arboriculture |
212 | A picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect. | Caricature |
213 | Spectators demand for a song to be repeated. | Encore |
214 | A false and defamatory statement. | Libel |
215 | To make more rapid in speed. | Accelerate |
216 | A document written by hand. | Manuscript |
217 | Contrary to law. | Illegal |
218 | One who eats human flesh. | Cannibal |
219 | Incapable of being solved. | Insoluble |
220 | Willful setting on fire another’s house. | Arson |
221 | A person not married. | Celibate |
222 | A book giving information on all branches of knowledge. | Encyclopedia |
223 | Fond of going to law. | Litigious |
224 | A post of profit or honor without any duties attached. | Sinecure |
225 | A person with narrow and prejudiced views. | Bigot |
226 | A belief or custom passed from generation to generation. | Tradition |
227 | A remedy of all diseases. | Panacea |
228 | Possessed of life. | Animate |
229 | One who lives on vegetables. | Vegetarian |
230 | Incapable of being quieted. | Implacable |
231 | One who undertakes to kill treacherously. | Assassin |
232 | Sepulchral monument to person whose dead body is elsewhere. | Cenotaph |
233 | A poem narrating achievements of a hero. | Epic |
234 | A strict disciplinarian. | Martinet |
235 | Individual or part taken as example of a class. | Specimen |
236 | Want to rain. | Drought |
237 | A person full of crazy or eccentric ideas. | Crank |
238 | An office with salary but without work. | Sinecure |
239 | That prevents decay. | Antiseptic |
240 | Incapable of being seen. | Invisible |
241 | Incapable of being avoided. | Inevitable |
242 | Art of judging influence of stars upon human affairs. | Astrology |
243 | Celebration of hundred year. | Centenary |
244 | One who is dainty in eating. | Epicure |
245 | The social system in which the mother is the head of the family. | Matriarchy |
246 | To import or export goods without payment of custom duties. | Smuggle |
247 | Extreme old age. | Dotage |
248 | A person full of words. | Verbose |
249 | Stealing from the writing of others and offering them to the public as one’s own. | Plagiarism |
250 | Liable to be easily broken. | Brittle |
251 | Incapable of being heard. | Inaudible |
252 | Incapable of being moved by requests. | Inexorable |
253 | Science of heavenly bodies. | Astronomy |
254 | A child substituted for another by stealth. | Changeling |
255 | Government by old people. | Gerontocracy |
256 | To apply another’s money to one’s own use. | Misappropriate |
257 | Lying with face upward. | Supine |
258 | To wander from point at issue. | Digress |
259 | Miscarriage of birth. | Abortion |
260 | Speak evil of a person in his absence. | Backbite |
261 | Liable to be easily burnt. | Inflammable/ Combustible |
262 | Incapable of being read. | Illegible |
263 | First inhabitants of a colony. | Aborigines |
264 | Disbelief in the existence of God. | Atheism |
265 | The scar left by a healed wound. | Cicatrice |
266 | The rule of saints. | Hagiarchy |
267 | The illusive appearance of a sheet of water in a desert. | Mirage |
268 | Lying with face downward. | Prone |
269 | To free from all blame. | Exonerate |
270 | One who journeys to a sacred place. | Pilgrim |
271 | To find fault with. | Censure |
272 | Prone to believe easily. | Credulous |
273 | Incapable of being removed. | Indelible |
274 | A partner in crime. | Accomplice |
275 | One who writes his own history. | Autobiographer |
276 | The faculty of seeing mentally what exists or is happening out of sight. | Clairvoyance |
277 | Government of Holy People. | Hagiocracy |
278 | A hater of women. | Misogynist |
279 | To put oneself in the place of another by understand means. | Supplant |
280 | A day of gaiety and festivity. | Gala Day |
281 | Feel puzzled and confused. | Nonplussed |
282 | One who has a long experience in a field. | A veteran |
283 | Growing from childhood to maturity. | Adolescence |
284 | Match in which neither party wins. | A drawn game |
285 | Morbid fear of heights. | Acrophobia |
286 | Scientific study of flying and designing planes. | Aeronautics |
287 | A door that is partly open. | Ajar |
288 | Fear of open/public places. | Agoraphobia |
289 | Related to cultivated land, farming, or farmers. | Agrarian |
290 | Money given to one marriage partner after the legal separation. | Alimony |
291 | Devotion or support by a citizen to his government. | Allegiance |
292 | An institution where one has been educated. | Alma mater |
293 | Having all sort of powers. | Almighty |
294 | One who loves others selflessly. | Altruist |
295 | One who is able to use both hands equally well. | Ambidextrous |
296 | A carriage that carries patients to hospitals. | Ambulance |
297 | General forgiveness. | Amnesty |
298 | Loss of memory. | Amnesia |
299 | One who works against law or government. | Anarchist |
300 | Occurring once a year. | Annual |
301 | Before birth. | Antenatal/ prenatal |
302 | To put a date before the actual time. | Antedate |
303 | Dislike towards a person. | Antipathy |
304 | Those who live on the other side of the globe. | Antipode |
305 | A person who studies, collects, or sells antiques. | Antiquarian |
306 | A collection of hives for bee keeping. | Apiary |
307 | An artificial tank where water plants, fish, etc., are kept. | Aquarium |
308 | A study of the ancient people or ruined cities. | Archaeology |
309 | A place where people can watch sports and entertainment. | Arena |
310 | A government by a small elite class. | Aristocracy |
311 | One who does not believe in God. | Atheist |
312 | The best people in society. | Aristocrat |
313 | One who has given up joys of life for religion. | Ascetic |
314 | A place of refuge for debtor, blind, or insane. | Asylum |
315 | To sell something by bidding. | Auction |
316 | That which can be heard. It’s an antonym of inaudible. | Audible |
317 | A person who checks accounts. | Auditor |
318 | A large room or building for lectures. | Auditorium |
319 | A vehicle that is run by petrol. | Automobile |
320 | An official examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death. | Autopsy/ Postmortem |
321 | A verb used with main verb to show tense and to form interrogative and negative sentences. | Auxiliary |
322 | A man who is not married. | Bachelor |
323 | An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. | Barometer |
324 | Rooms in which soldiers live. | Barracks |
325 | The place where bees are kept. | Beehive |
326 | Inclined to start quarrels. | Bellicose |
327 | Occurring twice a year. | Biannual |
328 | List of concerned books. | Bibliography |
329 | Craze for books. | Bibliomania |
330 | Occurring after every two years. | Biennial |
331 | Occurring twice a week. | Biweekly |
332 | Able to speak two languages equally well. | Bilingual |
333 | Large outdoor board for the advertisement. | Bill board/ Hoarding |
334 | History of a person written by someone else. | Biography |
335 | To cut into two equal parts. | Bisect |
336 | Showing disrespect or contempt for God. | Blasphemy |
337 | Not capable of seeing. | Blind |
338 | Having pale gold hair in color. | Blonde |
339 | A place where wine is manufactured. | Brewery |
340 | A woman with dark complexion. | Brunette |
341 | A high-ranking government official. | Bureaucrat |
342 | One who breaks into a house to steal something. | Burglar |
343 | Insensitive and indifferent. | Callous |
344 | A waterway dug across the land for ships, boats, or irrigation. | Canal |
345 | Killing of many people. | Carnage |
346 | A list of books. | Catalogue |
347 | One who fights for a cause. | Champion |
348 | A man paid to drive a privately-owned motor car. | Chauffeur |
349 | Abnormal fear of closed places. | Claustrophobia |
350 | One who amuses in a circus. | Clown |
351 | The person mending shoes. | Cobbler |
352 | That which spreads by contact. | Contagious |
353 | Pertaining to body. | Corporal |
354 | That which can be believed. | Credible |
355 | The beginning of the day. | Dawn |
356 | That which is likely to cause death. | Deadly |
357 | Not capable of hearing. | Deaf |
358 | That (ink, stain, mark) can be rubbed out or removed. | Delible |
359 | A person acting as a deputy or representative of others. | Delegate |
360 | A speaker who can make people emotional. | Defunct |
361 | A tyrant or absolute ruler. | Despot |
362 | Practical wisdom or management to gain advantage. | Diplomacy |
363 | Capable of being divided. | Divisible |
364 | A place of permanent residence, especially when it is stated for official or legal purposes. | Domicile |
365 | In a state of inaction. | Dormant |
366 | Not capable of speaking. | Dumb |
367 | A device for turning mechanical energy into electricity. | Dynamo |
368 | Considered strange or irrational by other people. | Eccentric |
369 | A poem or writing on someone’s death. | Elegy |
370 | A substance that changes everything into gold/ a remedy for every disease. | Elixir |
371 | A government order that forbids ship to enter or leave its ports. | Embargo |
372 | One who leaves a country to settle in another. | Emigrant |
373 | Science about insects. | Entomology |
374 | A state of balance. | Equilibrium |
375 | Having two or more meaning. | Equivocal |
376 | A mistake in writing. | Erratum |
377 | Lasting forever. | Eternal |
378 | Science of words and their origin. | Etymology |
379 | One who sits for an examination. | Examinee |
380 | That which can be excused. | Excusable |
381 | Extreme shortage of food. | Famine |
382 | One who believes too much in fate. | Fatalist |
383 | A raised ridge on the inside edge of each wheel. | Flange |
384 | A citizen of a foreign state. | Foreigner |
385 | That which can easily be broken. | Fragile |
386 | Killing of one’s brother. | Fratricide |
387 | Collection of stars. | Galaxy |
388 | Extermination of a race. | Genocide |
389 | That which kills germs. | Germicide |
390 | One who eats too much. | Glutton |
391 | One who feeds on grass. | Graminivorous |
392 | A storehouse of grain. | Granary |
393 | Without charge; free. | Gratis |
394 | A building reserved for gymnastic games with their apparatus. | Gymnasium |
395 | One who has religious opinions which differ from the accepted ones. | Heretic |
396 | A figure with seven sides. | Heptagon |
397 | Order or ranks in an organization or group. | Hierarchy |
398 | One who serves for hire. | Hireling |
399 | A favourite pursuit followed as an amusement. | Hobby |
400 | A map or a scheme that shows the position of stars at a particular time. | Horoscope |
401 | Residence for students. | Hostel |
402 | Morbid fear of water. | Hydrophobia |
403 | One who claims virtues one does not have. | Hypocrite |
404 | One who attacks settles belief or institution. | Iconoclast |
405 | Incapable of doing work. | Impeccable |
406 | Not subject to decay. | Imperishable |
407 | One who assumes a wrong character. | Imposter/ impostor |
408 | A characteristic distinguishing an individual from others. | Idiosyncrasy |
409 | Incapable of being cured. | Incurable |
410 | That cannot be described. | Indescribable |
411 | That cannot be left. | Indispensable |
412 | A period in England’s history that marked the widespread use of factories for manufacturing. | Industrial revolution |
413 | That cannot be explained. | Inexplicable |
414 | One who cannot make a mistake. | Infallible |
415 | That easily catches fire. | Inflammable |
416 | That cannot be counted. | Innumerable |
417 | That can’t be satisfied. | Insatiable |
418 | A medicine that kills germs. | Insecticide |
419 | That cannot be parted. | Inseparable |
420 | To urge a person to commit a crime. | Instigate |
421 | That which can be easily understood. | Intelligible |
422 | The intellectual or cultural classes. | Intelligentsia |
423 | That cannot be tolerated. | Intolerable |
424 | One who is weak or disabled. | Invalid |
425 | Not related to the topic. | Irrelevant |
426 | That cannot be altered or changed. | Irrevocable |
427 | One who is easily annoyed. | Irritable |
428 | A part of land surrounded by water. | Island |
429 | A court that decides cases according to laws. | Judiciary |
430 | A place where dogs are kept. | Kennel |
431 | School or class for children. | Kindergarten |
432 | Craze for stealing things. | Kleptomania |
433 | A place where experiments are made. | Laboratory |
434 | The law-making body of a state. | Legislature |
435 | A person who has a specialist knowledge of the structure and development of languages. | Linguist |
436 | Community interested in literature or the arts. | Literati |
437 | Relating to the moon or its movements around a planet. | Lunar |
438 | A house for the protection of insane person. | Lunatic asylum |
439 | A large-hearted person. | Magnanimous |
440 | A speech made for the first time. | Maiden speech |
441 | Animals which give milk to their young ones. | Mammals |
442 | A written declaration of the intentions of a person or party. | Manifesto |
443 | Murdering one’s own mother. | Matricide |
444 | Instrument that makes very small objects appear larger. | Microscope |
445 | Person or birds moving from place to place. | Migratory |
446 | A person who hates mankind. | Misanthrope |
447 | Related to coins or money. | Monetary |
448 | Having only one wife at a time. | Monogamy |
449 | A loud talk by a person either to himself or others. | Monologue |
450 | Place where dead bodies are kept. | Mortuary |
451 | A place where old things are kept. | Museum |
452 | A system of naming things. | Nomenclature |
453 | A man having evil reputation. | Notorious |
454 | A woman who looks after the sick. | Nurse |
455 | A thing no longer in use. | Obsolete |
456 | A child whose father or both parents have died. | Orphan |
457 | Mystic belief that God is in everything. | Pantheism |
458 | A dumb show or silent dramatic performance. | Pantomime |
459 | One who depends on others. | Parasite |
460 | Funny imitation of someone. | Parody |
461 | A permit for travelling and protection in foreign countries. | Passport |
462 | One who loves his country. | Patriot |
463 | One who goes on foot. | Pedestrian |
464 | He who picks others’ pockets. | Pickpocket |
465 | One who steals from the writings and ideas of others. | Plagiarist |
466 | Vote of the people as to the choice of the sovereignty. | Plebiscite |
467 | Having more than one wife at a time. | Polygamy |
468 | One who speaks several languages. | Polyglot |
469 | Belief in more than one God. | Polytheism |
470 | One who is liked by all the people. | Popular |
471 | A thing that can easily be carried from one place to another. | Portable |
472 | Occurring after one’s death. | Posthumous |
473 | After death, medical examination of a body. | Postmortem |
474 | The office held by a minister. | Portfolio |
475 | A small bag for keeping things. | Pouch |
476 | A person who plays for money. | Professional |
477 | Wage earning class. | Proletariat |
478 | A speech at the start of some play. | Prologue |
479 | A fictitious name assumed by an author or a poet. | Pseudonym |
480 | A fixed amount or allowance of food or other products. | Ration |
481 | One who takes up arms against the government. | Rebel |
482 | Too much official formality that creates hindrance. | Redtapism |
483 | A cabinet for keeping things cool or freezing. | Refrigerator |
484 | Fit to be trusted. | Reliable |
485 | A state in which the government is carried on by the representative of people without a hereditary head of state. | Republic |
486 | A place where water is stored. | Reservoir |
487 | A place with good climate for the sick invalid and convalescent. | Sanatorium |
488 | A person having doubts about religion or other. | Sceptic |
489 | A port or a harbor on the sea coast. | Seaport |
490 | Scientific study of earthquakes. | Seismology |
491 | A scientific study of the development, nature, and laws of human society. | Sociology |
492 | Related to sun. | Solar |
493 | A speech made to oneself. | Soliloquy |
494 | One who walks in sleep. | Somnambulist |
495 | One who does not live within one’s means. | Spendthrift |
496 | One who speaks for others. | Spokesman |
497 | One who excessively flatters those in authority. | Sycophant |
498 | Person who pays rent for a building. | Tenant |
499 | A figure with four sides. | Tetragon |
500 | Government by priests. | Theocracy |
501 | Insane belief that one is God. | Theomania |
502 | One who easily changes his party or principles. | Turncoat |
503 | Track for train. | Tramway |
504 | A child who stays away from school. | Truant |
505 | A threat to break off talks. | Ultimatum |
506 | Same kind of dress. | Uniform |
507 | That is applicable to all. | Universal |
508 | One who looks at the useful aspects of things. | Utilitarian |
509 | An ideal and imaginary state. | Utopia |
510 | Killing of one’s own wife. | Uxoricide |
511 | Having no home. | Vagabond |
512 | Word for word or in the exact word. | Verbatim |
513 | Liable to attack or injury. | Vulnerable |
514 | A place where clothes are kept. | Wardrobe |
515 | That is good for one’s health. | Wholesome |
516 | A woman whose husband is dead. | Widow |
517 | A man whose wife is dead. | Widower |
518 | The point of the sky directly over our heads. | Zenith |
519 | The few that believe that Palestine is for the Jews only. | Zionist |
520 | Science of animals. | Zoology |
521 | A place where birds, animals, beasts are kept for show. | Zoo |
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