PMS Punjab GK Past Paper 2009 | PMS Punjab Past Paper Solved GK MCQs 2009 | PMS Punjab General Knowledge Paper 2009 | PMS Punjab-2021 GK Paper and PMS Punjab 2021 GK Paper Study Material | PMS Punjab 2021 Preparation
The following is the past paper of PMS Punjab GK Past Paper 2012. CSS Prep Forum always try to bring the best to help thousands of competitive students.

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PMS Punjab 2009 GK Solved Past Paper
Sr# | Question | Opt-a | Opt-b | Opt-c | Opt-d | Ans |
1 | In 2009,the world celebrated the 200th birth anniversary of the scientist. | Charles Darwin | James Watt | Roger Bacon | Issac Newton | a |
2 | BIN” is the intelligence agency of. | Iraq | Indonesia | Afghanistan | Bangladesh | b |
3 | Science of human races is called. | Demography | Choreography | Anthropology | Epislomology | c |
4 | American president’s special envoy to the middle east is. | Sherard Cowper Coles | George John Mitchell | George Mitchell | Robert Gates | b |
5 | Aramco’ ‘is an oil company of. | America | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Iran | c |
6 | ‘Tenge” is the currency of. | Kenya | Kyrgyzstan | Cuba | Kazakhstan | d |
7 | Chennai” is the new name of Indian city. | Madras | Patna | Agra | Lucknow | a |
8 | World Bank president is. | Jim Yong Kim | Stratus-Korea | Shakour Shaalan | David R.Malpass | d |
9 | ‘Asiana Airlines” is of. | Japan | South Korea | Thailand | Malaysia | b |
10 | California’ ‘is known as ”Silicon valley” because of. | Hollywood film industry | Computer software industry | Scenic beauty and resorts | Mineral resources | b |
11 | Which of the following countries celebrated 50 years of communist revolution in 2009. | China | Cuba | North Korea | Vietnam | b |
12 | Which of the following central Asian states in 2009 closed down America base at ”Manas”. | Tajikistan | Kazakhstan | Turkmenistan | Kyrgyzstan | d |
13 | Seattle”is a seaport of. | Germany | Canada | China | USA | d |
14 | Kerry-Lugar act aimed at providing to Registan an annual economic assistance of. | 1.5 billion | 2 billion | 2.5 billion | 3 billion | a |
15 | Klaus Schwab’ ‘is the founder of. | Red cross | Scouts Movement | World economic forum | Cable news network (CNN) | c |
16 | The noble peace prize 2008 has been awarded to martti ahtisarri for his efforts in conflict resolution on different continents, He is a former president of. | Chile | Netherlands | Finland | Argentine | c |
17 | Chronometer is used to measure. | Velocity | Pressure | Time | None of these | c |
18 | Why’ ‘Black Sea” is so called. | The dense fog that prevails there in water | A large number of black rocks in the water | The water of sea is black | None of these | a |
19 | The Muslims of Mindanao Island are struggling for their political rights in. | Japan | South Africa | Philippines | Myanmar | c |
20 | Likud and Kadima are the two main political parties of. | Iran | Lebanon | Syria | None of these | d |
21 | Three Gorges dam’ ‘project is located in. | America | Russia | China | Canada | c |
22 | Blue House’ ‘is the official residence of. | President of South Korea | German Chancellor | President of France | Pope of Vatican | a |
23 | Under the proposed law ”Enhanced partnership with Pakistan act’ ‘the US would. | Provide latest version of F-16 aircrafts to Pakistan | Establish reconstruction opportunity zones in the tribal areas of Pakistan | Provide security and intelligence equipment to Pak Army | Offer scholarships to Pakistani students in American universities | b |
24 | Which part of human body is more prone to damage from the hepatitis virus. | kidneys | lungs | spleen | liver | d |
25 | What do you understand by the term ”Brain Drain”. | Mad person | Migration of skilled labour to other countries | Emigration of Intellectuals | Illiteracy and ignorance | b |
26 | The idea of Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)organization was initiated in 1994 by Mgr. Chock Tong, the prime Minister of. | South Korea | North Korea | Japan | Singapore | d |
27 | Which of the following international organizations was established first. | ECO | SAARC | OIC | D-8 | c |
28 | The famous resolution, which came to be known as Pakistan resolution was moved by Maulvi Fazal-ul-Haq and passed unanimously in. | 1940 | 1945 | 1947 | 1944 | a |
29 | Nippon is the stock exchange market of. | Tokyo | London | New York | None of these | a |
30 | Khar is the main town of. | Bajaur Agency | Khyber Agency | Kurram Agency | North Waziristan | a |
31 | The world’s oldest national anthem is of. | Denmark | Thailand | Norway | Japan | d |
32 | Hamas was founded in 1987 by. | Yasser Arafat | Ismail Haniyeh | Sheikh Ahmad Yassin | Khaled Mashal | c |
33 | Which of the following leaders has recently been elected as head of 53 members African union (AU) | Hosni Mubarak of Egypt | Idriss Deby of Chad | Thabo Mbeki of South Africa | Omar al Bashir of Sudan | b |
34 | Who is called Father of Computer. | Charles Babbage | Thomas Kurtz | Konrad Zuse | Bill Gates | a |
35 | Which of the P5 countries in the UN security Council has exercised, veto power at the maximum time so far. | USA | Russia | France | Britain | b |
36 | The world’s largest foreign exchange reserves almost 2 trillion are of. | USA | Japan | Germany | China | c |
37 | In computer,CPU stands for. | Computer processing | central programme unit | communication processing unit | central processing unit | d |
38 | The biggest bird is. | Eagle | Owl | Kiwi | Ostrich | d |
39 | 3rd May each year is observed internationally as. | environment day | population day | press freedom day | food day | c |
40 | Human rights organization ‘Human rights watch’ is based in. | Geneva | London | New York | Paris | c |
41 | Which of the following UN agencies has received Noble peace prize. | UNICEF | ILO | UNHCR | All of these | d |
42 | Almost 40% of the world’s oil supply passes through the straits of. | Hormuz | Malacca | Bosporus | Gibraltar | a |
43 | The famous city Waterloo is an. | France | Germany | Sweden | Belgium | d |
44 | Which of the following Gulf states has recently denoted 320 MW gas fired power plant to Pakistan. | Saudi Arabia | Qatar | UAE | Bahrain | c |
45 | Who was ”Hemant Karkare”. | A person involved in Samjhota Express bombing in 2007 | Indian Anti-terror squad chief killed during 2008 Mumbai attacks | Chief of Indian intelligence agency RAW | Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan | b |
46 | Which of the following films has won eight Oscar awards in a ceremony on 23rd February 2009. | The reader | The dark knight | Slumdog Millionaire | Man and Wire | c |
47 | Israel’s brutal attack on Gaza started on 27th December 2008 killing more than 1300 Palestinians had been given the name. | operation blue star | operation cast lead | operation desert storm | operation clean up | b |
48 | Pakistan’s largest trading partner is. | China | America | Saudi Arabia | Japan | a |
49 | What is Khmer Rouge. | A communist movement in Cambodia | Tamil group in Sri Lanka | Irish nationalist party | A port of Singapore | a |
50 | The UN spends the largest amount almost 8 billion annually on. | Healthcare | Poverty alleviation | peacekeeping missions | Literacy and education | c |
51 | The oldest internet search engine is. | Yahoo | | Giga blast | a | |
52 | The Headquarters of IMF is located on. | Geneva | New York | Washington DC | Paris | c |
53 | The main factor attributed to the global financial crisis of 2008 was. | Great slide in oil prices in the international market | Collapse of housing prices and mortgage market in the united states | Huge trade imbalance between America and China | None of these | b |
54 | Karachi nuclear power plant was built with the assistance of. | China | Russia | France | Canada | d |
55 | The term Hung parliament describes a situation in which, | Prime Minister deliberately avoids attending the sessions of the parliament for a long period | Prime Minister has been removed through a vote of no confidence but has refused to step down | No single party has a majority in the house | The ruling party has lost the majority in the upper house | c |
56 | Which of the following categories of Nobel prize was not created by Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel. | peace | literature | economics | medicine | c |
57 | Which of the following group provinces of Afghanistan shares border with Pakistan. | Nangarhar,Paktika,Ghazni | Bamyan,Farah,Neran | Balkh.Samangan,Kunduz | Takhar,Unzigah,Khor | a |
58 | Russia supplies natural gas to European countries through the transit state of. | Latvia | Ukraine | Estonia | Lithuania | b |
59 | ITAR-TASS is the news agency of. | Iran | Italy | France | Russia | d |
60 | The world’s largest subway system is in. | Tokyo | Moscow | Mexico city | New York | b |
61 | Under the status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government, US intended to remove all troops from Iraq by the end of. | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | a |
62 | Philately is a. | science of drugs | stamp collection | the study of written record | the study of animal behaviour | b |
63 | The world’s largest number of newspaper are published from. | America | China | Russia | India | d |
64 | The most famous book of 2008’The way of the world: A story of truth and hope is an age of extremism has been written by. | Ron suskind | H.V. Hudson | Christina Lamb | Ayesha Jalal | a |
65 | Paracel Islands in the South China sea are disputed between China and. | Philippines | Japan | Vietnam | South Korea | c |
66 | National income is essentially composed of. | All wealth of a nation | Annual income of central government | Total amount of money earned within a country | Income derived from taxes by the central government | c |
67 | Fleet Street London is famous for. | banking and financial offices | offices of the cargo companies | offices of the newspaper and press agencies | offices of the royal navy establishment | c |
68 | Petra an archaeological site is among the new seven wonders of the is located in. | Mexico | Italy | Spain | Jordan | d |
69 | Marco polo was a famous. | Writer | Scientist | Traveller | Sportsman | c |
70 | The only vitamin which cannot be stored in human body is. | Vitamin C | Vitamin D | Vitamin K | None of these | a |
71 | Swat valley is situated in the mountain range of. | Hindukush | Kamkorum | Himalayas | None of these | a |
72 | 1 metric ton is equal to. | 100 kilogram | 50 kilogram | 1000 kilogram | 10000 kilogram | c |
73 | In which of the following countries 240-years-old monarchy was abolished in 2008. | Sweden | Brunei | Bhutan | Nepal | d |
74 | Which of the following countries first introduced paper currency in the world | USA | Greece | China | France | c |
75 | Anemometer is an instrument used for measuring. | Wind speed | Electric current | Temperature | Air pressure | a |
76 | Green vegetables are good source of. | starch | fats and oil | protein | minerals and vitamins | d |
77 | British East India company was established during the reign of Mughal Emperor. | Akbar | Jahangir | Shah Jahan | Aurangzeb | b |
78 | The international criminal court of justice has recently issued arrest warrant of one of the following sitting president of a country committing war crimes he is. | president of Sudan Omar-al-Bashir | president of Somalia sharif Ahmed | president of Serbia Boris tadia | None of these | a |
79 | Pakistan and Afghanistan have Transit trade Agreement’s signed in. | 1955 | 1959 | 1962 | 1950 | d |
80 | What do you understand by the disease Insomnia. | inability to sleep | colour blindness | depression | None of these | a |
81 | On which of the following issues Arab-Israel peace process stalled. | shape and size of future Palestinian state | status of east Jerusalem | fate of 3.5 million Palestinian refuges in the Arab world | All of these | d |
82 | The world’s famous Madame Tassaud’s museum is situated in. | Paris | London | Rome | New York | b |
83 | The world’s oldest parliament founded in the year 930 AD is. | British Parliament | Diet of Japan | Althing of Iceland | Cortes of Spain | c |
84 | The last king of Afghanistan was. | Habibullah Khan | Muhammad Zahir Shah | Sardar Daud Khan | Amamullah Khan | b |
85 | Ornithology is the study of. | birds | insects | sea animals | sea plants | a |
86 | Order of cloud and banner is the most prestigious military award of. | Japan | China | India | South korea | b |
87 | Naxalite movement is a pro communism movement started in. | India | Nepal | Bhutan | Sri Lanka | a |
88 | What is meant by petticoat government. | A government in exile A government run by women | A government without actual power | A government run by some feudal lords | b | |
89 | Which of the following south Asian leaders has recently given a proposal to form South Asian task force to combat terrorism in the region. | President Asif Zardari of Pakistan | Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh | Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India | Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake of Sri Lanka | b |
90 | FIFA world cup football 2010 was played in. | England | Spain | Italy | South Africa | d |
91 | The largest opium producer province of Afghanistan is. | Nangarhar | Helmand | Paktia | Herat | a |
92 | Light travel from sun to earth in. | 499.0 sec | 599.0 sec | 699.0 sec | 799.0 sec | a |
93 | What do you understand by the term intifada. | Reconciliation | Uprising | Offence | Negotiation | b |
94 | Which of the following rivers run from Paris. | The seine | The Thames | The Rhine | The Danube | a |
95 | Pearl Harbour is located in American state. | Alaska | Hawaii | Virginia | New York | b |
96 | Russia criticizes American missile defence system deployed in. | Japan and South Korea | Taiwan and Philippine | Poland and Czech Republic | Ukraine and Georgia | c |
97 | Deficiency of vitamin C in human body leads to. | eye disease | nerve disease | teeth disease | skin disease | c |
98 | Tamils in Sri Lanka were fighting for an independent state in the territory of. | Jaffina | Kandy | Ratnapura | galle | a |
99 | The largest section of the Kurd population is living in. | Iraq | Iran | Turkey | Syria | c |
100 | Which of the following is the least free country in view of poor human rights record to described by US based organization Freedom House in its annual report 2009. | Nepal | Bhutan | Myanmar | Cuba | c |
CSS 2022 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers
The following are the CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs solved past papers questions. These questions have been evaluated and checked by Pakistan’s top Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs coaches, who are either lecturers or officers and scored the highest marks in this paper. They include Miss Saba Baloch (CSS-2021), Miss Aimeen Mirza (CSS 2018), Miss Nirmal Hasni (DD NAB), Sir Rameez Ch. (Lecturer & Deputy Director), and Miss Zaineb Azam (the highest scorer – 76). Moreover, these questions have been attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students who have been scoring the highest marks for years.
CSS 2021 Solved Pakistan Affairs Questions

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