83 English, Islamiat, General Knowledge, and Current Affairs questions were taken straight from the Howfiv and CSSPrepForum websites. Moreover, thousands of aspirants who prepared the test from the website have reported that English and many other subjects’ portions have totally come from the website.

Today in the hustle and bustle of the CSS MPT Screening test, 2023, where many of the students were disappointed with their performance, thousands of them who had prepared from the most authentic Howfiv and CPF websites, free of cost websites for all the competitive examinations aspirants in Pakistan, enthusiastically came out of the examination hall confident about their results. Indispensably, the website and forum have been tailored by intellectuals to be a perfect antidote to the country’s archaic academic culture. Thus, they have become an authentic source for all the competitors, as evident from today’s CSS MPT screening test questions. While more than 25,000-30,000 students prepare their exam-relevant questions from the credible website and forum daily, many of them have reported to the authority domain via cheerful emails and messages that 83 questions were taken from these sites. More importantly, the students indubitably declared that all the concept-based English, General Knowledge, Islamiat, and, to some extent, Current Affairs and Ability questions were also taken from the websites. Thus, Howfiv and CPF have become Pakistan’s most trusted examination preparation sources, with the highest success rates for their students.
Comparatively to all other shops selling their CSS, PMS, and other One Paper examination preparation pills using CSP’s names and doing business at every corner of the country, the Howfiv project launched in 2018 has facilitated more than 700,000 students in their examination journey. The platform renders its services in such a way that it has never dodged competitive aspirants and always provided them with updated and relevant preparatory material. By saving bundles of money of a lot of students, the platform has also equipped them with over more than 2.2 million questions related to all the subjects of FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC, GBPSC, AJKPSC, GRE, MDCAT, ECAT, etc., specially prepared by Howfiv’s subjects experts and coaches. Undoubtedly, it is the conscientiousness of the Howfiv team that the website has become the foremost choice of the country’s competitive aspirants. Last year, the Howfiv and CPF websites – with the already high success ratio – also received many messages and emails from the KPPSC PMS screening test students. According to their reports, 70 questions in the KPPSC PMS screening test 2021 were taken directly from these sources. Similarly, the SPSC screening test conducted in March 2021 also had 63 questions from the sites, specially designed for Pakistan’s students.
Therefore, the Howfiv and CSSPrepForum websites are highly recommended as Pakistan’s largest freely available authentic data-loaded credible platforms for the country’s competitive youth. As an exception, the highly successful Pakistan’s LMS – along with many unique initiatives: live cash quizzes, ONE Paper 100 Marks MCQs Exam free preparation with a proper study plan, Howwrites and CSSPrepForum for publishing of write-ups on multiple niches to open avenues for the youth in the e-writing world, and many more – has provided students with not only an education platform but also an economic one, contributing in the alleviation of intellectual economic loss from the country. In the end, Howfiv and its various projects have turned the tables of every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the competitive arena. With its high success rate, the website has – indeed – become an online handbook for all the aspirants, specifically for screening test students as is obvious today from the MPT CSS screening test. Thus the sites have been helping them qualify for their exams and step into their desired cadres to serve the country in the right way.
Want to read CSS Pakistan Affairs Solved Past Papers and learn how to attempt them to score high? Let’s click on the link below to read them all freely. All past papers’ questions have been attempted by Sir Kazim’s students, who scored the highest in the subject.
CSS Solved Pakistan Affairs

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Want to read General Science & Ability Solved Past Papers to learn how to attempt them to score high? Let’s click on the link below to read them all freely. All past papers have been solved by Miss Iqra Ali & Dr Nishat Baloch, Pakistan’s top CSS GSA coach having the highest score of their students.
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