Written by Rukhsana Khalid
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, as competent ones never go for it. Failing to convince others with their myopic approaches, the hot-headed ones take violence as a weapon to secure their vested interests. It could be evil or virtuous and related to an individual, a society, or the state.

Since the fight or the debate between the two entities the powerful, but the short-tempered one, who fails to persuade his rival may go for threatening him. It could be in different forms, mainly to bully him, suppress his voice, cut the supply of the basic needs of life, snatch the right to live and convict him.
Besides that, it is a fact that violence wreck-havoc on society and it does not matter whether the intentions behind it are good or bad. For instance, according to America, that War on Terror (WOT) was started to protect Human Rights; however, it ended in the abuse of human rights. Yet, America pretended that its intention was good, but she adopted the wrong way- of violence, which resulted in more disturbance in the world environment.
Moreover, the incompetent goes for violence because he is inept and lacks the sagacity to think out of the box for other available options. He could not understand that to rule one’s heart; he must win their soul first. Although the success or happiness achieved through violence is short-lived, still he turns to it as his last resort.
Along with that, throughout history, violence has been used by incompetent people to serve their purposes. It embodies hazardous consequences. It creates chaos in society, and humanity suffers. Lawlessness prevails, and the image of the country deteriorates. So, foreign investors lose trust in that country and go somewhere else. As the Taliban’s violent attack at Army Public School in December 2014, resulting in the massive loss of lives. It deteriorated infrastructure, and in the security sense, it tarnished image of the country internationally.
Many factors are responsible for the eruption of violence. It includes achieving interests of individuals, society and the country; to suppress a specific segment of society, to prolong self-rule, and project power. For example, to win White Americans’ support, in recent Presidential elections of the United States of America, Former President Donald Trump has tried to suppress Black Movement violently by deploying paramilitary troops there.

It proves that violence breeds more violence, and does not provide the solution to any of the problems. Therefore, to avoid violence, all entities should try pacific ways of dispute settlements. At the individual level, they should have courage listening to the views and satisfying demands of the opponent and then negotiate with each other. At the societal level, just delivery of rights to the victims, and at the international level the states should engage in decisive dialogue process bilaterally, and in case of circumstances getting worsen, they should hire a mediator or go for the help of international institutions like United Nations (UN), International Court of Justice (ICJ). The states can also reach their regional organisations to discuss the subject matter. In a nutshell, violence is avoidable for that purpose, one must think wisely.
About the writer:
Miss Rukhsana Khalid is one of the bonafide students of Sir Syed Kazim Ali. – one of the distinguished Grammarian in the world. Under his supervision, she is enrolled in course of Online Creative English Writing and learning Basic to Advanced Grammar. Primarily, she is an engineer and loves to write articles and blogs on various topics- Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, International Relations, and Beauty. In case of any query, please reach her at Rukhsanakhalid12@gmail.com
Name of the Student: Miss Rukhsana Khalid
Qualifications: B.Sc Chemical Engineering
Total Articles/Blogs: 1
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing
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