Here are the evaluated introductory paragraphs on Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has evaluated these paragraphs written by his students. Although 140 students submitted their paragraphs, the best ones are published hereunder. Remember, these paragraphs are introductory paragraphs of a 20-marks question, article, and blog – not Here are the evaluated introductory paragraphs on Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has evaluated these paragraphs written by his students. Although 140 students submitted their paragraphs, the best ones are published hereunder. Remember, these paragraphs are introductory paragraphs of a 20-marks question, article, and blog – not the essay introductory paragraphs. Other students are advised to revise the lectures, “What is paragraph writing” and “How to attempt a 20-Marks Question” because we have just uploaded introductory paragraphs, not the lecture. If you learn to write your 20-marks question introductory paragraphs like this, you will likely score up to 70 marks in your compulsory and optional subjects. We have uploaded them hereunder to help others understand the following:
- How to understand the topic
- How to break the topic down
- How to narrow down the topic
- How to write the topic sentence
- How to support the topic sentence
- How to hit the topic in a paragraph’s body
- How to incorporate topic-related details
- How to talk on the topic
- How to build relevancy
- How to develop coherence
- How to give transitions
- How to talk about the subject matter
You all are advised to bookmark this webpage and read it to understand paragraph writing flow.

Paragraphs Writing Practice
Introductory Paragraphs Writing Practice On Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi By Sir Kazim’s Students
Paragraph 1
What were the effects of the reforms of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi on Muslim society?
The revival and the construction of the ideological foundations of the Muslim society would not have been possible without the unwearying efforts of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi, the revolutionary reformist and a courageous agitator. Through his spiritual power, he saved the Muslims from falling into the cradle of the newly born Deen-e-Elahi and inculcated the spirit of Ethehad-e-Sunnah in them. Moreover, by rectifying un-Islamic practices in the Muslim society, he pulled out the Muslims from socio-political and religious crises. Meanwhile, for the refinement of Indian Muslims, through Muktubat-i-Islam Rabani, he convinced the leading nobles against the innovative religious dogmas. As a result, his teachings bore fruit in the reign of Aurangzeb, and his movement gave a new impetus to the propagation of Islam. Besides, the idea of the Two Nation Theory also prevailed in the Sub-continent. Hence, the influence of Mujadid Alf Sani paved the way for Shah Walli Ullah and Sir Syed Ahmad to rejuvenate the spirits of the Muslims afterwards.
by Safeena Zahoor
Paragraph 2
Effects Of Shiekh Ahmad Sirhindi On Muslim Society
The strenuous and constant socio-economic, political, and religious efforts of Shiekh Ahmad Sirhindi, known as Mujadid Alif Sani, have genuinely proven him as a reviver of Islam and a beacon for the Indian Muslims, leading them out of all darkness into light. By condemning the innovation of religion (Bid’at), the misconceptions related to Wahadat-ul-Wajood and opposing Deen-i-Ellahi. However, by writing letters, he initiated a process of socio-economic and political change, inspired by Islamic ideals in an age that was becoming secular. Moreover, Religiously, his reform movement became the antithesis of Akbar’s Divine Faith, curbing the satanic creed’s influence and restoring Islam’s pure doctrine. He opposed unIslamic socio-religious practices and emphasized Ittiba-i-Sunnah. Whereas, politically, he insisted on the concept of Tuheed and denounced Akbar’s concept of sovereignty, such as ‘Zil-e-Elahi’, the practice of prostration before the Emperor. Consequently, the revival movement of Shiekh Ahmad Sirhindi crusaded against all evils prevailing in the socio-economic, political, and religious spheres of society among Indian Muslims.
by Marvi Hamayun
Paragraph 3
Highlight the contributions Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi rendered for Sub-continent Muslims.
Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, a dynamic force who fought relentlessly against un-Islamic practices being followed during the reign of Akbar, was a Muslim reformist. He worked tirelessly to enlighten the then Muslims regarding the true doctrines of Islam. For this purpose, he stood firmly against innovations being made in our religion, denounced the newly-born religion Deen-i-Illahi, condemned the misconceptions related to the concept of Wahadat-ul-Wujood, and strongly criticized the Ulemas, whom he referred to as Ulema-e-Su (The worldly Ulemas) for contaminating the fundamentals of Islam. Moreover, he not only educated the Muslims on the correct teachings of Islam but also pioneered the concept of the ‘Two-Nation Theory’ by instilling the realization that Muslims and Hindus are two distinct nations. Thus, this answer will shed light on the contributions rendered by Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi for the amelioration of the Muslims of the sub-continent and the impacts it left on the hearts and minds of the Muslims of the sub-continent by helping them break through the corrupt societal practices.
by Mehak Hassan

Paragraph 4
Role of Mujaddid Alif Sani in the revival of Muslims in the sub-continent?
Shiekh Ahmed Sirhindi, a torch bearer of Islam, was one of the greatest reformers who changed the fate of the Muslims of the sub-continent through his revivalist movement. He was responsible for guiding the Muslims misguided by king Akbar and Ulema-Su. He opposed the un-Islamic trends prevailing at that time, for example, Deen-i-Ilahi, Sul-i-Kul, Mazhar, inter-religion marriages, and the concept of
Wahdat-ul-Wajud. He asked the Muslims to avoid such beliefs by giving his concepts, like Wahdat-ul-Shahood etc. He also wrote letters to the nobles and grandees of the Mughal empire to counter the un-Islamic practices. He turned to those personalities in his favour to restore and protect the Shariat, the laws of Islam. Moreover, the result of his religious and political efforts for the cause of Islam laid the first stone of the Two Nation Theory, guiding the coming reformers, like Shah Wali Ullah, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, and Allama Iqbal, for a separate homeland, ‘Pakistan’. In conclusion, Mujaddid Alf Sani’s religious, economic, and political efforts awakened Muslims from a night of deep sleep to regain their lost glory by following Islam with its true spirit.
by Syed Abdullah
Paragraph 5
How did the reform movement of Shiekh Ahmad Sirhindi influence the history of Muslims of India?
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi was a great reformer who did not only revive Islam but also stood against the religious amalgamation to save the sub-continent Muslims from spiritual decay. Through his reform movement, he eradicated the root causes of all the evils prevailing at that time, such as Deen-e-Ilahi of Akbar, Ulema-e-Su, and the Bakhti Movement by Hindus. Moreover, it played a significant role in the purification of moral values of Muslims by implementing true teachings of shariah and preaching jihad. Furthermore, by writing Maktubat-e-Imam-e-Rabani, he held the nobles and ulemas accountable. Also, condemning the misconceptions manifested by Akbar related to the concept of Wahdat-ul-Wajood, rejecting lawful innovations in religion, and influencing Jahangir to alter the unIslamic practices prevalent at that time, he rejuvenated the political, economic, and social status of Muslims. To conclude, the reform movement not only inspired future reformers like Shah Walli Ullah to work for the revival of Muslims of India but also laid the foundation of the two-nation theory, which paved the way for a separate homeland for Muslims.
by Fariha Rana
Paragraph 6
Aligarh movement injected a new life into the Muslim nation’s dead body and helped regain its lost glory and prestige. Discuss
The mid-18th century had seen a decline in the Mughal rule due to the flawed policies of the Mughals. The Muslims were reduced to a ruling minority, whereas the War of Independence proved the last nail in the coffin of the Muslim rule. The Muslims of India invited the wrath of the British government, which left no stone unturned to crush them educationally, economically, politically, religiously, socially, and morally. As the events unfolded, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan took a good stock of the then prevailing situation. Subsequently, He started a movement for the renaissance of the Muslims, known as the Aligarh Movement. The movement injected a new life into the Muslims in every aspect of nationalism. Educationally, the move reignited the urge in the Muslims to seek knowledge. Politically, the movement served the Muslims by keeping them aloof from politics. Economically, it created a levelled playing ground for the Muslims, where they could acquire top-notch jobs. Religiously, it imbibed in Muslims the true essence of Islam by teaching them that Islam is not so weak to be easily endangered by modern education. Socially, it convinced the Muslims to abandon the conservative way of living and thinking. Morally, it rekindled the hope by making them visualize the future picture of their glory and prestige, which later transformed into the dream of getting separate representation. Conclusively, the Aligarh movement was a cradle for nurturing the two-nation theory. It gave birth to the future leaders of Pakistan and made the idea of a separate homeland inevitable.
by Nadia Rehman
Paragraph 7
Highlight the contributions of Sheik Ahmad Sirhindi Rendered For Sub-Continent Muslims.
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, one of the second millennium’s most significant reformers, had a pearl of intellectual wisdom and insight on Islamic thought. He played a substantial role in protecting Muslim identity in the sub-continent. His socio-religious and political contributions to the revival of Islam changed the history of the then Muslims. Nonetheless, during the reign of Akbar, Muslims were involved in un-Islamic practices, which were detrimental to the very existence of the Muslim society. Sheik Ahmad Sirhindi opposed the concept of Deen-e-Ilahi, an ill-fated attempt of Akbar to combine the features of Islam with Hinduism. Moreover, he criticized the idea of Wahdat-ul-Wajud in Sufism and presented Wahdat-ul-Shahood. He wrote letters to the government officials emphasizing the need for actual teachings of Islam. Furthermore, he criticized Biddat (innovations) in Islam, which was the main reason for producing several other evils in the name of Islam. In addition, he focused on Muslim Nationalism by opposing the amalgamation policies of that time; thus, he laid the seeds of the Two Nation Theory. This later inspired subsequent Islamic revivalist movements. In short, Sirhindi succeeded in curbing the damage to the basic doctrine of Islam, and the whole society came under the flag of Islam through his efforts.
Paragraph 2
Highlight the contributions of Sheik Ahmad Sirhindi Rendered For Sub-Continent Muslims.
During the later decades of the nineteenth (19th) century, Aligarh Movement was the push to establish a modern education system for the Muslim population of British India. Moreover, the movement created freedom of thought and developed a critical approach amongst Muslims. After the war of independence of 1857, the British termed revolt, and the Muslims isolated themselves. However, the Britishers were openly hostile and suspicious of the Muslims and deliberately kept them out of government jobs because they considered the Muslims’ sole reason behind the revolt. In those severe circumstances, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan appeared on the horizon. He convinced the Muslims to come out of isolation and gain modern Western education without compromising their religion and cultural identity. As a result, the Aligarh Movement influenced the lives of the then Muslims and strengthened them socially, economically, politically, and religiously. Thus, the movement proved the beacon of light for the wholly isolated Muslim community.
By Ayesha Yousaf
Paragraph 8
What influence has Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi left on the history of Muslims of India? Discuss critically.
Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi was indeed a beacon of light for the Muslims of India during the reign of Akbar and Jahangir. The state of religion at that time was frail, for the faith of Muslims was devastated to the point that the commandments of Shariah and Sunnah were at wit’s end. Moreover, Akbar’s controversial policies were a dismal threat to Islam. Then and there, Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi came to the horizon to turn the tides and revive the true sense of Islam. He influenced the then Muslims of India by strictly opposing the innovations in religion and also countering the unorthodox mystic beliefs. Furthermore, his reform movements for the eradication of Deen-e-Ilahi, reformation of the mystic Sufism by condemning the concept of Bidah, and negation of Wahdat-ul-Wujood by preaching Wahdat-ul-Shuhood were the turning points that revived the true principles of Islam. Most importantly, his keen focus on Muslim nationalism by shedding light on the Two Nation Theory, which later became the foundation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India, was undoubtedly a blessing in disguise. In conclusion, Muslims of the Subcontinent are indebted to Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi, who wonderfully reformed the individuals and society by implementing the real essence of Islamic Shariah.
Paragraph 2
Sheik Ahmad Sirhindi, one of the second millennium’s most significant reformers, had a pearl of intellectual wisdom and insight on Islamic thought. He played a substantial role in protecting Muslim identity in the sub-continent. His socio-religious and political contributions to the revival of Islam changed the history of the then Muslims. Nonetheless, during the reign of Akbar, Muslims were involved in un-Islamic practices, which were detrimental to the very existence of the Muslim society. Sheik Ahmad Sirhindi opposed the concept of Deen-e-Ilahi, an ill-fated attempt of Akbar to combine the features of Islam with Hinduism. Moreover, he criticized the idea of Wahdat-ul-Wajud in Sufism and presented Wahdat-ul-Shahood. He wrote letters to the government officials emphasizing the need for actual teachings of Islam. Furthermore, he criticized Biddat (innovations) in Islam, which was the main reason for producing several other evils in the name of Islam. In addition, he focused on Muslim Nationalism by opposing the amalgamation policies of that time; thus, he laid the seeds of the Two Nation Theory. This later inspired subsequent Islamic revivalist movements. In short, Sirhindi succeeded in curbing the damage to the fundamental doctrine of Islam, and the whole society came under the flag of Islam through his efforts.
By Maham Fakhar
Paragraph 9
What influence has Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi left on the history of Muslims of India? Discuss critically.
The renovator of Islam and a true reformer – Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi – was nothing less than a stroke of luck for the Muslims of India. He was indeed a miracle sent by Allah to reform society through his benevolent contributions. Also known by the title of ‘Mujaddid Alf-e-Thani’- the reformer of the second millennium of Islam- he played a significant role in disseminating Islam’s true ideologies and the Prophet Muhammad’s values (SAW). During the period of Emperor Akbar- the era regarded as the age of Islamic poverty – the history of the sub-continent became a strayed path for the Muslims, and they needed a saviour to guide them to the direction of truthfulness. Therefore, his priceless contributions were in conflicting mysticism, where he emphasized Shariah’s superiority by promoting the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. Moreover, his efforts in reforming Sufism by condemning the concepts of Bidah and Karamat, along with the abolition of the Bhagti movement, were positive influences on the restoration of Islam. Not to overlook his worthy letters compiled in a book named ‘The Maktubat-e-Imam-e-Rabbani’, which certainly enlightened the Muslim world. All in all, Mujaddid Alif e Thani was, and still is, the guiding light for the Muslims that steered them to the path of righteousness through his reform movements. Aptly said by Hazrat Khawaja Baqi Billah:
“Shaikh Ahmed is a light which will illuminate the whole world.”
Paragraph 2
Opposite to the philosophy of Akbar’s Din-e-Ilahi, Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi-reviver of the second millennium- reinvigorated the true teachings of Islam. Through his reforms, he negated innovation in the religion and opposed bidat. During Akbar’s reign, Hindus prevailed, and Muslims were at their lowest due to their unorthodox beliefs. In his work, Sheikh rectified the concept of Wahdat-ul-Wajood by introducing the ideology of Wahdut-ul- Shahud and kept Muslims away from un-Islamic practices. Moreover, he blatantly criticized the new religion introduced by Akbar and blamed Ulema-i-Su- worldly scholar- as the root cause of all problems. As a result of his teachings, many people adopted the true essence of Islam and abolished the un-Islamic practices in society. In addition, the re-imposition of Jizya by the rulers and Muslims was made aware of their separate identities, which laid the foundation of the Two-Nation theory. Briefly, Sheikh Ahmed was a reformer who uplifted Muslims socially, politically, and religiously; he was the light which guided Muslims of the sub-continent towards the path of righteousness.
By Maham Fakhar
Paragraph 10
How did the reform movement of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi influence the history of Muslim India?
The revival of Islam in the 16th century in the Indian Subcontinent resulted from the efforts of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi-also known as Mujadid Alif-i-Thani. He revived the lost soul of Islam through his reforms and teachings. He laid the basis for the separate identity of the Muslims and Hindus. Moreover, he criticized the then ulemas working to please the rulers. Sheikh preached the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. He wrote letters to the nobles to condemn Din-i-Ilahi. The reform movement profoundly influenced the next ruler-Jehangir- and the Muslims of India. Consequently, the true essence of Islam started finding its roots in society, and the ruler imposed jizya on non-Muslims. As a result, more people adopted the actual teachings of Islam. Even the birth of the Two-Nation theory resulted from Sheikh’s efforts. Critically, Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi was the guiding light for the then-Muslims who desperately needed to get themselves out of malice of misery. Undoubtedly, Sheikh rejuvenated the roots of Islam in the Subcontinent and made Muslims aware of their identity.
“He was the Guardian of the Muslim faith in India whom God had given a timely warning.”
Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
By Hamza Obaid
Paragraph 11
How did the reform movement of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi influence the history of Muslim India?
In the hour of need, God always sends a guiding light for the misguided people. The guiding light for people of the 16th century in the Indian sub-continent was Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi- also known as Mujadid Alif-e-Thani. He rejuvenized the then Muslims socially, religiously, and politically and made them aware of their true identity through his teachings. Akbar’s era was the era of the downfall of Islam in the sub-continent. Un-Islamic practices were at large; people started believing in Karamats detrimental to the existence of Muslim society. Moreover, the propagation of Din-e-Ilahi proved to be a dagger in the heart of Islamic civilisation. At this time, Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi came to the rescue of the Muslim community. He blatantly criticized the new religion introduced by the ruler and wrote letters to higher court officials to condemn it. Furthermore, he criticized the root cause of all problems- Ulema-i-Su- working to please the ruler. He emphasized adopting the actual teachings of Islam and following the Sunnah. Consequently, through his strenuous efforts, people started embracing the authentic teachings of Islam, and the ruler-Jehangir- was deeply connected to the roots of Islam. As a result, Islamic practices were re-established, and un-Islamic practices were abolished. In a nutshell, Sheikh Ahmed revitalized the true essence of Islam in society and laid the foundation of the Two-Nation theory in the sub-continent.
Paragraph 2
Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi was indeed a beacon of light for the Muslims of India during the reign of Akbar and Jahangir. The state of religion at that time was frail, for the faith of Muslims was devastated to the point that the commandments of Shariah and Sunnah were at wit’s end. Moreover, Akbar’s controversial policies were a dismal threat to Islam. Then and there, Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi came to the horizon to turn the tides and revive the true sense of Islam. He influenced the then Muslims of India by strictly opposing the innovations in religion and countering the unorthodox mystic beliefs. Furthermore, his reform movements for the eradication of Deen-e-Ilahi, reformation of the mystic Sufism by condemning the concept of Bidah, and negation of Wahdat-ul-Wujood by preaching Wahdat-ul-Shuhood were the turning points that revived the true principles of Islam. Most importantly, his keen focus on Muslim nationalism by shedding light on the Two Nation Theory, which later became the foundation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India, was undoubtedly a blessing in disguise. In conclusion, Muslims of the Subcontinent are indebted to Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi, who wonderfully reformed the individuals and society by implementing the real essence of Islamic Shariah.
Paragraph 3
The renovator of Islam and a true reformer – Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi – was nothing less than a stroke of luck for the Muslims of India. He was indeed a miracle sent by Allah to reform society through his benevolent contributions. Also known by the title of ‘Mujaddid Alf-e-Thani’- the reformer of the second millennium of Islam- he played a significant role in disseminating Islam’s true ideologies and the Prophet Muhammad’s values (SAW). During the period of Emperor Akbar- the era regarded as the age of Islamic poverty – the history of the sub-continent became a strayed path for the Muslims, and they needed a saviour to guide them to the direction of truthfulness. Therefore, his priceless contributions were in conflicting mysticism, where he emphasized Shariah’s superiority by promoting the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. Moreover, his efforts in reforming Sufism by condemning the concepts of Bidah and Karamat, along with the abolition of the Bhagti movement, were positive influences on the restoration of Islam. Not to overlook his worthy letters compiled in a book named ‘The Maktubat-e-Imam-e-Rabbani’, which certainly enlightened the Muslim world. Mujaddid Alif e Thani was, and still is, the guiding light for the Muslims that steered them to the path of righteousness through his reform movements. Aptly said by Hazrat Khawaja Baqi Billah:
“Shaikh Ahmed is a light which will illuminate the whole world.”
By Hamza Obaid
Paragraph 12
How did the reform movement of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi influence the history of Muslim India?
Opposite to the philosophy of Akbar’s Din-e-Ilahi, Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi-reviver of the second millennium- reinvigorated the true teachings of Islam. Through his reforms, he negated innovation in the religion and opposed bidat. During Akbar’s reign, Hindus prevailed, and Muslims were at their lowest due to their unorthodox beliefs. In his work, Sheikh rectified the concept of Wahdat-ul-Wajood by introducing the ideology of Wahdut-ul- Shahud and kept Muslims away from un-Islamic practices. Moreover, he blatantly criticized the new religion introduced by Akbar and blamed Ulema-i-Su- worldly scholar- as the root cause of all problems. As a result of his teachings, many people adopted the true essence of Islam and abolished the un-Islamic practices in society. In addition, the re-imposition of Jizya by the rulers and Muslims was made aware of their separate identities, which laid the foundation of the Two-Nation theory. Briefly, Sheikh Ahmed was a reformer who uplifted Muslims socially, politically, and religiously; he was the light which guided Muslims of the sub-continent towards the path of righteousness.
By Hamza Obaid
Paragraph 13
What influence did Mujadid- Alif- Sani have on the history of Muslims of India?
In the hour of need, God always sends a guiding light for the misguided people. The guiding light for people of the 16th century in the Indian sub-continent was Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi- also known as Mujadid Alif-e-Thani. He rejuvenized the then Muslims socially, religiously, and politically and made them aware of their true identity through his teachings. Akbar’s era was the era of the downfall of Islam in the sub-continent. Un-Islamic practices were at large; people started believing in Karamats detrimental to the existence of Muslim society. Moreover, the propagation of Din-e-Ilahi proved to be a dagger in the heart of Islamic society. At this time, Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi came to the rescue of the Muslim community. He blatantly criticized the new religion introduced by the ruler and wrote letters to higher court officials to condemn it. Furthermore, he criticized the root cause of all problems- Ulema-i-Su- working to please the ruler. He emphasized adopting the actual teachings of Islam and following the Sunnah. Consequently, through his strenuous efforts, people started embracing the authentic teachings of Islam, and the ruler-Jehangir- was deeply connected to the roots of Islam. As a result, Islamic practices were re-established, and un-Islamic practices were abolished. In a nutshell, Sheikh Ahmed revitalized the true essence of Islam in society and laid the foundation of the Two-Nation theory in the sub-continent.
Paragraph 2
The revival of Islam in the 16th century in the Indian subcontinent resulted from the efforts of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi-also known as Mujadid Alif-i-Thani. He revived the lost soul of Islam through his reforms and teachings. He laid the basis for the separate identity of the Muslims and Hindus. Moreover, he criticized the then ulemas working to please the rulers. Sheikh preached the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. He wrote letters to the nobles to condemn Din-i-Ilahi. The reform movement profoundly influenced the next ruler-Jehangir- and the Muslims of India. Consequently, the true essence of Islam started finding its roots in society, and the ruler imposed jizya on non-Muslims. As a result, more people adopted the actual teachings of Islam. Even the birth of the Two-Nation theory resulted from Sheikh’s efforts. Critically, Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi was the guiding light for the then-Muslims who desperately needed to get themselves out of malice of misery. Undoubtedly, Sheikh rejuvenated the roots of Islam in the subcontinent and made Muslims aware of their identity.
“He was the Guardian of the Muslim faith in India whom God had given a timely warning.”
Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
By Tehmina Sarwar
Paragraph 14
How Did The Reform Movement Of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi Influence The History Of Muslim India?
Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi, also known as Mujadid Alif Sani and the reformer of the second millennium, revived the distorted situation of Islam in the sub-continent. The tireless efforts of Mujadid- Alif- Sani to purify the religious and practical life of Muslims left an indelible impact on the history of Muslims of India. He emphasized the separate identity of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi – a mystic saint and reformist – known as Mujadid Alif Sani, who had an impregnable influence on Islamic history. He not only tried to keep the Muslims away from wrong practices but also strived to unite them on Islamic teachings. However, during the reign of Akbar, He observed with his intellect that un-Islamic teachings and deviation from Quran and Sunnah were the main reason for the downfall of Muslim culture and the Islamic system in the Sub-continent. Therefore, he brought some religious and social reforms to reform individuals and society. Moreover, he negated the concept of Din-e-Ilahi and Wahdat-ul-Wajud -introduced in Akbar’s reign- by presenting his philosophy of Wahdat-ul-Shuhud, and struggled against Atheism. Consequently, he successfully saved the Muslims from degradation by descendent of Akbar. This answer will discuss in detail how these reforms and sheikh Ahmed’s philosophy influenced and revived the Muslims of the Subcontinent from downfall.
By Laiba Noor

Paragraph 15
Highlight the contributions Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi has rendered for Muslims of the Subcontinent.
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, widely referred to as Mujadid Alif Sani, was a great Islamic scholar and a social reformer in the Subcontinent. He came to the forefront when Muslims lived in ignorance under King Akbar’s rule and his un-Islamic practices. The Muslims very deviated from the true Islamic teachings and adopted un-Islamic practices preached by Akbar in the form of Deen-i-Ellahi. Consequently, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi realized the need for the enlightenment of the Muslims with the actual knowledge of Islam. And he debuted his work by opposing the concept of Wahdat-ul-Wajood and Akbar’s Deen-i-Ellahi. To bring Muslim society back on track, he also condemned Bid’at, innovation in religion, which was one of the crucial causes in leading the Muslims astray. Moreover, he, religiously wrote letters to the high-ranking officials of the government and Mughal Court due to their involvement in evils for worldly gains. Sheikh, in these letters, stressed the need for valid Islamic values as the then Muslims were under the spell of Hindu thought. Due to his untiring efforts to clear the air from all the misconceptions about Islam, he successfully influenced the Muslim nobles and the later Mughals to implement and practice Quran and Sunnah. Sheikh Ahmed’s consistent efforts were the sole reason for the revival of Islam and purifying the faith of the Muslims of the Subcontinent. He proved to be a ray of light for the Subcontinent Muslims living in the dark. It was due to the determination of Sheikh Ahmad that he gathered all the dispersed Muslims under the flag of Islam.
Paragraph 2
Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi – a mystic saint and reformist – known as Mujadid Alif Sani, had an impregnable influence on Islamic history. He not only tried to keep the Muslims away from wrong practices but also strived to unite them on Islamic teachings. However, during the reign of Akbar, He observed with his intellect that un-Islamic teachings and deviation from Quran and Sunnah were the main reason for the downfall of Muslim culture and the Islamic system in the Sub-continent. Therefore, he brought some religious and social reforms to reform individuals and society. Moreover, he negated the concept of Din-e-Ilahi and Wahdat-ul-Wajud -introduced in Akbar’s reign- by presenting his philosophy of Wahdat-ul-Shuhud, and struggled against Atheism. Consequently, he successfully saved the Muslims from degradation by descendent of Akbar. This answer will discuss in detail how these reforms and Sheikh Ahmed’s philosophy influenced and revived the Muslims of the Subcontinent from downfall.
By Urooj Afridi
Paragraph 16
What were the effects of the reforms of Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi on Muslim society?
The reform movement initiated by Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi, popularly known as Mujaddid Alif Thani, was to counter the innovations in Islam introduced by the Mughal Emperor, Akbar. He focused on the social, political, and, most importantly, the religious reforms of the then Muslims that were on the verge of ignorance due to blindly following Deen-e-Ilahi, an amalgamation of religions. Moreover, the most important means used by Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi to urge the Muslims, particularly the courtiers, on the principles of Islam was his treasure of letters- Makhtubat e Imam e Rabbani. As a result, the Muslims started following Shariah and Sunna. Similarly, they began to adhere to the true essence of Islam, void of any impurity. Conclusively, Mujadid Alif Thani became the messiah of that time for treating the wretched plight of the Muslims and, ultimately, bringing them back to their real purpose in life. Allama Iqbal, in his poem, “Punjab k Peerzada k Naam” called him the guardian of Muslim Ummah as “He, the guardian of the estate of millah in India – Whom Allah awakened at the right time.”
By Kashifa Mehmood
Paragraph 17
What were the effects of the reforms of Sheikh Ahamad Sirhindi on Muslim society?
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, also known as Mujadid Alif Sani, was the one who revitalized the true teachings of Islam in the Indian Subcontinent. During the Mughal Era, the Muslim society was involved in several Hindu practices; they followed the notions of Deen-e-Ilahi, and the Mughal Emperors made the amalgamation of various religions. Also, Islam’s social, political, and economic environment was gravely polluted in his era. However, at this horizon, Sheikh Ahmad appeared as the saviour for the Muslims. He was wise enough to bring back the then Muslims from the darkness of infidelity and shirk to the light of the actual teachings of Islam. He also pointed out the difference between Hinduism and Islam. Furthermore, to counter Akbar’s policies, Sheikh Ahmad wrote the book “Ithbat Un Nabuwat”, in which he emphasized Muslims’ spiritual and intellectual growth. In addition, he wrote many letters to Ulmas and Scholars to tell them about the true meaning of Wahdat-ul-Wajood. Simply, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi greatly influenced the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent. Through his teachings of Sunnah, he regained the lost glory of Islam.
By Suqaina Ahmad
Paragraph 18
What were the effects of the reforms of Sheikh Ahamad Sirhindi on Muslim society?
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi was the one who shook the then Muslims who were sunk in the darkness of infidelity and polytheism. Moreover, the Muslims were afraid of the Mughal Emperor and were also afraid to practice their true religion, Islam. There is no doubt that the inquisitive nature of Akbar deteriorated the religion of Islam to which he introduced the concept of Deen-e-Ilahi. He imposed the rules prostrating before Akbar was compulsory. However, on this horizon, Sheikh Ahmad appeared as a saviour for Muslims. He was courageous enough to raise his voice against Deen-e-Ilahi and pointed out the differences between Hindus and Muslims. Furthermore, Sheikh Ahmad significantly influenced Muslims through his book “Ithbat-un-Nabuwat”, thus emphasising Sunnah’s importance. Besides, he also focused on the spiritual growth of Individuals. Moreover, his letters “Makhtubat-e-Imam-e-Rabbani”, which he wrote to scholars and ulemas, made another impact on the Muslims to grow. Thus, one can say that Sheikh Ahmad left a splendid mark on the history of Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent.
By Suqaina Ahmad
Paragraph 19
What influence has Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi left on the history of Muslims of India?
Shaikh Ahmed Sirhndi, the reformer of the second millennium, rejuvenated the lost glory of Islam through his reformist movements. The studies have unfolded that Akbar’s introduction of Deen-e-Elahi, Muslims’ indulgence in un-Islamic practices, and misconception of Wahdat-ul-Wajood had darkened the deadly clouds of Islamic indigence surrounding the then Muslims of the subcontinent. At that hour of turmoil, Shaikh Ahmed Sirhndi appeared as a ray of hope for the then Muslims. He pulled them out of darkness by opposing religious innovation, stressing prayer, and giving the concept of Wahdat-ul- Shahood. Moreover, he differentiated the Muslims from the Hindus and laid the foundation of a separate homeland- Pakistan. Thus, it is not wrong to say that Shaikh not only neutralized Akbar’s work but also affected the mentality of his successors towards Orthodox Islam.
By Mohsin Ali
Paragraph 20
Highlight the contributions of Sheikh Ahmad Sir Hindi rendered for Sub-continent Muslims.
Sheikh Ahmad Sir Hindi, a renowned Sufi and reformist, revived the true Islamic spirit and Sunnah in the Sub-continent. He not only emphasized the reformation of an individual but also the whole society. Bida’at, un-Islamic practices, and karamat were common during the Mughal Era when Mujadid Alif Thani appeared on the horizon. He condemned Akbar’s Deen-e-Elahi and regarded it as the age of Islamic declivity. Moreover, he criticized the Ulema-i-Su, vicious men of knowledge and inventions in the religion, hence, considered Sunnah the key to the progress of society. He eradicated misconception against the saints, dealt with Wahdat-ul-Wajood, and countered it with the mystic concept of Wahdat-as-Shahood that strengthened the orthodox principles. Furthermore, he wrote letters, Maktubat-i-Imam-i-Rabbani, to the imperials and scholars, reflecting on social and religious history and Sirhindi’s spiritual thoughts. He greatly influenced the Jahangir; as a result, the Emperor retracted all the un-Islamic practices executed by Akbar. The answer comprehensively discusses how the struggles and reforms of Sheikh Ahmad laid the foundation of the Two Nation Theory.
By Maria Zahoor
Paragraph 21
What were the effects of the reforms of Sheikh Ahamad Sirhindi on Muslim society?
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi rendered many services to rejuvenate the subcontinent’s morally and religiously corrupted Muslim society. He appeared as a saviour of Islam and countered the then prevailing beliefs of Deen-i-Elahi and the theory of Wadat-ul-Wajood. Din-e-Ilahi, an amalgamation of different religions, was an open attack on Islam in the name of moderation and enlightenment. Under the new religion banned Islamic practices, and Shariah was ridiculed. Amidst such circumstances, Sirhindi launched many religious, social, and political efforts to counter the false practices. For instance, he disregarded the idea of Wahadat-ul-Wajood and gave the theory of Wahdat-ul-Shahood to elucidate the concept of monotheism. Moreover, he condemned the practices of Ulma-e-Su and spoke up against the concept of innovations in Islam. Consequently, he redirected the Muslim society towards the actual teachings of Islam and reimposed the importance of Shariah. Similarly, his letters’ Maktubat-e-Imam Rubaani’ influenced the aristocracy and king Jahangir. As a result, practices like prostration before the king, a ban on Azzan, and inter-faith marriages were invalidated. Last but not least, by pointing out the differences between Hindus and Muslims, Sirhindi established the basis for the Two-Nation Theory. To conclude, the efforts made by Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi played a massive role in reshaping the history of the subcontinent.
By Tamkeen Zainab
Paragraph 22
How did the reform movement of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi influence the history of Muslims in India?
Reform movements play a significant role in societal development. It aims to eradicate the unwanted social evils engraved in people’s minds. When the historians relate the work and services for the enhancement of society, the social, political, and moral reforms of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi, a religiopolitical reformist, could not be overthrown. He pastes a long-lasting image throughout the history of Muslims of India through his endeavours. In the Mughal era, he resisted Akbar’s newly introduced Deen-I-Elahi and sentenced the misconceptions of Wahad-ul-Wajood. Adding to this, he also opposed all un-Islamic practices, such as new innovations (Bid ‘at) and widespread beliefs in Karamat (miracles of a saint), intermarriages between Hindus and Muslims, and a ban on cow slaughter. Thus, he not only preached the actual teachings of Islam and Sunnah but also laid the foundation of the Two Nation Theory, which embellished the building stone of Pakistan later.
By Shaher Bano
Paragraph 23
What were the effects of the reforms Of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi on Muslim society?
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, one of the pioneer Muslim reformists in the subcontinent, revitalized Islam to make people aware of the true facet of their religion, Islam. He highlighted menaces for Islam in his time and tried to purify it through his writings and political reforms. Unfortunately, it was Akbar’s era when the emperor’s strategy to control his empire blended the teaching of Islam with other religions. At this dismal time, Sheikh Ahmad came forward and aspired to Muslim masses, courtiers, and future emperors with his religious, social, and political reforms. For example, first, Sheikh Ahmad curtailed the adulteration of Islam and developed self-consciousness among Muslims. Second, he revived Shariat and stopped Muslims from practising Bidat. Last but not least, Sheikh Ahmad was also the first to lay the seed of the Two nation theory and inspired the subsequent Islamic revivalist movement. In a nutshell, he was a Mujadid who recognized his duty of Tajdeed and started to repair the deteriorating condition of Muslims. Consequently, his endeavours proved fruitful, and Islam got revived in the amalgamated society of the Indian subcontinent.
By Tehrim Javed
Paragraph 24
Highlight the contributions Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi rendered for Sub-Continent Muslims.
Sheikh Ahmad’s endowment was a ray of light for Muslims to recognize their core in the Mughal era. He brought Muslims out of the worldly pleasures of Hindu-influenced society by contributing socially, religiously, and politically. Ironically in his era, Muslims were influenced by Hindu and Christin traditions because of Akbar’s new Din named Din-e-Elahi. To counter this situation, Sheikh Ahmad practised the duty of Mujadid and commenced his work multi-dimensionally. In social contribution, he prohibited inter-religious marriages and worked for the freedom of Muslims in their religious rituals and worship. In the context of spiritual contribution, he wrote letters and books to remember Muslims’ religious duties. The most important contribution of Sheikh was his concept of Wahdat-ul-Shahood-reflection of God in everything- to lacerate the impact of the concept Wahdat-ul-Wajood-God is present in everything. Besides the impact of his teachings on society, his influence took the way to reviving Islam in the court of Mughals. Sheikh’s rectify policy gave Muslims the concept of the Two Nation Theory in the future based on their separate identity. Therefore, Sheikh was an orthodox Muslim who performed his religious duty efficiently.
By Tehrim Javed
Paragraph 25
How has the Reform Movement of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi left on the History of Muslims of India?
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi (reformer of the second millennium) was a great reformer largely responsible for the rejuvenation of Islam in the subcontinent. Through his sustained efforts and unflinching attitude, Sheikh Ahmad revived the true teachings of the Quran and Sunnah in the Muslim society of the subcontinent. Islam faced devastating threats during the reign of the Mughal emperor, Akbar. However, Sheikh Ahmad openly challenged newborn din, Din-e- Ilahi, an amalgamation of all religions and was against any kind of innovation, Biddat, in Islam. Moreover, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi strongly criticized the concept of Wahadat-ul- Wujood meant that there is no difference between creator and creation, which provided the base for Din-e-Ilahi to Akbar. In contrast, Sheikh Ahmad gave the concept of Wahadat- ul- Shuhood, which meant that god and creation are two separate entities. Besides, he wrote several letters to the Mughal emperor and court to make them realize the nature of heretical developments in court. In a nutshell, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi was extremely disgruntled at the anxious state of Muslims. He left no stone unturned in saving Muslim society from dogmatism and secular beliefs of unorthodox mystics.
By Kainat Rahim
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