CSS solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Enumerate The Measures Adopted By Pakistan To Spotlight On The Plight Of Kashmiri People In The Indian-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir After 5th August 2019.
The following article is written by Irum Arif, a student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali. Moreover, the article is written on the same pattern, taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. Sir Kazim has uploaded his students’ solved past paper questions so other thousands of aspirants can understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.
Question Breakdown
In this question, the examiner has asked about Pakistan’s steps to internationalize the cause of the Kashmiri people. First, you need to give a brief overview of the ongoing crisis in Kashmir. After that, tell why it is the need of the hour to tell the whole world about the plight of Kashmiris. Then, enumerate the measures Pakistan has taken to internationalize it. End with the critical analysis of the steps and a conclusion.

- Pakistan has struggled to resolve the Kashmir issue’s perplexity since birth by following various strategies.
- However, erratic moves taken by the Indian government have led to uncertainty regarding the future of Kashmiris.
- For instance, the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution by the Indian government has proved to be the last nail in the coffin.
- As a result, Pakistan has courageously raised its voice for the rights of Kashmiris by highlighting the issue in the international community.
Overview of the Kashmir Crisis:
- Article 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution as a challenge to the Indian government
- Abrogation as an unprecedented situation for Pakistan
- Communication blackout and lengthiest curfew in Kashmir
Deadly impacts faced by Kashmiris
- Significant human rights violation
- Prohibition on the freedom of the press
- Restrictions to necessities of life
- Ignorance of education and children’s right
Pakistan took steps towards the internationalization of the Kashmir issue
- Sensitising the issue in the international community
-Stuttgart Kashmir conference held in Germany
-Hosting of International Conference in Turkey
-Pakistan Ambassador to Riyadh, Raja Ali Ejaz, recently briefed prominent editors and journalists regarding the deteriorating human rights situation and atrocities by occupation forces in Jammu and Kashmir.
- Briefing at the platform of the UNO
-Turkey sees standing by Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir as its duty, the Turkish parliament speaker said on Oct. 1 in the third legislative session of 2019
-Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s Statement at UNGA
- Arranging of Foreign Minister Conference of the OIC
- Using Social media in Pakistan
Critical analysis

The Kashmir conflict has been an apple of discord between India and Pakistan. It has remained an unending agenda of the United Nations (UN) since 1947, disturbing the peace of South Asia brutally. Although the issue is based on the rights of self-determination of the Kashmiris, it has been complicated by India for her vested interests. Ostensibly, the recent illegal step, i.e., the revocation of Article 370 taken by the Indian government, has wreaked havoc in Kashmir with human rights violations, such as arbitrary detention and torture, media blackout, impeding access to the necessities of life, and blockade of religious freedom, etc. According to Mehbooba Mufti, a former chief minister of Kashmir, “The Fifth of August is the blackest day of Indian democracy when its Parliament, like thieves, snatched away everything from the people of Jammu and Kashmir.” As a consequence, Pakistan has stepped forward and taken drastic measures for the resolution of the issue to give the Kashmiris their due rights. However, when Pakistan raised the issue in the international community, only a few nations appeared on the horizon to support Pakistan’s stance. As a matter of fact, the conflict remained unresolved, leaving the Kashmiris at the fate of the Indians. Despite such unusual behaviour of the international community, Pakistan worked sagaciously to take the Kashmiris out of such a nightmare situation by continually sensitizing the issue internationally, briefing at the platform of the UNO, arranging of Foreign Minister Conference of the OIC, and appealing to Indians for dialogues.
Overview of the Kashmir Crisis:
Article 370 and 35A allowed the state of Jammu and Kashmir a certain amount of autonomy with its constitution, a separate flag, freedom to make laws regarding fundamental rights, permanent residence, and property ownership, allowing the Kashmiris to breathe freely in their territory. However, Article 370 posed a challenge to Indian nationhood and Jammu and Kashmir’s (J&K) integration with the rest of the country. Moreover, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was assured that Pakistan would use J&K’s unique status as a weapon for her interest. No sooner did Indians realize that they were skating on thin ice than they abrogated Article 370, seizing the special status given to Kashmir. Arguably, with the revocation of Article 370, Pakistan appeared to be caught off guard and in a conundrum on how to deal with such a destructive situation. Nevertheless, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs strengthened its stance on the issue by narrating that Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) is an internationally recognized disputed territory between India and Pakistan; therefore, the unilateral decision by India was unlawful. Thus, such a drastic move by the Indian government has caused the Kashmiris to suffer politically, socially, economically, educationally, and religiously.
Deadly impacts faced by Kashmiris:
In the light of the above-mentioned facts, Indians, satirically, have created a deadlock situation for the Kashmiris to suppress their innocent voice for their rights. First, the Indian army started human right violation in the region by harassing, raping, and detaining the masses. To induce fear, they started systematically torturing to stamp out protests by terrorizing the local population. Second, the liberty of the press was prohibited and infringed to keep the issue aloof from the international community. Third, the access to necessities of life was significantly dwindling with each passing day, causing millions to lose their life miserably. Last but not least, education and children’s rights were severely disregarded, keeping the future of millions at stake. Taking everything together, Indians attempted every possible tactic to cause the people of Kashmir not to speak a word. Nevertheless, the courageous Kashmiri people did not lose hope and kept struggling for independence. Moreover, Pakistan also raised the curtain from the catastrophic acts of the Indian government and the deployed army humiliating the innocent Kashmiris.
“For the past months, the Jammu and Kashmir has been cut off from the rest of the world even from India. There is a complete lockdown, media gag, and blockade of internet and telephone and all communication system is blocked. There are shortages of food and medicines and people have no access to hospitals.”
Riffat Wani (After 3 months Curfew in Kashmir)
Pakistan took steps towards the internationalization of the Kashmir issue
Knowing the calamity the Kashmiris were going through, Pakistan appeared to save the innocent Kashmiris from the cruelty of the Indian government and army. Even though, except for China, Turkey, Malaysia, and somehow the US, no country supported Pakistan’s stance on the Kashmir conflict, Pakistan did not lose hope. It kept on struggling to get Kashmiris rid of such a cataclysm. However, the country has clarified that it will not initiate any military conflict to resolve the issue. The following paragraphs deal with the steps taken by Pakistan for the internationalization of the Kashmir issue:
- Sensitising the issue at the International Community
Primarily, Pakistan has kept sensitizing the issue in front of the international community to make them stand against India’s unlawful acts. For this purpose, the Stuttgart Kashmir conference was held in Germany. The conference was titled “The Alarming Humanitarian Crisis in Kashmir” on the occasion of UN International Day for Tolerance in Stuttgart. Addressing the conference, the Kashmiri and German human rights activists called upon the world not to ignore the abuses committed by the Indian armed forces in Occupied Kashmir.
It is surprising what I heard about the situation in J&K and German Media doesn’t not cover Kashmir as much as it should”
Karl Christian Housman of UPF
Moreover, the hosting of the International Conference in Turkey, co-hosted by Turkey’s Institute of Strategic Thinking and Pakistan’s Lahore Center for Peace Research, was another step by Pakistan to explain to the world the crisis going on in Kashmir. Sherry Rehman, a senator from Pakistan, said:
“India is trying to redefine the global order. It is doing it by use of power, not soft power. It is the slap on the face of international community and United Nations”.
Additionally, Pakistan Ambassador to Riyadh, Raja Ali Ejaz, recently briefed prominent editors and journalists regarding the deteriorating human rights situation and atrocities by occupation forces in Jammu and Kashmir. The Ambassador talked about the genesis of the Kashmir dispute and highlighted United Nations Security Council resolutions that promised the right of self-determination to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He emphasized that even the former Indian Prime Minister Nehru had made a commitment to decide the fate of the state as per the will of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, but Kashmiris were betrayed. And the Indian decision to repeal article 370 is primarily meant to change the demography of Kashmir. Thus, all these steps at the International level reiterate Pakistan’s will to continue its political, diplomatic and moral support of its Kashmiri brethren.

- Briefing at the platform of the UNO
To internationalize the plight of Kashmiris, the unequivocal support of Prime Minister Imran Khan in the United Nations General Assembly represents another strategy of the country. Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, was the man on the mission at the United Nations, imploring members to persuade India to lift its siege of Kashmir, a longtime flashpoint between the two nations having nuclear weapons. He highlighted the risks to regional peace and security that arose from India’s actions, underscoring the responsibility of the UN and international community to take urgent steps to save lives and help resolve the long-standing Kashmir dispute. Moreover, continuing to highlight the dire situation in Indian-held Kashmir, the Foreign Minister of that time, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, had written six letters to the president of the United Nations Security Council and the UN secretary-general. He conveyed Pakistan’s rejection of the “bifurcation” of occupied Kashmir, highlighted the continued violation of human rights by Indian forces, underlined India’s belligerent rhetoric and actions vis-à-vis Pakistan and reiterated the call for strengthening of UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in those letters.
“Changing the status quo in IOJ&K unilaterally is in complete violation of the Security Council Resolutions, including Resolutions 47 (1948), 51 (1948), 80 (1950), 91 (1951), 122 (1957) and 123 (1957). These Indian actions are, therefore, null and void in terms of international law, and do not, in any way, prejudice the right to self-determination of the people of IOJ&K,”
Shah Mahmood Qureshi
Keeping in view the efforts of Pakistan at the international level, countries such as Malaysia and Turkey supported the cause of the Kashmiri people. For instance, the Turkish parliament speaker said on Oct. 1 in the third legislative session of 2019 that |Turkey sees standing by Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir as its duty”. Similarly, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s Statement at 74th UNGA states: “Now, despite the UN resolution on Jammu and Kashmir, the country has been invaded and occupied.” Thus, Pakistan’s efforts at the UN have helped inform the world about the critical situation in Kashmir.
- Arranging of Foreign Minister Conference of the OIC
After being elected as the chairman of the 48th session of the OIC, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, addressed the session and raised the Kashmir issue and alleged that Indian actions violated the resolutions of the UN Security Council and increased the threat of a conflict between India and Pakistan. Moreover, Pakistan’s Ex-Prime Minister, Imran Khan, also raked up the Kashmir issue at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) foreign ministers’ meeting, saying the 57-member body has not been able to make any impact at all as it’s a “divided house”. Referring to India’s move to abrogate Article 370 in August 2019, Khan said “nothing happened because they (India) felt no pressure.” Furthermore, he said that he was not saying that Muslim countries alter their foreign policies but unless “we have a united front (on core issues) these abuses will keep on happening”. These actions of Pakistan also sought to garner the Muslim countries’ support to minimize the plight of Kashmiris.
- Pakistan’s use of social media
Pakistan’s use of social media, smart diplomatic initiatives and protest gatherings from government and civil society to highlight the Kashmir conflict amid recent events of Indian aggression has launched a successful quest to negate Indian propaganda on the issue. After the misadventure of the Indian Government in revoking the constitutional provisions, social media users from Pakistan, especially government officials including the previous Prime minister, Imran Khan, took to Twitter to condemn Indian atrocities and to show immense support to Kashmiris. Prime Minister has not stopped talking about the issue on his personal Twitter account and calling various world leaders, including the Iranian President and Indonesian Prime Minister, to seek their support on the dispute. Director General ISPR has also been updating the world about the military’s stance on the disputed territory through an official Twitter account. The solidarity movement with Kashmir was augmented with an effective social media campaign on hashtags such as #KashmirBanegaPakistan and #15AugustBlackDay. Various other hashtags like #RedForKashmir, #BleedForKashmir, #StandWithKashmir and #ModiKillingKashmiris #KashmirUnderThreat have also been trending on top on different social media sites. Therefore, to highlight the plight of the Kashmiri people, the use of social media has also been employed in Pakistan.
Critical analysis
In a critical diagnosis, Pakistan’s effort at the International level has borne mixed results. On the positive side, few countries have supported its stance at the national and international level, including Turkey, China and Malaysia. Moreover, people worldwide have demonstrated solidarity with the Kashmiri people in their countries. However, on the negative side, Pakistan’s efforts have not been successful at large. Many countries under the economic clout of India have refrained from taking any action or giving any statement against India. Adding fuel to the fire, not even most Muslim countries have taken any strict stance. OIC, the mouthpiece of Muslims, failed to take any solid action against India due to the bilateral relations of many of its members with India. Thus, it can be said that the actions of Pakistan to highlight the Kashmiri people’s plight would only be successful when Pakistan’s social, political and economic standing improves globally as the world of today runs on national interests rather than moral values and emotions.
In a nutshell, the Kashmir conflict – an unsolved agenda – needs the dire attention of the international community. The unjustifiable behaviour of India towards the Kashmiris is growing worst with each passing day. In addition, India is trying to occupy the state forcibly by suppressing the voices of innocents. The problem is not as complicated as India has manoeuvred it on physical and military occupation strength. Consequently, Pakistan is trying its best to internationalize the cause of the Kashmiri people and garner the support of the world. Thus, until the international community accedes to helping the Kashmiris by facilitating either the talks or the implementation of the UN resolution, no resolution of the crisis is possible.
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