Written by Khuleed Bin Mahboob
The best opinion on the topic “Critically evaluate the evolutions of Muslim Separate identity in the Sub-continent” by Khuleed Bin Mahboon – student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali.
The distinct Muslim identity in the Sub-continent took shape through an evolutionary process. Although the process began in the 8th century, with the advent of Islam in the Sub-continent, the Muslim identity transformed further into a nationalist movement in the early 20th century due to the “Two Nation Theory”.

The Muslim identity in the Indian Sub-continent developed gradually through an evolutionary process. The consciousness of a separate identity among Muslims began in 712 AD, with the advent of Islam in the Sub-continent. Concerning this, Muhammad Ali Jinnah said, “Pakistan came into being the day when the first Hindu converted to Islam”. Moreover, reformist movements by religious leaders, such as Shah Wali Ullah, which were aimed at reviving Islamic teachings, bolstered the Muslim identity. Furthermore, common historical experiences, differences with Hindus, and a rooted sense of belonging to the universal Muslim community (ummah) served as the basis for developing a distinct Muslim community, within the Sub-continent. Moreover, notable historical figures, namely Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah solidified the idea of Muslim separatism further by introducing education reforms, elucidating the philosophy of Muslim nationhood and translating the idea of Muslim separatism into a political reality, respectively. Besides, Urdu-Hindi Controversy, the Meerut Incident, the aftermath of Khilafat Moment, and, above all, the results of the 1937 elections made the idea of “Two Nation Theory” popular among the Muslims. As a result, the Muslim separatist movement gained momentum and culminated in 1947, with the creation of Pakistan.
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