Written by Naveed ur Rehman
The best opinion on the topic “The Threat of Global Warming and the Ways to Counter It” by Naveed ur Rehman – student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali.
Global warming, a human-made disaster, has affected every corner of the planet. It has become constant havoc, having worse effects on almost all aspects of life. It is an increase in the overall temperature of the atmosphere, which imbalances the overall equilibrium of the earth’s atmosphere, posing severe risks to sea life as well as land life. Moreover, a continuous rise in temperature harbingers climate change, which, resultantly, leads to droughts, deforestation, melting of glaciers, a cause of floods, and affecting the production of crops, etc. Therefore, its effects on the economy, health, and overall infrastructure have increased to the point of high risk. However, it is still manageable. Its impact can be mitigated by putting collaborative efforts, nationally and internationally. Its consequences can be minimized by introducing new environmental laws, strengthening environmental protection agencies, using hybrid transports to commute, opting for renewable energy sources, controlling greenhouse gases, etc. At the same time, every individual’s responsibility is to contribute to lessening the severe impacts of it. Otherwise, it is a time bomb, and if it is not taken seriously, it may explode at any time.

About the writer:
Naveed ur Rehman is one of Sir Syed Kazim Ali’s students. He is enrolled in CSS, PMS English Essay & Precis Course and learning creative writing. He is from Lakki Marwat and has studied MA English Literature & Diploma in Linguistics. He loves writing on international affairs, political and social issues.
Name of the Student: Naveed ur Rehman
Qualifications: MA English Literature & Diploma in Linguistics
Total Articles/Blogs: 1
Location: Lakki Marwat
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: CSS, PMS English Essay & Precis Course
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