Don’t Let Your English Essay and Precis Papers Spoil Your PMS KPK (KPPSC) Result. | Let’s Join Online PMS Sindh English Essay, Precis and GK Class by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to Qualify for the PMS Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission.
Qualifying for a competitive exam requires aspirants to have a good command of English written communication skills. Despite having heaps of knowledge, facts, and the latest information, thousands of aspirants cannot transfer their thoughts on the given topic to the examiner because they lack communication skills. Consequently, a large number of aspirants fail to qualify for English essays and precis papers. Some students who have a good understanding of English grammar also flunk their essay papers as they do not distinguish between grammar and written communication skills. Writing is an art based not on grammar alone; instead, it is based on structures, focused by a very few students. Hence, if you do not know how to give your ideas and opinions words, qualifying for the exam will remain a distant dream. So, Whether you have just started preparing yourself or have just planned to begin KPK PMS preparation, the Howfiv KPK PMS English Essay and Precis papers course are designed to meet your needs. Like each year, Sir Syed Kazim Ali, the best CSS, PMS English teacher in Pakistan, has introduced Online KPK PMS English Essay and Precis Class. The number of seats has also been kept 20 (for the new students) as usual. Already registered students will automatically be transferred into the PMS session after qualifying for the initial test (Kindly Contact Sir Kazim’s Admin). The admission in Online KPK PMS English Essay and Precis Class will only be granted based on paragraph evaluation. In this blog, everything has been mentioned regarding admission, syllabus, duration, and fee of the course.

Studying Competitive English with Sir Syed Kazim Ali Always Makes A Difference
Who is Sir Syed Kazim Ali? The Best CSS, PMS English Teacher in Pakistan
Courses Details:
1 | English Coach |
Sir Syed Kazim Ali | |
3 | Available Seats (For New Students) |
20 Seats Only | |
4 | Available Seats (For Already Registered CSS Students) |
15 Seats Only | |
5 | Lecturing Method |
Online (Via Zoom) | |
6 | Lectures a Week |
4 Lectures | |
8 | Registration Deadline |
None (Admissions Open) | |
9 | Classes Start On |
(Already Started, Can Join Now) | |
10 | PMS English Essay, Precis and GK Prep Session |
Rs. 15,000/Month |

Feel Free to Contact Us at What’s App for any Question | 0332-6105842
Special Focus for PMS 2021 English Essay & Precis
1- The Writing Process
- What is sentence structuring?
- What level of grammar you need to start writing?
- How to use contemporary vocabulary appropriately?
- How to get focus & organize thoughts?
- How to get ideas & collect information?
- How to establish thesis?
- What is your audience and how to grab its attention?
- How to organize your thoughts coherently?
- How to write catchy titles and teasers?
- How to start and end blogs?
2- English Language Focus
- Grammar & Sentence Structuring (Basic to Advanced)
- Sentence Varieties & Sentence fragments (Basic to Advanced)
- Structural & Clauses Contraction (Basic to Advanced)
- Agreement Mistakes (Basic to Advanced)
- Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (Basic to Advanced)
- Verbs Tense Shifts (Basic to Advanced)
- Adverbials (Basic to Advanced)
- Conjunctions & Connections (Basic to Advanced)
- Misplaced Modifiers & Adjustments
- Faulty Parallelism & Adjustments
- Verbal Concepts, Errors & Usage
- Academic Diction, Mood & Tone
- Journalistic Diction, Mood & Tone
- Story Diction, Mood & Tone
- Articles, Demonstratives, Modifiers & Quantifiers Usage
- Punctuation & Punctuation Expressions
- Tenses, Voices & Narration
- Conditional (All Types – Rules, Errors, and Usage)
- Auxiliaries & Modals (Rules, Errors, and Usage)
- Prepositions (Rules, Errors, and Usage)
- Phrases & Clauses (Basic to Advanced)
- Advanced Usage of Phrases & Clauses
- Sentence Analysis, Transformation & Synthesis

All English grammar concepts have been enclosed into MCQs available for registered students only.
3- Vocabulary Usage Focus
- 750 Modern Vocabulary Words (Appropriate Usage)
- 500 Plus Idioms & Phrases (Appropriate Usage)
- 500 Confusing Words (Appropriate Usage)
- 350 Phrasal Verbs (Appropriate Usage)
- 150 Proverbs (Appropriate Usage)
- 300 English Expressions (Appropriate Usage)
- 250 Smilies & Metaphors
- 200 Uncommon Words & Phrases
- 500 Most Used Synonyms
- 500 Most Used Antonyms
- 500 One-word Substitutions
All vocabulary has been enclosed into MCQs available for registered students only.
4- The Elements of Writing
- How to plan thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, and experiences?
- How to organize them coherently and relevantly?
- How to build and develop unity?
- How to begin and end attractively?
- What is a paragraph?
- How to connect sentences & paragraphs?
- What are connection and transition words?
- What are effective sentences and how to write them?
- How to write with references?
- What is diction and tone?
- How to write figuratively?
5- Essay Writing Focus
- Illustrative Type
- Narrative Type
- Descriptive Type
- Analytical Type
- Definition Type
- Division & Classification Type
- Comparison & Contrast Type
- Cause & Effect Type
- Argumentative Type
Kindly note that not everybody is given admissions in the course because whenever Sir Syed Kazim Ali opens up any CSS, PMS or Advanced writing-related courses, thousands of students, bloggers, professionals, and aspirants apply within days. This time, admission will only be granted to 20 new students based on the evaluation of the written paragraph. So, whenever 20 students are completed, Sir Kazim’s admin closes admissions.
How your journey starts:
Any interested competitive student (from Punjab, KP, Sindh, and GB) can register himself or herself for the Online PMS Class by filling in the form available at the Howfiv website – click here to open the form
✓ Each interested student has to fill an online form – Contact Mentor.
✓ Fill in the required fields and write a paragraph “Why do I want to learn English?” and submit.
✓ If your paragraph is selected, you will be contacted by one of the Howfiv representatives within 2 to 5 days.
✓ The representative will forward you the test link. Because of a very large number of applicants, this time each selected student will have to attempt 100 to 200 MCQs based tests to secure admission.
✓ If you qualify for both of the stages, you will be granted admission to the course.
✓ If your writing skills are of intermediate level (F.Sc. level), the admin calls you for complete registration.
✓ You step into your desired course.
Register & Join Now – Register for the Course
- First Name:
Write your first name there in the form - Last Name:
Write your last name there in the form - Qualifications:
Write your recent qualifications there in the form - Age:
Write your age in numbers (21, 27, or 31, etc.) - Email:
Enter your valid email address there in the form - Phone:
Enter your valid contact number there in the form Nationality:
Choose Pakistani only - City:
Write the name of your city there in the form - What do you want to prepare for?
Choose “PMS English Essay & Precis by Sir Kazim” - You want individual or batch coaching?
Choose batch coaching - Message:
Write a paragraph, which is compulsory for getting admission to the session. Whoever does not write a paragraph on any of the following topics won’t be given admission.
The paragraph must be 150 to 500 words.
- Why are you interested in a government job?
- What is the objective of your life?
- Why do you want to prepare for the PMS exam?

M. Usman Gul | Hira Ahad
Register & Join Now – Register for the Course

In case of any difficulty while filling in the form, kindly contact admins at the what’s app numbers or use any of the following given forums.
- Admin’s What’s App | 0332-6105842
- Admin’s What’s App | 0330-8070982
- Admin’s What’s App | 0335-5844749
- Howfiv’s Official Email |
- Howfiv’s Official Website |
- Howfiv’s Twitter | @howfiv
- Howfiv’s LinkedIn | @howfiv
- Howfiv’s Instagram | @howfiv
- Howfiv’s FB Page| Howfiv Page
- Howfiv’s FB Group | Howfiv Group
- Howfiv’s Science Facts | Howfacts
Register & Join Now – Register for the Course
As soon as the system receives your details, it will add you to a whats’ app group created for interested students. All other details will be uploaded there.
If you are unable to submit the form then kindly email us the above-mentioned details in the same manner at
Register & Join Now – Register for the Course
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CSS 2022 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers
The following are the CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs solved past papers questions. These questions have been evaluated and checked by Pakistan’s top Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs coaches, who are either lecturers or officers and scored the highest marks in this paper. They include Miss Saba Baloch (CSS-2021), Miss Aimeen Mirza (CSS 2018), Miss Nirmal Hasni (DD NAB), Sir Rameez Ch. (Lecturer & Deputy Director), and Miss Zaineb Azam (the highest scorer – 76). Moreover, these questions have been attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students who have been scoring the highest marks for years.
CSS 2021 Solved Pakistan Affairs Questions

More Essays
- Meaning Purposive Education
- Bureaucracy Doldrums
- Is Gender Equality a Myth?
- Pros and Cons of Globalization for Pakistan
- Islamophobia: Causes and Consequences
- Artificial intelligence: Its Merits and Demerits
- IMF Bailouts: Roads to Stability or Recipes for Disaster
- Can Foreign Aid Help A Country Achieve Economic Stability?
- Consequences of American Withdrawal from Afghanistan on South Asia
- Money And Success Do Not Change People; They Merely Amplify What Is Already There
- Almost Always, The Creative, Dedicated Minority Has Made The World Better