Written by Muhammad Ibadullah
The best opinion on the topic “Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream” by Muhammad Ibadullah – student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali.
Freshwater scarcity, the gravest global threat, has notably impeded Pakistan’s development in the absence of proper water management. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Pakistan has been ranked third among the countries facing acute water shortages. Consequently, the impacts of water crises on health, food security, poverty alleviation, and employment have already crippled economic development, engendered social chaos, and created political instability across the country. First and most important, water scarcity has hampered the economic growth of the country. No country’s economy is more water-dependent than that of Pakistan. Pakistan is an agricultural country, with most of its freshwater resources being used for irrigation purposes. Usable water has already depleted enough to create profound economic implications, and further wastage and mismanagement could be responsible for pushing the country into even deeper crises. On top of it, Pakistan also has no mechanism available for storing and using floodwater; consequently, the acute water shortage, coupled with the devastating effects of climate on agriculture, can collapse its economy. On the other hand, water scarcity also disrupts the social well-being of the people. Shortage of fresh water in most urban and rural slums has created multiple health hazards for the people. Moreover, the rural people are primarily dependent on self-sustaining agriculture; thus, the water shortage has directly affected their quality of life and has decreased their level of satisfaction. Furthermore, the water shortage has increased unemployment in the agriculture sector, devising social unrest in the people. Last but not least, water scarcity has created a political divide and instability among the provinces. The mismanagement of water resources and unequal divide among the provinces have created political chaos in the country. As a result, it has fractured the national unity and even affected the cooperation of the provinces on other issues as well. Further water wastage and the shortage could diminish the national agreement among the provinces. Although water scarcity is a significant challenge for Pakistan to contain, it can be controlled by proper management of water resources with immediate policies implementation.

About the writer:
Muhammad Ibadullah is one of Sir Syed Kazim Ali’s students. He is enrolled in CSS, PMS English Essay & Precis Course and learning creative writing. He is from Mardan and has studied Political Science. He loves writing on international affairs, political and social issues.
Name of the Student: Muhammad Ibadullah
Qualifications: BS Political Science
Total Articles/Blogs: 1
Location: Mardan
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: CSS, PMS English Essay & Precis Course
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