CSS 2021 solved precis paper | CSS 2021 solved preposition | CSS 2021 solved sentence correction | CSS 2021 solved pair of words | CSS 2021 solved punctuation | CSS 2021 solved paragraph
Although the CSS 2021 precis and composition paper was quite tricky, I was delighted when some of my students called and told me that they were quite sure about synonyms and antonyms, sentence corrections, prepositions, and above all punctuation and paragraph writing. They think that whatever I had taught them became part of the paper. No, my dear, the truth is you people have practised each concept thoroughly for 5 to 6 months. The credit goes to Allah and your hard work, not to me alone. I wish you very best of luck. May Allah guide you and help you qualify for the exam as he did to my previous students, Amieen. I am very thankful to Almighty Allah who has been so kind to me. All of my students who have gone through my lectures and notes – vocabulary (700 words), pair of words (500 words), idioms (500 words) synonyms and antonyms (1200 MCQs), 70 plus punctuation paragraphs, and 50 plus Urdu to English practice paragraphs – must be confident today.

CSS 2021 Solved Pair of Words
Gibe & Jibe
“Gibe” (verb) means: to taunt, jeer, or make fun of.
“Jibe” (verb) means: To agree.
Sarah’s friends gibed her for wearing sunglasses at night.
Laraib’s brother didn’t jibe with her idea of migration.
Epigram & Epigraph
“Epigram” (noun) means: A brief, witty statement in prose (written work) or verse -similar to an aphorism (a brief saying/ phrase, which expresses an opinion or makes a statement of wisdom).
“Epigraph” (noun) means: A quotation set at the beginning of a text (a poem, an essay, a book, a chapter of a book) to suggest its theme.
During his speech, Sir Syed Kazim Ali quoted an epigram from one of his favorite poets.
One of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s quotes was used as an epigraph on the school building named after him.
Brawl & Bawl
“Brawl” (noun) means: A noisy quarrel or fight.
“Brawl” (verb) means: To fight in a rough/ noisy/ uncontrolled way
“Bawl” (verb) means: To cry/ shout loudly.
A few students were responsible for inciting a brawl after they accused the government of wrongdoings.
Mutahar and Khuleed spent yesterday night in separate police cells after brawling with hotel security guards.
“Get out of my car!” Alia bawled angrily.
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Crib & Crypt
“Crib” (noun) means: A small bed for a baby having high bars around the sides so that the kid cannot fall out.
“Crypt” (noun) means: A cellar, vault, or underground chamber where bodies are sometimes buried.
My mother laid my younger sister back again in the crib.
While touring the ancient city Pompi, the tourists were told about the crypt of the old church, which had a musty dank smell.
Barmy & Balmy
“Barmy” (Adj.) means: Slightly crazy or very silly/ foolish.
“Balmy” (Adj.) means: Pleasantly warm or calm.
Laraib didn’t think that skydiving was a barmy idea, but her younger brother said it was the craziest thing he’d ever heard of.
The balmy breeze from the ocean created a comfortable environment for my wedding ceremony.
Monogamous & Monogenous
“Monogamous” (Adj.) means: Having married to only one person at a time
“Monogenous” (Adj.) means: Relating to monogenesis (development from a single source, e.g. a cell, an ancestor, or a language).
Every modern girl most commonly seeks a monogamous marriage-even in societies that allow polygamy.
The inherited disorders of haemoglobin and sickle-cell anaemia are by far the commonest monogenous diseases.
Are you looking to learn English communication skills to qualify for the CSS and PMS English essay & Precis papers? Let’s join Sir Syed Kazim Ali and learn how to give your ideas and thoughts words, fluently and confidently.
CSS & PMS 2024 Extensive English Course

Let’s read more about Sir Syed Kazim Ali.
- Top English Teachers for CSS and PMS in Pakistan
- One Man, One Idea, Years of Struggle, Millions of Students by DailyTimes
- The Best English Teacher for CSS / PMS by Sir Ali Raza
- The Best English Teacher in Pakistan, Who Has Helped Me Most
- Sir Syed Kazim Ali the best CSS English teacher in Pakistan by concernedreviews
- How to Qualify for the CSS Essay and How to Write it? | CSS Essay and Communication Skills.
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