PMS Ministerial Solved Essays | Literature is the Essence of Life
This PMS Ministerial essay is attempted by Shumaila Majeed on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali teaches to his students, who have consistently been qualifying their CSS, and PMS essays. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns.
How To Attempt 25-Marks PMS Ministerial Essay?
Unlike CSS or PMS essays, the essays asked in the PMS ministerial or any descriptive examinations in Pakistan are of 25-marks. All you need to qualify for the PMS ministerial essay paper is to understand the topic, create an outline displaying the proper plan of your essay and write an introduction precisely carrying the thesis statement. An introductory paragraph of such essays is a 150- to 200-word paragraph that gives your examiner a quick overview of your essay and its organization. It should express your thesis (or central idea) and your key points. Remember, the introductory paragraph is a concise summary of the essay, upon which your success standstill. However, the body of your essay will develop and explain these ideas much more thoroughly. As you will see in the solved essay below, the proportion of your introduction that you dedicate to each kind of information and the sequence of that information might vary, depending on the nature and genre of the essay you select. Nevertheless, in some cases, some of this information is implied rather than stated explicitly. For better preparation, revise my lectures on how to attempt a 20 or 25 marks essay, write its outline and introduction and prove your arguments with relevant evidence in the essay’s body paragraphs.

2- Apprehending the axiom “Literature Is the Essence of Life”
3- Why does literature infer the essence of life?
- Satisfies human’s quest to know the core value of existence
- Case in point: The literary collection of Allama Iqbal, such as Asrar-e-Khudi, Rumuz-e-Bekhudi, and Bang-e-Dara, depict the different life patterns in terms of age requirements and basic human nature and world realities.
- Reverses the school-to-prison pipeline
- Case in point: Literature generates a positive stimulus, reforms the thought process, and compels its recipients to perform optimistic action, an argument presented by the Effective Theory of Literature
- Edifies the history, politics, culture
- Case in point: The literary work “In Other Rooms, Other Wonders” by Daniyal Mueenuddin has the undying themes of life, class, culture, power, and desire.
- Spurs the field of science
- Case in point: Literature on Ibn al Hashim’s and Al Zahravi’s discoveries in ancient Spain further the modern expeditions toward Anatomy and Medicine
- Reclaims spirit and flavor of life
- Case in point: According to the Expressive Theory of Literature, poetry uses to express the internal world, imagination, and emotion, and called poetry “emotion recollected in tranquillity”
- Dismantles chauvinist ideologies
- Case in point: The literacy endeavor of Jennifer Eberhardt, “Biased”, uncovers the hidden prejudices in the classroom, offices, society, and political systems that shape human lives
4- Critical analyses
5- Concluding remarks

Literature accentuates the importance of the course of self-actualization. It represents the reality, either acrid or warm, conflicting or harmonizing, disclosed or covert, or an amalgamation of all forms of present and past events in an aesthetic way. For a reader, literature brings pleasures and treasures of life, a discourse on political and cultural accounts, an epic of love and affection that brings the rollercoaster of emotions, a narrative on the history of cultures and civilizations, a classic art on the struggle for freedom and nationhood, a pacifier to humans’ agony for the purpose of existence, a seducer for the yearning nature of man to get knowledge, a perfect guide to moral etiquettes and social demeanours, a eulogy of statesmen and religious guides, an inspiration for the tired souls, and above all, it is literature that compels people to accept change while remaining attached to their origin and keep on striving for the best. As is evident from the Didactic Theory of Literature by John Amos Comenius, states literature is a recipe of fables, parables, instruction manuals, and philosophical to spiritual courses that teach its recipients. Further, a responsible piece of literature of all genres builds resilience in human personality, improves the sense of equality in the social order, and under the contemporary prerequisites of society, advances human knowledge and skill to bear his sustenance, boosts the expertise of entrepreneurs and digital programmers, enhance medical awareness in general public and dexterities in medical professionals.
“Indeed, books are vital vehicles to access, transmit and promote education, science, culture, and information worldwide.”
Audrey Azulay, Director General of UNESCO

Hypothetically, the maxim “literature is the essence of life” refers that literature brings people closer to life, connecting the conscious thought process and materialistic realities with sentiments and subliminal judgments. Further, literature spices the intangible perspectives of life and bestows them with words to express. Deeming on the literal sense of literature, it is a creative intellectual product in the form of poetic verses, books, and pamphlets, whether in fiction, comic, analytic, documentary form, or learning curricula, with cultural, economic, and political components that mirror human culture, relations, natural phenomena in the vicinity, geographical patterns, and governmental issues, either present or past, and overall, grants essence to human life.
To begin with, the very essence of life is to know about its existence and purpose and find out its creator. The huge amount of literary work gives the answer of human presence, the mystery behind life and death, and man’s productive participation in his society and nation. For instance, the literary collection of Allama Iqbal, such as Asrar-e-Khudi, Rumuz-e-Bekhudi, and Bang-e-Dara, depict different life patterns in terms of age requirements and basic human nature and world realities. Literature, more precisely, the religious writings and inspirational contributions of scholars, have interpreted religion, enthused their readers, and correlated religious conviction with modern sciences, which input the sense of worth in men. Thus, it is all cheers to literature, satisfying man’s quest to identify his reality.
Similarly, with the fluctuating surrounding in terms of materialism, revolutions, modernism, entrepreneurship, and socialism, there is immense pressure on humans to catch the present wind of civilization. Appreciatively, literature serves this mandate very well, and multiple authors from ancient times to the contemporary period have donated their literary work to encourage individuals to not only embrace change but to celebrate it and take part in further revolutionizing society. For instance, Heraclitus’s work “Life is Flux” inspires people to grip alteration as the fundamental essence of life and live in it, even rejoice in it, with total awareness of what one has and would inevitably be lost. Eventually, literature, the essence of life, helps humans to enlighten their thought and conduct and live the moments.
Moreover, it is obliged to literature that the formation of a civilized society with a meagre crime rate and maximum prosperity index is achievable. Literature, specifically the education curricula, shapes human personality, builds sagacity, and stimulates an individual to toil for the amelioration of himself and his community. For example, as per the Effective Theory of literature, art generates a positive stimulus, reforms the thought process, and compels its recipients to perform optimistic action. In addition, it disrupts the psychological fetters of orthodox society; instead, it profanes humanity and justice. Literature also amends the thought process and, eventually, inculcates morality and closes criminal tendencies. Hence, literature, with all its armour, shatters the plague of ignorance and rekindles the spirit of human culture.
Literature, besides motivating individuals and telling the realities of life, informs the masses about their political affairs, ethos, nationhood, class and creed system, the power structure in society, and administrative functions. For example, The literary work “In Other Rooms, Other Wonders” by Daniyal Mueenuddin enriches the minds of the readers with the undying themes of life, class, culture, power, and desire in Pakistani society. Every nation has a specific genre of literature, particularly formulated on culture, politics, and history, that presents the cultural heritage, current political scenario, and political struggles of their ancestors. Hence, the literary work on culture and traditions, social class conflicts, power hierarchy in an administrative function, and political tussles enlighten the understanding of humans and develop a sense of belongingness with society.
In addition, the present evolved theories and practices in the fields of science, specifically in Biology and Medicine, have also taken their bases from the pre-text of medieval age scientists. Literary efforts, for instance, to enhance understanding of the human biological structure and function, discovering advanced medicine and surgery to find the etiology and treatment of ailments, are worthy of regard. In this repute, the literature on Ibn al Hashim’s and Al Zahravi’s discoveries in ancient Spain proved pivotal to the modern expeditions toward Anatomy and Medicine. Additionally, scientific disciplines, not only in anatomy and medicine but also in quantum physics, molecular biology, radiology, chemistry, and in colossal modern subjects, have their roots in the literary history of ancient researchers whose work flourished the modern-day science. In the end, it is literature that has proven its claim as the essence of life.
Also, one of the exceptionally amusing sights of literature is rhyme. Nature, with all its beauty, life with all of its vicissitudes, when integrated with emotions, suffixes, prefixes, and the wit of the writer, magically emerge into the piece of literature, poetry. It is generally perceived as the most eloquent, brief, yet comprehensive literature, conveying the idea or opinion of the poet in a very creative manner. For example, according to the Expressive Theory of Literature, poetry uses to express the internal world, imagination, and emotion, and is called poetry “emotion recollected in tranquillity”. Moreover, these poetic verses become part of a nation’s culture and folk music and primarily act as rhetoric during times of conflict, oppression, and revolution. Consequently, the literary work of the poet acts as an elixir to its society, rejuvenating the purpose, kindling the emotion, and inculcating a sense of nationalism.
Last but definitely not least, in the fast pacing world, under the new world order of racial politics in correlation with primaeval supremacist ideologies, literature toils to deferment the internal affairs, political culture, and foreign affairs of states. Many renowned authors, such as Arsim Tariq and Alexander Barder, have tacitly thrown light on racial bigot and economic theories, which have pushed the world community into an unjust war, either in the race of consumerism or in so-called apocalyptic racial politics. Moreover, the literacy endeavor of Jennifer Eberhardt, “Biased”, stresses unconscious racial prejudices at all stages of society – in neighborhoods, seminaries, offices, and criminal justice systems. Therefore, literature strives to build critical thinking, denouncing false demagogues and raising concerns on how to propose an alternative and more conducive order in all the social and political spheres of the world. So, to conserve humanity, unbiased literature is fundamental to preach equality and justice.
Critically evaluating the discussion, there are numerous genres of literature that enrich the mind of its reader and grant him wisdom, either to oppose an idea or build additional reasoning on it. However, the literature is based on some conflicting ideas. These conflicts in literacy provide tension in the narration and, sometimes, oppose human beliefs and knowledge. Also, literature, many a time, instils constructive stimuli in humans and society; however, it sometimes criticizes the present political structure, history, and governmental stratagem or, altogether, denies the existence set of data on any particular subject. But the beneficial aspect of conflicting ideas in literature is that it builds dissent, which acts to break social, political, and scientific inertia, and causes interim forces to work for the betterment of a nation.
Thus, literature, with all of its contrasting or synchronizing theories, behaves as an essence of life that is widely applauded all around the world. In the concluding remarks, literature is a must course of a man’s journey of solipsism, knowing the spirit of nature and the meaning of emotions. Furthermore, the various categories of literary composition, from the historical era to the present-day period and from the medical field to applied sciences, provide basic or additional knowledge to its recipients. It also possesses in its domains a guide to inspire humans, more precisely, in times of strategic or national adversity, emotional breakdown, and financial loss, to revive patriotism, grow from sentimental wounds, and reevaluate commerce policies or mimic the footstep of developed nations, respectively. To sum up, literature to life is a synonym of wisdom to men, wisdom, which becomes the differential boundary between humans and animals.
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