He Who Opens a School Door, Closes a Prison

PMS Ministerial Solved Essays | He Who Opens a School Door, Closes a Prison

This PMS Ministerial essay is attempted by Wafa Zainab on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali teaches to his students, who have consistently been qualifying their CSS, and PMS essays. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns.

How To Attempt 25-Marks PMS Ministerial Essay?

Unlike CSS or PMS essays, the essays asked in the PMS ministerial or any descriptive examinations in Pakistan are of 25-marks. All you need to qualify for the PMS ministerial essay paper is to understand the topic, create an outline displaying the proper plan of your essay and write an introduction precisely carrying the thesis statement. An introductory paragraph of such essays is a 150- to 200-word paragraph that gives your examiner a quick overview of your essay and its organization. It should express your thesis (or central idea) and your key points. Remember, the introductory paragraph is a concise summary of the essay, upon which your success standstill. However, the body of your essay will develop and explain these ideas much more thoroughly. As you will see in the solved essay below, the proportion of your introduction that you dedicate to each kind of information and the sequence of that information might vary, depending on the nature and genre of the essay you select. Nevertheless, in some cases, some of this information is implied rather than stated explicitly. For better preparation, revise my lectures on how to attempt a 20 or 25 marks essay, write its outline and introduction and prove your arguments with relevant evidence in the essay’s body paragraphs. 

1- Introduction

  • Education is a transformative force that breaks the chains of ignorance and paves the way for societal progress by allowing people to discern between right and wrong, inducing critical thinking, generating progressive ideas, and promoting social mobility.

2- Deconstructing the statement ‘He who opens a school door, closes a prison

3- How does education shut the gates to the prison of ignorance?

  • Allowing people to differentiate between right and wrong
    • Case in point: The translation of the Holy Bible into the vernacular language stopping the practice of indulgences of the Catholic Church
  • Encouraging civic engagement and a sense of responsibility
    • Case in point: The active role of the young Iranian students in the Mahasa Amini case
  • Inducing critical thinking skills and avoiding the risk of indoctrination
    • Case in point: Students in Pakistan having a strong educational background are less likely to fall prey to the Taliban’s brainwashing agendas, the Human Rights Watch.
  • Promoting social mobility and providing employment opportunities
    • Case in point: South Korea’s educational investment leading to a widescale economic boom
  • Reducing inequality and promoting social egalitarianism
    • Case in point: The Civil Rights Movement and the Black Lives Matter Movement advocating for an egalitarian society
  • Fostering the spirit of tolerance and mutual understanding
    • Case in point: Holocaust Education Programs nurturing peace and reconciliation between different ethnic groups in Germany
  • Encouraging progressive ideas by supporting non-conformist thinking
    • Case in point: Socrates’ defiance of conventional norms giving birth to philosophical inquiry

4- What happens when people are deprived of their right to education

  • Lack of education leading to a dystopian world
    • Cases in point: The 1994 Rwandan Genocide
  • Third-world countries like Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen struggling with some of the lowest literacy rates

5- Critical Analysis

6- Conclusion

Education is a beacon of light that dispels the shadows of ignorance and steersman towards the illuminated path of enlightenment. It serves as a powerful tool that unlocks the doors of knowledge and empowerment, enabling individuals to pursue their dreams and contribute to the development of their communities. For instance, the most prosperous societies of the world, whether the ancient Greek civilization or modern-day America, owe their success to their education systems, demonstrating Victor Hugo’s statement: ‘he who opens a school door, closes a prison.’ Although the maxim’s literal meaning points out education’s role in crime prevention, but in the metaphorical context, it has become a widely quoted aphorism that illustrates the significance of education in advancing society and reducing social evils. Furthermore, education combats barbarism by allowing people to differentiate between right and wrong, inducing critical thinking, generating progressive ideas, and promoting social mobility. However, the deprivation of education gives birth to a dystopian world marked by great suffering and injustice. Thus, education has become an indispensable requirement for mankind, as its absence would lead to ultimate collapse. This essay expounds on how education aligns with Hugo’s notions of it as a transformative force, breaking the chains of ignorance and paving the way for societal progress.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

– Nelson Mandela (South African politician)

Before discussing the role of education in combating ignorance, one must understand the meaning of the axiom in its true essence. Victor Hugo, the French writer and senator, might have coined the phrase in the context of endorsing education as means of preventing crime, which, indeed, is one of the many ways to eliminate illiteracy. Nevertheless, the statement’s interpretation is not confined to a specific setting; it extends beyond crime prevention and echoes across different situations, emphasizing the universal importance of education as a revolutionary instrument for both personal and societal change. Therefore, in the phrase, the ‘opening of a school door’ symbolizes the beginning of a bright future, whereas ‘the closing of prison’ represents the conclusion of injustice and misery. In short, education is the vital force that fosters positive change in different spheres of life and makes the world a better place to live in. In the words of John Dewey,

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

Having deconstructed the statement’s meaning, it is now pertinent to shed light on how education eradicates the evils of illiteracy and nescience. At the outset, education empowers people to discern between right and wrong by equipping them with the skills to compare two entities and analyze them objectively. To illustrate, John Wycliffe’s translation of the Holy Bible from Latin to the vernacular language allowed the-then Christians to have first-hand access to the book. Learning the scripture themselves, people began to spot disparities between the Bible’s actual teachings and its adulterated versions, promoted by the Catholic Church. Consequently, many corrupted practices got banned including indulgences –the sale of forgiveness of sins. Hence, access to proper education leads to the formation of a well-informed society.

Second, education encourages civic engagement and fosters responsibility in the citizens. It teaches them about social issues and the importance of their individual role in addressing them, which, subsequently, inspires them to contribute to the common good and fight against oppression. For instance, the educated youth of Iran, particularly the student class, played a significant role in the 2022 Mahasa Amini case by raising awareness against the brutality of Iran’s morality police and inspiring others to confront social injustices. As a result, people, throughout the globe, stood in solidarity with the protestors’ demands, and the Iranian government faced severe backlash for its draconian laws. In brief, education catalyzes civic engagement in raising awareness and promoting social justice.

Moreover, education plays a crucial role in developing a spirit of open-mindedness in people and protecting them from the risk of indoctrination. An educated person, having the critical thinking skills, is less prone to fall prey to any illogical propaganda. For example, the stereotypical ‘mullah culture’ in Pakistan leads youngsters to misinterpret Islam, and they end up committing heinous crimes. However, as per the report by Human Rights Watch, students with strong educational backgrounds in Pakistan are less likely of involving in acts of terrorism compared to those who are under the guidance of the militants. Thus, education not only broadens an individual’s outlook but also equips him with knowledge and skills used to navigate through life. Malcolm Forbes has aptly said,

 “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”

Further, quality education helps individuals overcome socioeconomic disadvantages by improving their chances of climbing the upward hierarchy of social mobility and reducing intergenerational inequality. A glaring example is demonstrated in South Korea’s educational investment leading to widescale economic success. To explain, the country’s high levels of technical and vocational education programs provided its people with millions of legal, highly-paid job opportunities, which, in turn, contributed to the prevention of criminal behaviour up to a great extent. Hence, it would not be an exaggeration to say that education helps in having the best of both worlds.

Besides, tolerance and mutual understanding are the chief characteristics of a literate society. An educated person believes in the peaceful coexistence of communities and protects the inalienability of human rights, regardless of racial, religious, or linguistic disparities. Instances of this harmonious relationship are vividly portrayed in ‘Germany’s Holocaust Education Program,’ a denazification project consisting of museums, memorials, and educational institutions in the country that are dedicated to fostering tolerance and educating Germans about the devastating legacy of the Holocaust. Thus, only education has the potential to make a nation, as stern as Germany, accept its mistakes and adopt the principles of cooperation. In the words of Hellen Keller,

“The highest result of education is tolerance.”

Last but not least, education fights ignorance by endorsing non-conformist thinking and progressive ideas. The exposure to a diversity of perspectives broadens a person’s understanding of the world, and, thereby, he challenges the conventional norms, forming his own opinions based on reason and intellect. To illustrate, Socrates’ defiance of conventional wisdom famously questioned the authority of the Sophists and the Athenian government. His Socratic method promoted progress by expanding intellectual inquiry –a philosophy which, ultimately, became a cornerstone of the Western school of thought. In short, had it not been for education, the world would still be in the depths of intellectual servitude.

Now that the significance of education has been elucidated, it is also imperative to consider the potential consequences of denying the right to education. To begin with, a lack of education leads to a dystopian world, characterized by tyranny and immense misery. For instance, the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, a brutal carnage that took thousands of innocent lives, is a stark reminder of how educational deprivation could lead to ignorance, chaos, and ultimately, violence. Furthermore, even if the country manages to get away with mass homicides, it persistently stays on the last rung of the ladder, facing a myriad of socio-economic challenges. Many third-world countries like Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria demonstrate how illiteracy exacerbates problems, creating a vicious cycle of poverty and underdevelopment. Therefore, investing in education has become a dire need, if the world wants to attain sustainable development and prosperity.

In the final analysis, the modern world, although apparently literate, persists to be plagued with deep-rooted ignorance in various forms, whether unrecognized or a deliberate choice. This is evident in issues as meagre as disregarding health warnings on a pack of cigarettes or as severe as conflicting over the factual or fictitious nature of climate change. Nonetheless, it must not be overlooked that the ancient epistemologists have, long, declared knowledge as the cure to all ills of barbarism. Therefore, education serves as a panacea to all the problems arising from the facade of ignorance. By investing in education, societies can reap the benefits of a more informed, innovative, and just global community, leading to a brighter future for mankind. Rightly has Lyman Beecher said,

“While it cannot cure everything, education is the best antidote for ignorance.”

To recap the debate, Victor Hugo’s famous quotation ‘Opening a school door shuts prison’ is a powerful symbol for the transformative power of education and its potential to create a just, equitable society. It upholds education as the kindling of flame that illuminates the darkness of ignorance. For instance, it enables an individual to analyze things logically, encouraging them to identify the wrongs and avoid the risks of false indoctrination. Moreover, education also combats illiteracy by encouraging social responsibility and a sense of mutual tolerance for others.  However, on the contrary, its absence could lead to a world of disarray, regression, and ultimate destruction. Therefore, the world needs to recognize education as a powerful tool that can break the chains of ignorance and lead it towards a better tomorrow.

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