Inspector Inland Revenue Jobs | Inspector Inland Revenue Jobs’ Preparation Strategy | How to Prepare for the Inspector Inland Revenue Exam? | Let’s Start Preparing for the Inspector Inland Revenue Exam Today to Join the Government of Pakistan
Securing a government job through FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, GBPSC, etc., is one of the most decent and reliable ways to become a part of the system. Contrary to the private sector, youth in Pakistan prefer the government sector due to respect, job certainty, and social security. In addition to that, pension, gratuity, an annual increase in salaries and privileges have, indeed, made government jobs a lucrative opportunity for job seekers. However, although everyone wants to acquire the job, very few aspirants give their best to prepare for the job. Hundreds of thousands of competitive aspirants who prepare readymade notes, buy MCQs books – full of incorrect answers – available in the market and join heavily advertised academies, especially in Lahore, Multan, Islamabad, Karachi, usually fail the exam. That’s is why most youths end up in mental dearth and disappointment when they see their result, scoring fewer marks. The irony is that after failing to secure jobs, a great many students start accusing the commission as if they were sold. Each job that federal or provincial commission advertise require a different preparation approach, which, if followed, the chances of success increase tenfold. I have been asked many times the same question in hundreds of emails I receive daily; so, today, I have written in detail, “Why do most of the students fail in the Inspector Inland Revenue Exam?”.

Teachers can open the door of success only for those students who want to enter it themselves. Unfortunately, students mar their destination themselves by following what is not necessary and leaving what is necessarily required. "Sir Rameez Ch"
This article includes answers to the following questions:
- Who is the Inspector Inland Revenue?
- Why do thousands of students fail to qualify for the Inspector Inland Revenue Exam?
- How to Prepare for the Inspector Inland Revenu Exam?
- What should aspirants do to qualify for the Inspector Inland Revenue Exam?
- What is the recommendation of Sir Rameez Ch to aspirant want to prepare for the exam?

Who is the Inspector Inland Revenue?
The current announcement of 492 vacancies of Inspector Inland Revenue (BS-16) in the Federal Board has become the centre of attraction for millions of aspirants due to a wide range of powers. Whoever qualifies and get himself allocated to the department is entrusted to Inspector Inland Revenue (from now on will be written as IIR), like “IIR- As Field Officer. For the field assignment, IIR is recognized as the field officer. IIR has divided the exclusive territorial jurisdiction of RTO into multiple tax areas, which are assigned future to different inspectors, IIRs. They are responsible for all kinds of field tax activities by keeping an eye on all taxable activities in their territories. With all the perks and privileges attached to the designation, the job has been fantasized by millions because of its challenging nature.

Why do thousands of students fail to qualify for the Inspector Inland Revenue Exam?
Whenever Inland Revenue jobs are advertised, hundreds of thousands of aspirants apply for the job to secure it. But, instead of knowing the exact syllabus of the job, they start believing in the circulated syllabus on social media pages and groups. Almost all these groups are governed and managed by a number of academies and publishers to have the maximum admission or get their books and notes sold. So, in the hope of securing the job, innocent aspirants start believing in them and preparing for the exam. But, contrary to their hopes, they always end up scoring up to 70 marks that stand them nowhere because, for the job, an aspirant has to score above 90 nowadays. The following factors have the main culprit: making students fail to secure any job held by FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, KPPSC, etc.:
- Social Media
- Advertised Books
- Whats’ App Groups
- Inept Teachers & Academy Mafia
As long as I followed social media and published MCQs books, I merely dreamt of qualifying for the FPSC and PPSC. When I gave up on them, I topped both. Students who believe in themselves and have the right direction always make it through. "Miss Bakhtawar Zulfiqar (FPSC & PPSC Topper)"
1- Social Media
Social media has been one of the notable culprits after the inept teachers and academy mafia. Nowadays, almost every Tom, Dick, and Harry have created Facebook pages and groups, Instagram profiles, YouTube channels, etc. These social media groups and pages divert students attention by displaying them either irrelevant study materials or by sharing the success stories of few qualifiers. By doing so, these social media handlers successfully change students’ opinions and make them buy their books and take admissions in those academies, which have paid them for this. Thus, FB groups and pages and YouTube channels have been making students fail since 2015.
2- Advertised Books
Second, some publishers have been looting the innocent youth of Pakistan for decades. These publishers wait for the advertised jobs; as soon as the commission advertises the jobs, they start selling the same low-quality study material by only changing the title cover. As a result, millions of students buy their books and fail; they make billions of rupees whenever 100 or 200 jobs are advertised. Sir Rameez Ch – Deputy Director – a well-known and highly recognized One Paper 100 Marks MCQs exams’ and CSS, PMS exams’ coach in Pakistan, once aptly said that these publishers coupled with some academies make billions out of millions by merely using FB, YouTube, and Instagram.
3- Whats’ App Groups
The most lethal and viral way of trapping new competitive aspirants are whats’ app groups. Hundreds of students, who know nothing about exams’ preparation and teaching techniques, have created thousands of whats’ app groups. They entice innocent aspirants by telling them they have the relevant study material. As a result, innocent students start believing in their study material and prepare them; as a result, they remain even unable to score up to 50. So, avoiding these distractors can also help students prepare without any distractions.
4- Academy Mafia Filled with Inept Teachers
Last but not least, the only terrible culprit behind the maximum number of failures for decades is the academy mafia filled with inept teachers. Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, Karachi, Peshawar, and Rawalpindi have become the most notorious cities with mercenary academies. Although not all institutes offering exams’ preparation are exploiting students, a large number have been exploiting innocent aspirants financially by using social media, whats’ app groups, and YouTube. They invest a heavy amount in advertising their academies. If you visit any page or group with more than 50,000 likes and followers, you will find male and females video lectures encouraging students to join them. On the contrary, you never find any quality teacher who makes videos: go and check how many professors from LUMS, IBA, Punjab University make their videos, you will get the answer. So, always remember, before joining any academy, do not focus on how many officers it has created, instead see how they teach. If they are delivering conceptual lectures and helping you understand the topic thoroughly, join them. If not, leave them at once.
A teacher cannot change your future; he can change, instead, your habits, which help you transform your fate, a sure success. "Sir Hamza Asif"
How to Prepare for the Inspector Inland Revenu Exam?
To prepare for the Inspector Inland Revenue exam, you need to focus on the syllabus advertised on the FPSC website. The exams have been conducted many times by the FPSC, and the pattern was kept different every time. For example, these two syllabi have been the paper pattern for many years:
Objectives Type Test (MCQs) for Inspector Inland Revenue
Part -1 |
English = 20 marks |
Grammar Usage, sentences Structuring |
Part -2 |
Professional Test = 80 marks |
The function of the Federal Board of Revenue |
Fiscal policy of Pakistan |
Text administration /Reforms in Pakistan |
Sales tax Act 1990 |
Federal Excise act 2005 |
Income tax ordinance 2001 |
Total marks = 100 |
NOTE: There is a chance of changes in the syllabus for Inspector Inland Revenue in 2021. There are some other additional subjects that can also become a part of the exam. Kindly, keep visiting the FPSC website. |
2000 Most Important Pakistan Study MCQs for Inspector Inland Revenue
Objectives Type Test (MCQs) for Inspector Inland Revenue
Professional Test (20 marks) |
Basic Arithmetic (20 marks) |
Algebra |
Ratios |
Percentage |
Arithmetic means |
Current affairs (20 marks) |
Issues challenges at national and international level |
Pakistan affairs (10 marks) |
Basic level knowledge |
Islamic studies (10 marks) |
Basic level knowledge |
Basic computer operation in MS office (20 marks) |
NOTE: There is a chance of changes in the syllabus for Inspector Inland Revenue in 2021. There are some other additional subjects that can also become a part of the exam. Kindly, keep visiting the FPSC website. |

What should aspirants do to qualify for the Inspector Inland Revenue Exam?
No matter what the paper pattern could be, aspirants who have finished their preparation either by themselves or under the guidance of experienced and highly qualified coaches can easily qualify for the exam. So now, let’s move towards how aspirants can crack and qualify for the Inspector Inland Revenue exam. To be eligible for the exam, aspirants need to focus on the following three areas more:
- English Grammar & its Usage
- General Math
- Professional Test
Failure doesn't mean the competition is over; rather, it is the start of a personality having the experience of not failing again. "Miss Nirmal Hasni"
English Grammar and Its Usage:
However, aspirants must know that English is the paper that has a decisive role in deciding a student’s fate. All those aspirants who cover the English portion of the exam quickly score 20 out of 20. So, having a good command of the English segment can help aspirants sit atop and get allocated.
English portion of the test has a decisive role in deciding the fate of an aspirant. Whoever covers the whole syllabus of English can score 20/20 easily, increasing his chances of qualifying for the exam tenfold. On the other hand, students with zero or bad command of English do not get themselves allocated or qualify for the exams because of very tough competition. The following areas, if prepared thoroughly, can help students score the maximum.
- Sentence Structuring
- Sentence Correction
- Sentence Improvement
- Spotting Errors
- Grammar Usage
- Grammar Errors
- Parts of Speech Identification
- Idioms and Phrases
- Pair of Words
- Vocabulary Words
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Proverbs
- Fixed English Expressions
The only indispensable thing that you have to have before challenging millions of competitive students in a competitive exam is nothing but an aptitude, different from millions but attractive for the examiners. "Miss Syeda Saba"
Covering English in just two months has been found difficult by thousands of students because of the complexities the examiner set in the question paper. Moreover, self-proclaimed English coaches, promoting by FB, cannot even help aspirants have a grip over the subjects. So, according to many officers who have qualified for one paper 100 marks, CSS, PMS exams, the following teachers have been the most credible when preparing the English section of the exam. The teachers have been categorized according to their credibility.
- Sir Syed Kazim Ali
- Sir Razi Abidi
- Miss Saba
- Miss Amreen
- Sir Muzafar Bukhari
Success has no face and no gate; to have it or enter into it, we either win it by luck or snatch it through hard work. "Miss Amreen Mir"

General Math
Next to the English section, the other section that helps students distinguish among millions of other competitive aspirants is general Math. According to sir Mutahar Rana, the best Math coach for One Paper in Pakistan, if an aspirant covers the basic 15 heads of general math, he can score 20/20 in the exam. The only thing that student needs to follow is to practice all those 15 heads from the basics to the advanced level. All students who have an engineering background do not need a teacher to grip the subject. However, students with non-engineering backgrounds must join a session with an expert math teacher to get a good command of the subject.
Professional Test
Furthermore, if asked in the exam, the professional test has never been the subject of depression or tension if a student has already prepared the professional area completely. Miss Bakhtawar Zulfiqar, the youngest FPSC and PPSC topper and a very well-known GK and Law coach across the country, has been the only available teacher who has already helped thousands of competitive students crack exams. She has been known because of her style of coaching and imparting the concepts. So, you can join her to give your concepts a refresh.
2000 Most Important Pakistan Study MCQs for Inspector Inland Revenue
General Knowledge
Next to these areas, one of the most neglected areas by millions of competitive students is General Knowledge. GK paper includes Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, I.Q, Mental Ability, Computer, and Islamiat. Thousands of students, instead of giving these subjects importance, start cramming readymade MCQs from advertised books. According to Miss Syeda Sabahat (AD MOD Qualifier), Miss Ayesha (Pak Army LLC Qualified), Sir Ali Raza (AD IB) and Miss Sibgha Talal (Pak Army LLC Qualified), “Cramming MCQs alone without learning its concepts help no aspirant to score marks; the technique rather helps you score up to 25 to 40% only. To score up to 100%, a serious and dedicated aspirant must learn concepts from the teachers like Sir Rameez, Miss Bakhtawar, and Miss Nirmal. Books help us know the concepts; whereas teachers like them make students crack exams easily.”

To conclude, the only desire is not sufficient to step into the government of Pakistan; instead, a little deservedness is a demand of the day. Shortcuts are outdated; the only shortcut to crack the Inspector Inland Revenue exam is hard work or preparation based on concepts rather than ratta. Adopting a focussed and right strategy for the current vacancies in the Federal Board of Revenue can be a testing project for your career endeavours. So, whether this time you waste or avail of this opportunity greatly depends upon you. Competition has become very tough already; it is high time to start analyzing where you stand now. If you have all the things and tide in your hands, start preparation on your own. But, if you face any difficulty, consult Sir Rameez Ch, Miss Bakhtawar, Miss Nirmal, Sir Hamza, Miss Saba, Miss Amreen, etc., for your exam preparation because they are the only coaches who have helped thousands to qualify. You can crack it easily with only a 2-month serious preparation strategy that these coaches share.

2000 Most Important Pakistan Study MCQs for Inspector Inland Revenue

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Available Online Courses
- Howfiv’s One Paper Commission Exam Prep Course | 2-Month Course | Let’s Register Now
- Online CSS, PMS English Class by Sir Syed Kazim Ali | Let’s Read How to Join
- Howfiv Advanced Creative Writing Course (Highly Recommended)
- PMS English Essay, Precis and GK Class | 3-Month Course | Let’s Register Now
- Online English Tenses & Voices 1-Month Course
- PPSC Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar Exams Preparation Course, Study Material, and Mock Tests
- Basic English Grammar & Writing Course by Miss Syeda Saba & Miss Amreen Mir
- Howfiv’s Inspector Inland Revenue Exam Prep Course