Written by Khizra Khalil
Overpopulation is considered as optimistic, as well as, pessimistic around the world. Overpopulation has a negative impact on underdeveloped countries’ economy because of multiple reasons such as unemployment, unequal distribution of population, and subordination of women. On the contrary, it has positive impacts on developed countries’ economy, and the countries consider their population as real wealth and strength. To them, more population increase labour growth, which hence increases their production.

Pakistan’s growing population has an adverse effect on the economy. It was the 13th most populous country at the time of independence, and now it is the 5th most populous country in the world. One can estimate from the statistics that the economy of Pakistan has been lagging its population growth. The overpopulation has resulted in high demand for food, clothing, shelter, and social services like health, education, and employment. Pakistan’s seventy per cent economy is based on agriculture. The size of arable land has decreased due to population. The dramatic increase in the population has resulted in more demand for food, which is challenging to accomplish. Hence many people in Pakistan are living below the poverty line. Other adverse effects of overpopulation are lack of clothing and shelter; therefore, many people live on the streets like beggars, wearing torn clothes. Unemployment is one of the most unpleasant impacts of overpopulation; job opportunities are less than the population. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic has told us that the country lacks basic medical facilities; many people died just because of unavailability of ventilators in the hospitals.

In Pakistan, there are more facilities in cities as compared to villages. Due to this reason, people migrate to cities to get basic needs of life. There is a shortage of education, health, employment, infrastructures like housing, transportation, water, and sewerage facilities in villages; therefore, many people migrate from villages to cities. Hence the unequal distribution of population in the country has deteriorated the situation.
Furthermore, women are more than half of the population of the country. Most women don’t get enough education, and because of their poor education, they cannot get a job. It is difficult for such a state to strengthen economic ways.
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In Pakistan, the fertility rate is more than the mortality rate, and a common man has a phobia of practising birth control mainly due to religious and social reasons and cultural factors
Overpopulation is not a core problem of underdevelopment of Pakistan. The major hindrance in the progress of the country is unemployment and ineffective policy development. If the country succeeds in resolving the aforementioned hitches, then the population will no longer be a problem for the country’s progress.

About the writer:
Miss Khizra Khalil is one of the eminent writers, who wish to bring about a positive influence in the society via her write-ups. She has been learning the art of expression and creative writing under the supervision of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, one of the distinguished grammarians in the contemporary world, since 1 month.
Name of the Student: Miss Khizra Khalil
Qualifications: M.S physics
Total Articles/Blogs: 2
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing
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