CSS Special 2023 Solved English Précis and Composition Paper | Are you looking for CSS Special 2023 solved English Précis and Composition Paper? Here is the paper solved by Sir Syed Kazim Ali | CSS Special Solved Precis | CSS Special Solved English
CSS Special English Précis and Composition Paper was held on October 12, 2023. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has attempted the paper with its solution at the request of hundreds of his students. You will find the solution in the following order:
- ✓ Sentence Correction
- ✓ Pair of Words
- ✓ Prepositions
- ✓ Punctuation
- ✓ Translation
- ✓ Precis
- ✓ Comprehension
CSS Special 2023 Solved Sentence Correction
Sentence Correction – 1
I am looking forward to see you on Monday.
Sentence Correction
✓ I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday.
After certain phrases, such as “It is no use“, “It is no good“, “I cannot help“, “Would you mind“, “Look forward to“, we always use a gerund or a gerund phrase (not an infinitive or infinitive phrase).
For Example
- ✓ I think it’s no use trying again.
- ✓ I can’t help feeling angry about it.
Sentence Correction – 2
How many students are ready to give the test today?
Sentence Correction
✓ How many students are ready to take the test today?
The correct expression is “Take the test”. Remember, we always take or do a test. A student can never “Make a Test” or “Give a Test”.
Sentence Correction – 3
I contacted my five colleagues but all of them did not respond.
Sentence Correction
- ✓ I contacted my five colleagues, but none responded.
- ✓ I contacted my five colleagues, but no one responded.
- ✓ I contacted my five colleagues, but none of them responded.
In this sentence, there are two errors. The comma before the coordinating conjunction “But” is missing. We know that in a compound sentence, both independent clauses are joined with a coordinating conjunction, and we have to place a comma before the conjunction.
The second mistake is the use of indefinite pronoun. “All” means “Everyone“, “The Complete Number or Amount“, or “The Whole“. We use it most often as a determiner. Further, we can use a countable or uncountable noun after it. Remember, we do not use “All” in those sentences that give a negative sense. However, “None” is the pronoun form of “No“, which means “Not One” or “Not Any“. We use it as a pronoun to replace countable and uncountable nouns. We use it as a subject or object. Remember, when we refer to “Not Any, Not Anyone, Not All, etc.“, we use “None, No One, and None of Them“. All the sentences in which we use these pronouns cannot be written with another negative.
Sentence Correction – 4
I am tired and would not rather go out this evening.
Sentence Correction
✓ I am tired and would rather not go out this evening.
In this sentence, the structure is incorrect. We use the modal verb “Would Rather” (to prefer, would prefer, etc.) to discuss our preference for one thing over another. We always use the 1st form of the verb (without to) after the modal verb in a sentence. Remember, we don’t use gerund after it. The structures are the following:
Positive Structure
- Subject + Would Rather + 1st V + Other Elements.
Negative Structure
- Subject + Would Rather + Not + 1st V + Other Elements.
- I would rather stay at home tonight.
- You would rather not run.
- I would rather not start preparing for the CSS exam in June.
- I would rather not be free at home doing nothing.
Sentence Correction – 5
Our economical situation is worsening day by day.
Sentence Correction
- ✓ Our economic situation is worsening day by day.
- ✓ Our economic situation is getting worse day by day.
In this sentence, the examiner has used an inappropriate word. Both Economic and economical are adjectives. However, the adjective “Economic” means related to trade, industry or money. On the other hand, the adjective “Economical” means not using a lot of money or using no more of something than is necessary.
Sentence Correction – 6
One can find useful information about eating nutritiously on the internet.
Sentence Correction
- ✓ One can find useful information about nutritious eating on the internet.
- ✓ On the internet, one can find useful information about nutritious eating.
- ✓ On the internet, one can find useful information about nutritious food.
This sentence has an error related to using a gerund phrase. We cannot eat nutritiously on the internet. So, to correct the sentence, we have to write “Nutritious Eating” instead of “Eating Nutritiously.”
Sentence Correction – 7
I could not found you there yesterday.
Sentence Correction
✓ I could not find you there yesterday.
After a modal verb (Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Would, Would Rather, Would Sooner, etc.), we always use the first form of the verb. So, to correct the sentence, we just need to replace the verb “Found” with “Find“.
Sentence Correction – 8
Orphaned in infancy, he was brought about by his grandfather.
Sentence Correction
✓ Orphaned in his infancy, he was brought up by his grandfather.
There are two errors in this sentence: the pronoun error in the adjective phrase and the phrasal verb error in the clause. In order to understand the pronoun error in an adjective phrase, revise the lecture related to the use of adjective clauses. Further, the writer tries to tell us, “His grandfather raised him.” However, the phrasal verb “Brought About” is incorrectly used in the sentence. The correct phrasal verb must be “Brought Up“.
- Bring about (phrasal verb) means cause something to happen.
- Bring up (phrasal verb) means to bring (a person) to maturity through nurturing care and education or to care for a child until he becomes an adult.

CSS Special 2023 Solved Punctuation
Rewrite any FIVE of the following sentences with corrected punctuations, without splitting a sentence or adding/changing a word.
Punctuation – 1
Courts were open today, however no cases were heard.
Sentence Correction
✓ Courts were open today; however, no cases were heard.
In this sentence, the word “However” is used as a conjunctive adverb, and we know whenever a conjunctive adverb is used to combine two independent clauses to form a compound sentence, it always takes a Semicolon before it and a Comma after it.
Punctuation – 2
His duty was clear he had to report theft.
Sentence Correction
✓ His duty was clear: he had to report theft.
In this sentence, both clauses are independent. However, the second clause provides more information about the first clause. And we know we use a Colon to separate two independent clauses in a sentence when the second independent clause provides more information or exemplifies the first clause.
Punctuation – 3
Did he really say, “I can do it again?”
Sentence Correction
- ✓ Did he really say, “I can do it again”?
- ✓ Did he really say: “I can do it again”?
In this sentence, there is an error in the placement of the question mark. Remember, question marks should go inside the quotation marks if the quote is a question. If the quote is not a question, but the sentence is, the question mark should be outside the quotation marks. Moreover, we can also use a colon if the introduction is an independent clause.
- The tiger answered, “Who are you?”
- Why did you say that Danish was “ugly and annoying”?
Punctuation – 4
Great Expectations is an autobiographical novel.
Sentence Correction
✓ “Great Expectations” is an autobiographical novel.
We use quotation marks to set off sources, titles, special words, or phrases from the rest of the sentence. Regarding titles or sources, the first letter is always capitalized. However, in the case of phrases or words, we do not capitalize them.
Punctuation – 5
The item was discussed and decided however members were by no means convinced.
Sentence Correction
✓ The item was discussed and decided; however, members were by no means convinced.
In this sentence, the word “However” is used as a conjunctive adverb, and we know whenever a conjunctive adverb is used to combine two independent clauses to form a compound sentence, it always takes a Semicolon before it and a Comma after it.
Punctuation – 6
Theatrical performances are governed by one simple principle, the quality of play depends on the quality of pay.
Sentence Correction
✓ Theatrical performances are governed by one simple principle: the quality of play depends on the quality of pay.
In this sentence, both clauses are independent. However, the second clause provides more information about the first clause. And we know we use a Colon (Not Comma) to separate two independent clauses in a sentence when the second independent clause provides more information or exemplifies the first clause.
Punctuation – 7
Who said these famous words, “I regret having just one life to lose for my country?”
Sentence Correction
✓ Who said these famous words, “I regret having just one life to lose for my country”?
In this sentence, there is an error in the placement of the question mark. Remember, question marks should go inside the quotation marks if the quote is a question. If the quote is not a question, but the sentence is, the question mark should be outside the quotation marks. Moreover, we can also use a colon if the introduction is an independent clause.
Punctuation – 8
Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is popular due to the complex character of Hamlet.
Sentence Correction
✓ Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” is popular due to the complex character of Hamlet.
We use quotation marks to set off sources, titles, special words, or phrases from the rest of the sentence. Regarding titles or sources, the first letter is always capitalized. However, in the case of phrases or words, we do not capitalize them.

CSS Special 2023 Solved Prepositions
Re-write the following sentences after filling in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
Preposition – 1
What can be the reason __ his absence?
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ What can be the reason for his absence?
Remember, “Reason For” always takes a noun phrase after it. However, “Reason To” always takes a verb phrase after it.
- There’s no reason to be suspicious.
- There were several reasons for Aisha’s strange behaviour.
Preposition – 2
You won’t be able to bring him ______ his knees.
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ You won’t be able to bring him to his knees.
Bring Someone to His Knees (idiomatic expression)
- To force a person into submission or compliance or to completely defeat or overwhelm a person.
Preposition – 3
I was utterly unaware ______ the looming threat.
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ I was utterly unaware of the looming threat.
The adjective “Unaware” always take the preposition “Of”.
Preposition – 4
Please remind me ______ the meeting next week.
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ Please remind me of the meeting next week.
The verb “Remind” always takes the preposition “Of“.
Preposition – 5
We shouldn’t give ______ to such pressure tactics.
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ We shouldn’t give in to such pressure tactics.
Give in to Someone or Something (idiomatic expression)
- To yield to someone or something or to give up to someone or something.
Preposition – 6
Heavy rains are generally preceded ______ violent winds.
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ Heavy rains are generally preceded by violent winds.
“Preceded by” refers to something happening or occurring before something or coming before someone.
Preposition – 7
Did you pay the bill ______ cash?
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ Did you pay the bill in cash?
We always pay bills in cash.
Preposition – 8
I agreed ______ his revised plan.
Sentence with appropriate preposition
✓ I agreed to his revised plan.
“Agree to” (phrasal verb) means doing what someone is asked to do. We always “Agree To” a suggestion or proposal (we accept what someone has proposed or suggested), or we always “Agree To” Something or Do something. However, “Agree With” (phrasal verb) means having the same opinion as someone else. We always “Agree With” a person or what someone says or suggests. Nevertheless, We always “Agree On / Upon / about” a subject or matter of decision, agreement, contract.

CSS Special 2023 Solved Pair of Words
1- Industrial vs Industrious
- Industrial (n.) means things that are related to or used in industry.
- Industrious (adj.) means diligent and hard-working.
- Industrial setups near cities wreak havoc on citizens’ health by releasing harmful gases and wastewater into the environment.
- After the economic boom last year, the company’s rule of always hiring competent and industrious individuals for their workforce has changed its fate.
2- Veracity vs Voracity
- Veracity (n.) means the quality of being true, honest, or accurate.
- Voracity (n.) means being very eager to have a lot of something or extreme gluttony.
- You should not just vote for him because of his good skills; You must judge his veracity before making him your leader.
- The voracity of the seals creates a problem – the fish cannot breed faster than the seals can eat them.
3- Eligible vs Illegible
- Eligible (adj.) means having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions.
- Illegible (adj.) means impossible to read because of being very untidy or not clear.
- She often wonders if she is eligible to teach people her age or older.
- Everybody criticises doctors’ illegible writing, but some acknowledge their hectic schedules and sacrifices.
4- Dose vs Doze
- Dose (n.) means medicine.
- Doze (v.) means to have a short sleep.
- The label says to take one dose three times a day.
- I must have dozed off because I don’t remember what happened next.
5- Allude vs Elude
- Allude (v.) means to mention someone or something without talking about him or it directly.
- Elude (v.) means to escape from or avoid in a skilful or cunning way.
- Danish mentioned some trouble that he’d had at home, and I guessed he was alluding to his son.
- If a fact or idea eludes you, you fail to understand, realise, or remember it.
6- Credible vs Credulous
- Credulous (adj.) means willing to believe easily everything that is told.
- Credible (adj.) means able to be believed or trusted.
- Those boys who were watching the show would have been credulous and excited by the idea of a rough, wild frontier.
- The story of what had happened to Danish was barely credible.

CSS Special 2023 Solved Urdu Sentences
Translate any five of the following sentences into English by keeping in view figurative/idiomatic expression.
- آپ اس فیصلے کے مضمرات سے ابھی واقف نہیں۔
You are not yet aware of the implications of this decision.
- صدر کی اپنے ہم منصب سے ملاقات پہلے سے طے شدہ تھی۔
The President’s meeting with his counterpart was already planned.
- میرا بھائی ماہر فلکیات ہے، نجومی نہیں۔
My brother is an astronomer, not an astrologer.
- ہمیں خود کو نئے حالات کے مطابق ڈھالنا چاہئے۔
We should adapt ourselves to new conditions.
- نماز با جماعت جلد ادا کی جائے گی
The congregational prayer will be offered soon.
- سفارتی آداب کا خیال رکھنا ضروری ہے۔
Diplomatic norms should be taken care of.
- تقریب کا باضابطہ افتتاح کون کرے گا؟
Who will officially inaugurate the event?
- فرقہ پرستی کئ واردات کی جڑ ہے۔
Sectarianism is the root of several evils.

CSS Special 2023 Solved Precis
Original Passage
Despite complaints from viewers, television commercials are not getting any more realistic. Their makers continue to present idealized people in unreal situations. The wide gaps between their fanciful depiction and the mundane realities of life in most cases make them appear funny as well as repulsive. A footballer suddenly starts scoring goals after consuming a particular energy-drink. A would-be groom avoids hugging his father-in-law because he recalls not having used a particular shampoo that morning. A busy manager leaves an important meeting to grab a dozen packets of his favourite cookies, and so on. The advertisers also persist in showing a version of male-female relationships that can hardly exist in two households in an entire city. A wife panics simply because a meddlesome neighbor points out that her husband’s shirt is dirty, while another fears for her marriage because her finicky husband doesn’t like her coffee. What do the advertisers know about us, or how we see ourselves, that make them continue to plunge millions of dollars into these kinds of commercials? They probably do not know that these glamorous and noisy clips in no way promote the product for which they are aired. The reported number of viewers may be heartening and tempting for the manufacturers of the products. It might also be the main reason for them to keep on hiring the advertisers for promoting these products. In fact, however, these advertisements are mostly watched either to laugh at, or because the viewers are unable to skip them by changing the channel as soon as they start.
Solved Precis-1
Commercial ads nowadays are far from genuine and relatable, making them repulsive and funnily absurd. From a sportsman feeling energetic after having two sips of a certain cold drink to a wife panicking because her husband does not like the taste of the coffee she made, the advertisement agencies are promoting irrelevant content. Getting considerable viewership is the only reason one can probably think of them making these types of ads. Nonetheless, the reason behind this viewership is the inability to skip them or simply because they are sarcastic.
- Title: The Fallacies of Commercial Advertisement
- Total words of passage: 263
- Total words of precis: 89
Solved Precis-2
Television commercials persist in portraying unrealistic scenarios and idealized characters, which often appear comical and off-putting to viewers. These ads frequently feature absurd situations that has nothing to do with reality. Additionally, advertisers depict exaggerated male-female relationships that rarely reflect real life. Although these commercials may attract viewers, they often fail to effectively promote the advertised products. Most viewers watch them for amusement or because they can’t easily skip them. The reported viewership numbers may deceive product manufacturers into continuing this approach.
- Title: Unrealistic Advertisement
- Total words of passage: 263
- Total words of precis: 82
CSS Special 2023 Solved Comprehension
Original Passage
During the past two decades, there has been a mushroom growth of universities and degree-awarding institutions in Pakistan, which our policy makers consider a source of pride and prestige. This increase in the number of universities and the students enrolled therein has been recurrently projected as a major parameter for qualifying national development. No one can deny the pivotal importance of education for the progress and prosperity of a nation. In the contemporary world, human resource has emerged as the greatest asset of unequivocal primacy, and education aims at creating and enhancing that resource. But can it be done through higher education only, or even primarily through higher education? Looking at the developed countries of the world – almost all having progressed by virtue of better human resource-one can easily explore that they don’t encourage massive enrolment in universities. In other words, they don’t want the domain of higher education open to every member of the population. After completing the 12-year school education (which is both compulsory and free for everyone), students are counseled and assessed for choice of further studies according to interest and aptitude. Those with true interest in academics and research, along with requisite scholarly aptitude, are encouraged to undertake long-term courses leading to certificates and diplomas in colleges and training institutes. The admission criteria and free structure of these colleges and institutes vary according to a number of factors. The latter class acquire practical skills in their chosen areas of utilitarian nature without an undue burden of theoretical discourses. Consequently, due to these marketable skills and practical training, they easily get employed, earn for themselves, and contribute to the national economy. On the other hand, we produce an unskilled lot of university graduates without even a basic understanding of other subjects. They consider themselves highly qualified, but have no meaningful knowledge. Hence, instead of becoming an asset, they become a social and economic liability. We need to realize that, unlike the fundamental right of basic education, higher education should be treated as a privilege of the deserving ones. This realization is imperative for enabling our universities to produce scholars, scientists, and researchers as done by the developed world.
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Who is Sir Syed Kazim Ali?
Syed Kazim Ali is the best English language teacher in Pakistan. He is one of the teachers who has recognized himself globally because of his masterful command of the English language. The best part of him that has made him the best English language teacher in Pakistan is his teaching art that helps students write their thoughts grammatically correct. The way he teaches his students writing like a pro is miraculous. Among the top English language coaches worldwide, Sir Syed Kazim Ali helps his students reach their full potential at a pace that suits them. He knows that CSS aspirants’ approach to learning the English language is different, and over the years, he has developed a unique teaching methodology, which helps his students crack English essays and precis papers. The way he explains and simplifies the concepts no other English teacher across Pakistan can do. He has successfully taught hundreds of successful students preparing for entrance or competitive exams such as MDCAT, GAT, SAT, GMAT, GRE, CSS, FPSC, PMS, etc. His online creative English writing session gives you the skills and confidence to get the best possible exam results. He focuses on your exam’s critical areas, helps identify your strengths and weaknesses, and equips you with the writing skills you need to correctly and confidently express your thoughts and opinions. Currently, Sir Syed Kazim Ali is the only English teacher in Pakistan who has the highest students success rate. Let’s read more about Sir.
Let’s read more about Sir Syed Kazim Ali.
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