
Both Parents Should Assume Equal Responsibility in Raising a Child


CSS, PMS Solved Essays | Both Parents Should Assume Equal Responsibility in Raising a Child

The essay is attempted by Sumiya Amjad on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali teaches to his students, who have consistently been qualifying their CSS, and PMS essays. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns.

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1- Introduction

  • 1.1- Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child
  • 1.2- Co-parenting promotes balanced development, enhancing the child’s emotional well-being and contributing to gender equality
  • 1.3- The collaborative nature of co-parenting provides positive role modelling for the child, showcasing healthy teamwork and cooperation between the parents

2- Understanding the term co-parenting

3- Why should both parents assume equal responsibility in raising a child?

  • 3.1- For inculcating confidence in a child
    Case point: A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology finds that children who are brought up under co-parenting exhibit higher levels of self-esteem and confidence
  • 3.2- For growing the cognitive development
    Case point: Research conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development suggests that children who have consistent and supportive involvement from both parents tend to have better cognitive development and academic performance
  • 3.3- For improving the emotional well-being of a child
    Case point: A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family indicates that children who have shared parenting arrangements exhibit lower levels of stress and anxiety
  • 3.4-  For developing a sense of stability and security in a child
    Case point:  According to a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, children who have regular and consistent involvement from both parents have a greater sense of stability, leading to improved psychological and emotional security.
  • 3.5-   For breaking gender stereotypes
    Case point:  A study published in the Journal of Family Issues suggests that children develop more egalitarian views of gender roles when parents share household and parenting responsibilities equally.
  • 3.6- For improving the performance of the child in school
    Case point:   Research conducted by the University of Illinois at Urban a-champaign found that children who have been brought up through co-parenting tend to have higher academic achievement, improved school attendance, and reduced behavioural problems.
  • 3.7- For developing a sense of teamwork in the child
    Case point:  A study published in the Journal of Family Studies revealed that children raised in co-parenting arrangements develop a stronger sense of teamwork and collaboration, which positively influences their social skills and relationships.

4- Benefits of Co-Parenting for Parents

  • 4.1- Both parents have time to build their careers and incomes
  • 4.2- More Equality in Parenting
  • 4.3- Better Relationship Between the Parents
  • 4.4- Positive Role Modelling

5- What if co-parenting is not done?

  •  5.1- Leading to limited emotional support and guidance for the child.
  •  5.2- Hindering cognitive development and academic performance.
  • 5.3- Creating instability and potential negative impact on the child’s well-being.
  • 5.4- Reinforcing gender inequalities and stereotypes.
  • 5.5- Limiting the child’s opportunities for future success.

6- Critical Analysis

7- Conclusion

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Sharing equal responsibility between parents in raising a child is crucial for the child’s overall development. Fostering emotional well-being, cognitive growth, and a sense of stability and promoting gender equality help create a solid foundation for the child’s future success. In today’s rapidly evolving society, traditional gender roles are being challenged, and the idea of shared parenting responsibilities is gaining recognition as a progressive and beneficial approach. Moreover, the progressive parenting style inculcates confidence in the child, contributes to the child’s cognitive development, and improves the psychological well-being of a child. Furthermore, co-parenting challenges traditional gender stereotypes by breaking down barriers and promoting gender equality. Besides, co-parenting benefits the child and offers advantages for the parents themselves. It allows both parents to have time to build their careers and incomes, fostering personal and professional growth. Additionally, the collaborative nature of co-parenting provides positive role modelling for the child, showcasing healthy teamwork and cooperation between the parents. However, the absence of co-parenting can harm the child’s development. Limited emotional support and guidance, hindered cognitive development, instability, reinforced gender inequalities, and restricted opportunities for future success are some potential consequences when co-parenting is not practised. To sum it all up, parenting is not a responsibility of fixed gender, for both parents are equally important for a child’s mental, social, and emotional well-being.

Co-parenting refers to a collaborative approach where both parents play an equal role in raising their children. It involves sharing decision-making, joint involvement in the child’s daily activities, and a commitment to effective communication. By embracing this parenting style, both parents create an environment that fosters the child’s overall well-being and development.

Co-parenting creates an environment of support, encouragement, and validation, which directly impacts the child’s self-esteem and confidence levels. According to the Journal of Family Psychology, when both parents are actively engaged in the child’s life, providing emotional support and affirming their abilities, the child develops a strong sense of self-worth and belief in their capabilities. Furthermore, co-parenting encourages open communication between parents, which positively impacts the child’s confidence. When parents communicate effectively, discuss important decisions, and involve the child in age-appropriate conversations, it fosters a sense of trust and belonging. The child feels valued and respected, knowing that their opinions and input matter. Active participation in decision-making processes helps them develop confidence in expressing their thoughts, ideas, and preferences.

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of the parents.”

— Jane D. Hull

Co-parenting also provides a conducive environment and contributes to the academic success of a child. The involvement of both parents in the child’s education, including helping with homework, reading to the child, attending parent-teacher conferences, and providing academic support, has been linked to improved school performance and intellectual growth. According to the Report of Child Development 2022, children who have shared parenting arrangements tend to have higher academic achievement and improved school attendance. Adding more to it, Adding more to it, Co-parenting exhibits lower levels of stress and anxiety in children, and regular and consistent involvement from both parents creates a greater sense of stability for the child. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports, “Children who have regular and consistent involvement from both parents have a greater sense of stability, leading to improved psychological and emotional security.”

Besides, Co-parenting helps children understand that both men and women can be nurturing caregivers and active providers. Exposure to different gender roles increases understanding of gender equality. It encourages children to embrace their individual strengths and interests rather than conforming to societal expectations based on gender. By actively participating in co-parenting, both parents become role models for their children. Sons and daughters observe their fathers engaging in household chores, nurturing their siblings, or participating in school activities. Likewise, they witness their mothers taking on leadership roles, making decisions, and contributing to the family’s financial stability. These experiences challenge traditional gender norms and instill a sense of equality and empowerment in children. The Journal of Family Studies revealed that “children raised in co-parenting arrangements develop a stronger sense of teamwork and collaboration, which positively influences their social skills and relationships. “Thus, Co-parenting plays a crucial role in breaking gender stereotypes. By sharing household and parenting responsibilities equally, parents challenge traditional gender roles and promote more egalitarian views.

Co-parenting is also beneficial for parents in many ways. First, a collaborative approach to parenting creates a supportive and balanced environment that allows parents to thrive individually and in their partnership. When responsibilities are shared equally, parents can pursue their professional goals without compromising their parental duties. Second, Co-parenting promotes equality between parents in terms of caregiving, decision-making, and household responsibilities. It also prevents the burden of parenting from falling solely on one parent, fostering a more equitable distribution of duties.

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Third, Co-parenting strengthens the bond between parents, fostering a healthier and more harmonious relationship. The shared commitment to raising the child creates a sense of unity and teamwork within the family. Fourth, Engaging in co-parenting allows parents to become positive role models for their children. When children witness their parents working together, respecting each other’s roles, and supporting one another, they learn important values such as cooperation, respect, and effective communication. These valuable life lessons lay a strong foundation for the child’s own future relationships and parenting skills.

When co-parenting is not practiced, it can have detrimental effects on both the child and the parents involved. Without the active involvement of both parents, the child lack emotional support and guidance, leading to feelings of abandonment, insecurity, and a reduced sense of belonging to the child. Moreover, the absence of co-parenting can reduce opportunities for learning and decrease motivation to excel academically of a child. Further, in the absence of co-parenting, gender inequalities may be reinforced, as one parent may assume most of the parenting responsibilities while the other is less involved. This can perpetuate the notion that certain tasks and responsibilities are gender-specific, limiting the child’s understanding of gender equality. Hence, the absence of co-parenting can have significant negative consequences for both the child and the parents. It results in limited emotional support, hindered cognitive development, instability, reinforced gender inequalities, and limited opportunities for the child’s future success.

The notion that both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child is not without its challenges and criticisms. Critics argue that biological and societal differences between men and women may naturally lead to different roles and strengths in parenting. However, supporters argue that equal responsibility fosters a more balanced upbringing, provides diverse perspectives, and promotes gender equality. While challenges exist, striving for equal parenting roles can lead to a more fulfilling and supportive environment for the child, ultimately benefiting their overall development and well-being.

In conclusion, both parents assuming equal responsibility in raising a child is crucial for the child’s overall development, emotional well-being, and cognitive growth. Co-parenting not only promotes gender equality but also creates a stable and nurturing environment for the child. By actively participating in shared parenting, parents contribute to their child’s success and lay the foundation for a more equal and inclusive society.

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