Written by Awais Ishfaq
Social media, a medium that enables people to connect and converse, can be alarming in many ways, and it is not an unknown fact to a User. Human beings are social creatures. Therefore, several people tend to rely on it to engage in social interaction entirely. Unfortunately, vast technology comes with a curse. It is the curse that has turned the human life upside down.

The sense of unusual comparison is one factor that has affected people’s physical and mental well-being badly. The unrealistic, flittered, and pretentious photos of other people on Social media drive a person to despair. Pretending to be prosperous and always happy has become a trend on Social media. Unable to experience that privilege, a person, deceived by the fake life portrayed on social media, thinks to end his life.

The constant stream of likes, retweets, and comments from the social networking apps makes a person addicted to the sound of a push notification. It triggers the same kind of chemical reaction in a brain, as the other drugs as cocaine do.
As Edward Tufte says:
“There are only two industries that call their customers “users”: illegal drugs and software.”
Like a rabbit in an experiment lab that gets triggered by some stimuli, a person rushes to get its reward- in the form of likes and hearts- for the sake of a short-time satisfaction that leaves him with the more shallow feelings in the end.
Social media – in fact- is designed to catch people’s attention to feed them with advertisements, presumed by their harvested data. Social Media has the power to engage a person for hours through its irresistible algorithm. The worst part is that its tricks so manipulate people that they don’t find it abnormal anymore. They have a little or no idea how real life looks like outside of the digital world.
Since billions of people use social media, the feed is always loaded with interesting news and amazing photos of the beloved ones. There is always a fear of missing out the things when one decides to quit social media. Cyberbullying is another negative factor of Social media. People are bullied and threatened. Their data is hacked and leaked to blackmail them. Their lives are made hard to live afterwards.
There is no denying that Social media can demise a person if he fails to realise its negative impacts and counter them.

About the writer:
Mr Awais Ishfaq is a 21-years-old innovative writer, trained under the coaching of a great mentor Sir Syed Kazim Ali. He is a CSS aspirant as well. Having done graduation in General Science, he delights in writing education blogs to enlighten people on various subjects.
Name of the Student: Mr Awais Ishfaq
Qualifications: Graduation in General Science
Total Articles/Blogs: 3
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing
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