CSS 2015 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | The Importance of Sunnah in Legislation
The following question of CSS Islamiat 2015 is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted using the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, who have scored the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
The examiner inquired about the importance of Sunnah in interpretation and legislation. The question is addressed in two parts. The first is an outline, which is broken down into different parts. Moving further, the introduction is given, followed by the importance of Sunnah in interpretation and legislation.
2-What is the significance of Sunnah in Islam?
3-What is the importance of Sunnah in interpretation and legislation?
- ✔Confirmation of the Quranic text
- ✔Basis for legal rulings
- ✔Addressing unmentioned issues
- ✔Exemplary testimony (Absolute declarations of the Holy Quran)
- ✔Independent source of legislation
- ✔Specification of General Rule
4-Critical analysis

Answer to the Question
Islamic faith and conduct stem primarily from the Quran and the Sunnah. Nonetheless, the Quran, to be the exact words of God, is the Holy book of Islam and is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Sunnah is the compilation of the Prophet Muhammad’s practices and behaviours, which are documented in the hadith. From social and political structures to religious beliefs and practices, the Qur’an and Sunnah are the cornerstone of Islamic life. Therefore, The Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Sunnah and the Holy Quran offer advice on everything, whether it be social security or worship, financial transactions or environmental devastation.
What is the significance of Sunnah in Islam?
The Prophet was the community’s political and spiritual leader when the Islamic commonwealth was established in Madina in 622 AD. Additionally, matters were presented before him for decision-making because he was the state’s highest court. The Quran served as the Basis for these decisions. However, when the Quran was silent or additional interpretation was needed, the Prophet took a ratiocination-based stance. Nonetheless, in Islam, the term “Sunnah” refers to the sayings, deeds, and practices of Prophet Muhammad. These are regarded as examples for Muslims to follow and serve as a second source of Islamic law in addition to the Quran. They offer instructions on how to live a moral life by imitating the Prophet’s conduct in all facets of daily life, from critical religious rites to even small ones like social and individual interactions.
What is the importance of Sunnah in interpretation and legislation?
In the Quran, the Holy Prophet’s application of the Holy Spirit is acknowledged: “…and whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain (therefrom).” (59: 7). The Quran is the source of the Sunnah’s authority, but the Sunnah also helps to make clear and reinforce the framework of Islamic law. The interdependence of the two sources makes it impossible to separate them. Here are some examples that show how the Holy Prophet’s Sunnah encompasses a wide range of topics or facets of life and is applicable in legislation.
- Confirmation of the Quranic text
Islam has strongly emphasized knowledge acquisition: “Allah opens the path of Paradise to one who takes a step on the path of the acquisition of knowledge.” The Islamic faith also requires knowledge to be used for the good of others after it has been obtained. However, in Islam, “Sunnah” is regarded as a means of validating and elucidating the text of the Quran. It serves as a real-world illustration of how to apply the principles stated in the Quran through the teachings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad, offering more information and direction on several topics related to Islamic law and practice. For instance, Islamic law states that the Quran establishes fixed shares for every type of successor based on their kinship. It is not possible to negotiate these shares. Sons often receive twice as much as daughters; the spouse gets half of the inheritance and a quarter if they have children. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), therefore, emphasized the significance of equitably allocating these “Fara’id” (mandated shares) to those who are entitled to them; in other words, individuals referred to as heirs in the Quran ought to get their allotted share of the inheritance.
- Implementation of legal rulings
The Prophet’s entire life served as an exposition of Islamic law. The PBUH carried out all of Allah’s lawful directives in his legislation. For instance, the taking of riba (interest) is forbidden in Islam. Anas Ibn Malik claims that the Holy Prophet stated: “When one of you grants a loan, and the borrower offers him a dish, he should not accept it; and if the borrower offers a ride on an animal, he should not ride unless the two of them have been previously accustomed to exchanging such favours mutually.” Furthermore, the Prophet (PBUH) said, “may curse the receiver and the payer of interest, the one who records it and the two witnesses to the transaction and said: “They are all alike [in guilt].” (Muslim)
- Addressing unmentioned issues
Sunnah is an approach to resolving unspoken legislative difficulties. In Islam, the Sunnah is an essential source of law that addresses matters not specifically addressed in the Quran. Offering direction on various topics and acting as a separate source for decisions that might not be mentioned in the sacred text enhances the Quran. The fundamental ideas of Shariah provide us with a strong basis for assisting in the establishment of social justice and fairness within the contemporary financial system, even though there were no computerized stock markets 1,400 years ago. It offers good flexibility and sound fundamentals. Shariah’s fundamental objectives of social justice and fairness are upheld by the Islamic financial system, which can adapt to the shifting conditions of the modern world.
- Exemplary declarations of the Holy Quran
Additionally, the Sunnah is a means of expressing the Holy Quran’s exemplary pronouncements. As a living interpretation of the teachings of the Quran, Sunnah is closely related to it. For instance, “ijtihad” in Islamic teachings refers to the diligent work of a qualified scholar who uses their in-depth knowledge of the religious texts and jurisprudential principles to interpret Islamic law (Sharia) on a topic not specifically covered in the Quran or Hadith in order to reach a legal conclusion.“Thus, We have made you (Muslims), a Wasat (just) (and the best) nation, that you be witnesses over mankind” [al-Baqarah 2:143]. Thus, it was put into practice when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent Mu’adh to Yemen as governor and instructed him to make decisions. In response, Mu’adh said he would decide based on the Quran and, if it contained no instruction, the Sunnah. Mu’adh said he would exercise his best judgment if neither provided direction. Then, the Prophet gave thanks to Allah for granting Mu’adh this capacity.
- Independent source of legislation
Moreover, “Sunnah” is regarded as an independent source of Islamic law, which means that it can render legal decisions on topics in which the Quran is silent. Nonetheless, Sunnah can offer a legal verdict based on the Prophet Muhammad’s actions in comparable situations when the Quran does not explicitly address the matter. For instance, zakat al Fitr laws and their verdicts were derived independently from the Sunnah. Additionally, the Quran forbids marrying a woman and her maternal or paternal aunt at the same time, although it simply forbids marrying two sisters at the same time. Additionally, The Sunnah outlines the precise steps to take during Wudu, such as washing the face, hands, and feet in a particular way, even though the Quran specifies the necessity of ablution before prayer. Therefore, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is considered the independent source of legislation.
- Specification of General Rule
Last, the Sunnah is a list of general guidelines outlined in Islamic law. It serves as a primary source for establishing legal concepts and clarifies and elaborates on Quranic teachings. In this way, the Sunnah clarifies and adds to the more general rules found in the Quran. Sunnah’s description of General Rule was well exemplified by the Prophet’s establishment of the Islamic political system, which is marked by a theocratic government model. This model gained power from divine direction through the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s own actions. Moreover, “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) made Zakat al-Fitr obligatory on every Muslim, young or old, free or slave, to give one “saa” of dates or one “saa” of barley, to purify the fasting person from indecent speech and deeds and as food for the poor.” – Narrated by Ibn Umar. Therefore, the Sunnah is crucial in interpretation and legislation in Islamic countries.
The Sunnah, a vital supplement to the Quran by offering comprehensive practices and explanations of its principles, is regarded in Islamic jurisprudence as a crucial source of interpretation and legislation. It essentially clarifies how to apply Quranic teachings in daily life through the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, thereby forming the foundation for Islamic law (Sharia) alongside the Quran itself. Furthermore, in order to facilitate accurate interpretation, the Sunnah frequently offers background information and particular instances of how the Prophet Muhammad interpreted and responded to Quranic verses that are open to interpretation—creating legal precedents, addressing unspoken issues, and setting a moral example.

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