Written by Awais Ishfaq
Pakistani society is on the verge of mayhem due to ongoing deterioration of its morality. People are so blinded by their ambitions for worldly success that they care a fig about their moral upbringing.

People have allowed greed to take over their morals. As a result, clinics are filled with counterfeit medications, shops with low-quality goods, and stalls with rotten fruit and vegetables, putting many lives in danger. Avaricious sellers do not spare any chance of swindling a customer either.
Advertisement has the people chasing materialistic objects, working ling hours, and striving for the stuff they can’t even afford. Materialistic people, being slaves of life-style obsession, fall for it and adopt wrong means like corruption to meet their needs.
Social networks, on the other hand, have distanced the family members. People spend more time in their virtual lives than real ones. It has eliminated the sense of observation in people. Everyone is self-centred, growing up into a narcissist and cold-hearted person. People are usually restricted to their rooms with their electronic gadgets, far away from nature and real-life experience. Therefore, youth, mostly, is prone to mental issues like anxiety, depression, and low-self esteem.
Furthermore, the government’s incapability to control rampant poverty has compelled people to engage in violent activities like robbery and, hence, in killing too.
Into the bargain- the society, torn between pseudo-liberals and conservative Muslim scholars, has forgotten the meaning of Islam, a religion that only promotes love, peace, and harmony among people.
To rescue the society from its moral decay, the government should take a strict step to promote seriousness of moral values through the academic syllabus. Both the teachers and parents should take their responsibility and educate children about it. Media should broadcast the programmes that could knock some sense of morality in people. It is high time that the religious scholars should preach people about the positive impacts of social ethics. Teaching Islam in the true sense can upbring the society and make them believe in love, patience, and tolerance.

To sum it up, Pakistani society is morally weak, and hence, full of selfish, greedy, and hypocrite people. If the right steps are not taken to improve the society, it will soon be in ruins.
About the writer:
Mr Awais Ishfaq is a 21-years-old innovative writer, trained under the coaching of a great mentor Sir Syed Kazim Ali. He is a CSS aspirant as well. Having done graduation in General Science, he delights in writing education blogs to enlighten people on various subjects.
Name of the Student: Mr Awais Ishfaq
Qualifications: Graduation in General Science
Total Articles/Blogs: 1
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing
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