Miss Nirmal Hasni, a Sir Syed Kazim Ali student, has attempted the Civil Judge 2024 KPK Five Paragraph Essay “Thus Speaketh Justice Unto me: “Men are not Equal.” And Neither be They become So.“ on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali teaches his students. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other judiciary and competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns to qualify for the essay paper.

Thus Speaketh Justice Unto me: “Men are not Equal.” And Neither be They become So.
While some argue that all individuals are inherently equal in terms of rights and dignity, justice acknowledges that men are not equal in abilities, circumstances, and achievements, as biological differences, social hierarchies, and individual efforts shape disparities that cannot be entirely eradicated.
2-How Justice Acknowledges Human Inequality
- People differ in physical strength, intelligence, and talents, making absolute equality impossible.
- Evidence: Friedrich Nietzsche, in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, argues that human nature is hierarchical, with some destined to lead and others to follow.
- Access to education, wealth, and resources is often determined by social class, reinforcing existing inequalities.
- Evidence: A 2023 World Inequality Lab report found that the top 1% of the world’s wealthiest individuals control 43% of global wealth, while the bottom 50% own only 2%.
3-Counterargument: Can Equal Opportunities Lead to True Equality?
- Counterargument: Some argue that legal protections, education, and social programs create a level playing field, making equality achievable.
- Refutation: While social policies help reduce disparities, they cannot erase differences in talent, ambition, and privilege. For example, in socialist states, ruling elites still control resources, proving that power and inequality persist even in systems designed for equality.

The Essay Begins Below!
The idea of human equality is often championed as a moral and political ideal, yet real-world disparities in ability, wealth, and achievement continue to shape society. While legal and ethical frameworks promote equal rights and dignity, justice itself acknowledges that individuals are not equal in their capacities or circumstances. For instance, biological differences influence intelligence and physical abilities, social hierarchies determine access to opportunities, and individual effort plays a crucial role in success. These factors create inherent inequalities that cannot be entirely eradicated. Simply put, while equality remains a noble aspiration, justice operates within the reality that men are not equal and never truly become so.
To begin with, justice recognizes that biological differences create natural inequalities among individuals, making absolute equality impossible. Not all individuals possess the same intellectual, physical, or creative abilities, leading to inevitable disparities in achievement. Some people are naturally gifted in specific areas, while others struggle despite equal opportunities. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche argues that human nature is inherently hierarchical, with some destined to lead and others to follow. This idea is evident in fields such as sports and academia, where genetic advantages and cognitive abilities play a significant role in success. Even with the same resources, individuals achieve different results due to their innate capabilities. Therefore, justice does not deny these differences but ensures that merit is rewarded rather than imposing artificial equality.
Moreover, social hierarchies and economic structures further reinforce inequality, limiting individuals’ ability to achieve true equality. Beyond biological differences, societal structures create barriers that prevent individuals from attaining the same level of success. Wealth, education, and social connections often determine access to opportunities, reinforcing existing disparities. A 2023 World Inequality Lab report found that the top 1% of the world’s wealthiest individuals control 43% of global wealth, while the bottom 50% own only 2%. This stark contrast highlights how privilege and inherited advantages shape life outcomes, even in societies that claim to promote equal opportunities. The wealthy have better access to elite education, healthcare, and influential networks, making it difficult for those from disadvantaged backgrounds to compete on equal footing. Hence, justice does not eliminate these inequalities but functions within them to ensure fairness, acknowledging that true equality remains unattainable.
On the other hand, some argue that legal protections, education, and social programs can create a level playing field, making equality achievable. They claim that well-structured legal systems and social policies can bridge the gap between individuals and eliminate disparities. In a Theory of Justice, John Rawls argues that fairness can be achieved by designing institutions that provide equal opportunities, particularly for the least advantaged. Policies such as affirmative action, universal education, and progressive taxation aim to reduce inequality by redistributing resources. However, while these measures help mitigate disadvantages, they do not eliminate inherent differences in talent, ambition, or inherited privilege. For instance, in socialist states like the former Soviet Union, ruling elites continued to control wealth and power despite efforts to create an egalitarian society. This demonstrates that inequality persists even under systems designed to eradicate it. Thus, justice does not seek to impose absolute equality but rather ensures fairness while recognizing that disparities will always exist.
In conclusion, while the idea of human equality is often promoted, justice acknowledges that men are inherently unequal in abilities, circumstances, and achievements. Biological differences create natural disparities in intelligence, talent, and physical strength, social hierarchies ensure that wealth and privilege remain concentrated among elites, and individual effort leads to varying levels of success. Although some argue that legal and social policies can create equality, history proves that disparities persist despite these efforts. Rather than enforcing artificial sameness, justice ensures fairness by rewarding merit and allowing individuals to reach their potential within the reality of human inequality.

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