Good Governance and Measures by the Present Government | Daily Writeups and Opinions
The following article, “Analyze the Term Good Governance. Also Suggest Some Measures the Present Government Should Take to Improve Its Performance.”, is written by Maryam Hameed, a student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali. Moreover, the article is written on the same pattern, taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. Sir Kazim has uploaded his students’ solved past paper questions so other thousands of aspirants can understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

2-Deciphering the term good governance
3-Background information
4-Current scenarios of governance in Pakistan
5- Causes behind the hindrance of good governance system framework in Pakistan
- ✓Lack of law and order and Underperforming judiciary
- Case in point: The World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index 2021 report elaborates that Pakistan ranks at the 130th position out of 139 nations and is the lowest-ranked country in its adherence to the rule of law.
- ✓Flawed accountability system
- Case in point: Pakistan got the worst ranking, 140th out of 180 countries in 2021 in the region, as per the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) published by Transparency International.
- ✓The fragility of the institutional framework
- Case in point: According to the National Corruption Perception Survey 2023 released by TIP indicates that 60 per cent of Pakistan’s citizenry at the national level are of the view that accountability institutions (NAB, FIA, ACEs, and office of the Ombudsman) should be abolished as they have failed to control corruption.
6-What pragmatic measures should the present government employ to improve its performance?
- ✓To enforce the rule of law
- Case in point: According to the World Justice Project’s (WJP) Rule of Law Index 2021 report, “Pakistan, ranking 130th out of 139 nations, is the lowest-ranked country in its adherence to the rule of law.”
- ✓To ensure Transparency
- Case in point: Sweden’s Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan (2023–2025)
- ✓To establish Accountability
- Case in point: Singapore and Denmark accountability framework
- ✓To promote inclusive participation
- Case in point: According to Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), “Everyone has the right to participate in the government of his country, directly or indirectly or through freely chosen representatives.”
- ✓To strengthen institutions
- Case in point: Singapore’s Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), a clear manifestation of the case
- ✓To employ anti-corruption measures
- Case in point: Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) epitomizes an effective anti-corruption agency with investigative and preventive powers.

Answer to the Question
In the intricate tapestry of governance, good governance entails the responsible conduct of public affairs and efficient management of public resources, an inspiration shared by nations worldwide. It adds a normative or evaluative attribute in all governing processes, embodying the principles and practices that contribute to organizations, institutions, and governments’ practical, transparent, accountable, and ethical functioning. Furthermore, it ensures the regulation of the rule of law, the availability of human rights, the mitigation of corruption, and the inclusivity of unheard voices. Many countries are grappling with governance crises, especially Pakistan. Multifaceted factors, the lack of law and order, underperforming judiciary, deficiency in strategic planning and policy-making, and political interference in administration are the potential factors of the flawed governance system in the country. Therefore, the present government should play an influential role in curbing this menace. The government must employ imperative measures to address these issues and improve its good governance. To illustrate, the best ways are enforcing the rule of law, ensuring transparency, and promoting inclusive participation. Further, strengthening institutions and emphasizing equity and inclusiveness are also essential. Employing these measures can bring about an influential change, improve its performance, and ensure good governance in the country, fostering Pakistan’s sustainability and growth. The following answer debunks the good governance and measures that the present government should employ to improve its performance.
“Good Governance is an efficient public service, a reliable judicial system, an administration accountable to the public”.
Deciphering the term good governance
Moving towards the understanding of the concept of governance, it is a not new process. Instead, the notions of governance and good governance are used interchangeably. Good governance is a multifaceted notion. It entails the efficient and effective conduct of public affairs, utilizing public power and resources to pursue well-rounded and widely accepted social goals. The definition of “Good governance” by the World Bank is “How power is exercised in the management of a country’s economic and social resources for development”. Furthermore, good governance is aimed at enacting jurisprudence in decentralization and public administration and strengthening the institutional capacity of local, regional, and central authorities, which at all levels is crucial for the proper functioning of the governance system. Moreover, it encompasses eight significant principles, such as fair conduct of elections, representation and participation, accountability, openness and transparency, responsiveness, and efficiency and effectiveness, which contribute to organizations’, institutions’, or governments’ effective, transparent, and ethical functioning. In short, good governance is a normative ideal that ensures sustainable human development through adherence to the rule of law, transparency and accountability, and building trust between citizens and government bodies, the fundamental aspects of a healthy and functional governance system.
Current scenario of governance in Pakistan
Delving into Pakistan’s contemporary state of governance system, it is indeed marred by the complex interplay of political, institutional, economic, and social challenges. Political polarization, economic decline, political interference in the administrative system, escalating corruption and bribery pose a significant threat to the governance framework. Most powerful institutions, notably the judiciary and police services, are involved in rampant corruption, epitomizing Pakistan’s grim governance situation. According to the National Corruption Perception Survey (NCPS) 2023, “At the national level, National Corruption Perception Survey 2023 has revealed that police remain the most corrupt sector (30 per cent), Tendering and Contracting was seen as the 2nd most corrupt (16 per cent) and Judiciary 3rd most corrupt (13 per cent).” Moreover, the present situation of accountability institutions is not acceptable. According to the survey, 68 per cent of Pakistanis believed that accountability institutions, such as the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Anti-Corruption Establishments, were used for “Political victimization.” Unfortunately, the situation does not bode well for Pakistan’s governance system and public welfare.
Causes behind the hindrance of good governance system framework in Pakistan
- Lack of law and order and Underperforming judiciary
As many factors have wreaked havoc in Pakistan’s governance system, the inefficient law and order and underperforming judiciary are the primary factors behind it. The country faces escalating issues, such as political instability, rampant corruption, and ongoing security threats, contributing to difficulties in maintaining public order. Likewise, the judiciary, considered a bedrock of the legal system, encounters hindrances, such as case backlogs, delays, and a perception of corruption, undermining its effectiveness in delivering justice. To illustrate, the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index 2021 report shows that Pakistan is among the lowest-ranked countries in its adherence to the rule of law, ranking 130th out of 139 nations. This low ranking epitomizes the gravity of the country’s lack of law and order and inefficient judicial system, which is the reason behind the dilemma of an incompetent sound governance system.
- Flawed accountability system
Another detrimental factor contributing to underperforming governance in the country is the flawed accountability system. This issue is particularly prevalent in management, public administration, and the rule of law. Furthermore, Pakistan’s governance is marked by escalating corruption, nepotism, and mismanagement. These factors have eroded the governance structure regime. Unfortunately, Pakistan has not been able to formulate and implement a holistic accountability regime despite establishing numerous anti-corruption institutions. Furthermore, political influence also compromises the impartiality of accountability institutions. For instance, according to the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) published by the Transparency International (TI), “Pakistan ranks at the worst position 140th out of 180 countries in 2021.” Thus, the lack of accountability is a daunting threat hindering the practice of a good governance framework in the country.
- The fragility of the institutional framework
Last but not least, the country’s weak institutions have significantly hampered good governance performance. Pakistan has been grappling with the challenges of weak institutions since its inception. The annals of history are marked by military dictatorships and weak democratic governments, leading to the establishment of feeble institutions. Also the state of institutions in the country is vulnerable. The institutions responsible for managing and properly functioning public affairs are marred by corruption and nepotism, the absence of meritocracy. For example, weak control and nepotism by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) over the management of pilots’ rules and regulations have resulted in the ban of all Pakistani airline operations in Europe and the USA. Furthermore, the National Corruption Perception Survey 2023 released by TIP indicates that 60 per cent of Pakistan’s citizenry at the national level consider that accountability institutions, such as NAB, FIA, ACEs, and the Office of the Ombudsman, should be abolished owing to the failure in corruption control. This miserable condition of the country’s institution is not a good sign and needs contemplation. Thus, the inability of institutions to conduct state of affairs efficiently and effectively is an underlying cause, contributing to the underperforming sound governance system.
What pragmatic measures should the present government employ to improve its performance?
However, the present government should follow pragmatic measures and reforms aligned with the principles of good governance to improve the gloomy situation of the country.
- To enforce the rule of law
First, enforcing the rule of law, a legal framework that must be implemented impartially and impersonally, is crucial for good governance. Pakistan, grappling with crises like corruption, extremism, and bribery, needs imperative reforms to mitigate these challenges and further catalyze good governance practices. The country is one of the least adherers to the rule of law, underscoring the urgent need for reforms. The Transparency International Pakistan (TIP) released its report, National Corruption Perception Survey 2023, which ranked the judiciary institution among Pakistan’s top three most corrupt institutions. Thus, considering the country’s law and order situation, the government should employ comprehensive strategies, such as guaranteeing the enforcement of laws, an independent Juan judiciary, and an incorruptible police force. Thus, an independent judiciary can help enforce the rule of law and protect individual rights, promote accountability, foster public trust, and ensure a proper balance of power within a constitutional framework.
- To ensure Transparency
Second, ensuring transparency also holds a paramount significance in good governance, constituting the core principle of good governance. Transparency is regarded as a best practice, requiring disclosing all relevant information so others can make well-informed decisions. Owing to burgeoning evils, the country lacks transparency, leading to the good governance crisis. Therefore, the government should actively strive to ensure transparency. For this, it can implement a multifaceted approach like gradual and decentralized policy, open public disclosure of financial information, including detailed reports, budgets, and expenditure details, providing insight into fund allocation and spending, and making open data that can benefit the general public by utilizing it. For instance, Sweden’s OGP Action Plan 2023–2025 has disseminated data to the general public to ensure transparency and combat corruption. Thus, ensuring transparency, such as open disclosure of information, empowers diverse stakeholders, individuals, researchers, and businesses to harness it for research, innovation, informed decision-making, and societal progress. In short, this accessibility fosters transparency and promotes collaboration in public administration.
- To establish Accountability
Third, establishing accountability is pivotal to religiously practicing a sound governance framework. Accountability dictates that government officials are accountable to higher authorities in the institutional chain of command and to the general public, non-governmental organizations, mass media, and many other stakeholders. In Pakistan, the situation of accountability is not satisfactory. The annals of history are marked by mismanagement, posing a threat to accountability. Therefore, the government should empower independent anti-corruption bodies, provide whistleblower protection, and promote transparent governance to foster an accountability system. For example, countries like Singapore and Denmark have successful accountability mechanisms. These nations consistently score high on the global Corruption Perception Indices, demonstrating the effectiveness of anti-corruption solid institutions, whistleblower protection, and transparent governance. Emulating these strategies can thus help foster a culture of integrity and accountability in both public and private sectors.
- To promote inclusive participation
Similarly, promoting inclusive participation is essential in improving Pakistan’s good governance. The inclusive participation of state stakeholders is a bedrock of good governance. At its core, it encourages the participation of marginalized groups, women, minorities, and other underrepresented communities in decision-making. When citizens from all segments of society actively engage in political processes, it leads to the formulation of policies that address a more comprehensive array of needs and concerns, promoting social equity in Pakistan, which is instrumental to achieving good governance in the country. Therefore, the government should encourage engagement from all segments of society through initiatives such as town hall meetings and public forums. This inclusive approach not only strengthens democratic principles but also enhances the legitimacy of governance institutions, ultimately contributing to more effective and sustainable governance in the country, according to Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR):
“Everyone has the right to participate in the government of his country, directly or indirectly or through freely chosen representatives.”
- To strengthen institutions
Moreover, strengthening the institution in a state is deemed necessary to advance good governance. It can be possible by implementing effective service delivery that provides well-functioning institutions better equipped to plan and execute policies, reducing bureaucratic hurdles. Therefore, the present government of Pakistan should undertake a comprehensive set of measures, such as implementing transparent and accountable governance structures and fostering an independent judiciary. Moreover, robust anti-corruption reforms should be instituted, establishing independent bodies to investigate and prosecute corruption cases. To illustrate, Singapore’s Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) epitomizes the effectiveness of an independent anti-corruption body, coupled with transparent processes and strong leadership commitment, playing a pivotal role in building and maintaining trustworthy institutions.
- To employ anti-corruption measures
Lastly, employing pragmatic anti-corruption measures is imperative for sustainable good governance. To accomplish this, the government should address corruption through a comprehensive approach, such as independent institutions such as the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to effectively and impartially investigate and prosecute corruption cases, encompassing legal reforms, institutional strengthening, and a commitment to ethical conduct at all levels of government and society. For instance, Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) epitomizes an effective anti-corruption agency with investigative and preventive powers. Furthermore, it should ensure a code of conduct for public servants that should set the high standards of behaviour expected of public officers, embodying principles of integrity, incorruptibility and transparency and ensuring the practice of meritocracy. Thus, these pragmatic measures not only help to fight the anathema of corruption but also to actively work towards creating an environment that discourages corrupt practices and fosters ethical behaviour, thereby promoting good governance performance.
To conclude, good governance constitutes the responsible conduct of public affairs and management, encompassing transparency, accountability, and inclusive practices. Like many other countries, Pakistan grapples with persistent governance challenges, notably corruption, illiteracy, lack of law and order, underperforming judiciary, poor leadership, and administrative problems, hindering the realization of good governance. To fortify its performance within the framework of good governance, the government should undertake multifaceted approaches. This entails the impartial enforcement of the rule of law, striving for impartial and impersonal implementation of legal frameworks, fostering an independent judiciary and an incorruptible police force, and gradually implementing transparent policies. Furthermore, it establishes robust accountability mechanisms, promotes inclusive participation, and strengthens institutions through an independent anti-corruption framework. In short, heightened commitment to combat bête noire of corruption. It is high time that the present government has a pivotal role. A comprehensive approach is essential to foster sustainable development and ensure good governance. In short, the unwavering commitment to these measures will address immediate challenges and pave the way for a future marked by transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in Pakistan’s governance landscape while improving its performance.

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