
CSS PMS Essays Topics

CSS PMS Essays Topics

CSS PMS Essays Topics are set for my students who want to go further and practice hard to qualify for the essay paper.

An essay is a meticulously structured piece of academic writing that effectively communicates your unique ideas, compelling arguments, and personal standpoint to the examiner clearly and coherently. Now that you’ve learned about the components of an essay in my extensive English essay and precis session, it’s crucial to enhance your understanding through thorough review and regular practice. Revise the fundamental concepts I thought about before practising the following essays.

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Critical Areas for Revision for CSS PMS Essays

Descriptive Essays

  • Outline (especially the 50 I sent)
  • Introduction (especially the 100 ones I sent)
  • How to write body paragraphs (especially I taught)
  • How to build coherence and cohesiveness (especially those passages that I taught)
  • How to write a critical analysis
  • How to write a conclusion

Argumentative Essays

  • Thesis statement (with or without antithesis)
  • Debatable and non-debatable essays
  • Thesis statement (claim and road map)
  • Outline (especially the 70 I sent)
  • Outline 7 structures
  • Introduction (especially the 100 ones I sent)
  • How to write body paragraphs (especially I taught)
  • How to build coherence and cohesiveness (especially those passages that I taught)
  • How to write an antithesis paragraph
  • How to write a critical analysis
  • How to write a conclusion
  • How to write proverbial essays (especially that I taught)

After you have revised all the essay lectures – step by step – in a sequence that we learned in 2.5 months, along with your 5 to 6 evaluated essays in which I taught you how to check errors, you can move towards practice. Remember, writing 20 to 30 essays from the list provided below will not only help you build confidence but also improve your ability to write essays under exam conditions. Focus on essays from various categories—descriptive, argumentative, and proverbial—to ensure that you are well-rounded and prepared for any type of essay prompt in your exam.


The instructions are for my students who have recently completed their extensive session or are enrolled. You can get an evaluation of 5 to 10 complete essays and up to 20 outlines and introductions. For evaluation, kindly follow the process.

  • Select any topic: argumentative or proverbial
  • Write thesis statement
  • Write an outline (follow the three most important structures)
  • Include antithesis (if required)
  • Write the introduction (both types I taught)
  • Write your name and session (on the top)
  • Send it to me for evaluation

CSS PMS Essays Topics

CSS Essays from 2020 to 2024

Hope: the greatest driving force
CPEC and “Indo-Middle East – Europe”, new war fronts
The power of propaganda and Muslim World
Phase out of fossil fuel and Arab Economics
Pragmatism vs Passion in politics
BRICS and Pakistan: Prospects of Recovery
Artificial Intelligence: The death of creativity
Pathways to Pakistan’s prosperity
Globalization and National Economics
Political Polarization: Governance and Society
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be”
Developing countries must be able to reap the benefits of international trade
Artificial intelligence has overpowered its bounds
No legacy is so rich as honesty
Social media has destroyed real life communication
Globalization: The end of austerity
Children must be taught how to think, not what to think
Pakistani women have the same chances as men
Unipolar, bipolar or multipolar: new direction of the world
So surely with hardship comes ease
Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone.
The one uses force is afraid of reasoning
Not all recycled projects are cost effective
The fool speaks and wise listens
A friend walks in when everyone else walk out
Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom instruction
To encourage healthy eating higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food 
People have become overly dependent on technology
Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child 
Boys will be boys 
An analysis of the concept of globalization of markets
Digital Democracy, social media and political participation
Global Trade and Trade Policies of China
Imagination is more important than knowledge
Global Politics and International Relations
The controversial Issues of feminism in contemporary women’s right movement 
World Food System: The economies of agriculture
Is there such a thing as ethical consumerism?
Human Development and Economic Sustainability
How is terrorism and its perception shaped by the Mass Media?
“Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream”.
Meaning purposive education.
COVID-19: A wake-up call for Pakistani researchers.
Human inventions move the societies backward.
Universal human equality is utopic.
Bureaucracy doldrums.
Gender equality: A popular slogan
Pros and cons of globalization.
Intercultural communication is panacea to avoid 3rd world war.
“I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed”.
Do We really need literature in our lives?
Women universities as agents of change.
Pakistan and the future of Kashmir cause.
Polarized politics: the issues and challenges of democracy in Pakistan.
Global power dynamics and Pakistan’s foreign policy.
Pakistan’s informal economy: the way forward.
Promoting tourism in Pakistan: opportunities and challenges.
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.
Is Pakistan ready for digital revolution?
IMF bailouts: roads to stability or recipes for disaster.

CSS Essays from 2019 to 2010

Let there be more light in the corridors of worship
New war fronts lie in economic zones.
Urdu Literature and Progressive Movement.
Art for peace.
Truth is lived, not taught.
New waves of feminism and our culture.
Democracy and Illiteracy do not move together.
Sometimes we do not see what we see.
Expanding Information Technology: A curse or blessing.
Classrooms decide the future of the nation.
Real development should transform people’s lives, not just economic statistics.
Higher Education in Pakistan: Ills and Remedies.
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its Socio-economic Implications for the Region and the World.
Beware the barrenness of a busy life!
The Emerging Power of social media: Prospects and Problems.
In the fight against terrorism and corruption, it is imperative not to compromise human rights and civil liberties.
The threat of Global Warming and the ways to counter it.
Will “Rule of law” always remain an impracticable myth in our country?
Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles.
Is colonial mentality impeding Pakistan’s progress?
Brexit means globalization is the rhetoric of the privileged, and capitalism will return ferociously as ever.
More and more International military engagements by the United Nations; is the world moving towards peace?
Modernity is an unending project.
Feminism is not really a Third World issue.
Literature is a lonely planet of idealists.
Being a minority is a fate no one wants. Can nationalism be really inclusive?
Ideologies thrive on notions of resistance, yet change is a simulation.
Are modern wars not holy wars?
Life without controversy is no life. But why one should not choose the safe haven of conformism?
World as a global village: Learning to live together.
We have to learn to be our own best friends, because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.
Water crisis and national unity
The place of Urdu in Pakistan and Supreme Court’s ruling on making Urdu the official language of the country.
Crisis of good governance in Pakistan: Need for reforms and institution building
Promotion of tax culture in Pakistan: Perspective, prospects and challenges
Gender equality is a myth!
The creation of new provinces in Pakistan: Implications for an integrated country.
Does foreign aid help to achieve economic stability?
Frailty, thy name is woman.
The War on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights
Anticipation is often greater than realization
Punctuality is virtue of bored
The introduction of new digital technologies has radically altered identities
In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to is level of incompetence
I disapprove what you say, but I defend to death your right to say
Luxury predecessors become the necessity of successors
When life throws you lemons, make lemonade
Government Should eliminate subsidies and incentives for manufacturers and consumers of electric cars as they are costly and do not do enough to protect environment
Labor saving devices are more troublesome than they worth
Literature as a great cultural artifact
Language is a fit data for research in humanities and social science
Privatizing higher education-generating knowledge or making more money for the opulent
Women sportspersons are new ambassadors of the soft image of Pakistan
Post-modern ethos – a challenge to the west
Look to the east for a holistic progress
Great nations win without fighting
Can meaning be fixed?
The character of a nation can be judged by its symbolic narratives
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
There should be colleges and schools just for men/boys and some just for women/girls.
Let me take care of today, tomorrow shall take care of itself.
The traditional male role changed in the last 20 years.
Gender equality is a myth.
Meaning and purpose of education.
If gold rust what shall the iron do.
Country life is better than city life.
Free speech should have limitations.
Not economy but politics is a key to success.
Modern day communication via social networks puts an end of true and sincere relationships.
Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences
Obesity is the root cause of all disease
Beggars cannot be choosers
The United Nations in the 21st Century: Obligations and Limitations
Brains like hearts go where they are appreciated
The Emerging Power of Public Opinion
The suffering Soul in the Scientific Age
A Critical Analysis of Education Systems in Pakistan
Democracy is a culture rather than a process
Social and Economic Securities for Women in Islam
Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom by the print and electronic media
Without good communication skills, life becomes impossible in the modern world.
The time we live in is the winter of the world.
In this country reason does not apply to anything,
Does Pakistan society regard woman as the angel in the house or source of all evils?
Disaster management and government preparedness
Fair play and life, as it is lived, in the land of the pure.
The pleasures of reading.
What are the hurdles in our way to becoming a truly independent state?
Insanity in individuals is something rare but in groups, parties and nations it is the rule.
Literature is the best criticism of life.
Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism.
Pakistan is rich in natural resources but very poor in their management.
The U.N.O has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter.
All humans are born equal in dignity and rights but htey are in shackles everywhere.
Why is there no status of the third gender in Pakistan?
Can women be equal to men in Pakistan?
Without independent truth-finding commission, accountability is unachievable.
Religion has done more harm than help to human relations in the world.
The world politics stands more derisive than it was ever before due to the specific imperialist designs.

CSS Essays from 2009 to 2000

The Future of Democracy in Pakistan.
Health is not a condition of matter, but of mind.
Co-education: Merits and Demerits
The food crisis: Problems, Challenges, and Opportunities for Pakistan
English as the Medium of Education in Pakistan.
The future of UNO: Hopes and Hurdles
There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.
Status of Women in Islam
Pakistan’s War on terror and its impact on our psyche and politico-socio-economic fronts.
Power of Media in the Modern World.
Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty.
Peace the essential message of our religion
Time management is the key note of success.
Lack of discipline – a national disaster.
Materialism in the death of spirituality.
Poetry is the highest form of expression – the greatest proof is the Holy Quran.
Dreams for future rely on the work of today.
Can be prevent the Third World War?
Global Warming: Fact or Fiction
The more developed a country, the more lethally it is armed.
Higher Education as an agent of change
The future of mankind in a global warming perspective
The image of Islam in the western world and responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah
A country is backward because its people are backward
Globalization and electronic media
The present system of Education must assume some of responsibilities of our failure
Politics is the art of possible
Terrorism as a new threat to the contemporary world
The state of women rights in Pakistan
Truth In Short Supply
Humor In Urdu Literature
Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan
Personalization of Pakistani Politics
Global Warming
Nuclear weapons Are ‘not Only a Great Peril, But A Great Hope’
Brain, Like Hearts, Go Where They Are Appreciated’
Lots Of Folks Confuse Bad Management with Destiny’
There Comes a Time to Put Aside Principles and Do What’s Right’
We Grow Too Old Soon and Too Late Smart’
Every Solution Breeds New Problems’
Strategies for the alleviation of poverty.
Socio-Economic Challenges faced by Pakistan.
Estrangement from our own culture is driving us on the verge of collapse, not just our identity but also morality.
Reforms in Examination systems
Persecuted poor woman.
The search for truth.
Islam versus the West.
The end of cheap oil
All recorded history is contemporaneous
A pluralistic vision of Islam
Longing for Love
“A long Dispute means that both parties are wrong”
Modern Banking, finance and employment are part of one single paradigm
Peer Pressure
Formal and Casual dressing Codes.
Attitude of indifference.
“Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change”. ———Kung Fu-lzu Confucius.
Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan.
Art Critics and reviewers.
Young habits die-hard.
World scenario in 21st century and Pakistan’s Role in it.
International Crisis in Terrorism.
“Every art is an imitation of nature”.
Higher Science Education in the developing countries.
Austerity as a solution of all our economic problems.
“Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary”.
Higher Economic problems in Pakistan and how to. meet them.
“A little philosophy inflicts man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth man’s minds about to religion”.
Art and Morality.
“Of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be readable”.
“Education has for its object the formation of character”.
Need for serious planning in technical education in Pakistan.
“Turn not thy cheek in scorn towards folk nor walk with pertness in the land”. (Al-Quran)
Economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of literacy in it.
“Justice delayed is justice denied”.
National integration.
“Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes”.
It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.
On tolerance.
Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction.
He who eats the fruit should at least plant the seed.
“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm”.
Public office is a public trust.
Devolution of power in Pakistan.
Good governance and the role of the public servant.
Sweet are the uses of adversity.
“Hero-worship is the strongest where there is least regard for human freedom”.
Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to the economic prosperity of a country.
The barbarity of ethnic cleansing.
“Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave”.
“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry”
Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan – an overview.
“If you wish the sympathy of broad manes, then you must tell them the crudest and most stupid things”.
Moral standards in international relations.
“Personal liberty is the paramount essential to human dignity and human happiness”.
“The purification of politics is an iridescent dream”.
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Looking for the last ten years of CSS and PMS Solved Essays and want to know how Sir Kazim’s students write and score the highest marks in the essays’ papers? Then, click on the CSS Solved Essays to start reading them.

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CSS Solved General Science & Ability Past Papers

Want to read the last ten years’ General Science & Ability Solved Past Papers to learn how to attempt them and to score high? Let’s click on the link below to read them all freely. All past papers have been solved by Miss Iqra Ali & Dr Nishat Baloch, Pakistan’s top CSS GSA coach having the highest score of their students. General Science & Ability Solved Past Papers

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