
CSS 2024 Solved English Precis and Composition Paper

CSS 2024 Solved English Precis and Composition Paper

CSS 2024 Solved English Precis and Composition Paper | Are you looking for CSS 2024 solved English Précis and Composition Paper? Here is the paper solved by Sir Syed Kazim Ali

CSS 2024 Solved English Precis and Composition Paper

Sir Syed Kazim Ali has recently provided a solution to the CSS English precis and composition paper held on February 29, 2024. The solution aims to guide CSS aspirants on how to approach the paper and attempt it effectively. It is a helpful resource for those preparing for the CSS exam and seeking guidance on the precis and composition paper.

CSS 2024 Solved English Precis and Composition Paper

This CSS 2024 Solved English Precis and Composition Paper has covered the following:

  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Sentence Corrections
  • Prepositions
  • Pair of Words
  • Punctuation Solutions
  • Urdu-to-English Translation
  • Comprehension Passage
  • Solved Precis with Title
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CSS 2024 Solved Synonyms

UbiquitousScarcePresent everywhereUniqueLimited
MellifluousGratingSmooth and sweet soundingDissonantDiscordant

CSS 2024 Solved Antonyms

EsotericObviousUnderstood by fewExtraneousCommon

CSS 2024 Solved Sentence Correction

Sentence Correction – 1

Chewing slowly, the pepperoni pizza tasted delicious.

Sentence Correction

  • As I chewed slowly, the pepperoni pizza tasted delicious.
  • Chewing slowly, I thought the pepperoni pizza tasted delicious.
  • Chewing slowly, I tasted the delicious pepperoni pizza.
  • Chewing slowly, I tasted the pepperoni pizza, which was delicious.


This sentence has a dangling modifier. 

What is a misplaced and dangling modifier?

Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add, change, clarify, or describe other words, phrases, or clauses. 

Sometimes, writers misuse modifiers, leading to strange and unintentionally humorous sentences. The two most common types of modifier errors are misplaced modifiers and dangling modifiers

Dangling Modifiers

A dangling modifier (also known as hanging participle) is a phrase (usually a participle phrase, infinitive phrase, prepositional phrase, or appositive), which is not logically placed to the word or words it modifies. Simply put, if a modifier (word or phrase) modifies a different word than the targeted one in a sentence, we call it a dangling modifier. It usually comes at the start of a sentence. Unlike a misplaced modifier (e.g., adjectives, adverbs, phrases, clauses, etc.), a dangling modifier cannot be corrected by simply moving it to a different place in a sentence. 

How to fix dangling modifiers?

A modifier that opens a sentence must be followed immediately by the word it modifies. We have several ways to fix dangling modifiers.

  • Rearrange the words so that they should start with the word being modified or name the appropriate action doer as the subject of the main clause.
  • Change the modifier into a subordinate (dependent) clause.


Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on. (Dangling modifier)

“Having finished the assignment” is a participle phrase expressing an action, but the subject of the main clause “The TV” is not the doer of the action. Therefore, the TV cannot finish the assignment. Since the doer of the action is missing in the sentence, the participle phrase is said to be a dangling modifier. We have two ways, mentioned above, to fix the error.

  • Having finished the assignment, Anam turned on the TV. (Correct)
  • After Anam finished the assignment, she turned on the TV. (Correct)


Chewing slowly, the pepperoni pizza tasted delicious.

In this sentence, the subject is “the pepperoni pizza,” but the phrase “chewing slowly” is a dangling modifier. It is intended to modify the person who is eating the pizza, but instead, it mistakenly modifies the pizza itself, giving the impression that the pizza is the one doing the chewing.

So, we have the following ways to rewrite the sentence to fit the correct subject: 

  • As I chewed slowly, the pepperoni pizza tasted delicious.
  • Chewing slowly, I thought the pepperoni pizza tasted delicious.
  • Chewing slowly, I tasted the delicious pepperoni pizza.
  • Chewing slowly, I tasted the pepperoni pizza, which was delicious.

Sentence Correction – 2

Kicking and screaming, the exasperated father dragged his toddler out of the grocery store.

Sentence Correction

  • Kicking and screaming, the toddler was dragged out of the grocery store by his exasperated father.


This sentence also has a dangling modifier. Kindly see the explanation of the sentence correction 1.

Sentence Correction – 3

A young girl in the corner, holding a red balloon.

Sentence Correction

  • A young girl in the corner is holding a red balloon.
  • In the corner, a young girl is holding a red balloon. 
  • A young girl is holding a red balloon in the corner. 


This sentence carries an incomplete verb phrase, and we know a group of words cannot be a sentence if it lacks any of the following:

  • Subject or subject phrase
  • Verb or verb phrase
  • Capitalization of the first letter of the first word
  • Punctuation mark at the end of a sentence
  • Complete thought 

In order to correct the sentence, we just need to put a helping verb “IS” before the 4th form of the verb “HOLDING”. And we have already studied that a prepositional phrase answering us the place can also be written at the start or the end of the sentence. 

Sentence Correction – 4

He ordered a meal from the restaurant that was high in protein.

Sentence Correction

  • From the restaurant, he ordered a meal that was high in protein.
  • He ordered a meal that was high in protein from the restaurant.


This sentence has a misplaced modifier. 

What is a misplaced modifier?

A misplaced modifier is a modifier (usually a word, phrase, or clause) that is not placed near the word it modifies, making the sentence awkward and sometimes unintentionally humorous.


  • Alia wore a bicycle helmet on her head that was too large.

In this sentence, the writer has placed the modifier “THAT WAS TOO LARGE” too far from the noun “HELMET”. Of course, Alia’s head is not large; instead, it is her helmet. So, to correct the sentence, we need to place the adjective clause soon after the word is modified. 

  • Alia wore a bicycle helmet that was too large on her head.

Sentence Correction – 5

The group asked to hear the report that Shirley and me prepared.

Sentence Correction

  • The group asked to hear the report that Shirley and I prepared.


In this sentence, the error is in the adjective clause modifying the report in the given sentence. 

What is an adjective clause? 

An adjective clause, also known as a relative clause, is a type of dependent clause. It modifies a noun or pronoun in the main sentence by providing additional information about it. They allow you to combine two sentences into one by using relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that, and why) as connectors.

Structures of an adjective clause

There are two following structures that we use to write an adjective clause in a sentence:

1- Subjective Case Structure 

  1. Relative pronoun + Verb + Other Elements 

2- Objective Case Structure 

  1. Relative pronoun + Noun/Pronoun + Verb + Other Elements


  • The woman who was driving must be the one to blame.
  • I admire Professor Ammar, whose books were stolen.
  • The boy whom I met on the bus today works in a school.

Important Rules

When an adjective clause is used in an objective case, the noun or pronoun (coming after the relative pronoun) must be in a subjective case, not in an objective case. To correct the sentence, we must change the objective case “ME” with the subjective case “I”.

Sentence Correction – 6

I managed finishing the painting.

Sentence Correction

  • I managed to finish the painting.


In this sentence, there is an error related to the use of infinitives. In English, some verbs are always followed by an infinitive, not by a gerund. For more details, kindly revise the lecture that I taught you in more information. So, to correct the sentence, we just need to replace the gerund “FINISHING” with an infinitive “TO FINISH

List of the verbs that are followed by an infinitive

AskGrow UpSeem
Be aboutHesitateSet out
Cannot AffordHurryStrive
Cannot WaitInclineStruggle
ClaimMake up one’s mindTry
ComeManageTurn Out
Do one’s bestPersuadeWish
ElectPlanWould like
EncouragePrepareWould Prefer

CSS 2024 Solved Pair of Words

Sr. No.WordsPOSMeaningSentenceExplanation
1Creakn.A sharp soundMy grandma has asked me to oil her old rocking chair, for its creaks annoy her every time she uses it.Creak (n.) means a sharp sound. Whereas, Creek (n.) means a narrow area where the sea makes an inlet into the land.
Creekn.A narrow area where the sea makes an inlet into the landPakistan and India have been in a protracted dispute over the Sir Creek between India’s Gujrat and Pakistan’s Sindh, causing implications for both countries.Creak (n.) means a sharp sound. Whereas, Creek (n.) means a narrow area where the sea makes an inlet into the land.
2Palaten.The roof of the mouth which separates the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebratesBaby Sarah has a picky palate, and she refuses to eat her fruits and vegetables, worrying her mother a lot.Palate (n.) means the roof of the mouth which separates the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates. Whereas, Palette (n.) means a thin board with flat surface that artists use to mix colours and paints.
Paletten.A thin board with flat surface that artists use to mix colours and paintsShe filled her palette with rainbow colours and began working on her masterpiece, a realistic scenery of the Murree Hills.Palate (n.) means the roof of the mouth which separates the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates. Whereas, Palette (n.) means a thin board with flat surface that artists use to mix colours and paints.
3Elicitv.To extract; to draw out from somethingHis constant efforts and determination to get to the bottom of the case elicited the truth.Elicit (v.) means to extract; to draw out from something. Whereas, Illicit (adj.) means something illegal; something that is unlawful or prohibited by law, custom, etc..
Illicitadj.Something illegal; something that is unlawful or prohibited by law, custom, etc.The smuggling of illicit drugs is one of the biggest problems the whole world is facing.Elicit (v.) means to extract; to draw out from something. Whereas, Illicit (adj.) means something illegal; something that is unlawful or prohibited by law, custom, etc..
4Pealn.A sound that is deep and prolonged (as the sound of large bells or thunder)The peal of thunder was so loud and scary that Aslam thought a blast had occurred nearby.Peal (n.) means a sound that is deep and prolonged (as the sound of large bells or thunder). Whereas, Peel (v.) means to strip off the outer layer of something.
Peelv.To strip off the outer layer of somethingIt is a common practice to peel off the skin of several fruits before eating them.Peal (n.) means a sound that is deep and prolonged (as the sound of large bells or thunder). Whereas, Peel (v.) means to strip off the outer layer of something.
5Tautadj.Very tense and worried; something tightly stretched; somebody who has a firm and lean bodySeeing his trim and taut body, nobody could believe that it was the same Haris whom his friends used to bully for being fat.Taut (adj.) means very tense and worried; something tightly stretched; somebody who has a firm and lean body. Whereas, Taught (v.) is the past form of the verb “teach” that means to instruct or train somebody; to help students learn about a new concept or subject.
Taughtv.The past form of the verb “teach” that means to instruct or train somebody; to help students learn about a new concept or subjectHaving taught the art of writing for over 50 years, he can tell at a glance what a student needs to work on to refine his writing skills.Taut (adj.) means very tense and worried; something tightly stretched; somebody who has a firm and lean body. Whereas, Taught (v.) is the past form of the verb “teach” that means to instruct or train somebody; to help students learn about a new concept or subject.
6Faintadj.Possible but unlikely; slightI saw a faint light coming from the other end of the tunnel while driving through it.Faint (adj.) means possible but unlikely; slight. Whereas, Feint (v.) means any distracting or deceptive manoeuvre (as a mock attack).
Feintv.Any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack)The footballer first feinted to the left, away from the goal post and, then, immediately ran towards the goal post.Faint (adj.) means possible but unlikely; slight. Whereas, Feint (v.) means any distracting or deceptive manoeuvre (as a mock attack).
7Rheumn.A watery discharge from the mucous membranes, e.g. the eyes or nose; a coldAlthough she has been on medication for a long time, Shafia catches a rheum every time the season changes.Rheum (n.) means a watery discharge from the mucous membranes, e.g. the eyes or nose; a cold. Whereas, Room (n.) means an enclosed space in a building; a chamber.
Roomn.An enclosed space in a building; a chamberI booked a room for myself in Gilgit a week before my visit to avoid any mishaps.Rheum (n.) means a watery discharge from the mucous membranes, e.g. the eyes or nose; a cold. Whereas, Room (n.) means an enclosed space in a building; a chamber.
8Wreakv.To cause (something very harmful or damaging)The increment of tax on small-scale industries could wreak havoc on their businesses.Wreak (v.) means to cause (something very harmful or damaging). Whereas, Reek (n./v.) means a vapour; a very unpleasant smell; to give off a bad smell.
Reekn./v.A vapour; a very unpleasant smell; to give off a bad smellThe main garbage dump of the city is teeming with flies and reeks of rotting organic matter.Wreak (v.) means to cause (something very harmful or damaging). Whereas, Reek (n./v.) means a vapour; a very unpleasant smell; to give off a bad smell.

CSS 2024 Solved Punctuation

Punctuation Sentence 1

The cordless vacuum one of the least interesting of the household appliances got its start as a moon drill.


  • The cordless vacuum, one of the least interesting of the household appliances, got its start as a moon drill.


In this sentence, the writer used an appositive phrase but forgot to enclose it into commas.

What is an appositive or appositive phrase?

An appositive noun or noun phrase is a word or group of words that comes after another noun or noun phrase to provide additional information about it. The appositive serves to identify or define the noun it follows.
Appositives are typically nonessential, meaning they can be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence. When an appositive is used within a sentence, we have to put it within commas to set it off from the rest. If the appositive appears at the end of the sentence, it should be preceded by a comma.

Punctuation Sentence 2

There are many theories about Edgar Allan Poe’s mysterious death, including rabies, alcoholism, and a truly strange possibility he may have been a victim of a voter fraud scheme.


  • There are many theories about Edgar Allan Poe’s mysterious death, including rabies, alcoholism, and a truly strange possibility: he may have been a victim of a voter fraud scheme.


Colons (:) Setting off the Second Independent Clause

We use a colon to separate two independent clauses in a sentence when the second independent clause provides more information or exemplifies the first clause. In this case, we do not capitalize the first letter of the second clause.

Punctuation Sentence 3

The film critic said, “One of the most misquoted lines in movie history is Play it again, Sam.”


  • The film critic said, “One of the most misquoted lines in movie history is ‘Play it again, Sam. ‘”


In this sentence, there is a quote that needs to be punctuated grammatically correctly in a quote. 

Quote Within a Quote

When quoting a sentence that contains a quote that carries another quote inside it, we always enclose the second quote inside single quotation marks


  • The anchor told me, “When I interviewed the quarterback, he said they simply ‘played a better game.’ 
  • According to Pakistani scholar Danish Zaidi, “No one saw ‘mountains of dead bodies’ or ‘rivers of blood’ 

In this sentence, the quote “One of the most misquoted lines in movies history is Play it again, Sam” carries another quote “Play it again, Sam“. So, we have to enclose the other quote inside single quotation marks. So, the correct sentence is the following:

  • The film critic said, “One of the most misquoted lines in movie history is ‘Play it again, Sam. ‘”

Punctuation Sentence 4

Poorly named animals include: the flying fox, which is really a bat the electrical eel, which is really knifefish and the honey badger, which is the only member of its genus and species!


  • Poorly named animals include the flying fox, which is really a bat; the electrical eel, which is really a knifefish; and the honey badger, which is the only member of its genus and species!


In this sentence, there is an error related to using the colon. Moreover, placing semicolons instead of commas can help readers understand and distinguish a list of items. 

When not to use colons

Although there are several uses for colons, I have listed the relevant ones. For detailed uses of colons, visit the CPF website. In the following cases, we do not use colons.

  • We do not use colons after the following: “For Example”, “For Instance”, “Such As”, “That Is”, “Which Is”, “Namely”, “Like”, or “Unlike”.
  • We do not use colons if the quotation is introduced by a conjunction, such as “That”, “Whether”, or “If”.
  • We do not use colons after the verbs of the sentence; we always use colons after a noun. 

Semicolons serve to connect items in a list, including objects, locations, names, and descriptions. When the list items already have commas, using semicolons helps to avoid confusion between the items. In this way, the semicolon acts as a ‘super comma’. 

So, to correct the sentence, we OMIT the colon after the verb “INCLUDE” and place SEMICOLONS to separate the list. The correct sentence is the following:

  • Poorly named animals include the flying fox, which is really a bat; the electrical eel, which is really a knifefish; and the honey badger, which is the only member of its genus and species!

Punctuation Sentence 5

The Haskell Opera House sits right on the US Canadian border with the stage in Quebec and many of the seats in Vermont.


  • The Haskell Opera House sits right on the US-Canadian border, with the stage in Quebec and many of the seats in Vermont.


If two subjects or objects are connected with any of the following connectors, we must place a comma before and after the subject connecting phrase. Place a comma before the connector if the phrase comes at the end of the sentence. Revise the Subject Connectors Lecture. 

Subject or Object Connectors List 

  • With
  • Together with 
  • Along 
  • Along with 
  • As well as 
  • Besides 
  • Except
  • Of 
  • Not
  • But
  • Including
  • Excluding
  • In addition to 
  • Accompanied by 
  • Governed by 
  • Headed by 
  • Controlled by 
  • Led by 
  • Or any combination started with a 3rd form of verb + preposition.

So, to correct the sentence, we need to place a comma before the connector “WITH“. The correctly punctuated sentence is the following:

  • The Haskell Opera House sits right on the US-Canadian border, with the stage in Quebec and many of the seats in Vermont.

Punctuation Sentence 6

Most carnivorous plants attract and digest insects and invertebrates but some larger pitcher plants have been known to digest frogs, rodents, and other vertebrates.


  • Most carnivorous plants attract and digest insects and invertebrates, but some larger pitcher plants have been known to digest frogs, rodents, and other vertebrates.


If two independent clauses are connected with coordinating conjunctions (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So), we must place a COMMA before the conjunction. So, to correct the sentence, we just need to put a comma before the conjunction “BUT“. So, the correctly punctuated sentence is the following: 

  • Most carnivorous plants attract and digest insects and invertebrates, but some larger pitcher plants have been known to digest frogs, rodents, and other vertebrates.

Punctuation Sentence 7

Harvey is a good driver moreover he is very friendly one.


  • Harvey is a good driver. Moreover, he is a very friendly one.
  • Harvey is a good driver; moreover, he is a very friendly one.


The given sentence carries two clauses and a conjunctive adverb in it. And the sentence is not properly coordinated. We have two ways to punctuate the given sentence. 

  • We can split the clauses.
  • We can place a semicolon and a comma before and after the conjunctive adverb “Moreover.”


  • Harvey is a good driver. Moreover, he is a very friendly one.
  • Harvey is a good driver; moreover, he is a very friendly one.

CSS 2024 Solved Paragraph

Urdu Paragraph

جب فلسطین کا کا خود ساختہ تنازعہ تصفیہ کے لیے اقوام متحدہ کے روبرو پیش ہوا تو اس نمائندہ عالمی ادارے نے فلسطینی عوام کے حق خود ارادیت کو تسلیم کرتے ہوئے ان مسائل کے حل کا فارمولا بھی خود طے کیا۔ تنازعہ فلسطین کا دو ریاستی حل تجویز کیا گیا مگر اس کے لیے منظور ہونے والی اقوام متحدہ کی قراردادوں پر گزشتہ سات دہائیوں میں عمل درامد کی نوبت ہی نہیں آنے دی گئی۔ اس کے برعکس امریکہ کی ایما پر اسرائیلی فوجیں آج کے دن تک نہتے اور بے گناہ معصوم فلسطینیوں کے خون سے ہولی کھیل رہی ہیں اور غزہ کا علاقہ گزشتہ اڑھائی ماہ سے جاری جنگ میں مکمل طور پر برباد ہو چکا ہے۔ اس جنگ میں امریکی کمک کے ساتھ اسرائیلی فوجوں نے بیس ہزار سے زائد فلسطینیوں بشمول خواتین اور بچوں کو بے دردی سے شہید کیا ہے اور زندہ بچ جانے والے انسانوں کے لیے کوئی ٹھکانہ محفوظ نہیں رہنے دیا جو اب خوراک اور ادویات کی کم یابی کے باعث بھی زندگی سے ہاتھ دھو رہے ہیں۔

Translation by Sir Syed Kazim Ali

When the self-created conflict in Palestine came before the United Nations for resolution, the world body recognized the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and also proposed a formula for resolving the conflict. The two-state solution was proposed, but the UN resolutions passed for its approval have not been implemented in the past seven decades. On the contrary, at the behest of the United States, Israeli forces continue to play Holi with the blood of innocent and unarmed Palestinians to this day, and the Gaza Strip has been completely destroyed in the ongoing war for the past two and a half months. In this war, Israeli forces, with American assistance, have mercilessly martyred more than 20,000 Palestinians, including women and children, and have left no safe place for the survivors, who are now also losing their lives due to shortages of food and medicine.


CSS 2024 Solved Precis

Original Passage

In the heart of hustling cities, urban green spaces stand as oases of tranquility, providing respite from the hustle and bustle. Parks, adorned with vibrant flora, become heavens of relaxation and recreation. The greenery offers a sanctuary for diverse wildlife, creating a delicate balance between urban development and environmental preservation. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, city parks play a crucial role in fostering community bonds. Families gather for picnics, friends engage in sports, and individuals find solace amidst nature’s embrace. These communal spaces serve as venues for cultural events, open-air concerts, and art installations, enriching the urban experience. The benefits of urban green spaces extend beyond leisure. They contribute to improved air quality, mitigate the urban heat island effect, and promote overall well-being. Access to nature within city limits becomes a vital aspect of mental health, offering a refuge for introspection and rejuvenation. However, the challenge lies in balancing the increasing urbanization with the preservation of green spaces. Sustainable urban planning becomes imperative to ensure the co-existence of concrete jungles and national havens. Efforts to create and maintain parks, tree-lined avenues, and green rooftops become integral components of shaping cities that prioritize both human and environmental health. As cities evolve, the preservation and enhancement of urban green spaces become a shared responsibility. The vision is to cultivate urban land spaces that seemingly integrate nature into the tapestry of city life, fostering a sustainable and harmonious cohabitation between human progress and the environment.

Solved Precis

Solved Precis 1

City green spaces offer respite, recreation, and community building within urban environments. These sanctuaries benefit human and environmental health by improving air quality, mitigating heat, and providing natural access. Sustainable planning is crucial to balance development with green space preservation as cities expand. By creating parks, green roofs, and tree-lined avenues, we can cultivate cities prioritising human and environmental well-being, fostering a harmonious co-existence within the urban landscape.

  • Total Words in the Passage: 241
  • Total Words in Precis: 68
  • Title: Urban Green Spaces: A Refuge for Humans and the Environment

Solved Precis 2

Amidst bustling cities, urban green spaces serve as peaceful havens, offering respite from urban chaos. Indeed, these parks provide relaxation and wildlife sanctuaries, fostering a delicate equilibrium between development and environmental conservation. Further, they foster community bonds through various activities and cultural events, enhancing urban life. Beyond leisure, these spaces improve air quality and mental well-being, which is vital for urban dwellers. However, sustainable urban planning is imperative to preserve these spaces amidst urbanization, ensuring a harmonious coexistence of urban and natural environments.

  • Total Words in the Passage: 241
  • Total Words in Precis: 83
  • Title: Urban Green Spaces: Vital Havens amidst City Life

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