2000 Spelling Bee MCQs | Spelling Bee MCQs | 2000 Misspelt Words for Aspirants | Misspelt Words MCQs for Aspirants | Misspelt Words MCQs for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, GBPSC, CSS, PMS, GRE, GMAT, GAT, SAT, IELTS by Sir Syed Kazim Ali
English spelling has a bad reputation among students, incredibly competitive students. The importance of English spelling can be assessed because there is hardly any exam in Pakistan that lacks the MCQs related to spelling, misspelt words. Moreover, despite attempting essay papers following the given recommendations by FPSC, many CSS aspirants fail to qualify for the essay paper in the CSS exam in Pakistan because they commit spelling mistakes. Apart from CSS, each One Paper Commission Exam, 100 Marks MCQs Exam, always ask aspirants MCQs related to misspelt words. To help millions of students worldwide – CSS, PMS, GRE, GAT, SAT, GMAT, IELTS, Sir Syed Kazim Ali has created more than 2,000 spelling bee MCQs. And all these MCQs can be accessed easily at the Howfiv website, only LMS for 5.5 entrance and competitive exams in Pakistan. Thousands of competitive students play quizzes related to the spelling bee at Quiz Corner and learn, prepare, and practice them at MCQs Feed. If you want to write misspelt words free write-ups, thousands of spelling bee MCQs at the Howfiv website is created for you.

2000 Most Important Misspelt Words for CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, NTS Students are best for the following types of tests:
Deputy Director, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) | Inspector Customs, (FBR) |
Assistant Director Investigation (AD – FIA) | Intelligence Officer (FBR) |
Assistant Director Legal (AD Legal – FIA) | Preventive Officer (FBR) |
Inspector Investigation (FIA) | Appraising/Valuation Officer (FBR) |
Assistant Director, Ministry of Defense (AD – MOD) | Police Inspector (Railway) |
Junior Admin Officer (MOD) | Sub-Inspector (Railway) |
Civilian Labor Officer (MOD) | Assistant Director, Ministry of Communications |
Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau (I.B) | Assistant Director, Ministry of Overseas & Human Resources |
Assistant Director (I.B) | Assistant Director in Federal Secretariat |
Inspector (I.B) | Assistant Director in Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Deputy Director of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) | Assistant Director in Interior Ministry |
Assistant Director, National Accountability Bureau (NAB) | Assistant Director in the Ministry of Finance |
Investigation Officer (NAB) | Assistant Director in Cabinet Division |
Junior Investigation Officer (NAB) | Assistant Director in Economic Division |
Assistant (NAB) | Assistant Director in Ports & Shipping |
Assistant Director Anti-Corruption | Assistant Director LDA/MDA |
Assistant Director Passport | Assistant Private Secretary |
Assistant Superintendent Jail | Assistant Director in Establishment Division |
Deputy Superintendent Jail | Research Officer in Planning and Development |
Assistant Director of Land Records | Research Officer in Senate |
ASI Police & S.I Police | Research Officer in the National Assembly |
Assistant Food Controller | Supervisor in Food Department |
Civil Judges Exams | Assistant Director, Airport Security Force (ASF) |
Tehsildar & Naib-Tehsildar Exams | Assistant Security Officer (ASF) |
Assistant Registrar Cooperative | Deputy Assistant Officer (ASF) |
Labour Officer & Labour Inspector | Inspector (ASF) |
Assistant Director, Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) | Inspector (ANF) |
2000 Most Important Misspelt Words for CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, NTS Students by Sir Syed Kazim Ali are following;
Sr# | Option-a | Option-b | Option-c | Option-d | Ans |
1 | Oven | Ovin | Ovan | Uven | a |
2 | Severl | Sevaral | Sevral | Several | d |
3 | Ommited | Ommitted | Omitted | Omited | c |
4 | Cheer | Cherre | Cheir | Chear | a |
5 | Hikin | Hiking | Hicking | Hikeng | b |
6 | Privilege | Previlege | Priviledge | Privelege | a |
7 | Intermitantly | intarmittantly | Intermittently | Intarmitently | c |
8 | Mischievous | Mischievious | Mischevous | Mischivous | a |
9 | Flyte | Flitee | Flight | Flitte | c |
10 | Conivance | Connivanse | Connivance | Conivence | c |
11 | Divienation | Divarsion | Dysfunction | Dastitution | c |
12 | Asassin | Assassin | Assasin | Assassen | b |
13 | Accessibility | Acsessibility | Accessebility | Accessiblity | a |
14 | Greid | Grede | Greed | Gread | c |
15 | Inserte | Incert | Insurt | Insert | d |
16 | Passanger | Symptum | Quarelling | Referee | d |
17 | Menewhile | Meanwhile | Meenwile | Menwhile | b |
18 | Minute | Minit | Minut | Minite | a |
19 | Endeavour | Endaevour | Endevour | Endeavore | a |
20 | Entrepreneurship | Leadeship | Scholership | Partnarship | a |
21 | Exuberannce | Maintenence | Exuberance | Acquaintence | c |
22 | Deffusion | Defusion | Diffussion | Diffusion | d |
23 | Shour | Shower | Shourer | Showor | b |
24 | Believe | Percieve | Recieve | Decieve | a |
25 | Egsit | Eksit | Exit | Exiet | c |
26 | Unnecesary | Unscruplous | Unparalleled | Unprecented | c |
27 | Gassoline | Intrest | Doubt | Belonge | c |
28 | Blokk | Block | Blak | Blokk | b |
29 | Rilate | Rillate | Ralate | Relate | d |
30 | Appology | Apalogy | Apology | Apollogy | c |
31 | Disput | Desput | Despute | Dispute | d |
32 | Luccious | Luscious | Lucsious | Luscioucs | b |
33 | Peece | Peice | Piece | Peac | c |
34 | Saile | Sayl | Saille | Sale | d |
35 | Diffuse | Difusse | Diffusse | Difuse | a |
36 | Doctor | Doctar | Docter | Dockter | a |
37 | Woarm | Worne | Worn | Wourn | c |
38 | Obidient | Obediemt | Obedient | Obeydient | c |
39 | Gron | Growne | Groane | Grown | d |
40 | Propellar | Propeler | Propeller | Propelre | c |
41 | Capsher | Hospital | Parm | Helth | b |
42 | Complacency | Complacensy | Cumplacency | Complicency | a |
43 | Careless | Carles | Careles | Cairless | a |
44 | East | Estt | Eest | Easte | a |
45 | Conscientious | Contractaul | Corugated | Concent | a |
46 | Acre | Acher | Acerr | Akre | a |
47 | Supercede | Superzede | Supersede | Superceed | c |
48 | Careful | Skilfull | Beatiful | Unmendful | a |
49 | Budgetery | Bugetary | Budgetary | Budgetry | c |
50 | Rationally | Rationinng | Rationali | Rationall | a |
If you want to practice or test all 2000 Spelling Bee MCQs, kindly visit Quiz Corner. If you want to learn, prepare, or memorize all 2000 Spelling Bee MCQs, kindly visit MCQs Feed