Written By Amreen Mir
I am thankful to many of you who read my previous blog and gave their feedback. With this, Continuing from part one of the trips and tricks to crack the exam, which many of you wait for.
Note easiest one to you
Many of you get excited as you read at the paper for the first time. Instead, you must relax, read and consider the questions carefully, and then start addressing the simplest query first, so that you feel comfortable in yourself.
- Don’t work so soon that you risk making a sloppy error.
- Highlight the essential terms in the question.
- Reread the paper for more and more in-depth interpretation.
- Read the details of the query closely, i.e., what is the issue? Half the answer can be addressed if you figure out precisely, “What is needed?”
Identify the modality of the question asked
Unfortunately, many of the aspirants fail to understand the pattern of the question asked. Look into the following keywords, frequently asked in the exam, and comprehend your answer then.
Example: Explain, Describe, Discuss, Elaborate, Elucidate, Suggest, Analyze, Critically analyze, Enumerate, Determine, Define, Calculate, Draw, etc.
Time Management
It is essential to allocate time to question as per the assigned marks, so do not neglect it.
Which questions to attempt?
- First, try the simplest question to Answer.
- Render a conceptual tree-to provide rational responses.
- Jot down the points / sub-points on the rough sheet given.
- Confirm the specifications of the query to your possessed skills.
- Ensure that the responses are strengthened by delivering the answer in a descriptive and explicit language.
- Do not repeat questions concerning the transcript that are not needed and result in a lack of time.
- Writing the query number as set out in the paper is necessary to define the problem.
Note the points are awarded for a successful presentation of the responses. You can prepare your answer with the following features in mind:
- Attempt to maintain the handwriting readable. The examiner should be mindful that you are functioning quickly and under stress and can not be forced to compose as accurately as you might otherwise. However, suppose the document is sloppy and vague. In that case, it will not be necessary for the examiner to reward you with the points you are entitled to, precisely because the examiner can not interpret the handwriting.
- The sequential flow/sequence order of the facts and statistics should increase the standard of the responses.
- Heading / Subheading of subjects and sub-topics, numbering, arrangement, underlining, etc.
- Schedules / Tables associated details, Calculations, Formulates, etc. should be correctly reviewed and synchronized to prevent errors.
- Use marks/signs or labels, if needed.
Revise and review the script
Until handing over the solution script to the invigilator, make a page-by-page analysis of the script and point-by-point question-wise, find missing para or details, themes or formula, etc., and immediately eradicate the deficiencies.
Avoid Evaluation
- You Should not address your paper results right after your exam; it will annoy you if you give responses that are different from others. It is going to impact the remaining examination.
- Wait until all the exams are done.
- Take a one-day break after you’ve gone through all the papers.
- You will want to rate your performance,
- Wait for the result!

Believe in Spirituality
Wake up your moral side, no matter what the conditions are. This is also a path of potential success, and the outcome will add peace and happiness to the other facets of your existence.
Some of the steps you are considering to awaken your spiritual side are:
- Always be grateful to Allah (God)
- Set the moral objective of life.
- Check for a spiritual mentor, please.
- Serve humankind.
- Daily prayer and Dua also payback and more dignity, punctuality, and cleanness of existence are obtained by the individual. Dua creates confidence and fosters the ideal belief system.
Key to Success
- Positive reinforcement to yourself.
- You can do it, and you can do it differently and better than anyone in every test.
- Stimulate confidence and determination to develop your memory today; do not wait for the next day.
- Get rid of the inferiority complex “my mind is weak” and you are behind average etc. Intelligence is 90% dedication. Develop the practice of hard work; you will have a healthy and intelligent head.
- Find out about a particular memory deficiency, such as the failure to recall numbers, history, and methods, and seek to concentrate on the causes. Could it be in your analysis that you forget your response, as you may have studied it by rote without knowing the principles and reasoning of the subject. Simultaneously, reviews are going to make your remembrance.
- Note that your mind’s potential is almost infinite — mind never sleeps; it does not drain — it is the strength or physical pressure on the head, neck, shoulder that can mislead you into feeling that your brain is exhausted.
- Concentrate on your daily diet, sleeping, and workout habits. It can assist with both physical and emotional tension before and during the study.
- Find the location of the exam and get to know the area. When you need a night’s stay, arrive early, leaving yourself plenty of room and a restful night’s sleep. Pack of the examination kit that includes pen admit card and other stationery items.
- Diet well on the day of the exam and carry the candy or toffee with you for swift strength. Arrive early on. Don’t stop worrying about yourself or getting late for traffic congestion or other delays. Minimize pre-examination interactions between colleagues and peers.
Way to improve memory
- Focus
- Remove exterior disruption – climate, noise, inadequate lighting, human intervention, sitting chairs, bulky clothes, etc.
- Remove internal disruption – remove anxiety, tension, discomfort, be peaceful, optimistic, and enjoy the analysis.
- Develop interest in research – take the first ones you like the best, use the illusion of achievement and learning, and persuade the mind to consider it. Here you can tell, “I’m going to pass all the papers.” And try that a couple of times a day.
- Stay confident
- We do not read sentences, phrases, or texts in isolation, but within a defined sense and history that render sentences meaningful. Because usually in life, we do not encounter something in isolation, in no time does the mind overlook disconnected information. We have to hold it in mind.
- Build your style, graphic, symmetry,
- The brain has its vocabulary and orientation, so to understand anything, we must place our knowledge in a way that is ideally adapted to the mind. Any of them are alignment, connection, necessary, physical, mental, visual, etc.
- Comprehension of the whole topic
- We have shown that our consciousness holds knowledge in avatars as a whole. It is also easy to recall something if we consider it whole through the context of our minds.
- Split the subject into sub-topics
- To recognize and recall the internal framework of a corporation, we can draw up its hierarchy map and acknowledge the production line cycle; we can draw up its flow chart. To memorize a long text, we can subdivide it into separate headings and sub-headings. Read the sub-heading / paragraph in detail and take note of the point that has been highlighted.
- Make notes with your own words.
- Write only the headings and the key points. This will be a great option instead of using liner line by line comment to use a technique called Mind-Mapping. This consists of statements like graphical diagrams, but not necessarily structured like them. The central point divisions are drawn in different directions, which reflect the key points. Sub-points can indicate more sub-branching.
Learn Quicker and better
- Just say it out loud! Your brain loves the sound of your voice. Say the ideas out loud, please. The definition would, therefore, be improved.
- Walk around the house, ask yourself questions, and answer them loudly. You can’t have it false. Either you know the stuff or you don’t. You must be able to interpret text or lists without referring to your index cards. Prove to yourself that this is something you should achieve.
- Classify the details in groups. For, e.g., all liabilities are priced at current net value. Accordingly, the equations for bonds payable and the lease payable include the same definition of net present interest.
- Review old exam questions periodically. Prove to yourself that you will recall the definitions. Refresh your brain in places that you forget about the details
Anxiety is controllable
- Set realistic objectives: create a list of all things you plan to learn. Split these themes into smaller parts and learn one segment at a time. Once you’re finished with a segment, cross it off your list and switch to the next page.
- Prioritize your duties: the nearer the tests become, the more necessary it becomes to prioritize your commitments. Sit down early in the morning to put down a list of items you intend to do every day. If you’ve completed the goal, delegate all of your tasks, and have the most crucial issues finished first.
- Talk about success: it’s easy to be cynical about your exam performance, but it’s essential to approach the exam with an optimistic outlook and “talk about progress.” Be confident for the test, and most significantly, trust that you can pass.
That has been a detailed analysis based on practical experiences and what successful people have been doing. I have jotted every detail in it, and I hope those who follow it are guaranteed to succeed. But remember, success lies ahead of those who aim and work hard for it. So, Good Luck, aspirants!
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