
Highlight the Importance of Zakat and Prove that the Economic Stability of a Society can be Ensured Through its Effective Implementation.

The Economic Stability of a Society Ensured Through Zakat by Miss Ayesha Irfan

CSS 2015 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | The Economic Stability of a Society Ensured Through Zakat

The following question of CSS Islamiat 2015 is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted using the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, who have scored the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

About this specific question, the examiner inquired about the importance of Zakat and how the economic stability of a society can be ensured through its effective implementation. The question is addressed in two parts. The first is an outline, which is broken down into different parts. Moving further, the introduction is given, followed by the importance of Zakat, and the economic stability of a society can be ensured through its effective implementation of Zakat. The conclusion is also presented.



2- Importance of Zakat according to Quran

3- Importance of Zakat according to Hadith

4- How can the economic stability of a society be ensured through Zakat’s effective implementation?

  • ✔By circulation of the wealth
  • ✔By encouraging economic empowerment
  • ✔By ensuring special financial aid at the social level
  • ✔By bridging the gap of resources between society 
  • ✔By alleviation of poverty

6-Critical analysis


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Answer to the Question


Islam promotes equality, social justice, and peace more than any other religion. Therefore, Islamic concepts of warships (Salah, Fasting, Zakat, etc) incorporate and reinforce the values of equality and fraternity within society. Nevertheless, Zakat is a system that significantly enhances societal prosperity. In addition, it promotes community, social inclusion, social justice, and individual potential. Zakat also lessens economic disparity. Social justice, equity, and equality in the distribution of wealth are promoted by the money being split equally between the rich and the poor. Thus, along with establishing fair wealth distribution, the zakat system significantly impacts a society’s economic stability.

Importance of Zakat according to Quran

The Arabic term for “giving to the needy,” Zakat, is gathered by Muslims. The precise translation of Zakat is “cleanliness, increase, and growth.” The Arabic word Zakat alone appears thirty times in the Quran. Its purely linguistic meanings include “increase,” “growth,” “betterment,” “righteousness,” “praise,” “blessings,” “purification,” and “commendation.” However, in the Quran, Allah (SWT) occasionally refers to Zakat as Ṣadaqah in Zakat’s Shariah, which means under divine law that a Muslim’s earned wealth should be divided among the eight categories of persons He listed in the Quran as qualified receivers on a scheduled basis. Yet you shall duly establish the Prayer. And you shall give the Zakat-Charity and lend God a most goodly loan. For whatever good you advance for your souls, you shall find its reward with God in the Hereafter; yet it shall be far better and much more terrific in reward (Surat Al-Muzzammil, 73:20). Moreover, Allah says, “So establish Salat and give Zakat, and hold fast to Allah” (22:78).

Importance of Zakat according to Hadith

Allah’s prophets emphasize Zakat’s significance through their actions and deeds. As he said, “Islam was built on five pillars: To attest that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, perform Salah, pay the Zakat, make the pilgrimage to the House (Hajj), and Sawm in Ramadan.” (Bukhari, Muslim). Along with other pillars like Salah, Hajj, and Sawm (Fast), the Hadith provides a comprehensive explanation of the fundamentals of Islam, including the significance of Zakat. It restates that Zakat is a crucial tenet that supports the framework of the Islamic faith in addition to being a charitable deed.

How can the economic stability of a society be ensured through Zakat’s effective implementation?

By redistributing wealth from the wealthy to the poor, Zakat – a required Islamic charitable donation – can promote economic stability in a community by lowering income inequality, encouraging lower-income groups to spend, and giving those in need the money they need to survive. This, in turn, can create a more harmonious economic environment throughout different socioeconomic categories.

No sadaqah (Zakat) is payable on less than five wasps of (dates or grains), on less than five camel heads and on less than five qiyas (of silver). (Muslim)

  • By circulation of wealth

By encouraging an even distribution of wealth, the practical application of Zakat assists in ensuring a society’s economic stability. However, Zakat encourages those with extra money to support communal projects or engage in profitable ventures by transferring wealth from the wealthy to the less fortunate, which boosts economic activity. Overall, financial stability is aided by this cycle of wealth circulation, which lessens socioeconomic gaps and fosters social cohesion. For instance, “so that it may not circulate solely among the rich from among you” (Qur’an 59:7). As per the verse, the wealthy should not be given power over all their wealth since they will use it for their purposes and not aid the less fortunate.

  • Encouraging economic empowerment

Furthermore, by guaranteeing equitable wealth distribution, the successful use of Zakat can improve a society’s economic stability. It can enhance access to financing and boost the community’s entrepreneurship ability by directing zakat funding toward local companies and entrepreneurial endeavours. In the end, this creates a more stable and prosperous society by empowering people economically, promoting regional economic growth, and cultivating a culture of investment and contribution among those with resources. According to the Quran, “Take, (O, Muhammad), from their wealth a charity that purifies and causes them to increase, and invoke (Allah’s blessings) upon them. Indeed, your invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” (Surah At-Taubah:103). Moreover, “He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbour goes hungry” (Sunan Al-Kubra 19049). This highlights the ethical necessity of considering other people’s well-being, making equitable distribution a crucial element of social harmony and economic stability.

  • By ensuring economic growth

Moreover, Effective zakat implementation can guarantee societal economic stability by encouraging fair wealth distribution, lowering economic inequality, and offering financial assistance during recessions. In times of financial hardship, Zakat can also act as a safety net by assisting with debt relief and preserving pricing stability, both of which promote economic resilience. Economic stability in society can be guaranteed by the efficient application of Zakat, which encourages fair wealth distribution, lowers economic inequality, and offers financial assistance during recessions. Zakat can boost economic growth by shifting wealth from the wealthy to the less fortunate, increasing their purchasing power and boosting demand in the market when it is effectively implemented and administered. Allah says in the Qur’an, “And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” (Qur’an 2:195). Thus, it uplifts the economic growth of a society.

  • By bridging the gap of resources between society 

Apart from these, the efficient application of Zakat, which systematically redistributes wealth and aids in closing the resource gap between various socioeconomic strata, can guarantee a society’s economic stability. Properly established Zakat helps underprivileged people by giving them financial support, enhancing their access to necessary services, and promoting social welfare in general. A more stable society can result from Zakat’s ability to promote a fairer economic structure by boosting job opportunities and reducing poverty. (O Prophet), take sadaqa (Zakat) out of their property wouldst cleanse them and purify them thereby (Qur’an, ix. 103). And away from it (the Hell) shall be kept the most faithful to duty who gives his wealth, purifying himself (92. 17-18).

  • By alleviation of poverty

Last but not least, by reducing poverty, the proper application of Zakat can make a substantial contribution to a society’s economic stability. Zakat reduces income inequality and advances social welfare by redistributing wealth from the wealthy to the poor. For instance, “Take from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them to increase, and invoke [Allah’s blessings] upon them” (Qur’an 9:103). Moreover, Zakat discourages and raises the individual’s self-esteem and ensures productive economic participation. At the same time, Islam has mechanisms like Zakat and waqf for supporting those who are genuinely unable to work. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The upper hand is better than the lower hand, and the upper hand is the one that gives while the lower hand is the one that takes” (Sahih al-Bukhari 1427). This Hadith discourages a reliance attitude by encouraging people to work for self-sufficiency and creating a culture of generosity and support for those in need.

Critical analysis

Zakat bridges the gap between the rich and the poor, fostering a sense of social responsibility and serving as a tool for spiritual cleansing and economic justice in Islamic finance and society. Regretfully, the genuine meaning of Zakat has been lost in society somewhere in today’s world. Unfortunately, modern society has fallen into a swamp of conceit, social position, and self-absorption; as a result, people are unable to think clearly outside of this confining atmosphere. However, this problem can be resolved, and a suitable zakat system can be established in a society that promotes economic progress if Islamic rules and teachings are applied.


Zakat supports the core principles of Islam and social justice, which are also financial requirements. By bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, Zakat improves social peace, corrects the system, and fortifies society’s moral foundation. Its full potential can only be realized with efficient governance, appropriate awareness, and transparent distribution systems. Zakat has the potential to support Islamic teachings by serving as a vehicle for social justice, compassion, and economic stability. Its full potential can only be reached with effective management, proper knowledge, and open distribution methods. Zakat can be used as a tool for economic stability, social fairness, and compassion by Islamic ideals.

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