Written by Uswa Zainab
‘Man does not live by bread alone.’ This is a famous maxim. If a man does not live by bread alone, what else does he need to make him live as a man? That is the crux of the discussion, and we shall go into it by and by.

Looking into the given statement, who is a giant? A giant is a person of, maybe, huge physical proportion and extra-ordinary powers and strength. Fables say that there were such persons having the strength at hundreds of men and fables and epics of various countries speak of them. Thus Hercules was a famous epic figure with immeasurable power that he could lift a mountain on his shoulders. Swift says of such giants of Brobdingnag in his ‘Gulliver’s Travels.’ Children’s stories are very often replete with the exploits of giants.
Now, how is technology a giant? Only look at the super fortresses doing at the supersonic speed and carrying hundreds of passengers? Or consider the giant powerhouses producing millions upon millions of watts of power. Even the earthmover, the tractor, the excavators and so on are all instances of giants of machines. Examples are long and short modern production depends on the giants of machines.
The knowledge and possession of these machines have made a giant indeed. Technology is the off-shoot of applied science and technology man; today commands limitless power. Otherwise, how a man goes and lands on the moon? The force behind the Apollo Space crafts is something stupendous and breathtaking. Man is adding to power by a considerable measure, and to that extent, humanity is a trade and apprehensive of the future because of the technological man.
To the extent he has grown technologically, man has not grown in his moral stature. That is really lamentable. To be righteous is concerned with right and wrong conduct or duty to one’s neighbours and conform to conscience if not a law in the matter of practising virtue. A man stands apart from other creatures, not because of appearance or strength a beauty but because he is moral and hence spiritual. The man knows his duty by others, and in his evolution from primitive nature into what he is today, he has also grown morally. Various institutions are in existence moral code. When the dictum says ‘Thou shall not steal’ or ‘cover another’s wife’ it is morality that is involved. All the religions of the world enjoin on a man his moral conduct.
The Sum and Substance of the Sermon on the Mount is nothing but a direct for moral conduct. Every language of the world has some book or other prescribing moral conduct. But, a big but indeed, does man heed them? What do we see around us today? Have we grown wiser and saner? Has history taught us the right behaviour? When one considers questions, one is forced to the sorrowful conclusion that man, despite his externals, continues to be barbarous. Two great wars were fought in the course of this century; still, man has not given up warring. Look at S.E., and S.W. Asia, in these regions the world is almost sitting on a powder keg and the smoke there can develop into a huge conflagration and consume all that is very near and dear.
The Pygmy is the shortest of human beings, and pygmies live in Equatorial Africa. Just as a pygmy is short in physical stature, so too is a man in his moral stature. The more one looks at the contemporary world and how government and, for the matter of fact, how individuals behave, one will agree with the wisecrack who said that the apes might one day disown man as their successors. To win physical power over nature’s forces, man has lost heaven, and morally the degeneration has set in, and the Promised Land appears to be far, away. With the degenerations in morals, all the institutions which man has striven to build in the course of several centuries would be lost in the morasses of immorality. Earlier the better if the world can realize that man does not live by bread alone. He may coin the space, and once he loses his soul, all his achievements will be like jewellery on a dead body. If ‘moral’ man can survive, the course of events in a few decades could show.

About the writer:
Miss Uswa Zainab is an apt student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, one of the distinguished grammarians in the contemporary world. She has gone through his 4-month course on Freelance Creative English Writing and Basic to Advanced Grammar. Pursuing graduation in the field of computer science and studies in English writing, she relishes writing articles and blogs on diverse themes: academic articles – everyday science, current affairs – and creative blogs – technology, beauty, fashion, entertainment, etc.
Name of the Student: Miss Uswa Zainab
Qualifications: BSCS
Total Articles/Blogs: 12
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing
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