The following article is written by Wafa Zainab, a student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali. Moreover, the article is written on the same pattern, taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. Sir Kazim has uploaded his students’ solved past paper questions so other thousands of aspirants can understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

1- Introduction
The rapid population growth has become an inescapable and daunting challenge for the world, which has, more or less, affected every country on the globe in the social, economic, and environmental sphere in the form of resource depletion, global poverty, urban squalor, ecological degradation etc.
2- The 21st century is a century of rapid population growth
3- Consequences of rapid population growth for the planet
- ✓ Economic consequences
- Poverty and economic destitution
- Scarcity of resources
- ✓ Social Consequences
- Increased violence and unrest
- Uncontrolled urbanization and inequality of distribution
- ✓ Environmental consequences
- Ecological degradation
- Higher risks of diseases and pandemics
4- Way forward: How the world can control the menace of population growth
- ✓ Educating masses and raising awareness regarding reproductive rights
- ✓ Introducing restrictive measures on the state level
- ✓ Ensuring collaborative efforts from both developed countries
5- Critical Analysis
6- Conclusion

Answer to the Question
A youthful population is a major constituent of a modern nation-state, without which it remains incomplete. Nevertheless, rapid population growth has emerged as an inescapable and daunting challenge for the world, throwing spanner in the works of sustainable human development. Owing to burgeoning globalization, it has become an international problem, which has, more or less, affected every country on the globe in the social, economic, and environmental spheres. A growing population explosion comes with an increased demand for resources such as food, water, shelter, education, healthcare, and employment; its insufficient availability leads to overconsumption, which, in turn, becomes the root cause of poverty and economic destitution. The war of resources also provides an impetus to criminal activities, social unrest and uncontrollable urbanization. Lastly, overpopulation also poses a dire threat to the natural environment through ecological degradation, increase in global warming, loss of biodiversity, and rise of deadliest epidemics. Thus, the answer elucidates how rapid population expansion poses drastic consequences to the global society, economy, and environment.
“Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the well-being of many people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organize peace on this planet of ours.”
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist)
The 21st Century is a Century of Rapid Population Growth
The contemporary era is characterized as the age of massive population explosion in human history. Where technological and medicinal advancements have extended the average life expectancy of people, they have also provided an impetus to excessive population growth. Consequently, the human population has skyrocketed to unimaginable values; never in recorded history have there been so many people residing on earth as now. According to a report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the world population, which was 6 billion in 1999 has risen to the 8 billion mark in November 2022. It is further projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100. This overpopulation has posed inevitable consequences for every country and is likely to impact more in the ensuing decades. For instance, the developed states, which formerly profited from the demographic dividend, are currently dealing with numerous socio-economic issues. Similarly, the conditions for third-world countries have, too, deteriorated, as they continue to be the central target of population growth, with each successive year becoming more damaging. Therefore, this crisis, if not handled sagaciously, could seal the doom for the planet in ways humanity has never imagined. In the words of Henry W. Kendall,
“If we do not voluntarily bring population growth under control in the next one or two decades, nature will do it for us in the most brutal way, whether we like it or not.”
Consequences of Rapid Population Growth on the Planet
1- Economic Consequences
- ✓ Global Poverty and Economic Destitution
Overpopulation adversely affects the economic development of the global community and its ability to sustain general well-being. With the rise of population, a developing country becomes incapable of providing basic amenities to its citizens such as food, shelter, education, healthcare, etc., giving rise to poverty, hyperinflation, and low living standards. As per the World Bank’s report, about eight per cent of the global population lives in extreme poverty, which means they subsist on less than US$2.15 per day. Moreover, rapid population growth also tends to plunge the economy into an incessant employment crisis by misbalancing the workers-to-population ratio and encouraging illicit employment like child labour and drug trafficking. Thus, rapid population growth stalls human development and exasperates economic destitution.
- ✓ Scarcity of Resources
Rapid population expansion and resource depletion go hand in hand with each other. The increase in population results in the overconsumption of economic resources, making them scarce and unavailable for ordinary citizens. According to a study conducted by the Global Footprint Network, humans use resources 1.7 times more quickly than the Earth produces them, which means that the countries would need 1.7 Earths to sustain the current rate of resource consumption. This rising demand and insufficient supply not only retard the per capita GDP income of a state but also leads to large-scale socio-economic disasters such as droughts, food crises, water shortages, etc., which are most evident in third-world countries and agrarian economies.
2- Social Consequences
- ✓ Increased Violence and Social Unrest
The rapid population explosion has tarnished the social fabric by giving impetus to unlawful behaviour. Owing to a state’s failure to provide the basic necessities, a citizen becomes prone to indulge in criminal activities out of frustration. This leads to a copious surge in violence and social unrest and serves as a precursor to some horrendous social evils like infanticide, terrorism, sectarianism, etc. Further, this war of resources is not only limited to the national borders; it has potentially transformed into an international conflict. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) suggests that in the last sixty years, at least forty per cent of all intrastate conflicts have a link to natural resources. The South-China Sea conflict, the Jordan River conflict, and the ongoing communal violence in Nigeria and Sudan are some glaring examples.
- ✓ Uncontrolled Urbanization and Inequality of Distribution
The scarcity of resources motivates people to migrate to urban centres in search of better facilities. However, paradoxically, the uncontrollable influx of urbanization poses detrimental challenges for big cities such as meeting the augmented demand for adequate housing, functioning transportation, basic services, and employment opportunities. As specified by the World Bank, over 50 per cent of the global population lives in urban areas today. By 2045, it is expected to increase by 1.5 times to 6 billion. The ineptness to meet the needs creates an imbalance in the distribution of resources and fosters a contemptuous attitude between the different societal classes, which, in turn, weakens the solidarity and harmony in society. Thus, the negative impacts of urbanization are largely attributable to rapid population expansion.
3- Environmental Consequences
- ✓ Ecological Degradation
Along with social and economic factors, population explosion also exacerbates many environmental problems. A surge in consumption creates supply pressure and incentivizes increased deforestation, industrialization, and transportation, which significantly contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases and overall global warming. A recent study asserted that a family having one fewer child could reduce emissions by 58.6 Tonnes of CO2-equivalent per year in developed countries. Furthermore, overconsumption by the global population has also become a catalyst for the mass extinction of animal species. The World Wildlife Forum claims that humanity has wiped out 60 per cent of the total animal population since 1970. In short, the well-being of both the present and future generations is at risk due to the unacceptably rapid destruction of the environment caused by overpopulation.
- ✓ Higher Risks of Diseases and Pandemics
A scarcity of land due to the fast-growing population has compelled a large number of communities to inhabit ecologically sensitive areas such as mountains and tropical woods. Humans have disturbed the natural habitats and ecosystems to build urban centres, which can accommodate the growing populations. As a result, it has not only degraded ecology but has also brought humans into direct and frequent contact with wildlife. This exposure to wild animals has been a carrier of various contagious diseases. For instance, each of the deadliest epidemics in human history like the COVID-19, Ebola virus, and Valley fever originated in animals or insects before spreading to humans. Hence, rapid population growth is an indirect catalyst for the transmission of diseases.
How the World can Control the Menace of Population Growth
Although population expansion has ravaged the world, yet some remedial steps can help ameliorate the menace. First, raising awareness regarding the population problem can be a panacea to all the existing ills; families, especially women, should be educated on topics like family planning, reproductive rights, and the use of modern contraceptives without stigmatizing them. Second, the densely populated states should introduce population-related restrictive measures like the Chinese government’s One-child policy to curb the escalating rates. Lastly, the world can ensure collaborative efforts to accelerate the remedial process. Developed countries and the international community can support lower-middle-income states by providing them with financial and technical assistance so that their economies can fulfil Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In brief, a little less makes a lot of difference; if all the countries prudently adopt these frameworks, global population growth can be significantly slowed down.
Critical Analysis
Critically, population explosion has been the bane of human existence, and no country has been immune to it. Where developed nations like United States and the European Union, owing to their strong socio-economic profile, manage to get away with some of the major problems, it is usually the third-world countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America that are depredated to the core. For these economically handicapped countries, overpopulation emerges as a personification of a death knell for their progress and stability, which, in turn, significantly impedes their achievement of SDGs, particularly those related to health, education and economic uplift.
To sum up, rapid population growth is one of the most formidable challenges that the world faces today. Not only has it had a cataclysmic impact on the present, but it also poses a social, economic, and environmental threat to the planet’s future. With the rising demand to meet the needs of eight billion people, the world has overconsumed a large chunk of its natural resources, which has led to a number of socio-economic issues such as global poverty, underemployment, economic degeneration, unmanageable urbanization and the rise of crime pollution. Similarly, it has degraded the ecological life on earth through increased deforestation, industrialization, and climate change, significantly imperilling the natural habitat of plants and animals, along with Humans. However, with some remedial measures like Educating the masses, raising awareness regarding the population, introducing restrictive measures and ensuring collaboration, the world can significantly halt the growing population explosion and be on its way to prosperity and sustainable development.
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