CSS 2021 Solved Essays | Human Inventions Move the Societies Backward
Quiraat Khan, a Sir Syed Kazim Ali student, has attempted the CSS 2021 essay “Human Inventions Move the Societies Backward” on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali teaches his students. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns to qualify for the essay paper.

Although human inventions make people overly dependent on technology and create new dangers of conflict, their prudent and pragmatic use has nurtured the forward movement of societies by fostering economic development, resolving societal predicaments, and spreading harmony for centuries.
2-Understanding the relationship between human inventions and societies
3-A bird’s eye view of human inventions
- ✓Technological revolutions
- ✓Sociopolitical ideas
4-How do human inventions not move societies backwards?
4.1-By fostering economic development
- ✓Technological advancements have increased the financial capabilities of societies, unlocking numerous opportunities.
- Case in Point: Industrial development has enhanced the means of production and resolved economic dilemmas for many institutions.
- ✓Transport inventions have facilitated movement across regions and continents, opening prospects for trade and business.
- Case in Point: Modern modes of transport
- ✓The development of paper currency to digital currency has simplified financial transactions.
- Case in Point: The invention of paper currency in China was a step up from the barter system.
4.2-By overcoming social challenges
- ✓Medical developments improve the health outlook of societies.
- Case in Point: The invention of antibiotics has proved to be revolutionary in medical sciences.
- ✓Development in the agricultural sector resolves the crisis of food insecurity.
- Case in Point: High-yield variety seeds have increased food production to cater to the rising food needs.
- ✓Mass media serves as a source of educational development and awareness of societies.
- Case in Point: The invention of the printing press expedited the transfer of knowledge
4.3-By creating harmony
- ✓The development of fair political systems and principles
- Case in Point: Inventing the idea of democracy provided greater freedom and rights to the people
- ✓Human inventions of social contract have resolved military conflicts among societies.
- Case in Point: The Treaty of Westphalia, an early social contract, ended a thirty-year war
5-Case studies of societies that prove human inventions move societies forward
- ✓Europe transformed after the Industrial Revolution, becoming the most advanced region in the world.
- ✓China’s rise from the quagmire of poverty to a rising global power rests on its innovative developments
6-On what account do critics argue that human inventions move societies backwards?
- ✓Inventions of modern tools of warfare disrupt prospects of peace.
- Refute: Modern tools can be prudently used for progressive purposes.
- Evidence: UNICEF’s initiative to explore the possibilities of using unmanned vehicles to deliver life-saving aid in geographically critical areas
- ✓Inventions are replacing humans, creating socioeconomic problems like unemployment.
- Refute: Modern technologies create new possibilities for employment.
- Evidence: “Generative AI and jobs: A global analysis of potential effects on job quantity and quality”, by ILO generative AI will augment, not take over jobs
7-Critical analysis

The evolution of societies stands for the inquisitive and creative nature of humans. For centuries, the very nature has led to the development of countless devices and the discovery of numerous ideas that have contoured the dynamics of society. Although human inventions make people overly dependent on technology and create new dangers of conflict, their prudent and pragmatic use has nurtured the forward movement of societies by fostering economic development, resolving societal predicaments, and spreading harmony for centuries. For example, the waves of industrial revolutions have created various economic opportunities for states to progress. Scientific advancements have also saved countless lives by solving many socioeconomic challenges. Besides, the spread of innovative concepts like digital democracy has rescued people from the suppression of monarchy and imperialism. Even though such improvements have benefitted humanity, critics often blame human inventions for moving societies backwards, referring to the dangers of human inventions. However, they fail to comprehend how the sagacious use of inventions has transformed the future of many states; for instance, China rose from the quagmire of poverty and depravity by relying on innovative development. Therefore, proving that human inventions move societies forward, not backwards. The essay further delves into how human inventions do not movesocieties backwards.
To begin with, it is essential to understand the relationship between human inventions and societies. They both share an intimate relationship where human innovation fulfils society’s needs and paves the way for its development. Meanwhile, the absence of inventions impedes societal development, where societal challenges remain unresolved and exacerbated, and consequently keeping societies in a static environment. Nevertheless, the inherent human nature to continuously seek change and the problem-solving ability of the human mind have always produced marvelous creations that have eventually ensured the progress of society.
Numerous people have contributed to the bank of inventions, each of which has introduced unique devices, efficient methods, and creative concepts. Although each innovation stands out in itself, some of the marvelous innovations of the past ten centuries are the inventions of the printing press, electronics, communication devices, antibiotics, and modes of transportation. Later, these innovations paved the way for the structure of the contemporary digital world, surrounded by fast and efficient systems that assist humans in every viable way. Besides providing the world with beneficial tangible products, human creativity has also provided intellectual ideas, such as democracy and social contracts that have contoured societies’ political and social environments. Therefore, sociopolitical ideas and technological advancements have ensured societal progress.
Moving further, a prominent argument that justifies the progress of societies by human inventions is their impact on economic development. Indeed, technological advancements have massively contributed to the economies by providing faster and more efficient modes of production. For example, the first Industrial Revolution provided a means to increase output and created numerous employment opportunities for the people. Subsequently, the profit numbers grew considerably while, at the same time, people acquired new skills, all of which ultimately improved the people’s standard of living. Likewise, subsequent waves of Industrial Revolution further ameliorated the macro and micro economic means of revenue generation for states. Therefore, it establishes that human inventions move societies forward and not backwards.
Similarly, the inventions of faster modes of transportation facilitated movement across large distances quite quickly and opened aspects of trade and business across borders. They are gradually developing the system of global trade, which today is a significant source of income generation for countries around the world. For instance, the construction of railroads, modern motorways, air transport, and sea canals have all been made possible with technically complex and advanced human inventions. These systems have significantly increased the exchange of goods between countries. According to the statistics by the World Bank, “The total global trade value stood at 25.3 trillion dollars in 2022.” Thus, trade and transport are other prime factors in human history that brought societies from the shadows of isolationism to the light of globalization, consequently marking the growth of societies.
Apart from advancing societies economically, scientific human inventions have also resolved impediments to the growth of societies. To elaborate, the spread of diseases and illness in early societies was a significant resistance to human development. In many instances in history, thousands of people have perished due to lack of medical innovation; fortunately, scientific development leading to medical advancements have not only protected people from dangerous diseases but also helped to cure them. For instance, groundbreaking inventions, such as making antibiotics, have proved revolutionary for societies as they have exponentially increased the survival rate against minor and major diseases. Additionally, it has opened prospects to develop cures against deadly diseases like cancer, thus proving how human inventions have solved one of the most significant concerns to human life.
Likewise, innovations and advancements have resolved the dilemmas evolving with expanding societies and human life. The rising population has made food security a pressing concern in the past decades. Fortunately, the creative human mind has provided a way to eradicate this impasse. The development of high-yield variety seeds, modern agricultural methods, and fertilizers have accrued excellent food production. In fact, the green revolution of the 1940s and 1960s massively resolved the crisis of hunger and poverty. Adding more to it, more scientific studies are underway to develop methods to produce pest-resistant seeds and use minimum water to provide maximum food output. Such inventions are examples of how human societies are moving forward by clearing the obstacles to growth.
Another significant uplift that human inventions provide to society is the mediums of transferring knowledge. The exchange of information and the spread of education has been possible by early and modern inventions; for example, the printing press not only reduced the costs of books but also made them widely available to the general public, consequently increasing the number of people seeking education. Similarly, in modern times, the availability of the internet and digital learning tools have accelerated the transfer of ideas, bringing humanity into the age of information where the capability of human minds is reaching new heights. Subsequently, societies were taken to the apogee of success and growth simply because humans created devices that led to the spread of knowledge.
Besides benefiting societies materialistically, human inventions have also provided intellectual developments that have solidified the structure of societies. To elaborate, developing political ideas of democracy freed people from the oppression of monarchy and aristocracy. It elevated the importance of freedom of choice. Moreover, it laid the foundations for the strong United States, where people live on the principles of equality. Such developments are immensely significant in human history as they benefit society eternally and have played a pivotal role in harboring harmony. Therefore, developing the principles of democracy provides further proof of how human inventions have moved societies forward.
Furthermore, another prime human idea that has brought peace and prosperity to communities is the development of social contracts. For centuries, communities have bonded in contracts to avert conflicts and contradictions. The practice has helped humans to deflect many wars and aid in putting an end to disputes. For example, the Treaty of Westphalia halted a three-decade-old war and marked the beginning of a novel era where statehood was defined. The unfolding of such ideas and developments is linked to humans’ creative nature, which has always provided them with inventions that move societies forward.
Among many societies that benefitted from human inventions, European society is the most prominent example. Europe has gained significant advantages from human inventions. From developing intellectually with the innovation of the Age of Enlightenment to strengthening economically with the inventions of industrial revolutions, Europe has transformed the outlook of its region both politically and socially. Decades of improvement brought about by the creation of humans have made Europe a place where, today, the world’s most literate and welfare-centric states reside, thus proving that human inventions undoubtedly move societies upwards.
Another example of a society that has ensured development and progress through human inventions is China. In fact, the example of China solidifies the argument that human inventions move societies forward. To elaborate, China’s early Silk Road trading days made Chinese civilization one of the most highly sophisticated societies. However, a lack of innovation and political predicaments led to China’s disastrous downfall. Nonetheless, in modern times, China’s innovation and development of unique ways of governance and economics, as well as technological advancements, have once again made it an advanced society. The country stresses the need for innovation and currently spends $456 billion on research, thus proving the significance of human inventions for societies.
Despite the numerous benefits human inventions provide to societies, critics render it a tool for dragging societies towards darkness. An argument they made is the creation of modern warfare tools by humans. However, they fail to comprehend that such objects can be used purposefully to aid people. For instance, UNICEF has begun an initiative to explore the possibilities of using unmanned vehicles for delivering life-saving aids in geographically critical areas. Hence, this proves that the meaningful use of technology can help serve humanity.
Another contentious argument made by the critics is that technological advancements are replacing humans, creating socioeconomic problems like unemployment. However, a careful analysis of the situation reveals that mechanization of tasks has not taken over jobs but created new means of employment. For example, the International Labour Organization’s report titled “Generative AI and Jobs: A Global Analysis of Potential Effects on Job Quality and Quantity” finds that AI will augment and not take over jobs. According to it, technology would save time in employment for repetitive tasks and assist people in focusing on concrete work developments, thus proving that human inventions are taking societies a step ahead of previous generations.
Critically, humans’ inquisitive and creative nature guided them to build unique tools and revolutionary ideas that purposefully reshaped and reformed their societies and ways of living. For instance, the development of political ideas like democracy laid the foundations of advanced societies, in which people conversed freely and invested in their thoughts and ideas, which subsequently led to the breakthrough era of industrial and green revolutions. These instances of history pushed societies from one stage of evolution to another. Consequently, bringing humans to the contemporary digital age world where humans have a civilized state system, concrete means to earn, and a purpose to live for.
In conclusion, human inventions and societal development share a causal relationship in which human inventions serve as the pushing factor for societal progress. Evidence of this is available in creating novel ideas and unique tools introduced to the world over time. These technological, scientific, and sociopolitical innovations have allowed humans to organize themselves civically and resolve the plethora of predicaments humans face in natural disasters, such as disease and food insecurity. Additionally, these inventions have facilitated economic development, which in contemporary times is a pivotal factor in ensuring the welfare of humans, as well as the peaceful progress of nations. The vivid analysis of the benefits of innovation denies the notion that human inventions move societies backwards; instead, it establishes that human inventions move societies forward.

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