
Most Important Climate Change and Global Warming Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants

Most Important Climate Change and Global Warming Terminologies

This article comprehensively overviews the most important climate change and global warming terminologies crucial for CSS and PMS aspirants. Learning to write them will enable aspirants to navigate complex political concepts effectively.

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Learning to write subject terminologies is always essential for competitive exam students, especially CSS and PMS. This practice gives aspirants a deeper understanding of complex concepts, ultimately helping them articulate their thoughts clearly. Learning to write these terms appropriately not only enhances comprehension but also equips aspirants to engage effectively with exam essays. For example, in fields like political economy, acquaintance with terms such as “globalization” and “trade barriers” helps aspirants confidently analyze and debate relevant issues. After learning these terminologies, aspirants can tackle exam questions more adeptly because they can apply these terms contextually, demonstrating their knowledge and critical thinking skills. Therefore, learning subject-specific terminology is not just about learning words or vocabulary; it’s all about improving exam scores.

I have compiled the following terminologies from various reputable sources: dictionaries, websites, books, and magazines. This compilation is intended to aid my students in enhancing their vocabulary and effectively articulating their thoughts in essays, whether for compulsory or optional subjects.

Important Climate Change and Global Warming Terminologies

Climate Change
A long-term alteration in Earth’s climate.
Global Warming
The increase in Earth’s average temperature.
Greenhouse Effect
The warming of Earth’s atmosphere due to the trapping of heat by greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse Gases
Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
Anthropogenic Climate Change
Climate change caused by human activities.
Fossil Fuels
Coal, oil, and natural gas, which release carbon dioxide when burned.
The clearing of forests, which reduces carbon absorption.
The development of industries, which emits greenhouse gases.
The excessive growth of the human population, which increases demand for resources and emissions.
Agricultural Activities
The release of greenhouse gases from agriculture, such as methane from livestock.
Rising Sea Levels
The increase in the average height of the oceans.
Extreme Weather Events
More frequent and severe weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts.
Ocean Acidification
The decrease in pH of the ocean due to increased carbon dioxide levels.
Biodiversity Loss
The loss of species and ecosystems due to climate change.
Food Insecurity
The inability to access enough food to meet nutritional needs.
Renewable Energy
Energy sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, and hydro power.
Energy Efficiency
The use of energy in a way that reduces waste.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
A technology that captures carbon dioxide emissions and stores them underground.
The planting of trees to offset carbon emissions.
Sustainable Agriculture
Agricultural practices that protect the environment and promote biodiversity.
Climate-Smart Agriculture
Agricultural practices that are resilient to climate change.
Infrastructure Adaptation
Building infrastructure that is resilient to climate change, such as seawalls and flood control systems.
Disaster Risk Reduction
Measures to reduce the impact of natural disasters.
Early Warning Systems
Systems that provide advance warning of extreme weather events.
Climate Migration
The movement of people due to climate change.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
An international treaty that aims to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.  
Kyoto Protocol
An international agreement that sets binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Paris Agreement
An international agreement that aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
An international body that assesses the science related to climate change.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
A set of goals adopted by the United Nations to achieve sustainable development by 2030.
Radiative Forcing
The change in net energy balance of the Earth’s climate system.
Climate Sensitivity
The change in global average surface temperature in response to a given change in radiative forcing.
Climate Modeling
The use of computer models to simulate the Earth’s climate system.
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Climate Feedback Loops
Processes that amplify or dampen the effects of climate change.
Carbon Cycle
The natural cycle of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, land, and living organisms.
Electric Vehicles
Vehicles powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels.
The degradation of land, leading to desert-like conditions.
Electric Vehicles
Vehicles powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels.
Sustainable Transportation
Transportation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Radiative Forcing
The change in net energy balance of the Earth’s climate system.
Coral Bleaching
The loss of color and death of coral reefs due to increased ocean temperatures.
Permafrost Melting
The thawing of permanently frozen ground.
Agricultural Impacts
Reduced crop yields, increased pest infestations, and water shortages.
Health Impacts
Increased heat-related illnesses, respiratory problems, and waterborne diseases.
Economic Impacts
Loss of property, jobs, and livelihoods due to climate change.
Geothermal Energy
The use of heat from the Earth’s interior to generate electricity.
Fuels derived from plant materials.
Energy-Efficient Appliances
Appliances that use less energy to operate.
Green Buildings
Buildings that are designed to be environmentally friendly.
Climate-Smart Agriculture
Agricultural practices that are resilient to climate change.
Montreal Protocol
An international agreement that regulates the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances.
Copenhagen Accord
A non-binding agreement that set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Cancun Agreements
A set of decisions adopted by the UNFCCC to strengthen the global response to climate change.
Durban Platform
A framework for negotiating a new international agreement on climate change.
Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
A mechanism to help developing countries cope with the impacts of climate change.
The reflectivity of a surface.
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions
The exchange of energy, moisture, and momentum between the ocean and atmosphere.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
A natural climate phenomenon that affects weather patterns around the world.
Thermohaline Circulation
A large-scale ocean current that helps to regulate the Earth’s climate.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory
A record of the emissions and removals of greenhouse gases.
The planting of trees to offset carbon emissions.
Water Conservation
Measures to reduce water consumption.
Coastal Protection
Measures to protect coastal areas from sea level rise.
Health Adaptation
Measures to adapt healthcare systems to the impacts of climate change.
Community Resilience
Building the capacity of communities to cope with climate change.
Making infrastructure and other assets resilient to climate change.

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