CSS Solved Anthropology Past Papers | All groups of people develop complexes of symbols, rituals, and beliefs that connect their own experiences to the essential nature of the universe. Explain the evolution and function of primitive religion as discussed by anthropologists
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This Question has two parts: the first one deals with the evolution of the primitive religion and the second one is concerned with the function such a religion plays in the lives of the people.
1- Introduction
2- Edward Tylor and Primitive Religion
3- James Frazer and Primitive Religion
- Primitive Magic
4- Evolution of Primitive Religion
- Animism: the belief that all things, including inanimate objects, have spirits or souls
- Polytheism: belief in multiple gods and goddesses
- Monotheism: belief in one God or deity
- Science: Systematic study of the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis with an emphasis on the rationality of human beings.
5- Functions of Primitive Religion
- A means to cope with uncertainties
- Religion serves a social function
- A means of expressing creativity and artistry
- Explanations for natural phenomena
- Connection to ancestors and the past
- Expression of power and authority
- Rituals and ceremonies to mark important life transitions
- Ethical guidelines and moral codes for behavior
6- Conclusion

Answer to the question
Human beings have always been fascinated with understanding the nature of the universe and their place within it. Throughout history, all groups of people, from ancient societies to modern-day communities, have developed complexes of symbols, rituals, and beliefs that help them connect their own experiences to the essential nature of the universe. This quest for understanding and connection is evident in the development of primitive religions. Primitive religions were the earliest forms of religious practices that emerged among humans, and they typically involved animistic beliefs, ancestor worship, and the use of symbols and rituals to connect with the spiritual world. Anthropologists have studied this type of religion extensively and have come up with various theories to explain its evolution and function.
Edward Tylor and Primitive Religion:
One of the earliest theories about the evolution of primitive religion was proposed by Edward Tylor, a British anthropologist, in the 19th century.
Tylor believed that primitive people used human dreams in which spirits seemed to appear as an indication that the human mind could exist independently of a body. They used this by extension to explain life and death and belief in the afterlife. He used myths and deities to explain natural phenomena originated by analogy and an extension of these explanations. His theory assumed that the psyches of all peoples of all times are more or less the same and that explanations in cultures and religions tend to grow more sophisticated via monotheist religions, such as Christianity and eventually to science.
James Frazer and Primitive Religion
James Frazer proposed a theory of the evolution of primitive religion, in which he argued that religion evolved from earlier stages of primitive magic and would eventually culminate in science. In the magic stage, primitive people believed that they could control the natural world through rituals and spells, while in the religion stage, they worshipped supernatural beings such as gods and goddesses. Finally, in the science stage, people used reason and observation to understand the natural world. James Frazer exclusively differentiated between magic and religion in his theory of evolution; otherwise, it has many similarities with the theory of Edward Tylor.
- Primitive Magic
Frazer argued that magic was based on the principle of similarity, which held that things that resembled each other had a causal connection. magic, primitive people believed that they could control the natural world through the use of rituals and spells. For example, a voodoo doll was thought to have power over the person it represented because of the physical resemblance between the doll and the person.
Evolution of Primitive Religion:

- Animism:
The evolution of primitive religion can be traced back to the early stages of human evolution. According to anthropologists, early humans were animistic in their religious beliefs. They believed in the existence of spirits that inhabited natural objects such as trees, rocks, and rivers. These spirits were thought to possess supernatural powers and were capable of influencing human affairs.
- Primitive Magic
James Frazer exclusively differentiated between magic and religion in his theory of evolution otherwise it has many similarities with the theory of Edward Tylor. Frazer argued that magic was based on the principle of similarity, which held that things that resembled each other had a causal connection. magic, primitive people believed that they could control the natural world through the use of rituals and spells. For example, a voodoo doll was thought to have power over the person it represented because of the physical resemblance between the doll and the person.
- Polytheism
Over time, as human societies became more complex, so did their religious beliefs. The emergence of agriculture and the rise of settled communities led to the development of ancestor worship. In many societies, the spirits of deceased ancestors were believed to possess supernatural powers and were worshipped accordingly.
- Monotheism
As societies continued to evolve, so did their religious beliefs. The emergence of monotheistic religions marked a significant shift in religious practices. Instead of worshipping multiple gods and spirits, monotheistic religions focus on the worship of a single deity.
- Science
According to Tylor, science could be used to challenge and ultimately replace religious beliefs that were deemed to be irrational or superstitious. He saw science as a means of promoting rationality and progress, and he hoped that scientific inquiry would eventually lead to the replacement of religion with more rational and scientific ways of understanding the world.
Functions of Primitive Religion:
Anthropologists have put forward multiple functions of the primitive religion which are as follows;
- A means to cope with uncertainties
Some anthropologists argue that primitive religion serves as a means of coping with uncertainty and the unknown. By attributing natural events to the actions of supernatural beings, primitive societies are able to make sense of their environment and establish a sense of order.
- Religion serves a social function
Others argue that primitive religion serves a social function. In many societies, religious beliefs and practices are closely tied to social norms and values. They serve as a means of reinforcing social cohesion and maintaining order within the community. Religious rituals and ceremonies provide a sense of identity and belonging for members of the community.
- A means of expressing creativity and artistry
In addition to these functions, primitive religion also serves as a means of expressing creativity and artistry. Many religious practices involve elaborate rituals and ceremonies that are infused with music, dance, and visual art. These practices provide a means of artistic expression for members of the community.
- Explanations for natural phenomena
Primitive religions often involve explanations for natural phenomena that people cannot readily understand, such as earthquakes, thunderstorms, and volcanic eruptions. These explanations may involve the worship of gods or spirits believed to control these natural forces or the use of magical rituals or practices believed to appease or influence these forces. By providing explanations for natural phenomena, primitive religions help to give people a sense of understanding and control over their environment.
- Connection to ancestors and the past
Primitive religions often have strong ancestral and cultural ties, as they are passed down from generation to generation. For example, the Aboriginal people of Australia have a rich spiritual tradition that connects them to the land and their ancestors. They believe that their ancestors created the world and that they continue to watch over them.
- Expression of power and authority
In some primitive societies, religious leaders or shamans also hold significant power and authority over the community. They may use their position to enforce social norms and values or make decisions that affect the community as a whole. In some cases, the religious leader may even have the power to decide life or death matters, such as in cases where sacrifices are required to appease the gods. Such Practices were performed by the Vikings to their God Odin in times of war or Crisis.
- Provide rituals and ceremonies to mark important life transitions
Primitive religions often provide rituals and ceremonies to mark important life transitions, such as birth, marriage, and death. These rituals help to provide structure and meaning to these important life events, as well as to reinforce social bonds within the community. In some Indigenous Australian communities, for example, a ceremony called a “welcome to country” is performed to mark the birth of a new child. This ceremony involves the parents presenting the newborn to the community, and the community welcoming the child and bestowing blessings upon them. Moreover, in Hinduism, the funeral rite known as Antyesti involves the cremation of the body and the scattering of ashes in a sacred river, with the aim of releasing the soul from the body and facilitating its journey to the afterlife.
- Provide ethical guidelines and moral codes for behavior
Primitive religion establishes norms and values that regulate social interactions. These norms and values can help maintain social order and promote cooperation within the community. For example, the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania have a strong sense of community and adhere to strict codes of conduct that govern social relationships and interactions. One of their core values is enkanyet, reflected in their religious practices, which means respect and obedience to elders and traditional authority. reflected in their religious practices.
In conclusion, primitive religions were the earliest forms of religious practices that emerged among humans, involving animistic beliefs, ancestor worship, and the use of symbols and rituals to connect with the spiritual world. Anthropologists, such as Edward Tylor and James Frazer, proposed various theories to explain the evolution and function of primitive religions. The evolution of primitive religion can be traced from animism to polytheism and finally to monotheism, with the rise of settled communities and increasing complexity in societies. Primitive religions served various functions such as coping with uncertainties, serving social and artistic purposes, and providing explanations for natural phenomena. Although the role of primitive religion has declined with the rise of science and monotheistic religions, it still holds cultural
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