
Islam Guarantees Rights for Non-Muslims More than any Other Religion. Elaborate in the Light of Historical Evidence.

Islam Guarantees Rights for Non-Muslims by Miss Ayesha Irfan

PMS 2021 Solved Islamiat Past Papers | Islam Guarantees Rights for Non-Muslims

The following question of PMS Islamiat 2021 is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted using the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, who have scored the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

The examiner has asked about the rights of non-Muslims as compared to other religions. The first part is an outline, breaking the question into different parts. Moving further, the rights of non-Muslims as compared to other religions is a critical analysis and conclusion.



2- An overview of the rights of non-Muslims in Islam

3- How does Islam guarantee rights for non-Muslims more than any other religion?

  • ✓Right to freedom of religion
  • ✓Right to EqualityEquality before the law
  • ✓Right to life and dignity
  • ✓Right to freedom of speech
  • ✓Right to Justice
  • ✓Right to Basic Necessities of Life

4-Critical Analysis


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Answer to the Question


Islam is a religion of equality, diversity, and peace. In addition to protecting Muslim rights, it took into account the rights of non-Muslims in Islamic states. Nonetheless, non-Muslims have certain privileges under Islam more than any other religion, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. They can practice their faith, conduct personal and family affairs according to their convictions, and live free from religious pressure. This represents a more excellent Islamic value of tolerance and harmony while protecting their rights. Contrarily, minorities in other religions, such as Hinduism, Christianity, Jainism, Taoism, and Judaism, have always endured severe societal prejudice, hatred, and exclusion.

An overview of the rights of non-Muslims in Islam

According to the Qur’an and Hadith, Islam promotes universal peace and prosperity. It seeks to benefit all of humanity. The goal is to foster social conditions that allow individuals to be their best selves. The Quran addresses humanity as a whole, not only Muslims. Therefore, the socioeconomic conditions apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims who reside in the Islamic state. However, Islam grants and preserves all individuals’ right to life and honour, regardless of creed or colour. The Holy Qur’an states that anyone who takes another person’s life without lawful authority is prohibited. Just cause is regarded as the one who has killed humanity as a whole. Allah does not favour injustice or evil in His creation. Moreover, Non-Muslims in an Islamic state are free to practice their own beliefs. The Qur’an emphasizes the need for Jihad by prioritizing the protection of other religions over Islam itself. The Qur’anic order for protecting houses of worship is crucial in understanding Islam’s concept of war.

“Had there not been Allah’s repelling some people by others. Certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and the mosques in which Allah’s name is much remembered” (Surah Al-Hajj, verse 40)

How does Islam guarantee rights for non-Muslims more than any other religion?

  • Right to freedom of religion

Islam has clearly and categorically forbidden the primitive practice of capturing a man to convert him to Islam forcefully. “There is no compulsion in Deen” refers to a well-known verse in the Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:256). Furthermore, It has been ordained by God in the Holy Quran, “Do not argue with the people of the Book unless it is in the politest manner” (29:46). For instance, When an elderly Christian woman refused the caliph Umar’s invitation to convert to Islam, he expressed remorse and said, “I have not intended to compel her, as I know that there must be no compulsion in religion”. This order is not limited to the people of the Scriptures but applies equally to those following other faiths.

 Although Hindus account for 80 per cent of the population, India also has religious members of other religions, including Muslims. Muslims in India have frequently faced discrimination, prejudice, and violence since independence, despite constitutional guarantees. Furthermore, ethnic minorities in China face significant challenges such as limited political participation, discrimination in the workplace, suppression of their languages and cultural practices, and frequent government surveillance. As reported by Al Jazeera: “The extent of arbitrary and discriminatory detention of members of Uighur and other predominantly Muslim groups may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity,”

  • Right to Equality before law

Going down the ladder, equality before the law is an essential and valuable right Islam has granted to every man as a human. The Holy Quran has laid down, “Do not let your hatred of a people incite you to aggression” (5:2). “And do not let ill-will towards any folk incite you so that you swerve from dealing justly. Be just; that is nearest to heedfulness” (5:8). This emphasizes the need of Muslims being just with ordinary people as well as their adversaries. In other words, the justice to which Islam invites her followers is not limited only to the citizens of their own country, the people of their tribe, nation or race, or the Muslim community as a whole, but it is meant for all the human beings of the world. Muslims, therefore, cannot be unjust to anyone. Their permanent habit and character should be such that no man should ever fear injustice at their hands, and they should treat every human being everywhere with justice and fairness.

  • Right to life and dignity

The right to life and respect for human life are the most fundamental. The Holy Quran establishes that whoever kills a human being without (any reason like) manslaughter or corruption on earth, it is as though he had killed all humanity… (5:32). Not only this, the Quran also signifies the dignity of man by giving them the right to life. According to the Prophet, may God bless him, murder is the second-greatest sin after polytheism(Shirk). Further, he said, “The greatest sins are to associate something with God and to kill human beings.” The injunction covers every person, and it is forbidden to end human life in and of itself. Contrarily, the fact that humans were hunted down like animals in Australia and that the country was cleared of the Aborigines for white settlers makes this very evident.

In the same way, everyone finds Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza to be a terrible nightmare. The Red Indians who managed to survive this genocide were forced to live in designated regions known as reservations after the American Aboriginal population was ruthlessly wiped out. All of these incidents demonstrate their disregard for human life in general, and to the extent that they do, it is solely because of their race, nationality, or colour. Islam, on the other hand, affirms this right for every individual. Even if a man is from a barbaric or primitive tribe, Islam nonetheless considers him a human being.

“And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind” (5:32).

  • Right to freedom of speech

Islam grants all citizens of the Islamic State the right to free thought and expression, provided that it is used to spread virtue and truth rather than evil and wickedness. The Prophet has said: “If any one of you comes across an evil, he should try to stop it with his hand (using force); if he is not in a position to stop it with his hand, then he should try to stop it using his tongue (meaning he should speak against it). If he cannot even use his tongue, he should at least condemn it in his heart. This is the weakest degree of faith” (Muslim). This Islamic definition of freedom of expression is far more advanced than the Western one, which forbids the spread of evil and wickedness under any circumstances and forbids anyone from using derogatory or abusive language in the name of criticism. On the other hand, the freedom of expression is impeded by different religions. One of the most oppressive countries in the world is North Korea. The government restricts all of the citizens’ civil and political liberties. Furthermore, Socrates consumed poison—especially hemlock—because, according to Athenian law, he was condemned to death by the Athenian court for “corrupting the youth” and “impiety” by challenging the city’s established beliefs.

Those who do not judge by what God has sent down are the disbelievers (kafirun). 5:44

  • Right to justice

In the eyes of the law, Muslims are entitled to full and absolute equality. From a Muslim perspective, the Holy Quran and Sunnah provide explicit directives that all Muslims have equal rights and responsibilities, “The believers are brothers (to each other)” (49:10). According to hadith, those who accept the Oneness of God, believe in the Prophethood of His Messenger, abandon primitive prejudices, and join the Muslim community and brotherhood have “the same rights and obligations as other Muslims” (al-Bukhari; al-Nisa’i). As a result, new converts to Islam are treated equally with long-time adherents of the faith. On the other hand, many different religions do not provide justice to minorities. According to the US Department of State, Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz, as well as members of religious minority groups, are being interned in China as part of a deliberate effort to eliminate their ethnic and cultural identity, religious beliefs, and population growth. Numerous publicly available stories of torture, rape, forced drug consumption, and other horrendous abuses occurring in Chinese camps have been documented based on the experiences of individuals who have escaped, but there was no justice for those.

  • Right to Basic Necessities of Life

Islam has recognized the right of the needy people, that help and assistance will be provided for them. “And in their wealth there is acknowledged right for the needy and the destitute” (51:19). The Prophet has clearly instructed in this respect that: “It will be taken from their rich and given to those in the community in need” (al-Bukhari and Muslim). In addition to this, it has also been declared that the Islamic State should support those who have nobody to support them. The Prophet has said: “The Head of State is the guardian of him, who has nobody to support him” (Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi). Contrarily, Many other religions have historically discriminated against minorities, including Muslim women and girls. The government has been accused of utilizing security measures to terrorist violence to incite anti-Muslim sentiment. For instance, the cycle of violence, insurrection, and crackdown by authorities has characterized much of Burma’s history since the end of civilian rule, as well as the harsh and systematic measures against Muslims. Furthermore, France’s relationship with its minorities is complicated and contentious, with a history of discrimination and systematic racism. All of this indicates that Islam is the only religion that grants non-Muslims similar rights in comparison to other religions.

Critical Analysis

Islam provides more liberties to non-Muslims than any other faith. Non-Muslims have rights under Islam, including the freedom to follow their faith and be protected from violence. Unquestionably, Islam is a religion of peace and equality. It provides equal rights not only to Muslims but also to non-Muslims. Nonetheless, non-Muslims possessed legal and cultural legitimacy in Muslim realms. Non-Muslims had the right to exercise their religion, have autonomy in internal communal affairs, engage in commercial activities, and be safe or protected politically. However, the condition of religious minorities – Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and others – under Muslim control or in Muslim-majority cultures is highly contentious. For example, the situation of Muslim minorities in many other nations is dire these days, with Palestinians, Yhugers, Kashmiris, and many other minorities subjected to cruelty and massacre by various non-Islamic administrations.


In a nutshell, non-Muslims have certain rights under Islam, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. They can follow their faith, including worship concerns and personal/family affairs. Islam stresses the protection of non-Muslims, allowing them to maintain their religious identities while coexisting with Muslims. Non-Islamic states’ relationships with minorities are complex and contentious. Although their constitutions indicate that all citizens are equal before the law, the country’s approach to minority rights is founded on equality, liberty, and fraternity. However, these states’ policies have rendered minorities invisible, resulting in systemic discrimination.

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