CSS 2010 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Pakistan’s Role in the War on terror
The following question of CSS Pakistan Affairs 2010 is solved by Miss Iqra Ali, the best Pakistan Affairs Coach, on the guided pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, which he taught to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
This question calls for assessment of Pakistan on the war on terror that includes a detailed examination of the country’s accomplishments, difficulties, as well as criticisms. It requires the assessment of Pakistan’s initiatives, its domestic as well as international approach to counter terrorism through operations, partnership with the US, NATO and UN and also through legislation such as NACTA.
2- An Overview of the War on Terror
3- The Pivotal Role of Pakistan on the War on Terror
- ✓Pakistan’s International Role and Collaborative Efforts
- Key ally of the USA on the War on Terrorism
- Active Participation in UN, SAARC and ASEAN against terrorism
- Cooperation with NATO in Afghanistan
- ✓Domestic Efforts to curb Terrorism
- Military Operations like Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad
- Establishment of NACTA and counter terrorism laws
4- Criticism and Challenges faced by Pakistan (both International and National)
- ✓Diplomatic tensions with neighbouring countries
- ✓Global Pressures and distorted image
- ✓Refugee Crises
- ✓Internal Security threats and political instability
5- Critical Analysis
6- Conclusion

Pakistan’s position in the war on terror has been strategic but very problematic. It needs to be said that as one of the frontline states, it fully cooperated with international forces to counter-terrorism worldwide while at the same time being able to conduct efficient domestic military operations. Such actions not only dealt with the militant groups, while eradicating their networks, but also ensured that Pakistan remained determined to preserve world peace. But the war was very costly, the price people paid was their lives, economic issues, and the world recognized them in a negative way. The increase of refugees, domestic security threats and tensions in the diplomatic relationships make it worse. Thus, Pakistan’s efforts and sacrifices to counter-terrorism, its strategies and selective policies have been heavily criticized. Pakistan’s enduring strength and commitment restressed its worth in the combating terrorism in the world and the need of the sustainable measures for launching a peace building program.
An Overview of the War on Terror
The War on Terror started after the September 11, 2001, terrorism act on the United States as the objective was to bring rogue terrorist movements like the Al-Qaeda to heel and end terrorism in the world. This campaign, spearheaded by America, featured military actions, economic measures, sharing of intelligence information and counter-terrorism efforts. The establishment of the USD base was marked mainly by the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, which aimed at the Taliban regime that hosted Al-Qaeda. Geographically located next to Afghanistan, Pakistan formed the frontline ally mainly because of its historic association with that part of the world. Pakistan had a very important role; it gave facilities, information and logistic support and sometimes its territory to the forces of the coalition. At home, Pakistan carried out large-scale operations, for example, Operation Zarb-e-Azb initiated in 2014 and Operation Radd ul Fasaad in 2017, against terrorism and militant organizations. But it got involved at a cost and was later found compromised. More than 80000 Pakistanis were killed, with the country’s economy being hit with over $150 billion and displacement in conflict-ridden regions. This also caused criticism, ‘double dealing, having any number of ‘back door’ contacts and providing sanctuary to such Taliban affiliates as the Haqqani Network. In the fight against terrorism, Pakistan has had to give an unexpected price. Pakistan remains a central character in the war on terror, which serves as a success story with using its forces to contribute to the international security. The war on terror continues to also remind the world of the numerous challenges that are involved in counter-terrorism in a very sensitive region.
The Pivotal Role of Pakistan on the War on Terror
- ✓Pakistan’s International Role and Collaborative Efforts
Pakistan has been actively participating in counter-terrorism initiatives at the global level, cooperating with the United Nations, ASEAN, and SAARC in preparing counter terrorism measures. It also has intelligence sharing, military cooperation and partners with other nations, such as the United States, in fighting global terrorism, thus has been awarded for promoting regional and international security.
- Key ally of the USA on the War on Terrorism
The United States became an ally of Pakistan during the War on Terror, which had a complicated relationship after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Due to this strategic location, Pakistan played an important role for the US in dismantling Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. However, in exchange for its support, Pakistan got more than $33 billion in aid for its military and different economic sectors from 2001 to 2018. As part of the cooperation, it was assisting with logistics and airbases for drones aimed at the militants in the tribal region, including the Shamsi Airbase. Former US President George W. Bush stated Pakistan as an indispensable ally in counter-terrorism operations, recognizing Pakistan’s frontier position. Pakistan also captured top terror operators, which included Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the planner of the 9/11 attack. Events such as the Abbottabad raid that killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 and frequent drone attacks which violate the sovereignty of Pakistan created anti-American feelings in Pakistani society. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the US-Pakistan relation in fighting terrorism, in particular within the War on Terror, remains as the solid cornerstone of their relation characterized by collaboration, confrontation, and mutual interest, bringing stability to the region.
- Active Participation in UN, SAARC and ASEAN against terrorism
Pakistan has shown interest in counter-terrorism policies on the international level, including ASEAN, SAARC, and the United Nations, as to formulate its commitment to international and regional peace. Pakistan, in its capacity in the United Nations Security Council for the tenure of 2003-2004, also contributed significantly through the formulation of resolutions on the elimination of Terrorism finances and breaking the terror structures. Further, Pakistan has deployed more than 200000 troops in different UN peace missions, many of which have dealt with terrorism and insurgent activities in various theatres. To bolster other more regional frameworks, the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism (1987) and its Additional Protocol were adopted by Pakistan. Nevertheless, the political conflict, especially with India, has at times slowed the formation of collective actions. As well as in cooperation with ASEAN, it is embedded in a larger context of combating transnational terrorism. Becoming a member of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Pakistan has trained its efforts on the discourse and capacity-building in the spheres of information exchange and counter-terrorism. In engaging these organizations, Pakistan has sought to look at international pressure, regional diplomacy and national interest in counter-terrorism.
- Cooperation with NATO in Afghanistan
Pakistan’s partnership with NATO in Afghanistan has been a key aspect of its contribution to the ‘war on terror’. It accommodated key supply corridors, the Ground Lines of Communication (GLOCs) and Air Lines of Communication (ALOCs) through which troop, equipment and supplies for NATO forces in Afghanistan could transit. Besides, about 70 percent of all NATO supplies transit through Pakistan, which shows the role of Pakistan in sustaining the military action against the Taliban and al-Qaeda. It also contributed to intelligence sharing and counter terrorism to the NATO. Integrated operations interdicted terror networks active in Afghanistan and throughout the Afghanistan-Pakistan interface called the Durand Line. In addition, NATO recognized Pakistan’s efforts in the NATO-Russia Council and reassured its importance as a key state in forwarding the NATO mission of stabilizing Afghanistan and defeating extremism. Until 2014, after NATO pulled out of Afghanistan, Pakistan remained consistent in its regional stability mission, concerning restoration and cooperation, thus showing its commitments to world peace.
- ✓Domestic Efforts to curb Terrorism
Pakistan to eliminate terrorism comprises military operation Zarb-e-Azb, Raddul Fasaad operation, formulated a national internal security policy “National Action Plan” for legal, social, and educational reform against terrorism. These measures went a long way in minimizing incidences of terror, however, phenomena such as radicalization and cross-border terror are still being experienced.
- Military Operations like Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad
Operation Zarb-e-Azb initiated in June 2014 aimed at the clearance of terror nests in North Waziristan, which was a hub of terrorists. The operation disarmed crafted terror networks, killed over 3,500 militants and regained whole plots of territory. It was a turning point, the acts of terrorism started reducing drastically to about 70% in the period 2017, according to the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS). Subsequently, Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad was launched in February 2017 that extended across the country with the new focus of conducting Intelligence-based Operations alongside intolerance of extremism and ensuring strategic FIPs of major cities. Altogether 22500 intelligence-led operations were carried out during Radd-ul-Fasaad and a lot of weapons and explosives were seized. Preceding operations such as Operation Rah-e-Rast in Swat (2009) and Operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan (2009) also laid the foundation in curbing insurgencies and ousting the militant groups. These military operations alongside others such as the National Action plan convincingly limited terrorism and its related conducts while confirming the long journey for avoiding more of such incidents and promoting long lasting peace and stability.
- Establishment of NACTA and counter terrorism laws
The National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) was set up in 2009 as Pakistan’s premier counter terrorism organization which aims to coordinate all the policy making, legislative and operational measures against terrorism and extremism in Pakistan. As the focal organization to develop policies and action plans on counter-terrorism, NACTA sought to fill gaps between intelligence networks, law enforcement, and provincial authorities. After APS Peshawar terrorists’ attack in 2014, the government reactivated NACTA under the National Action Plan (NAP) to counter internal security threats in an integrated manner. NACTA’s main tasks include formulation of counter terrorism plans, tracking of funds used for terrorism and recommendations on anti-terrorism laws. This weighs the fight against hate speech, extremism and radicalization, media monitoring and cooperation between agencies. For instance, it led the FATF measures compliance through identifying and prohibiting people and sources of funding for terrorism that caused Pakistan to be shifted from the gray list of the FATF in 2022. However ,it is still a part of Pakistan’s institutional counter-terrorism paradigm and symbolizes the country’s desire to build a permanent security and a peaceful milieu.
Criticism and Challenges faced by Pakistan (both International and National)
- ✓Diplomatic tensions with neighbouring countries
Pakistan has suffered severe criticism on national and international platforms because of conflictual diplomacy and tensions with its neighbour countries in the ‘war on terrorism’. Afghanistan has often alleged that Pakistan is harboring the Taliban and they are not sincere with the encompassing peace process. Likewise, India has accused Pakistan for backing such militant outfits as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, which it said were involved in cross-border terrorism, such as the 2008 Mumbai attacks. These allegations have really put Pakistan into an awkward position with its neighbors. At the international level, different organizations like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) put Pakistan on its gray list several times due to a lack of dynamics in the implementation of measures against money laundering and terror financing. Despite trying to meet the expectations of the FATF, actions have failed to meet global standards. These criticisms have often drowned the actual counter-terrorism participation of Pakistan to the international community.
- ✓Global Pressures and distorted image
The war on terror helped in the creation of a wrong perspective about Pakistan in front of the global community, that Pakistan is a terrorism sponsoring country rather than a country that has been suffering from the menace of terrorism. Global media and international policymakers, therefore, successfully portrayed Pakistan as a home-grown terrorism exporter instead of a terrorism fighter. One of the major international pressures was from the United States of America, which often accused Pakistan of being double-faced in battling terrorism. For instance, in the event that in May 2011, after the successful raid that eliminated Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, and global criticism arose emphasizing that many have wondered whether Pakistan knew about his presence. Calculating to this, extreme diplomatic tension and demands to work more effectively were reported. At home, this perverted image led to internal turbulence with the public turning against foreign influence and the story of Pakistan being madea scapegoat for failures in the war on terror.
- ✓Refugee Crises
The war, which started in the 1980s when the Soviet Union sided with the Afghan government, and in the early 2001 when Americans invaded Afghanistan, a large number of Afghan refugees crossed into Pakistan. From the record of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Pakistan has been hosting over 3.5 million Afghan refugees at a given period, making it one of the biggest refugee hosting countries. This massive influx put a very high pressure on the Pakistan socio-economic system. The large influx of refugees preferred residence in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan, which are already constrained with basic amenities including shelter, healthcare and education. Some of the policy issues that motivated states were the uncontrolled mobility of refugees, which was believed to conceal the organizational structures of armed groups recruiting new members and causing security concerns to counter-terrorism operations. Taking the current situation into account, Pakistan was going to take the heat of this prolonged situation. This refugee issue aggravated socioeconomic pressures and new social problems, which signify the fact that regional conflict yields large ripple effects.
- ✓Internal Security threats and political instability
Wars in Afghanistan and growing organizations such as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) forced an unprecedented rise in terrorist activities across the country. Up to 2020, Pakistan has suffered over 83,000 deaths by terrorism, including civilian, security forces, and militants, based on the South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP). Catastrophic events like APS Peshawar in 2014 have shown the internal security hazards and the requirement of a stern countering terrorism policy. The political environment also was notably weakened. Terrorism interfered with the authority, challenged the authority of the law, and distorted attention from development to safety. Political stability became limited because of the use of substandard coup mechanisms by different extreme groups to defeat state power. Such compounded challenges left Pakistan to deal with an unstable security environment, along with politically weaker stability.
Critical Analysis
Pakistan’s insertion identifies the country as a central figure in the war on terror, showing the strategic imperative as well as the resulting consequences of the involvement. The role that Pakistan played was generally perceived as passive, in the sense that its activities were prodded on by forces both economic and political. This has been followed by criticism of inconsistent sovereignty and selective counter-terrorism policies. On the other hand, Pakistan’s actions went a long way towards stabilizing world order, Pakistan’s losses are immeasurable; they lost 83 thousand people and suffered billions of dollars in losses. On the positive side, however, Pakistan was an inseparable part of this process, a more independent, more all-embracing policy might have helped to avoid some long-term consequences.
Pakistan has had a roller coaster experience while being part of the war on terror, yet central to it. It also plays a critical role as a frontline state in fighting terrorism internationally as well as waging successful military fights at home in unison with international allies. These measures were not only effective in eliminating militant cells but also in ensuring the world that Pakistan intends to keep the world safe. But war was always a bloody game with a heavy price, loss of lives, an economic burden and a blotted image of the country on the international forum. The arrival of the refugees and the domestic security threats, coupled with pressed diplomatic relations, made it worse. Some of the criticism has been leveled at its strategies and its selective counter-terrorism policies The most pertinent and irrefutable fact is that Pakistan has made the highest sacrifice. The losses and efforts of Pakistan again and again remain crucial in the war on terrorism and put emphasis on sustainable state and human security.
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