
Elaborate the strategic cooperation between US and India? How can this strategic cooperation threaten Chinese interests in the South China Sea?

us india strategic cooperation

CSS Current Affairs | US-India Cooperation in the South China Sea

The following question of CSS Current Affairs is solved by Mohsin Ali under the supervision of Howfiv’s Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs Coaches. She learnt how to attempt 20 marks question and essay writing from Sir Syed Kazim Ali, Pakistan’s best CSS and PMS English essay and precis teacher with the highest success rate of his students. This solved past paper question is attempted on the pattern taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory and optional subjects for years, and uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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1- Introduction

2- A cursory glance at the conflict in the South China Sea

3- Indo-US strategic partnership in the spheres of military strategies

4- The US-backed India as a troublemaker for China in the South China Sea

5- Critical Analysis

6- Conclusion

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Answer to the Question


The world is eventually moving from unipolar to multipolar with the dominant rise of China as an economic and military power. Meanwhile, the US is trying to curtail China’s growth on all fronts to remain a solo hegemon, especially in the Indo-Pacific region. The US is imposing its interests in the South China Sea by making more strategic allies, a linchpin for China. Nowadays, India has also become an Asian economic giant competing with China. With the growth in economy and military might, India can be a troublemaker for China and the best choice for the US to defend its interests in the South China Sea. Thus, the Indo-US alliance in QUAD, bilateral economic and technological trade, and cooperation in defence systems are the symptoms of a strategic alliance between both countries against China.

A cursory glance at the conflict in the South China Sea

The Indo-Pacific Ocean surrounds the most populated and export-oriented countries, making it a weighty trade route, and an estimated 3.37 trillion dollars worth of annual trade passes through the South China Sea. China, the most populated and largest manufacturing country, carries out 80% of imports and 39% of exports through the South Sea. However, the South China Sea has been a bone of contention among South Asian countries as China claims its maritime zone inside the historical nine-dash sea area and is constructing ports and military installations there. Contrarily, other South Asian countries refuse the Chinese claim and follow the UNCLOS, United Nations Convention on the Law of Seas, and arbitral award for territorial distribution of the sea. Moreover, Critical choke points like the Strait of Malacca are surrounded by the US-allied South Asian countries, making China more concerned about the impacts. Likewise, India is a significant military power that is seen as being involved in the US strategic partnership. It has shown its frequent appearance in the disputed sea through military cooperation with ASEAN and active participation in QUAD. Thus, China is fiercely rivalling the US and its partner countries.

Indo-US strategic partnership in the spheres of military strategies

The power tussle between Washington and Beijing and the tension between the Sino-Indian border opened the gate to security cooperation between the US and India. India has joined the US camp to enjoy more leverage and technological benefits for the defence system in the form of the Civilian Nuclear Deal 2005, the Defence and Technology Trade Initiative (DTTI) 2012 and other strategic partnerships:

  • ✓ Strategic alliance under the umbrella of QUAD

QUAD is the quadrilateral security dialogue that teams up the US, Australia, Japan, and India to collaborate on strategic fronts in the Indo-Pacific region. Recently, QUAD countries’ strategic moves have been rampant in the Indo-Pacific as the recent summit of QUAD took place in 2023, stressing the security cooperation against the coercive strategy of China and the bilateral coalition in technology, innovation, and environmental issues. It is pertinent to mention that India, joining QUAD, has taken up a leading role in Indo-Pacific countries. India has declined its interest in QUAD members beyond the QUAD by joining AUSINDEX ( Australia-India military exercises) and JIMEX( Japan-India military exercises).

  • ✓ Indo Pacific Ocean Initiative (IPOI)

Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative (IPOI) extends the Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) 2015 initiative to secure Indian interests in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Initiated in 2019, IPOI has seven domains to work on revolving around maritime security and free trade routes. Later, the US joined the initiative as it claimed a Free and Open Indo-Pacific vision. Moreover, India has been seen as more active in its policies towards the Indo-Pacific Ocean and its maritime partnerships with ASEAN, a backdrop for China’s aggression in the South China Sea.

  • ✓ Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geospatial Intelligence (BECA) 2020

It has enabled Indian security specialists to access American geospatial intelligence. This would help India augment its automated missiles, drones, aircraft, and sailing ships. Moreover, by engaging in this agreement, high-end satellite images would be shared mutually, which can help India establish its own geographic information system. Thus, India would be a future competitor of China in defence technology.

  • India-US Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) 2023

INDUS-X has been co-hosted by the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (UISPF) and Stanford University. This initiative has been taken to invest more in defence innovations in compliance with modern technology. The third summit of the INDUS-X will be held in Silicon Valley in September 2024, aiming to maximise private investments in defence innovations. India seeks to buy 18 high-altitude armed drones and aircraft from the atomic aeronautical system to enhance its ability to manufacture arms. Defence analyst Rahul Bedi said the aircraft would likely be deployed at the China and Pakistan border and in the Indian Ocean.

The US-backed India as a troublemaker for China in the South China Sea

The bilateral strategic partnership between the US and India has set to knock down China, especially in the South China Sea. India, a growing power in the region and the

  • ✓ Indo-US military cooperation threatening China’s interest in The South China Sea

The South China Sea has become a flashing point for the big players as it serves many countries by providing the route for trillion-dollar trade. Moreover, After China’s claim over the South China Sea, the US and its United ASEAN countries have started trying to limit China in the South China Sea. In this scenario, the US has extended its military and technological defence cooperation with India, a developing country in the Indo-Pacific region. Daniel Kritenbrink, the United States Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, while referring to China, said, “Large countries should not bully smaller ones.” Asian countries are learning to cope with China, and the US has become a helping for those countries.

  • ✓ India’s alignments with South East Asian countries

India is an emerging power in South Asia and is supposed to perceive the Indo-Pacific Ocean as a secondary place for influence to flourish its economy. To expand its exports and support mutual interests, India has increased its military and diplomatic engagement with Vietnam and the Philippines. To accomplish this, the US has assisted India through defence cooperation and the sharing of technology.

  • ✓ Presence of the Indian Navy in the South China Sea

In 2019, the Indian Navy, for the first time, conducted joint exercises with the US, Japanese, and Philippine navies in the South China Sea. Then, in 2020 and 2021, India performed the same exercises as Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, and Indonesia. In May 2023, India sent warships to participate in joint exercises with the navies ASEAN states in the South China Sea for the first time. Indian footprints in the South China Sea show the Indian intention to exert pressure on China.

Critical Analysis

In critical diagnosis, Every strategic step of the U.S. in the South China Sea provokes the flame of war. The US has always been playing the tricks of making allies worldwide to tie down its opponents. The US-India partnership reflects the US strategy to secure its interests in the South China Sea. India also takes advantage of this partnership by fostering its influence in the sea. Defence cooperation, navy drills with ASEAN, and operationalization of QUAD are some of the significant steps the Indo-US pair has taken. Moreover, India, with the collaboration of the US, is progressing towards self-sufficiency in arms production and supplying its missiles, armed drones, and warships to Southeast Asian countries. Thus, the Indo-US alliance is considered a challenge in China’s camp.


India and the US have engaged in several strategic partnerships and nurtured their objectives in the Indo-Pacific region against their common rival, China. India’s close ties with ASEAN countries and QUAD mates have made China scratch its head. And the US is playing its cards by making more allies in the South China Sea to stop China’s influence. According to Stephan Walt’s theory of the refinement of the balance of threats, perceived threats urge countries to gain power to avoid the hegemony of other countries. Similarly, India, being a fast-developing country and having rivalry with China, is playing a leading role in balancing China’s threat in the Indo-Pacific.

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