CSS 2019 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | Touheed and its Impacts
The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
The examiner inquired about a suitable response to the concept of Touheed. Nevertheless, give a thorough overview of Touheed according to the Quran and Sunnah if you wish to do well in Islamic studies. Furthermore, the impact of touheed on human beings and society is the second major part of this question. This part might be clarified by referring to the concept of Touheed with suitable illustrations.
2-Understanding the Concept of Touheed according to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah
3-What are the impacts of Touheed on individual life and society?
3.1-Individual impacts
- ✓ Instilling the love of God
- ✓ Creating spiritual resilience and inner peace
- ✓ Reforming the character of humans
- ✓ Creating a sense of self-purification and accountability
- ✓ Pulling out humanity from the swamp of despair and sin
3.2-Social impacts
- ✓ Creating a sense of brotherhood and responsibility
- ✓Strengthening social unity and cohesion
- ✓ Inculcating the concept of Amr bil Maruf Wa Nahi Anil Munkir
- ✓ Strengthening social justice and equality
4-Critical Analysis

Answer to the Question
Within the Islamic faith, Tawheed signifies the conviction that there is only one God, Allah, who created the universe and possesses unique qualities and existence. It is the Islamic Creed’s first and most important tenet. In fact, human intellect and reason acknowledge the existence of one creator and originator; even nature’s harmony and unity serve as evidence of God’s Oneness. As stated in Quran,
Were they created without any agent?” the Quran asks. Did they create anything?
(At-Tur: 35)
Touheed’s logical conclusion is reached through observation of the cosmos and nature. Furthermore, Touheed has a positive influence on an individual’s morality and ethical decision-making by forming new cognitive and behavioral patterns that point one in the direction of a morally upright and pious existence. Therefore, it encourages moral behavior and acts as a preventative against immoral behavior.
Understanding the Concept of Touheed
It is essential to turn toward the Quran and the Hadith, the two main sources of Islamic knowledge, in order to fully understand the nuances of Touheed. As stated in the Quran Touheed is described in the Holy Quran as a sign for people who watch and comprehend how the earth and heavens function. Understanding and feeling the rhythm of the never-ending cycle of day and night is understanding and feeling the unity of Allah mirrored in His works.
“For those with understanding, there are signs in the creation of the earth and heavens, as well as in the alternating patterns of day and night.”
(Al-‘Imran, Surah 3:190)
Furthermore, the Quran affirms God’s unity and defines God’s characteristics. Declare,
He is God the Eternal, God the One. He neither begot nor was begotten. There is nobody like him.
(Surah Al-Ikhlas)
Considering the Hadith Similarly, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) stressed the significance of having a strong trust in God and His purposes while preaching Touheed.
“Islam is based on (the following) five (principles) to testify that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) and that none else has the right to be worshipped but Allah.”
(Bukhari’s Sahih 8)
All facets of a person’s life are impacted when they embrace the core principles of Islam. Touheed undoubtedly has a positive impact on a person’s morality and ethical judgment as well. Touheed creates a disincentive to immoral behaviour.
What are the Impacts of Touheed on Individual Life and Society?
A. Individual impacts
- ✓ Instilling the love of God
Undoubtedly, Touheed cultivates love for God. Because Allah is merciful and forgiving, having faith in Him causes a believer to feel both love and fear for Allah simultaneously. Say (O Prophet), sayings from the Quran say,
“If you truly love Allah, then follow me, and Allah will love you and forgive your sins.” Allah is incredibly merciful and forgiving.
(Al-Imran, Surah 3:31)
To believe in Allah’s mercy and repentance after sins is to love Him. Therefore, a person who loves the Creator is morally upright because he or she loves Allah too much to do anything that might jeopardize their relationship with Him. One’s love for Allah has the power to dissuade people from committing crimes or immoral acts. The significance of loving Allah is mentioned multiple times in the Quran. The love one feels for the Almighty naturally leads to a fondness for Allah; it is not something people have to learn. Thus, this reinforces the idea that it is imperative for humans to live in accordance with the will of their creator and abstain from contemporary transgressions.
- ✓ Creating spiritual resilience and inner peace
Furthermore, Touheed bestows kindness and mercy that create spiritual resilience and inner peace. When people believe in Allah, they endeavour to take up all of his virtues and put them into practice in their daily lives. Furthermore, Islamic teachings have always emphasized treating others well. A hadith states
“Those who do not show mercy to mankind will not receive mercy from Allah.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari)
Put another way, Touheed gives one the ability to treat others with kindness and mercy so that Allah will do the same for him, which fosters inner peace and spiritual resilience. Therefore, Touheed promotes kindness and mercy, which uphold morality and a person’s high ethical standards. Consequently, one can at last attain spiritual toughness and inner tranquility.
- ✓ Reforming the character of humans
Believers in the idea that Allah is all-encompassing experience their actions as a means of forming human character and assembling their lives in accordance with Allah’s will. Furthermore, Touheed completely transforms a person by radically altering their entire moral and ethical worldview. An adherent chooses the right path over the convenient one and prioritizes the good of society as a whole over personal desires. A hadith claims that Abu Musa related that some people questioned Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) about which Islam is the best.
“Who am I—a devout Muslim?One who refrains from injuring Muslims with his tongue and hands,”
(Bukhari’s Sahih 11)
he retorted. A believer who practices Touheed refrains from hurting others and much more. Touheed, therefore, transforms a person morally.
- ✓ Creating a sense of self-purification and accountability
Proceeding, the idea of Touheed holds someone responsible for their actions. A person fully believes that Allah is All-Knowing and All-Seeing when they embrace faith in the Unity of Allah, His Existence, and His Attributes. This belief impacts every aspect of their life, particularly their morality and ethical judgment. One becomes accountable for their actions; the Quran states that one will be held accountable for their intentions rather than for unintentionally taking an oath.
God is incredibly patient and forgiving.
(Al-Baqarah Surah 2:225)
Being accountable for one’s actions not only causes one to modify their ethical philosophy, but it also stops them from passing judgment on or thinking about things that are needlessly harmful. Since Touheed holds people accountable for their actions, he radically alters their moral philosophy and ethical judgment.
- ✓ Pulling out humanity from the swamp of despair and sin
Similarly, Touheed leads someone to righteousness. Belief in Touheed’s concept has compounding effects that lead to a good path in life. A believer chooses right over wrong because they have strong moral convictions and ethical standards.
“O mankind, worship the Lord who made you and the ancestors of mankind, so that you may attain righteousness.”
(Al-Baqarah Surah 2:21)
Therefore, believers live righteous lives because they have great role models and examples of great people to emulate in their own lives. In addition to patience and faith in Allah, Tawheed instils a feeling of safety. In this sense, a person can choose the path of righteousness despite the pressures of evil in the world because of his faith. Tawheed thus develops moral and ethical maturity, which makes resisting sins and evils simple.
B. Social impacts
- ✓ Creating a sense of brotherhood and responsibility
Social responsibility and harmony depend on the proper distribution of rights and obligations. Believers foster harmony in society by upholding other people’s rights and performing good deeds.
“Each of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock,”
(Hadith, Bukhari)
Through acknowledging and honoring the rights of others, believers establish a community based on compassion, fairness, and tolerance. This equilibrium promotes responsibility, brotherhood, empathy, and communal unity, resulting in a thriving, fairer community. Additionally, they perform their duties in a fair and honest manner that discourages modern evils.
- ✓ Strengthening social unity and cohesion
Going down to the ladder, the idea of touheed reinforces social cohesiveness and unity. Without a doubt, society as a whole will change when people live in harmony with their Lord. Islam is a religion of peace and equality, thus all of its precepts and teachings support societal stability, well-being, and harmony. In Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 10, Allah states,
Make peace among your brothers, for we believers are brothers. And be afraid of Allah so that you might find mercy.
Consequently, the idea of touheed fosters strengthening social cohesiveness and unity.
- ✓ Inculcating the concept of Amr bil Maruf Wa Nahi Anil Munkir
In fact, a practical application of Tawheed is instilling the principles of Amr bil Maruf wa Nahi Anil Munkar, which entails promoting what is good and prohibiting what is evil. In order to strengthen Allah’s unity and sovereignty in all facets of life, it places a strong emphasis on actively participating in the community’s efforts to encourage moral behavior and discourage wrongdoing. Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil is one of the most important missions of the Muslim Ummah, and it is explicitly stated in the Quran as amr bil maruf wa nahi anil munkar. Allah (SWT) has commanded us in the Quran to forbid what is evil (Al-Munkar) and to enjoin what is good (Al-Maruf) in order to keep a person’s heart free from evil diseases,
Let a group of people emerge from you who are forbidding Al-Munkar and inviting to all that is good. And they are the ones who have achieved success.
(Al Imran 3:104)
Fundamentally, the act of practicing Tawheed motivates Muslims to maintain moral standards, which is closely related to the goal of promoting virtue and thwarting evil in society.
- ✓ Strengthening social justice and equality
Islam’s concept of Tawhid upholds social justice and equality by advancing the notion that all people are equal creations of the One God. This belief promotes inclusivity and respect for all people, making a just society where everyone is entitled to dignity and rights. It also creates a feeling of unity among people, pushing them to see past their differences. According to Quran,
“O believers! Stand firm for justice as witnesses for Allah even if it is against yourselves, your parents, or close relatives. Be they rich or poor, Allah is best to ensure their interests. So do not let your desires cause you to deviate ˹from justice˺.”
(An Nisa-135)
Critical Analysis
Although the idea of touheed refines human morality and ethics and acts as a disincentive to crime and immorality, its efficacy is contingent upon personal beliefs and values. Adhering to Allah’s will in life is possible for an individual who firmly believes in the unity of Allah. Additionally, this idea affects a man’s social and spiritual life. Touheed’s deterrent effect can only be fully realized with a sophisticated grasp of human psychology and societal dynamics.
In conclusion, the Islamic concept of touheed has a strong influence on people’s social and personal lives and acts as a deterrent to wrongdoing. This belief supports moral behaviour and fosters social harmony by encouraging empathy, accountability, and a love of Allah. Overall, the fundamental ideas of Islam have always inspired people to overcome their transgressions and moral risks by emphasizing the love of God and taking responsibility for their actions. Therefore, having a strong belief in Touheed prevents man from acting immorally and contributes to developing a peaceful society by instilling in him strong moral and social values.

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