
The US has Been Building Strong Alliances in the South China Sea for Decades. Elaborate the Aims of these Alliances and Discuss the Possible Impact they Can Have on the Dispute.

CSS Current Affairs article, "Aims and Impacts of the US Alliances in the South China Sea" is solved by Dr. Adnan Adam...

CSS Current Affairs | Aims and Impacts of the US Alliances in the South China Sea

The following question of CSS Current Affairs is solved by Dr. Adnan Adam under the supervision of Howfiv’s Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs Coaches. She learnt how to attempt 20 marks question and essay writing from Sir Syed Kazim Ali, Pakistan’s best CSS and PMS English essay and precis teacher with the highest success rate of his students. This solved past paper question is attempted on the pattern taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory and optional subjects for years, and uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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1- Introduction

2- Critical overview of the South China Sea Dispute

  • Case in point:  According to the Pew Research Centre, the territorial disputes between China and its neighbouring countries would lead to devastating military conflicts.

3- Aims of the Alliances in the region

  • ✔ Isolating China by making alliances with ASEAN countries
    • Case in point: The US has military access to fourteen Philippines bases to rotate forces, enhance humanitarian and disaster relief efforts and deter Chinese communist aggression in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • ✔  Countering China’s hegemony by creating a balance of military prowess in the region
    • Case in point: The US has made multilateral agreements with the UK and Australia, through which the US and the UK agreed to provide Australia with nuclear submarine technology.
  • ✔ Mitigating China’s influence by providing an alternative source of economic gain in the region
    • Case in point: QUAD has bolstered its reach to include other domains, such as the latest technology, climate change issues, and supply chains.

4- Impacts of these Alliances

  • ✔ Exacerbation of Maritime dispute in the region
    • Case in point: The small-scale military conflicts between the Philippine and Chinese coast guards are a glaring example of a security dilemma in the region.
  • ✔ Proliferation of Nuclear arms in the region
    • Case in point: According to some Western philosophers, these submarines may threaten the non-proliferation of the nuclear treaty (NPT) because Australia can use them for military purposes.
  • ✔ Initiation of the Cold War 2.0 in the region
    • Case in point: According to Jorge Heine, a professor at Boston University, the looming cold war between the United States and China has become evident in the South China Sea region.

5- Critical analysis

6- Conclusion

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Answer to the Question


With the advent of an emerging multipolar world order, the United States (US) has built alliances in the South China Sea to curtail China’s hegemony in the Asia Pacific region. For instance, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States (AUKUS), the Quadrilateral Security Alliance (QUAD),

and the alliance with ASEAN Nations, particularly the Philippines, are glaring manifestations of US alliances in the region. Moreover, these alliances have certain objectives, such as exploiting economic potential, curtailing China’s growing regional influence, and securing regional stability. However, these alliances have exacerbated several dreadful impacts in the South China Sea that would fuel the dispute. Consequently, there has been constant speculation of warfare in the region, with the US struggling to maintain its hegemonic status. Therefore, the South China Sea dispute would further enhance the nuclear race, resulting in an unsustainable security dilemma.

Critical Overview of the South China Sea Dispute

The South China Sea dispute is a historical and complex conundrum owing to the presence of interests of world giants. Moreover, for the last few decades, China’s historical claims in the South China Sea have enforced small-scale military conflicts with its neighbours, especially the Philippines. According to the Pew Research Centre, territorial disputes between China and its neighbouring countries would lead to devastating military conflicts. The given evidence reflects a gloomy picture of the security dilemma in the region with dreadful repercussions.

Aims of the Alliances

  • Isolating China by making alliances with ASEAN countries

The United States has established several bilateral security agreements with ASEAN countries, particularly the Philippines. The sole purpose of these alliances is to increase the capacity of military prowess in the region. For instance, the US has military access to fourteen Philippines bases to rotate forces, enhance humanitarian and disaster relief efforts, and deter Chinese communist aggression in the Indo-Pacific region. In short, the West is preventing China from unilaterally controlling the South China Sea by maintaining a balance of power.

  • ✔ Countering China’s hegemony by creating balance of military prowess in the region

In recent times, the US has negated China’s claims in the South China Sea and called them a breach of International Waters law. Moreover, the US has made multilateral agreements with the UK and Australia, through which the US and the UK agreed to provide nuclear submarine technology to Australia. The ultimate objective of AUKUS is to curtail China’s growing military and economic influence in the region. In summary, the US is deterring China’s aggressive attempt in the South China Sea for regional stability.

  • ✔ Mitigating China’s influence by providing alternative source of economic gain in the region

QUAD is considered the first significant confrontation step taken by the US against China, forming alliances with India, Japan and Australia. Initially, QUAD was formed to tackle traditional and non-traditional security threats; however, it has bolstered its reach to include other domains, such as the latest technology, climate change issues, and supply chains. Moreover, it reflects the notion that the alliance wants to decrease reliance on Chinese companies and mitigate Chinese expansionist motives. Similarly, the coalition is ensuring the security of the significant trade route in the South China Sea, the Strait of Malacca, for economic interests.

Impacts of these Alliances on the dispute

  • ✔ Exacerbation Of Maritime disputes in the region

The United States has applied big stick diplomacy in the South China Sea to secure its vested interests by using military capability in China’s neighbouring countries. Moreover, China’s proactive approach in the region has further escalated maritime disputes. Likewise, the small-scale military conflicts between the Philippines’ and China’s coast guards are a glaring example of a security dilemma in the region.

  • Proliferation Of Nuclear Arms in the region

The US security agreements have boosted the region’s nuclear race. For instance, providing nuclear submarines to Australia has become a bone of contention in maintaining regional stability. Moreover, China has taken it as a threat to its territorial sovereignty. In this regard, according to the Foreign Magazine, it is estimated that China moves seven lac military ships with gorilla warriors annually to claim Islands. According to some Western philosophers, these submarines may act as a threat to the non-proliferation of the nuclear treaty (NPT) because Australia can use them for military purposes.

  • ✔ Initiation of the Cold War 2.0 in the region

As the world moves towards regionalism, the US struggles to maintain its influence in the South China Sea. As a result, both China and the US avoided bilateral confrontation and preferred to make alliances. Moreover, these alliances incorporate economic and security aspects. According to Jorge Heine, a professor at Boston University, the looming cold war between the United States and China has become evident in the South China Sea region. Therefore, Cold War 2.0 can become apparent in the area, resulting in the South China Sea becoming a flashpoint between world powers. 

Critical Analysis

Critically, the South China Sea dispute has imposed significant challenges to the world order and further fuelled hostility between the US and China. As the region is full of natural resources, such as oil reserves, fishing grounds, and trade routes, both countries have established economic and military alliances to curb each other’s influence. Therefore, if the dispute is not handled comprehensively, it will lead to devastating military conflict.


In conclusion, the growing alliance network by the United States has been perceived by China as a sovereignty threat. Moreover, China’s historical claims on the islands have reflected its motive for expansion. Likewise, the militarization of islands by China and neighbouring countries has dragged the dispute to the verge of major military conflict. In a nutshell, the current scenario depicts a dismal representation of the dispute, with both states having hostile attitudes towards each other.

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