
Discuss the Purpose of the Advent Prophets and the Importance of the Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH, and Write a Brief Note on Its University.

The Purpose of the Advent Prophets by Khirman Batool

PMS 2022 Solved Islamiat Past Papers | The Purpose of the Advent of Prophets

The following question of PMS Islamiat 2022 is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted using the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, who have scored the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

For this specific question, the examiner asked about the arguments concerning the purpose of the advent prophets. The second part then demands the relevance of Muhammad PBUH’s prophetic status and incorporates a brief comment concerning its university. The first step in writing your response is to provide a concise synopsis of its key points. Next, write your answers by spitting them out in chunks according to the question. Provide a conclusion and critical analysis to wrap up your response.



2-Purpose of Advent Prophethood

  • ✓Establishing Allah’s Deen
  • ✓Encouraging mankind in their obligations to Allah
  • ✓Bearing testimony to the Truth
  • ✓Prosecuting Witnesses of hereafter 
  • ✓Establishing Justice and equality worldwide

3-Contemporary of the world before the Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH

4-Importance of the University of Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH

  • ✓Establishing Deen Essential, aka Islam
  • ✓Giving the world an immutable religious text- The Holy Quran
  • ✓Giving Political morality to the world
  • ✓Giving Human rights guidelines to the world
  • ✓Giving a settled economic system to the world
  • ✓Giving Social values to build a multi-religious society

5-Critical Analysis


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Answer to the Question


Prophethood is a fundamental Islamic belief that has strengthened people’s moral fibre, faith in Allah, and unwavering conviction that Allah is the ultimate power in the universe. Unlike other religions, Islam has revealed to its followers that there were other prophets before the Holy Prophet PBUH. A Muslim is required to believe in all of them since they were sent to the earth for the same reasons. Prophethood exists in the world to create Justice and religion for Allah and to remind people of the lessons that have been forgotten. Additionally, it states that Muhammad is the final Prophet of the Holy Prophet PBUH. As such, his teachings and the book he alluded to must be followed because of his Miracle of Universality. The Holy Quran remains an eternal sacred text that directs people in all aspects of life. Furthermore, his political acumen continues to aid humanity in resolving contemporary global diplomatic disputes. The foundation of international human rights legislation is the principles established by Prophet Muhammad.

Purpose of Advent Prophet

A blessing to humanity, the holy Prophet laid the groundwork for international human rights laws that benefit individuals.

  • Establishing the Deen of Allah in the world

               Prophets were indeed sent to the earth to spread Deen, or Allah’s religion. Islam was the Deen given to the world, but once their prophets closed their eyes, the nations damaged it. It is described in Sura Ash-Shura “He has appointed for you the same Way of life which He had ordained for Noah and which (O Muhammad) We have now revealed to you, and which We had already enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus.” (Surah Ash-Shura: 13). Thus, all prophets were bearer of Islam that was altered by their nations after their death. So, it was preserved by the last Prophet in immutable form.

  • Encouraging mankind of their obligations to Allah

Moreover, the foremost purpose of sending one hundred twenty-four thousand prophets to the world is to remind man of his duties towards Allah. Each Prophet has conveyed the message of Allah to his creation, as Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Yousaf, and all, as the Quran has disclosed in Sura Al-Hijr, “Behold! It is we who have revealed this reminder. BeholdReminder! It is We who shall truly guard it. Al-Hijr. ” Therefore, the essential purpose of Prophethood is to remind man of his duties.

  • Prosecuting Witnesses hereafter

Furthermore, another Purpose of sending Prophets into the world is to make them Witnesses hereafter about the guidelines given by Allah to man. So that when in the chaos of the day of judgment, man would not deny that he was guided by Allah. As in Sura Muzzammil, Allah says, “We have sent unto you a messenger to be a witness over you, just as We had sent a messenger to the Pharaoh. Sura Muzzammil:15” Therefore, the prophets are not only Reminders or messengers of Allah, but they would also be the witnesses of Allah in the hereafter.

  • Bearing Testimony to the Truth

Nonetheless, the Prophets would be witnesses to the Truth as they are pious and never tell lies. They are the Hujjah or argument of Allah that preaches Allah’s teaching, advice, greetings and warnings. They are Shahadah of Allah disclosed in Sura Ahzab “O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news and a warner, and as one who summons (all men) to Allah by His leave, and as a luminous lamp”. Sura Ahzab:45,46. Therefore, the purpose of sending the world Prophets was to make them witness to the Truth given by Allah.

  • Establishing Justice and equality in the world

Except for these, Prophets have also been sent to the world in times of extreme darkness of injustice in the world, as in the case of Hazrat Thamud, a.s., who was sent to his nation when corruption and injustice prevailed in society. “Remember! When He made you successors after ‘Âd and established you in the land—˹and˺ you built palaces on its plains and carved homes into mountains. So, remember Allah’s favours, and do not go about spreading corruption in the land.” Al-Araf-74. The reference is also cited in the Holy Quran, which states that Prophets are also sent to a nation to establish Justice in an unjust society.

Contemporary of the world before the Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH

               As per the law of Prophethood, Allah has sent a nation to any Prophet in extreme darkness; Prophet Muhammad was also sent to the world in extreme conditions. The world had become cruel and unjust, violating human rights. There was no right to life for women; the poor, slaves, and evil leaders were adamant about giving rights to laymen. In such conditions, Allah has sent His last Prophet Muhammad PBUH to ignite the world with Justice, peace and prosperity.

Importance of the University of Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH

               Previously, all prophets were sent to a specific society or nation, but being the last chain of Prophethood, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was sent with universality in his teachings to all the people. As described in the Holy Quran, “And we have sent you (O Muhammad!) Not but as a blessing to all the worlds (mankind, jins and all that exists)” (Qur’an 21: 107). So, the teachings and books that he disclosed to him would be a universal guideline for all.

  • Giving the world an immutable religious text- The Holy Quran

               Previous religious texts, like the Bible, Torah and Psalms of David, were altered after the death of the Prophets. Therefore, the need of the time was to give the world a religious script that would not change, and the Quran was delivered to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Allah took the duty to save it from being altered. It is described in Al-Hijr Ayat 9 as follows, “It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.” By giving an unchanged script over centuries till the end, Allah has demonstrated that the teachings of Muhammad are for all the people.

  • Giving Political morality to the world

Moreover, being Muhammad’s universal teachings, he guided every spectrum of life. His leadership skills were magnificent as they encapsulated peaceful measures with converging and diverging political scenarios. Moreover, Mahatma Gandhi in Young India 1924 described him as “The strategies of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad as a leader hold over the hearts of millions.” So, the guidance of Muhammad was given to lead the world politically by following the path of Muhammad. It has proved that the political insight of Muhammad given to the world is universal, and anyone can take guidance from it.

  • Giving Human rights guidelines to the world

Furthermore, the guidelines for the rights of each human being given by Prophet Muhammad are also universal, as the rights addressed in the last sermon of the Holy Prophet have influenced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN. It kindles the light of equality treatment, freedom of life, job and opinion, and no discrimination on any basis as fundamental human rights. Additionally, his teachings have demonstrated examples for the world that the guidelines are not for papers but are performable. Moreover, the basis has given Negroes the right of equality in all matters of society.

  • Giving a settled economic system to the world

Moving down to the ladder, the guidelines Muhammad gave to the world to get an economically stable society were also universal. With his guidance in owning private property rights and private businesses and helping the poor, the Zakat system has revolutionised the world. Before his regimen, only the pride of tribes were allowed to have property, and excellent discrimination on the basis of wealth existed in the society. Under his teachings, the economic conditions of the society were eased. Moreover, his economic policies brought financial stability to Arabs in the times of Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Umer.

  • Giving Social values to build a multi-religious society

Last but not least, the freedom of life in any society was given to the society. Before, the minorities were treated as worms of the society. However, the guidelines of the Prophet Muhammad for living in a multi-religious society have laid the foundation for ending the world’s humanity crisis. He established the 1st state of Madina, in which multiple religions lived on the basis of equality. His charter of Madina about co-existence is mainly applied in the USA, a multi-religious and multi-ethnic society.

Critical Analysis

               Prophethood is regarded as one of Islam’s core tenets. The teachings of Prophet Muhammad are also universal throughout the prophets. In every aspect of life, from the personal to the collective, he has served as a mentor. His political, economic, and human rights teachings are applicable today. Hazrat Yousaf’s ability to interpret dreams and Hazrat Mousa’s stack transforming into a snake are examples of his miracles, which are the university of his teachings.


               In a nutshell, Islam’s fundamental belief in prophets has established the groundwork for developing human character. Believing that Muhammad PBUH was the final Prophet and that all prophets were sent to the earth for a specific reason. Establishing the Deen of Allah, bringing Justice to an unfair society, and reminding people of Allah’s teachings were the goals. All of the teachings of other prophets, however, were intended for particular countries or eras, whereas Muhammad’s teachings apply to everyone alive and well. Muhammad PBUH’s political, economic, and human rights teachings are still relevant today and can benefit everyone. Furthermore, unlike the Bible or other sacred texts, the book revealed to Muhammad PBUH is unchangeable because his obligation was assumed.

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