
CSS 2022

At Work Place How Artificial Intelligence Works
At Work Place How Artificial Intelligence Works
Written by Anum Saba In a mechanical age, our lives are greatly influenced by smart technologies, not only at homes but also at the industries...
Islamophobia | for CSS & PMS Aspirants
Islamophobia | for CSS & PMS Aspirants
Written by Awais Ishfaq The overt act of brutality in the Christchurch mosque that claimed many lives of peaceful Muslims is the latest reminder of...
All of the misery lies on the heart of Pakistan has its sole foundation in th...
Written by Anum Saba Introduction  Bad governance is one of the major hitches that overpower the peace, prosperity, and stability of a country. It does...
Throughout-History,-Men-have-been-Willing-to-Fight-and-Die-for-Freedom-for-CSS-&-PMS Aspirants
Throughout History, Men have been Willing to Fight and Die for Freedom | for ...
Written by Anum Saba Men, since its inception, have been inclining to combat and die for independence, the soul of antiquity. Man is ready to...
Knowledge is Power for CSS and PMS aspirants
Knowledge is Power | for CSS & PMS Aspirants
Written by Khansa Yousaf                    Knowledge is a weapon that enables a man to distinguish between right and wrong and to achieve progress socially, morally, globally,...
Moral Degradation of Pakistani Society for CSS & PMS Aspirants
Moral Degradation of Pakistani Society | for CSS & PMS Aspirants
Written by Awais Ishfaq Pakistani society is on the verge of mayhem due to ongoing deterioration of its morality. People are so blinded by their...
God Helps those who help themselves
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves | for CSS & PMS Aspirants
Written by Anum Saba As the Holy Quran Says:- “Nothing is for man but what he strives for” It explains that it is not just...
Technologically Man is a Giant, Morally a Pygmy | for CSS and PMS Aspirants
Written by Uswa Zainab ‘Man does not live by bread alone.’ This is a famous maxim. If a man does not live by bread alone,...
CSS Solved Corrections from 1990 to 2020 | Sentence Correction For CSS
CSS Solved Past Papers Sentence Corrections, CSS Sentence Correction with Explanations, CSS Solved Sentence Correction. One of the most scoring and tricky parts of CSS...
"Where there is a Will, there is a Way" | for CSS & PMS Aspirants
Written by Anum Saba “Where there is a will, there is a way” is a well-known saying. It means that everything is possible in this...
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