
Give Suggestions to Manage Political Instability in Pakistan?

Suggestions to Manage Political Instability in Pakistan by Sir Ammar Hashmi

CSS 2011 Solved Current Affairs Past Papers | Suggestions to Manage Political Instability in Pakistan

The following question of CSS Current Affairs 2011 is solved by Sir Ammar Hashmi, the best Current Affairs Coach, on the guided pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, which he taught to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

This question requires identifying urgent measures to tackle immediate political tensions, proposing structural reforms for sustained political stability, and addressing socio-economic factors contributing to ongoing instability.



2-An overview of Political Instability in Pakistan

3-Suggestion to manage Political Instability in Pakistan

  • ✓ Strengthening Electoral Reforms
  • ✓ Enhancing Judicial Independence
  • ✓ Reducing Corruption
  • ✓ Decentralizing Power
  • ✓ Strengthening Civil Society and Media Freedom
  • ✓ Fostering Political Dialogue and Inclusivity
  • ✓ Addressing Economic Disparities

4-Critical Analysis


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Political changes and abrupt shifts in government due to a long history of ambitious military rule sometimes influence democratic institutions. Pakistan has a multi-ethnic population of Muhajir, Punjabi, Pathan, Baluch, etc., and most often, this ethnicity has spearheaded tensions and demands for more autonomy. The clash between Sunni and Shia and the conflict in Baluchistan has engulfed political stability. These conflicts worsen political polarization, exacerbate society’s division, and feed its inability to be united. It is, therefore, necessary to lessen the military’s power in a political fraternity, encourage the successful manifestation of democracy, and eradicate corruption in all forms. In order to keep the incumbents accountable and to stimulate people’s demands for democratic values, civil society, and media freedom have to be fostered. However, the experience of the constraint of civil society and the regulation of media in Pakistan demonstrates that such dynamics receive negativity from the state and non-state actors, who consider civil society and free media to be a threat to their power.

An Overview of Political Instability in Pakistan

The main problem that has been observed in Pakistan is political instability, which has trimmed democracy and the economy. The extension of authoritarian governments, continued interference by the military, and frequent changes of leadership in the administrative situation had a drastic impact on the fast-emerging systems of democracy and have indeed fueled political vortices. More than half the time in its existence, the military has wielded influence in Pakistan.  Also, since its inception in 1947, the country has gone through several military operations. The Global Freedom Index Pakistan has placed Pakistan as subscripted ‘Partly Free’ where freedom of democracy is only periodic or limited. This duality of volatile power erodes the faith the public has in a democracy. However, corruption can be said to be one of the most exaggerated causes that have caused political instability in Pakistan. According to the latest Corruption Perception Index 2022 of Transparency International, Pakistan’s rank stood at 140 out of 180, describing the growth of corrupt governance. Also, official corruption scandals may be associated with declining confidence, contributing to social discontent and intensified conflict. In return, they fuel high inflation, gradual growth, sustained unemployment, and social inequality while at the same time exacerbating political volatility. Among the other factors which determine this instability are ethnic and sectarian segregation. Because of ethnogenesis, the nation consists of important ethnic clans, which include Punjabi, Pashtun, Baluch and Muhajir. The political culture of Balochistan has always resulted in political and sectarian killings occurring frequently between the Sunni and Shia communities. Such conditions and prospects indicate that the problem is not a small-scale shift but requires a complex solution. Military interference in politics and corruption at all levels should be minimized while strengthening democratic institutions is also important. Political stability and democratic reforms might be achieved by decentralization to the local governments based on the economic needs of the people, as per Article 140-A of the constitution of Pakistan.

Suggestion to Manage Political Instability in Pakistan

  • ✓ Strengthening Electoral Reforms

Free and fair elections can reduce political conflict, improve administrative governance, and revive the confidence of the populace in the electoral process; this is one of the measures that can improve Pakistan’s political stability. Thus, electoral reforms, such as facilitating a political setting for the accounting of administrations and free and unfettered transfers of power, need to address the main vices of electoral processes as being fraudulent, manipulated, and influenced. Their absence has led to political polarization and disputes over election outcomes, all of which have worsened domestic instability. Lately, the independence of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has been enhanced, one of the significant measures towards electoral stability. This ensures that the ECP operates free of authoritative interference from partisan affiliated politics. The PILDAT study shows that public trust in the ECP is on a low average – especially during the highly sensitive elections of 2018 that were marred by allegations of rigging, which led to major protests and political crises. Transparency International has also stated that going for voters is still common in Pakistan inclining the democratic process. Thus, the election process can become more credible if severe consequences are applied to such actions, and effective interconnected monitoring will be provided. To get closer to a better proportion of democracy, the country should have more women elected to the National Assembly as well as to the provincial legislatures, desensitize minority votes, and implement better policies.

  • ✓ Enhancing Judicial Independence

An impartial judiciary acts as a guarantor of people’s rights, enforces the rule of law and checks the legislative and executive branches of the government. The ability of the judiciary to work as an independent branch of government has often been compromised in the case of Pakistan, as it has been known to receive a lot of interference from the political and military elites. Strengthening the position of the judiciary would allow for the delivery of impartial decisions, halt the abuse of power, and resolve political disputes by reference to the law. Promotion, appointment and even dismissal of judges have also undergone political influence, a move which threatens the independence of the judiciary. For example, the case of the UK, where an independent judicial council is responsible for appointments, would also add to building the credibility of Pakistan’s judiciary. The current statistics estimated by the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan (LJCP) show that there are two million pending cases in the Supreme Courts of Pakistan, which slow down justice delivery and tends to spark public mistrust. As a result of the expeditious disposal of cases, there are also benefits of regaining the public trust in the judicial system and preventing social unrest and political issues arising from unsettled disputes. In addition, the 2018 Supreme Court judgement in the Asia Bibi blasphemy case is another important case of judicial courage in the face of high political and social pressure. Such cases unveil the urgent need to protect judicial independence to ensure that justice prevails, and minorities are protected. Dr. Osama Siddique, a legal professor, said, “Judicial independence is not only a legal feature but also a social and political requirement for any democratic state.”

  • ✓ Reducing Corruption

Corruption undermines citizens’ confidence, jeopardizes governments and provokes social and economic imbalance. It has been in Pakistan for many years, impacting the courts, law enforcement agencies and political parties. Eradication of corruption, therefore, may help ensure proper distribution of resources, faster economic development, as well as the enhancement of perceived popularity of developmental democratic institutions, hence enhancing the stability of political systems. In countries like Pakistan, people accused of organizational improprieties, such as the complaint about the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) is that it serves its political masters instead of representing itself as a real anti-corruption agency. These establishments create corruption to a great extent and should be depoliticized. Reforms that establish procedures for inquiries and prosecutions need to be put in place. Enforcing rules such as the Right to Information Act allows the public to access government information, which can help people compel public servants into right actions. Services like land registration, licensing and procurement, digitalization of public documents, and execution of e-governance programmes may help to reduce corruption opportunities. Malfeasance in Pakistan erodes the general public interest and fosters inequity, consequently diverting money from essential services in the electricity, health, and education sectors. Eradicating the menace in these sectors can improve service delivery and ensure the delivery of resources to the targeted beneficiaries. Misconduct can be prevented by tightening consequences for the misuse of financial responsibility and strengthening auditing in the corresponding organizations. It is possible, due to somewhat effective anti-corruption legislation, that Pakistan can maintain political stability, enhance the processes of governance and sustain economic growth.

  • ✓ Decentralizing Power

Decentralization or devolution is the process of decision-making about a range of affairs from the federal to lower provincial levels which is essential for political stabilization in Pakistan. It enhances responsibility because resources are targeted for local use and empowers the locality to address its particular needs, enhancing the democratization of the political system. Provinces often remain neglected, resources are rarely distributed equitably, and the legislature and the executive are far away from the people’s approach mainly due to the autocratic centralized structure of Pakistan. This shows that decentralization will be able to close this gap by handling regional grievances and increasing political participation to achieve political stability. Decentralization empowers local governments to allocate resources since it enables decision-making to be attuned to the needs of the local populous.  One of the measures for decentralization can be seen, for instance, in the case of Pakistan when, in July 2010, the 18th Amendment was adopted to shift power to the provinces on issues such as health, education, etc. This change has made it possible for the provincial governments to develop policies that better address the needs of their provinces, hence enhancing areas such as education. Federal policies in Pakistan have always been such that provinces that are less politically influential than others, such as Punjab, have been alienated from the rest of the provinces. A devolutionary approach to governance means decentralization of power, and by this approach, corrupt practices are reduced as governance becomes more proximal to the people. This has been shown to reduce corruption and improve service delivery in countries such as Brazil and India, of which Pakistan needs examples to follow.

  • Strengthening Civil Society and Media Freedom:

Independent press protects people from abuses of power, provides the basis for advocacy and public agenda-setting for minorities, and, most importantly, provides society with forums for discussions. However, political interference, political censorship and governmental regulations have hampered fundamental freedoms, hence affecting the growth of democracy in Pakistan. Thus, the openness in keeping the public informed and the defence of citizen rights can help improve the existing elements of the democratic system. To reach out to social issues and influence social policies, civil society organizations such as Non-Governmental Organizations – NGOs, community groups, and professional bodies are crucial. Also, there is a need for the government to enhance citizen participation in social development and governance by providing civil society with laws that protect their independence in the discharge of their functions. For example, the Tunisian General Labour Union, a civil society organization, provided critical support in the negotiation between political parties during the Arab Spring, which led to democracy in Tunisia. This case shows that it is essential to increase the role of civil society organizations in order to advance democratic and non-violent transformations. The benefits of independent media can be explained firstly by the fact that countries with a very high index of press freedom, such as Norway and Sweden, regularly score high on measures of political stability. So, the institutions can also be provided with more authorities that give the government of Pakistan a transparent and more liberal political system to fulfil the requirements of Pakistani people as well as to maintain the democratic process.

  • ✓ Fostering Political Dialogue and Inclusivity

Political integration is critical for curing political polarization in Pakistan, where ethnic, religious and political parties and their divisions result in social alienation and often conflict. The roles of political dialogue include the establishment of a fair and effective process of inclusion for all those affected by the decisions and policies formulated and implemented or to be formulated and implemented in the future. There should also be a focus on enhancing talk and including all the different political and social divides to reduce conflicts, which will help unite the country’s people. The country’s political culture, as well as experience proven by power struggles between various political parties, military influence, and ethnic tensions, created a necessity for ensuring conditions for free and effective discussion as a tool for peaceful conflict settlement. It has also excluded women, members of certain religions and specific ethnic groups from governmental power. Improving participation in local and national parliament, establishing the legislative seats reserved for the respective minorities and women, and creating chances for political mentoring of minorities may help bring diverse perspectives into the policy. Nelson Mandela, a prudent and popular South African freedom fighter, once remarked, “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.” Since dialogue is important in a democracy, it would also be most effective for Pakistan to encourage everyone to feel like they have a place in politics and the country.

  • Addressing Economic Disparities:

The income and regional disparities in Pakistan have made inequality an age-long issue in Pakistan’s economy. Areas like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan are the most backward areas in comparison to Punjab in terms of their developmental activities, infrastructure, health, and education facilities. According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), the poverty rate is higher in rural areas than in urban; while 35% of the population lives in rural areas, only 18% is urban. However, programs such as the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) have controlled the poverty situation, providing low-income families with cash grants. Focusing on the structure of revenue mobilization, critics of Pakistan have noted that the profile of taxation to date has been regressive and mostly dependent on indirect taxes, which adversely affect the poor. According to the World Bank, currently, Pakistan relies on indirect taxes levied on goods and services for up to 60%. Government can reduce income differentiation and reallocate the flow of money by modifying state legislation in favour of progressive taxation where representatives of the higher income bracket pay a higher share of their earnings. For example, the system may be fairer in placing less pressure on families with low incomes by increasing taxes on real estate and luxury goods and decreasing taxes on essential items. Pakistan might advance and become a more just and politically stable state if it supports programs to reduce economic disparity, provide for social safety nets, reform taxation, and increase people’s access to resources.

Critical Analysis

Besides legislative activity, other independent institutions should be created to resist political pressure concerning these freedoms. Another important concern is advocating political dialogue and representation because the political processes in Pakistan have been stigmatized for polarization and marginalization of certain populations. The recruitment of these excluded populations, I.e. women and minorities, ensures that they belong to the country. It also reduces ethnic and regional conflict because they will be offered representation, especially in government decision-making. However, in practice, substantial changes would be required to challenge landowners and enhance taxation, which might target the position of the rich groups. In addition, judicial independence and power dispersion are features of long-term political stability. Under certain conditions, decentralization can reduce regional disparities and enhance the participation of the local people. Still, they should be accompanied by measures to ensure good governance and prevent corruption at the local level. Similarly, sustaining the ability of the rule of law as well as assistance to restore public trust in the democratic process requires the enhancement of the court.


Measures for political stabilization in Pakistan, from addressing the goals of economic injustice to strengthening media and civil society, are virtually imperative. To build a fairer political climate, each strategy is devoted to problems that contribute to instability. However, putting these reforms into practice will be extremely difficult because of deeply ingrained political, social, and economic organizations that oppose change. To ensure accountability and advance democratic values, civil society and media independence must be strengthened. Nonetheless, the history of civil society limits and media control in Pakistan demonstrates a trend of opposition from state and non-state actors that see active civil society and a free press as challenges to their authority. The proposed reforms could foster a better informed and politically engaged public, but structural protections that shield journalists and activists from retaliation are necessary.

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