CSS & PMS Solved Essay | Single National Curriculum and Ideological Integration of Pakistani Society
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A Single National Curriculum can pave the way for the desired ideological integration in Pakistani society by bridging the educational gaps between different schools and Madrassas, alleviating socioeconomic inequalities, nurturing tolerance, and lessening ethno-lingual and sectarian differences among the people.
2-Importance of the Single National Curriculum for a country
3-How can SNC pave the way for the desired ideological integration in Pakistani society?
- ✓Shrinking the gaps in the education standards between the private and public schools and Madrassas
- ✓Addressing socioeconomic inequalities among the country’s people
- ✓Fostering a sense of pluralism and respect among the youth
- ✓Transforming the catastrophic ethnolinguistic nationalism into constructive patriotism
- ✓Alleviating sectarian and religious conflicts among the people
- ✓Lessening regional disparities in the nation
- ✓Curtailing the rising trend of political polarization in the country
4-On what basis do opponents say that the SNC can further exacerbate ideological disintegration in the nation?
- ✓Overlooking the religious freedom of people in the educational institutions
- ✓Instilling updated knowledge and skills in youth improperly
5-Critical analysis

Nations thrive on the principle of ideological integration, contributing to a country’s social cohesion, peace, stability, and strength by transcending people’s differences. However, since its inception, Pakistan could not experience ideological unification in an actual letter and spirit, putting its survival at stake. The leading factor behind this division is the absence of a uniform and standardized education framework. Therefore, at this critical juncture, implementing the Single National Curriculum countrywide is the only hope to pave the country’s way towards desired ideological integration by inculcating a sense of national unity among the people. In fact, it can overcome socioeconomic inequalities and alleviate sectarian and religious conflicts in the nation, enabling them to unite under the umbrella of a single national ideology. The SNC can also foster pluralism, which is integral to ideological integrity. While critics argue that the SNC policy may infringe on religious freedom and hinder the impartation of updated knowledge and skills to the youth, experiences from other nations, such as Australia, where SNC has been effectively implemented, suggest otherwise. Therefore, the successful implementation of the SNC in such nations serves as a testament to its potential to pave the way for desired ideological integration in Pakistani society. Hence, it is no exaggeration to say that a Single National Curriculum can pave the way for the desired ideological integration in Pakistani society.
“Education is a matter of life and death to our nation. The world is moving so fast that if we do not educate ourselves, we will not only be left behind but also be no more.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan’s founder
Taking into consideration the significance of the SNC, the Single National Curriculum- one system of education for all is indispensable for fostering national harmony in a country. It provides a single standardized education curriculum to all students of the country, irrespective of their genders, races, and regions. Consequently, they get a chance to improve their socioeconomic conditions. Besides, this framework nurtures common shared ideas, values, goals, and identity in people. Indeed, the primary objective of the SNC is to instil awareness in the youth and alleviate their ethnic, cultural, and sectarian conflicts, facilitating them to become united under the country’s flag. In short, the SNC is very crucial for cultivating ideological integration in the nation.
After elucidating the significance of the SNC for a country, it is now essential to explore how the SNC can pave the way for desired ideological integration in Pakistani society. To start with, the SNC can help the country bridge the gaps in the educational standards between its private and public schools and Madrassas, paving the way towards ideological integrity. As per the Ministry of Federal Education and Training, 2020, all existing tiers of education in Pakistan will be mainstreamed in the uniform curriculum once it is implemented, and persons from all socioeconomic strata will be able to get a uniform education. By providing a single and homogeneous curriculum, it offers an opportunity for all schools to come on a single page. Indeed, it flourishes strong interactions and collaborations among the peers and students of these institutions. Accordingly, they would get rid of several misconceptions and false stereotypes. Hence, the SNC, by bridging the educational gaps among the students, can make them ideologically united.
Similarly, the SNC has great significance in addressing socioeconomic inequalities among the country’s people. It is because, according to the report of the World Bank, Pakistan expects a 79 per cent learning poverty. Therefore, having the same educational background, youth would get equal opportunities for employment. No educational discrimination would create hurdles in the way of their success. As a result, all people can uplift their miserable conditions socially and economically. Likewise, their attitudes towards others would become positive, which would foster social cohesion. In a word, reducing socioeconomic differences through SNC ensures ideological unification in the nation.
Moreover, the SNC is imperative to promote a sense of pluralism and respect among the people. It is because, in this curriculum, the topics of critical thinking, tolerance, respect, patience, and several other topics are added, developing mutual understanding among the people of different sects and regions so that they can exhibit their tolerance and respect towards others. As per the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, students will be encouraged to develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and environment. Consequently, people can fill their ideological gaps and exhibit their integrity towards common national goals. To summarize, bolstering ideological integration is impossible without implementing the SNC policy in the country’s education sector, which is a significant resource for creating tolerance and respect in the people.
Furthermore, the SNC serves as a driving force that can transform ethno-lingual nationalism into constructive patriotism. It strengthens the national values of unity and inclusivity among people of different cultures. In the words of Dr Faisal Bari, Assistant Professor of Economics at LUMS, as a Pakistani, our identity is centred around patriotism. Any time, this can come under attack. Any time there is a tussle between the federation and the provinces, we see a narrative control by those running the state by controlling what our national values are. As a consequence, people would prefer their loyalty to the country rather than becoming victims of ethno-lingual divisions, which could otherwise put the country into turmoil. Similarly, intercultural communication fosters nationwide, enabling the country to realize its objectives. Therefore, the SNC is considered a panacea for resolving ethno-lingual divisions among the people, ultimately contributing to their ideological integration.
Moving forward, sectarian and religious conflicts can be alleviated through the SNC. This curriculum is designed in such a way that it can shape students’ beliefs, norms, values, and attitudes towards society so that they can sagaciously understand and show their tolerance towards diverse sectarian and religious groups, creating social harmony among them. Ms Nadia Naviwala, an author of ‘Why Can’t Pakistani Children Read?’, claims that we have separated religious studies and Islamiyat for the first time in 73 years in Pakistan. We used to teach ethics before, but now we are focusing on being more inclusive. Accordingly, people can easily take part in the country’s progress without facing the hurdles of religious conflicts. To sum up, it is no exaggeration to say that the SNC can pave the way for ideological integration in Pakistani society by reducing sectarian and religious conflicts among the people.
Since independence, Pakistan could not achieve its objective of ideological integration due to the ongoing tussle between its federating units over unequal socioeconomic opportunities. As per the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, around 60-70 per cent of children in Baluchistan are out of school. However, these regional differences can be mitigated through the implementation of SNC policy countrywide. This is because the SNC enhances students’ critical thinking skills, enabling them to develop their regional infrastructures. Further, they would play a significant role in boosting their regions’ agricultural and industrial sectors, which would bring all regions on the same page of progress. Consequently, the regional conflicts in Pakistan would diminish, and the whole nation would become ready to pursue the country’s aim of ideological integration. By and large, the SNC can promote ideological integration in Pakistani society by resolving regional conflicts.
Last but not least, SNC can make Pakistan ideologically integrated by reducing political polarization among its youth. It is a fact that the divergence of political attitudes prevails where there is the least regard for similar curricula in all educational institutions. Subsequently, students cannot clarify their political perceptions and- unfortunately- become politically polarized. Contrarily, the SNC can secure youth from becoming prey to political polarization and foster universal values among them. Similarly, Maria Montessori also stated, ‘Establishing lasting peace is the work of education.’ So, SNC can pave the way for ideological unification among the country’s people.
However, critics argue that the government, by implementing the SNC policy, would overlook the religious freedom of people in education. While this holds true to some extent in the context of minorities, it is not compulsory for them to study religious material that does not align with their faith. To preserve the sanctity of A-22 of the constitution and allow religious autonomy to all minorities, the government in the SNC have kept the option of religious studies for them in place of Islamiat. Indeed, the government’s rationale behind the SNC’s creation is not to hurt the religious minorities but to respond to the long-standing socioeconomic inequalities, serving as a substantial impediment in the way of ideological unity in the country. On the whole, SNC can ensure ideological unification in Pakistan by addressing socioeconomic divisions among the people.
Coming to another counterargument, it is asserted that a single new curriculum cannot effectively instil knowledge and skills in the country’s youth. It is reason that understanding the new curriculum and then conveying lectures accordingly would be a laborious task for teachers. However, reality is solely different from this perception. Provincial governments, for example, the government of the Punjab, have given a mandate to Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development(QAED) to accomplish training of public and private primary school teachers on the SNC. So, teachers would have already trained to equip students with universal values, which would enable them to become united ideologically. On the whole, the SNC can pave the way for ideological integration.
Critically, the Single National Curriculum can pave the way for the desired ideological integration in Pakistani society. It can foster social cohesion among the people by reducing their socioeconomic differences, overcoming sectarian and regional conflicts, and inculcating a sense of tolerance in them. Nonetheless, on the other hand, several people claim that the introduction of the SNC in educational institutions is an open denial of the people’s religious freedom in education. However, they – unfortunately – could not comprehend the government’s actual mission behind launching this curriculum, which is to bridge their ideological gaps, not to hinder their religious freedom. For instance, having religious studies as a substitute for Islamiat for religious minorities in the SNC is clear evidence of this fact. Thus, without any shadow of a doubt, the SNC can bring ideological unification among the Pakistani people.
To cut the long story short, the SNC has the potential to foster ideological integration in Pakistani society. It can lessen socioeconomic inequalities among the people by ensuring equal earning opportunities for all. Moreover, it is essential to address the rising sectarian conflicts among the people. Above all, it nurtures tolerance in the people towards others. In a word, Pakistan can attain the prospect of ideological unification through the SNC.

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