CSS 2024 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi and Islamic Ideology
The following question of CSS Pakistan Affairs 2024 is solved by Miss Iqra Ali, Pakistan’s Best Pakistan Affairs Coach, on the guided pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, which he taught to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
In this question, the examiner has asked you to explain the role of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi (Mujadid Alf Thani) as he revived Islamic Ideology and established Muslim identity in the sub-continent. So, first, you need to briefly introduce his role as a reformer with a historical background of the socio-political conditions of the subcontinent. Then, describe your answer by splitting them into parts: first, his role in reviving Islamic ideology, and second, his role in establishing Muslim identity in the Indian subcontinent. Finally, end your answer with a critical analysis and conclusion. Remember, the following solved question provides a comprehensive answer covering all the main aspects. However, as far as the answer in the paper is concerned, limit yourself to 3 or 4 leading arguments against each part of the question.
1- Introduction
2- Historical Background of the Socio-Political Circumstances of the Sub-Continent
3- Biographical Sketch of Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi
4- What is the Role of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi (Mujadid Alf Thani) in Reviving Islamic Ideology and Establishing Muslim Identity in the Sub-Continent?
4.1- Role in Reviving Islamic Theology
- ✓Reform Movements, Letters, And Silent Revolution
- ✓Abolition of the Innovations in Islam
- ✓Promotion of the Teachings of Quran and Sunnah as Authentic Sources of Islamic Law/Sharia
- ✓Wahdatus Shahud, an Alternative Theory to Wahdatus Wajod
- ✓Restoration of Jizya (Land Tax on Non-Muslims),
- ✓Restoration of Religious Practices, construction of mosques, and restoring cow sacrifice
- ✓Reforming Sufism, Tariqat is Subordinate to Shari’a
- ✓Strengthened Trust in Khatme-Nabuwat
4.2- Role in Establishing Muslim Identity
- ✓Establishment of the Basis of Two-Nation Theory
- ✓ Regaining India for Islam
- ✓Opposition to Heterodox Movements (Din-Illahi), World-Seeking Ulema, Free Thinkers, Inter-Cultural Practices, and Inter-Marriages
- ✓Reformed the Structure of Mughal Court Royal Decrees
- ✓Revival of Muslim Identity
5- Critical Analysis
6- Conclusion

Answer to the Question
The intellectual, reformer, and Sufi mystic of the 16th century, Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi, revived Islamic ideology and established Muslim identity in the Hindu-dominated Indian subcontinent. He emphasized the teachings of Islam and the directive principles of Sharia. Besides, he reformed the society by restoring Islamic practices and vehemently opposed inter-marriages and other unIslamic practices, such as inhibiting cow sacrifice and demolishing mosques. In addition, he reformed Sufism and opposed the belief in Karamat. According to Ahmad Sarhindi, the Tariqat is always subordinate to Shariat. His theory of Wahadatus Shahud as an alternative to Wahadatus Wajod helped society to come out of the misunderstanding of the Sheikh Ibn-ul-Arabi theory. He laid the foundation of the two-nation theory while describing the Muslim’s separate identity. His reformist movements mitigated the implications of Akbar’s evil and un-Islamic policies and Din-i-Ilahi. Hence, his reformative movement brings a silent revolution in Muslim society from the edge of disintegration to regain its separate identity.
Historical Background of the socio-political and religious conditions of the Indian Subcontinent
The sixteenth century in the history of the subcontinent saw a shift of political power from the Delhi Sultanate to the Mughal Empire. In 1526, Babar laid the foundation of the Mughal Empire by defeating Ibrahim Lodhi in the battle of Panipat. Until the end of the 16th century, the emperors remained busy in consolidating the newly founded empire. However, the period of Akbar the Great marked the beginning of the rule of the Mughals. His diplomatic policy towards Rajputs and other opportunists to influence them for coalescence made him evaluate a state policy, which proved detrimental to the very existence of Muslim identity. From establishing Ibadat Khana to Din-i-Illahi, his un-Islamic policies led the Muslim society towards disintegration. Not only in the Imperial court but also in people’s lives, un-Islamic practices, cultural transfers, and inter-marriages shocked the entire roots of the Muslim socio-political standing. This course of events gave birth to an intellectual, reformer, and Sufi mystic, Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi, popularly known as Mujadid Ali Thani. His reformist movements abated the implications of Akbar policy on society. All his efforts in the socio-political sphere are worth describing the silent revolution he brings to society.
Personality Profile/ Biographical Sketch
His full name was Abul Barkat Badruddin Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi, popularly known as Mujadid Ali Thani, a reformer, intellectual, and mystic. He was born in Sarhind (Forest of the Tigers) on 14th Shawal, 971 A.H. / May 26, 1561 AD. He was the son of renowned mystic Sheikh Abdul Ahad. His pedigree related him to Caliph Umar (R.A). He received his early education at home from his father and scholars of Sarhind and learned the Quran by heart. Then, he studied Hadith, Tafsir, Philosophy, and Thasawuf. He wrote many prominent books, such as Ithbatun Nabuwa, Rasail Radd Rawafid, Risalatut Tahlilia, Rasial Sharh Ruba’iat, Risalai Ma’arifi Ladunna, Mabda wa Ma’ad, Mukashifati Aynia, and Maktubat Imam Rabbani. He died on the 29th of Safar, 1034 A.H., / December 10, 1624 A.D.
What is the Role of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi (Mujadid Alf Thani) in Reviving Islamic Ideology and Establishing Muslim Identity in the Sub-Continent?
A- Role in Reviving Islamic Theology
- ✓Reform Movements, Letters, And Silent Revolution
First, he organized a systematic resistance against the Akbar policy of ‘Din-i-Illahi’, which brought religious degeneration in the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent to revive Islamic theology in its true sense. He devoted his attention to reforming and revolutionizing the lives of Muslims to bring them away from religious degeneration. However, his reformative movement nullified the impacts of the Akbar policy, and his successive rulers, namely Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb-Alamgir, followed the principles of Islam. Second, he sent his disciples to different parts of the subcontinent to preach Islamic principles and to emphasize Ittibai-e-Sunnah. Third, he started a correspondence with intellectuals of the subcontinent. These epistles expounded religious truths and emphasized Ittibai-e-Sunnah. He wrote letters signifying a reformatory call to Shaikh Farid, Khan-i-Azam, Khan-i-Jahan, Lala Beig, and Sadar Jahan. Fourth, his disciples in the Imperial court aided him in his mission to bring change in the heart of the Mughal Emperor towards Islam. He brings a silent revolution, later shown in the state policy toward Islam and the practice of religious obligations in the lives of Muslims.
- ✓Abolition of the Innovations in Islam
Then, he launched a strong attack against the religious innovations termed Biddat in Islam and denied bid’-at-i-hasanah, which means pious innovation. His reformist endeavor revived the true spirit of Islam by asserting the truth of Sharia.
- ✓Promotion of the Teachings of Quran and Sunnah as Authentic Sources of Islamic Law/Sharia
He promoted the teachings of Islam and advocated the supremacy of Sharia; however, he encouraged society to access the true spirit of Islam by following the Sharia. Furthermore, His efforts gave a setback to eclecticism, which was a menace to Muslim society, leading to its disintegration.
- ✓Wahdatus Shahud, an Alternative Theory to Wahdatus Wajod
He proposed the theory of ‘Wahadtus-Shahud’ as an alternative theory to ‘Wahdatus Wajod,’ which helped him eliminate eclecticism. The term means unity of manifestation, also called ‘Hama az Zust,’ which means all is from him.
- ✓Restoration of Jizya (Land Tax on Non-Muslims), Religious Practices, construction of mosques, and restoring cow sacrifice
At the start of Emperor Jahangir’s rule, many mosques were demolished and occupied by non-Muslims without being called to account. Furthermore, at Muthura, Muslims were put to death if they slaughtered cows. His efforts led to the restoration of cow slaughtering and the construction of mosques and also restored land tax on non-Muslims.
- ✓Reforming Sufism, Tariqat is Subordinate to Shari’a
Furthermore, he advocated the supremacy of Sharia over Tariqat. According to him, the mystic path is of secondary importance, and Sharia is the prime law of Islam; however, blind following of mysticism led to the formation of various innovations, which are detrimental to the original essence of Islam.
- ✓Strengthened Trust in Khatme-Nabuwat
He restored conviction in the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) by describing the hollowness of neo-platonic thought, which professed that spiritual ecstasy is required to attain the knowledge of God, and it is not the path prescribed by the last prophet.
B- Role in Establishing Muslim Identity
- ✓Establishment of the Basis of Two-Nation Theory
His teachings influenced the political sphere, which made Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb Alamgir agree to restore the religious practices. Furthermore, his reformist endeavors helped the Muslims to realize their separate identity. Hence, his work laid the foundations for the two-nation theory.
- ✓Opposition to Heterodox Movements (Din-Illahi), World-Seeking Ulema, Free Thinkers, Inter-Cultural Practices, and Inter-Marriages
As discussed earlier, his blatant attack against the Akbar heterodox movement Din-i-Ilahi abated its implications on Muslim society. He opposed free thinkers or ‘Ulem a su’ of the Imperial court for their support of the un-Islamic policy of Akbar and emphasized the separate identity, culture, and religion of the Muslims.
- ✓Reformed the Structure of Mughal Court Royal Decrees
His blatant attack against the Akbar heterodox movement Din-i-Ilahi abated its implications on Muslim society. He opposed free thinkers or ‘Ulem a su’ of the Imperial court for their support of the un-Islamic policy of Akbar and emphasized the separate identity, culture, and religion of the Muslims.
- ✓Revival of Muslim Identity and Regaining India for Islam
In addition, he abstained Muslims from performing the Hindu customs, which were the outcomes of shared culture, and opposed authoritatively the concept of inter-marriages. The successive reformist laid their emphasis while walking on his footprints. His reformist movement, hence, regained India for Muslims.
Critical Analysis
In an analysis, the reformist movement of Mujadid Alif Thani influenced the socio-political conditions of the Indian Subcontinent. His efforts not only mitigated the impacts of Akbar policy but also revived Islamic ideology. He brought the Muslim’s separate identity into its original form that incorporates living life according to Islam and Sharia. He abstained from Muslims from practising Hindu rituals and customs and reiterated his Muslim identity. Politically, his reformist movement influenced the Mughal Emperors, and the later period saw the rule of the staunchest Muslim, Aurangzeb Alamgir, who restored Islamic principles at the state level. Socially, he laid the foundation of the two-nation theory, which reinstates that Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations.
The reformative movement of Mujadid Alif Thani brought a silent revolution in Muslim society from the edge of disintegration to regain its separate identity, first, by systematically resisting the Akbar policy of Din-i-Illahi, which brought religious degeneration in the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent to revive Islamic theology in its true sense. Second, by abating the evil impacts of the Akbar policy, the successive rulers must not incorporate the un-Islamic credentials in the state policy; however, he accomplished his goal. Then, the theory of ‘Wahadtus-Shahud’ as an alternative theory to Wahdatus Wajood aided him in eliminating eclecticism from Muslim society. His efforts led to the restoration of cow slaughtering, the construction of mosques, and Jizya- a land tax on non-Muslims. Hence, his movement regained India for the Muslims.
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