
How Palestine’s Full Membership of UN will Result in a Positive Manner for the Cause?

Palestine’s Full Membership of UN by Adnan Adam

Palestine’s Full Membership of UN | Daily Writeup | Opinions

The following article of CSS Current Affairs is solved by Adnan Adam under the supervision of Howfiv’s Pakistan Affairs Coaches. She learnt how to attempt 20 marks question and essay writing from Sir Syed Kazim Ali, Pakistan’s best CSS and PMS English essay and precis teacher with the highest success rate of his students. This solved past paper question is attempted on the pattern taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory and optional subjects for years, and uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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1- Introduction

2- Understanding the conflict between Palestine and Israel

  • ✔ Sykes-Picot Agreement,1916
  • ✔ Balfour Declaration, 1917
  • ✔ United Nations Partition Plan, 1947

3- Recent developments for peaceful negotiations

  • ✔UN’s Resolution on 10th May 2024, showcasing widespread support for Palestine to be accorded full UN membership

4- What are the positive outcomes regarding Palestine’s full membership of the UN?

  • ✔Access to legal bodies and mechanisms
    • Case in point: According to Article 33(1) of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), any dispute that hampers the maintenance of international peace and security shall seek a solution by mediation, negotiation, arbitration, conciliation, judicial settlement, and any other peaceful means.
  • ✔Symmetrical power balance across the region
    • Case in point: A famous quote by the founder of Israel, David Ben Gurion, stated, “We must do everything to ensure that the Palestinians will never return.”
  • ✔ Restoration of regional peace
    • Case in point:  According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), in the West Bank, the Israeli forces have killed 464 Palestinians, including 109 children.
  • Restoration of economic activities around the region
    • Case in point: According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Palestine’s economy has suffered a loss of almost 1.5 billion dollars since the start of the recent conflict.
  • ✔Legitimacy of UN charter
    • Case in point: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights holds the key to the protection and promotion of human rights regardless of race, sex, and language.

5- Critical Analysis

6- Conclusion

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Answer to the Question

1- Introduction

The Israeli-Palestine conflict is a complex and long-standing dispute, drawing out regional instability and appalling humanitarian crises. Moreover, the disputed land holds immense significance for both the Arabs and the Jews due to several religious and cultural factors. For Muslims, Palestine was home to several Abrahamic Prophets, and Al-aqsa Mosque also lies in the heart of the city of Jerusalem. For Jews, it is the location of the first and second temples, which are central to Jewish worship and identity. As a result of these sacred claims by both parties, the land of Palestine has witnessed several wars between the Arabs and the Jews, disrupting regional peace and security. However, the United Nations proposed a partition plan in 1947, which was critical to the peaceful coexistence of both states. In this regard, a resolution was passed for the inclusion of Palestine as a full member state in the United Nations. Likewise, the international recognition of Palestine is critical for the Restoration of peace and justice to the land of Palestine, ensuring symmetrical power balance and legitimacy of the UN Charter.

2- Understanding conflict between Palestine and Israel

 After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1, the League of Nations accorded Britain a mandate over Palestine. As a result, in 1917, the Balfour Declaration announced the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The declaration resulted in the massive influx of Jewish people to Palestine, while Palestinian Arabs sought independence and opposed Jewish immigrants. In response to escalating tensions, in 1947, the United Nations proposed a two-state solution. After the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948, the disputed land of Palestine has become the bone of contention for peace and security in the region. Consequently, several war fronts have opened between Israel and Palestine, with the advent of a recent escalation occurring on 7th October 2023, which still persists.

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3- Recent development by the UN for peaceful negotiations

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution on 10th May 2024 for the upliftment of Palestine’s status in the United Nations, thereby allowing it to take part fully in debates and agendas and have its representatives elected to committees. Moreover, the resolution appears to be more promising for world peace and stability. Evidently, the resolution has passed by two-third majority of 143 countries, including Pakistan, China, Russia, and India, while nine countries opposed it, including Israel, USA, Argentina, Hungary, Czech Republic, Papua New Guinea, Palau,

Micronesia, Nauru, and 25 other countries abstained from it, including the UK, Germany, and Italy. However, the Security Council holds the ultimate right to approve Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations.

4- Positive outcomes of Palestine’s full membership of the UN

  • Access to legal bodies and mechanisms

The international recognition of the state of Palestine by the United Nations would open several optimistic avenues that provide access to legal bodies and mechanisms, such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). Likewise, such avenues can be used to address injustice, thereby serving as a promising platform for the people of Palestine to enjoy freedom and humanitarian rights without any fear. Moreover, more peaceful coexistence of both states would be created through international laws, deterring unilateral actions and promoting mutual arbitration. According to Article 33(1) of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), any dispute that hampers the maintenance of international peace and security shall seek a solution by mediation, negotiation, arbitration, conciliation, judicial settlement, and any other peaceful means.

  • Symmetrical power balance across the region

The asymmetrical power balance between Israel and Palestine has been the major culprit, contributing to Israel’s demolishing attitude towards the people of Palestine. In fact, the western-backed Israel enjoys the power of hegemon in the region, dismantling the notion of international laws and norms. However, the acceptance of Palestine in the United Nations would significantly settle power dynamics in the region by providing Palestine with a more equal standing in international relations. Justifyingly, a famous quote by the founder of Israel, David Ben Gurion, stated, “We must do everything to ensure that the Palestinians will never return.”

  • Restoration of regional peace

The disputed land of Palestine has been witnessing escalating warfare since the forceful emergence of the state of Israel in 1948. Since then, the people have never perceived a glimpse of relief, peace, and justice. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), in the West Bank, the Israeli forces have killed 464 Palestinians, including 109 children. Therefore, there is a dire need for the Restoration of peace in the region by confirming the inclusion of Palestine in the United Nations, thereby strengthening Palestine’s capacity for self-governance and stability. In addition, the UN’s full membership not only alleviates the severe humanitarian crises but also increases assistance from member states. 

  • Restoration of economic activities around the region

Currently, there is a complete deadlock of trade activities and opportunities around the region because of uncertain conditions, prevailing a sense of isolated land from the globalized world. As a result, the livelihood of the people of Palestine has become miserable, needing an urgent call for justice for the disputed land. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Palestine’s economy has suffered a loss of almost 1.5 billion dollars since the start of the recent conflict. However, the international recognition of Palestine would result in the improvement of diplomatic channels that ease or lift the economic sanctions imposed by Israel and other countries. It would bolster the flow of goods and services and enhance overall economic performance.

  • Legitimacy of the United Nations Charter

Globally, the United Nations Charter holds immense significance in upholding world peace and creating a common and equal platform for all member states. Moreover, the UN would affirm the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and sovereignty, which are fundamental principles enshrined in the UN Charter. Likewise, it would foster the notion of working in the organization regardless of religion and race, demonstrating a sense of equality and social cohesion among member states. Evidently, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights holds the key to the protection and promotion of human rights regardless of race, sex, and language.

5- Critical analysis

Critically, the United Nations’ full membership in Palestine would be an instrumental milestone in achieving peace and justice in the region and promoting fundamental principles that are critical for the development of a harmonious environment within the region. However, the ultimate decision of the Security Council of the United Nations would play a detrimental role in recognising the fortunes of poor Palestinian people. Therefore, the UN and key international stakeholders need to take unified measures to address the grievances of the people.

6- Conclusion

In conclusion, the inclusion of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations presents both significant opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, it could enhance Palestine’s diplomatic standing, provide access to international legal and economic resources, and act as a confidence-building measure for peace. On the other hand, it faces substantial obstacles, including strong opposition from Israel and its allies, particularly the United States, which could heighten tensions and complicate the peace process. Ultimately, the move toward full membership must be carefully navigated to ensure it contributes positively to regional stability and the broader goal of a peaceful, two-state solution.

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