Online Professional English Writing Course by Sir Syed Kazim Ali equips you with a competitive edge in your career. It helps you give your ideas, viewpoints, and opinions a confident and effective motion to have a far-larger recognition among millions of readers.

Writing has become an important life skill in today’s fast-paced emerging global community. It is an art through which you can communicate effectively with millions of people nationwide and worldwide. The importance of writing can be gauged from the fact that all the leading institutes worldwide today, from Oxford to Harvard, Cambridge to Stanford University, and so forth, have introduced various specialization and short courses for English writing skills. Moreover, the emerging trends have provided multiple opportunities for writers to secure their place in the recruitment industry. The concept of blogging, professional, thriller, story, poetry, novel, personal history writing and freelancing is a revamped form of content writing. Besides, the rise in social media has set new trends for writers with a brighter future. Whether it’s a casual document, a structured business report, a survey, a work application, a press release, or a condolence message, everybody needs to write to connect with others. If you get the response you want from your reader, it’s all down to your writing skills. Writing allows you to engage a broader audience in various ways and for a more extended period. It feeds the minds of those who read it if it was carefully conceived, conscientiously written, and tailored for the intended audience. Whether you’re reading this because it makes sense to you, it’s because the writer spoke directly to you. Though writing seems more straightforward when thought about, it often results in directionless and dispersed material on paper. This sometimes leads to misunderstanding or gives the wrong message.
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The great advantage of learning English writing skills is that it can be done either with another career or as a career itself. Writing has been a well-paid profession in today’s world, whether part-time or full-time. In fact, for the last decade, graduates in Europe, America, and East Asia have started blogging by selecting different niches. As a result, nearly 2 billion blogs are published yearly by 30 million bloggers; each easily makes around $2,000 a month if they keep blogging on a specific niche for a year. However, effective writing is a massive battle because it requires more than just English grammar. From sentence structuring to the appropriate use of vocabulary, writing skills help you give your ideas and thoughts words. Do several questions arise on the digital media for whom has the written communication become a compulsion? So, the answer to this is:
For Researchers and PhD seekers
It requires the presentation of a unique project with its thesis to be presented before portraying the final project. Your thesis will add a bonus to your overall performance if it is well-crafted and well-drafted.
For Competitive aspirants
Writing has become a significant hurdle in shattering aspirants’ dreams of becoming civil servants. Unfortunately, they fail to articulate their thoughts as per the examiner’s demands. Your chances of success are replicated if you can inject your ideas into an examiner’s mind via your thoughtful expression.
For Professionals
Your colleagues and boss would better perceive your message if you have good writing skills. In addition, others would be able to comprehend your concepts and feelings if you write direct messages.
For Mothers & Homemakers
A learned mother plays a more significant role in strengthening her generation to be productive in the community. A mother can idealize parenting and help many mothers empower their motherhood by bringing a positive change in society. A mother, who knows the art of writing, can easily transfer this art to her offspring, giving them chances for better performance.
For Graduates (Especially those pursuing a degree in Mass communication/International Relations)
Writing is a powerful medium for awareness. Graduates wanting to write about various issues and current affairs can never attain their targets unless they learn writing.
About Online Professional Writing Course
If you are looking to learn English writing professionally? The online professional English writing course will help you improve your writing skills and boost your confidence. Implementing the techniques that you learn in this class will prepare you to successfully communicate in writing for many different circumstances.
Sir Syed Kazim Ali, the best known English writing coach in Pakistan and worldwide, brings an exciting opportunity for all those who seek to learn to write coherently, effectively, and correctly. The course is intended to assist enthusiastic English learners who want to become accomplished writers or bloggers or have an indelible impression on society. In this course, you will learn how to formulate ideas, arrange them, give them terms and coherence, and gain national and international attention by getting the most impressions, mentions, and social shares. Moreover, the course will help you improve your proficiency, consistency, and appropriate use of English written communication skills in just three months. As a result, you raise your standards and achieve a significant edge in your preferred profession or education. This course will provide you with the knowledge and trust necessary to stand out and be listed on Google. Furthermore, once you successfully make your identity known on Google, the course opens up an infinite number of opportunities for you to be employed at freelancing sites, schools and universities, newspapers and magazines, advertisement firms, and multinational corporations.
What benefits can one get from an online professional writing course?
Learning writing or having writing skills have multiple benefits, such as:
- Become a blogger
- Become a journalist
- Become a professional excelling in your field
- Become a renowned businessman, expanding your exports
- Become an academic research writer and get several contracts on the most prominent platforms like Upwork and Fiver
- Excel any competitive exam like CSS, PMS, or any descriptive text
- Become a content creator
- Become a digital marketer
- Contribute to a diverse community using your influence via pen, and the list is long to be drafted here.
Course Details
✓ Coaches | 1- Sir Syed Kazim Ali 2- Miss Syeda Saba 3- Miss Iqra Ali |
✓ Course Availability | All Year |
✓ Entry Level | Graduates |
✓ Course duration | 3 Months |
✓ Lessons a week | 2-3 Days a Week |
✓ Lesson’s Hours | 2-3 Hours a Lecture |
✓ Lecturing Modality | Online via Zoom |
✓ Course Starting Date | On June 01, 2022 |
✓ Available Seats | 10 Only |
✓ Class Size | Up to 15 Students |
✓ Class Timings | Morning & Evening Classes |
✓ Course Fee | Rs 15,000/month |
Learning Objectives
1- The Writing Process
- What is sentence structuring?
- What level of grammar do you need to start writing?
- How to use contemporary vocabulary appropriately?
- How to get focus & organize thoughts?
- How to get ideas & collect information?
- How to establish a thesis?
- What is your audience, and how to grab its attention?
- How to organize your thoughts coherently?
- How to write catchy titles and teasers?
- How to start and end blogs?
2- English Language Focus
- Grammar & Sentence Structuring (Basic to Advanced)
- Sentence Varieties & Sentence fragments (Basic to Advanced)
- Structural & Clauses Contraction (Basic to Advanced)
- Agreement Mistakes (Basic to Advanced)
- Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (Basic to Advanced)
- Verbs Tense Shifts (Basic to Advanced)
- Adverbials (Basic to Advanced)
- Conjunctions & Connections (Basic to Advanced)
- Misplaced Modifiers & Adjustments
- Faulty Parallelism & Adjustments
- Verbal Concepts, Errors & Usage
- Academic Diction, Mood & Tone
- Journalistic Diction, Mood & Tone
- Story Diction, Mood & Tone
- Articles, Demonstratives, Modifiers & Quantifiers Usage
- Punctuation & Punctuation Expressions
- Tenses, Voices & Narration
- Conditional (All Types – Rules, Errors, and Usage)
- Auxiliaries & Modals (Rules, Errors, and Usage)
- Prepositions (Rules, Errors, and Usage)
- Phrases & Clauses (Basic to Advanced)
- Advanced Usage of Phrases & Clauses
- Sentence Analysis, Transformation & Synthesis
All English grammar concepts have been enclosed into MCQs available for registered students only.
3- Vocabulary Usage Focus
- 750 Modern Vocabulary Words (Appropriate Usage)
- 500 Plus Idioms & Phrases (Appropriate Usage)
- 500 Confusing Words (Appropriate Usage)
- 350 Phrasal Verbs (Appropriate Usage)
- 150 Proverbs (Appropriate Usage)
- 300 English Expressions (Appropriate Usage)
- 250 Smilies & Metaphors
- 200 Uncommon Words & Phrases
- 500 Most Used Synonyms
- 500 Most Used Antonyms
- 500 One-word Substitutions
All vocabulary has been enclosed into MCQs available for registered students only.
4- The Elements of Writing
- How to plan thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, and experiences?
- How to organize them coherently and relevantly?
- How to build and develop unity?
- How to begin and end attractively?
- What is a paragraph?
- How to connect sentences & paragraphs?
- What are connection and transition words?
- What are effective sentences, and how to write them?
- How to write with references?
- What are diction and tone?
- How to write figuratively?
5- Types of Write-ups (Blogs, Articles, and Stories)
- Illustrative Type
- Narrative Type
- Descriptive Type
- Analytical Type
- Definition Type
- Division & Classification Type
- Comparison & Contrast Type
- Cause & Effect Type
- Argumentative Type
- Review & Branding Type
- Story Type
- Journalistic Type
6- Strategy for Writing
- Understanding the content ecosystem
- The Strategic Context (7A-Framework)
- Mapping the content ideas
- Conveying your stance
- Using various sources to supplement your write-ups
- Using Creative Technologies
- Utilizing writer’s toolbox: Editing and proofreading
Who can join this course?
The course is designed for students, professionals, teachers, competitive aspirants, and housemakers alike. Whether you have started writing or looking to become a highly paid blogger and qualify for a competitive exam, this course is for you.
Are there any requirements to join the course?
- No prior knowledge or expertise is necessary if you know the basics of grammar because this course starts with the basics before your start writing like a professional.
- This course’s only requirement is dedication, practice, and punctuality.
- At the end of the period, you will be provided with the facility to get your thoughts and blogs published on websites, where thousands of curious readers will help you win your due recognition.
How to Register?
As the course is taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali, the number of applicants is always a great number. So, all interested, passionate English writing learners can register themselves for the Course by contacting any of the course admins on WhatsApp. Kindly send the following particulars to the admins on WhatsApp
- Name
- Age
- City
- Qualifications
- Profession
- Contact Number
- Course Interested In
- Session Timings
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