
Most Important Social Evils Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants

Most Important Social Evils Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants

This article comprehensively overviews the most important social evils terminologies crucial for CSS and PMS aspirants. Learning to write them will enable aspirants to navigate complex political concepts effectively.

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Learning to write subject terminologies is always essential for competitive exam students, especially CSS and PMS. This practice gives aspirants a deeper understanding of complex concepts, ultimately helping them articulate their thoughts clearly. Learning to write these terms appropriately not only enhances comprehension but also equips aspirants to engage effectively with exam essays. For example, in fields like political economy, acquaintance with terms such as “globalization” and “trade barriers” helps aspirants confidently analyze and debate relevant issues. After learning these terminologies, aspirants can tackle exam questions more adeptly because they can apply these terms contextually, demonstrating their knowledge and critical thinking skills. Therefore, learning subject-specific terminology is not just about learning words or vocabulary; it’s all about improving exam scores.

I have compiled the following terminologies from various reputable sources: dictionaries, websites, books, and magazines. This compilation is intended to aid my students in enhancing their vocabulary and effectively articulating their thoughts in essays, whether for compulsory or optional subjects.

Important Social Evils Terminologies

Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
Favoritism granted to relatives regardless of merit.
The state of being extremely poor.
The inability to read and write.
The state of being jobless and actively seeking work.
Child Labor
The illegal employment of children under a certain age, often in harmful conditions.
Gender Discrimination
Unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender.
Caste System
A hereditary social class system, especially prevalent in South Asia, that creates inequality.
Human Trafficking
The illegal trade of humans for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of exploitation.
The practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity for payment.
Drug Addiction
Dependency on drugs, leading to harmful physical, psychological, and social consequences.
Domestic Violence
Physical, emotional, or psychological abuse within a household, especially towards a spouse or partner.
Honor Killing
The murder of a family member who is perceived to have brought dishonor upon the family.
Dowry System
The practice of giving money or gifts by the bride’s family to the groom’s family at the time of marriage.
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race.
Fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, to pursue political aims.
Excessive attachment to a particular sect or group, often leading to conflict.
Hate Speech
Speech that attacks or demeans a person or group based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or other characteristics.
The practice of begging for money or food.
The act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for influence or action.
The act of threatening someone to force them to do something, usually by revealing compromising information.
The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
Child Abuse
Physical, emotional, or sexual harm inflicted on a child.
The harassment or teasing of women in public spaces.
Forced Marriage
A marriage where one or both parties are married without their consent.
Female Infanticide
The killing of newborn female children due to a preference for male offspring.
Acid Attacks
A form of violent assault where acid is thrown at the victim, often targeting women.
Bonded Labor
A form of forced labor where individuals work to pay off a debt, often under abusive conditions.
The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending intimidating or threatening messages.
Child Marriage
The practice of marrying children, often before the age of 18.
Infant Mortality
The death of infants under one year of age.
Behavior or language that is considered morally offensive, especially relating to sexual matters.
Taking the law into one’s own hands, often without legal authority.
The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people.
The absence of fairness or justice in a situation.
The treatment of a person or group as insignificant or peripheral.
Social Exclusion
The process in which individuals or groups are systematically blocked from rights, opportunities, and resources.
Economic Inequality
The unequal distribution of wealth and resources among a population.
Employment at less than full time or below the worker’s skill level.
Food Insecurity
The state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
Water Scarcity
The lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage.
Environmental Degradation
The deterioration of the environment through the depletion of resources such as air, water, and soil.
An action or omission that constitutes an offense punishable by law.
Juvenile Delinquency
Illegal or antisocial behavior by minors.
The state of living as a vagrant; homelessness without visible means of support.
The practice of owning slaves, where individuals are treated as property.
Ethnic Cleansing
The systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory.
The use of force, coercion, or threat to dominate or intimidate others.
Religious Intolerance
The lack of acceptance of different religious beliefs and practices.
Sectarian Violence
Conflict and violence between different religious or ethnic groups.
Addiction to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
The act of wagering money or something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome.
Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity.
Tax Evasion
The illegal non-payment or underpayment of taxes.
Money Laundering
The concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money.
Organized Crime
Criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale.
Street Crime
Criminal offenses that occur in public places, including mugging and theft.
Disorderly, aggressive, and often violent behavior, typically in public.
Social Stigma
The disapproval of or discrimination against a person based on perceivable social characteristics.
Oversimplified ideas or beliefs about a group of people based on their characteristics.
The process by which individuals come to adopt extremist views, often leading to terrorism or violence.
Income Disparity
The unequal distribution of income between different groups or individuals in a society.
Lack of proper nutrition caused by not having enough to eat or eating the wrong things.
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The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.
Refugee Crisis
A situation in which large numbers of people are displaced and seek asylum in foreign countries.
Slum Dwelling
Living in overcrowded urban areas that are poorly constructed and lacking basic services.
The act of accusing individuals of practicing witchcraft, often resulting in persecution.
Dislike, hatred, or prejudice against women.
A system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
The killing of a woman or girl, in particular by a man and on account of her gender.
Mental Illness Stigma
The negative perception and discrimination against people with mental health issues.
The act of deliberately destroying or damaging property.
False Imprisonment
The unlawful confinement of a person without their consent.
The suppression or prohibition of speech or writing that is considered harmful or offensive.
Cultural Imperialism
The imposition of one culture over another, usually by a more powerful country or group.
Brain Drain
The emigration of highly trained or intelligent people from a particular country.
The damaging lack of basic material benefits such as adequate food, shelter, and medical care.
Social Injustice
The unfair treatment of individuals within society, resulting in inequality and discrimination.
Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.
The act of inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone, especially to punish or coerce.
Rural-Urban Migration
The movement of people from rural areas to cities, often driven by economic factors.
When a population exceeds the carrying capacity of its environment.
Social Stratification
The division of society into different levels of wealth, power, or status.
Modern Slavery
Contemporary forms of slavery, such as human trafficking and forced labor.
Environmental Racism
The disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color or low-income communities.
Child Neglect
A form of child abuse where a caregiver fails to provide proper care or supervision.
Workplace Harassment
Unwanted behavior that creates a hostile working environment.
Cultural Discrimination
The unfair treatment of individuals based on cultural differences.
The process of renovating urban neighborhoods, often leading to the displacement of lower-income residents
The desire to promote the welfare of others, typically through the donation of money or resources to charitable causes.
The forced removal of individuals from their home or community, often due to conflict, disaster, or development projects.
A statement or action expressing disapproval or objection to something, often in a public setting.
A person who campaigns for some kind of social change or reform.
Systemic Inequality
The entrenched and widespread nature of inequality within societal structures, affecting various social groups.
Social Cohesion
The bonds that bring society together, promoting cooperation and shared values.
Mental Health Crisis
A situation where individuals face significant mental health challenges that exceed their coping abilities.
Elder Abuse
The physical, emotional, or financial abuse of older individuals, often by caregivers or family members.
Treating adults as if they are children, often undermining their autonomy and agency.
Public Health Crisis
A significant threat to health that requires urgent collective action, such as an outbreak of disease.
Social Polarization
The growing divide in society between different groups, often leading to conflict and reduced cohesion.
Institutional Racism
Policies and practices within institutions that, intentionally or not, disadvantage certain racial groups.
Debt Bondage
A system where people are forced to work to pay off a debt, often under harsh conditions.
Compulsory Sterilization
The forced sterilization of individuals, often marginalized groups, without their consent.
Sustainable Development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The process of making an act a crime, often affecting marginalized communities disproportionately.
Rural Poverty
Poverty that occurs in rural areas, often characterized by a lack of resources and opportunities.
Workplace Inequality
Disparities in the treatment, pay, and opportunities available to employees based on gender, race, or other factors.
Social Welfare
Government programs designed to provide assistance to those in need, including healthcare, housing, and food support.
Violent Extremism
The promotion of violence to achieve ideological, religious, or political goals.
Consumer Protection
Laws and regulations designed to ensure the rights of consumers and protect them from unfair practices.
Income Tax Evasion
Illegally avoiding paying taxes owed to the government.
Cultural Assimilation
The process by which individuals or groups adopt the cultural norms of a dominant group, often at the expense of their original culture.
Psychological Trauma
Emotional and psychological injury caused by distressing events or experiences.
The act of holding someone in custody, often without trial, which can lead to human rights violations.
Guerilla Warfare
A form of irregular warfare in which small groups use tactics like ambushes and sabotage against larger traditional forces.
Survivor Advocacy
Efforts to support and empower individuals who have survived violence or trauma, often focusing on their rights and needs.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
A business model in which companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their operations.
Social Capital
The networks of relationships among people in a society, enabling them to work together effectively.
Racial Profiling
The use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of committing an offense.
Political Corruption
The abuse of power by government officials for illegitimate private gain.
Social Movements
Organized efforts by a large group of people to bring about or resist social change.
Gender-Based Violence
Harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender, often affecting women disproportionately.
Digital Divide
The gap between individuals who have access to modern information and communication technology and those who do not.
Civic Duty
The responsibilities of a citizen, including voting, participating in government, and serving on juries.
False information spread deliberately to deceive, often used in political contexts.
Cultural Heritage
The legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society inherited from past generations.
Racism in Healthcare
Disparities in healthcare access and quality based on race or ethnicity.

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